Twin Desire

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Twin Desire Page 2

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “For now, but college will change things. You’ll see.”

  “College isn’t going to break us up. We love each other.”

  Cheyenne’s father lifted his hand up and ran it down her hair. “You have no idea what real love is, Sweetheart.”

  “I love Cole.”


  “I’m going to bed.” Cheyenne stormed up the stairs to her room.

  Two weeks later…

  Cole wrapped his arms around Cheyenne and kissed her. His ribs still ached but it had been weeks since they had sex and he wasn’t willing to wait any longer. “How long do we have before your dad gets home?”

  “Any minute and then I have to go shopping with my aunt for prom shoes.”

  Cole unzipped his jeans.

  “Cole, the doctor said another week or two before you could resume…”

  Cole kissed Cheyenne. He pushed up her dress, spun her around and pulled down her panties. “I need you, Chey.” Cole slammed himself inside Cheyenne with a groan as he winced in pain.

  “Oh, God, Cole!” Cheyenne reached back and grabbed Cole’s leg.

  Cole couldn’t help himself; it had been too long since he last had Cheyenne. He knew he should be gentler but all he could think about was getting off. “Mmm, I missed this.”

  “Cole, I hear a car!”

  Cole slammed Cheyenne a few more times before he came and dropped down onto her bed. “Oh, Babe.” Cole reached out his hand.

  “Get yourself back in your jeans. My father’s home.” Cheyenne pulled on her panties and righted her dress.

  Cole stood up and zipped up his jeans. “Are you angry with me?”


  Cole placed his hands onto Cheyenne’s arms. “Hey, did I hurt you?”

  “Would it matter?”

  “Yes, it would. Chey, I love you.”

  “Then why don’t you…forget it.”

  “No, I won’t forget it. Why don’t I what?”

  “Why don’t you ever make love to me?”



  “I thought you liked it rough?”

  “I do sometimes but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to feel loved.”

  “Next time, I promise you will feel loved.” Cole hugged Cheyenne. “I love you.”

  Cheyenne kissed Cole. “I have to go.”

  Jonny sat in the library studying. He’d been there for hours and still wasn’t sure if he’d pass his test. Since the accident he’d been having trouble concentrating.


  Jonny didn’t look up. “Hi.”

  “Can I sit?”

  “It’s a public library.”

  “Jonny, please talk to me. I miss you.”

  Jonny slammed his book shut, stood and leaned in close to Cindy’s face. “Do you miss me while you’re screwing your new boyfriend?” Then he grabbed his books and left.

  Cole waited for Cheyenne and her aunt to leave. Once he saw their car drive away, he exited his car and went back up to the front door. He’d spent a lot of time thinking about taking the next step with Cheyenne but first he needed her father’s permission. He reached up his hand to ring the bell and the door opened.

  “Cole, why are you standing here on my porch?”

  “I, uh, I’d like to speak with you, Mr. Benson.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Come in.” Cole stepped inside and followed Mr. Benson down the hall into the living room. “Have a seat.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “What is it that you need to discuss with me?”

  “Cheyenne and I have been dating for several years now and as you know we’re going to be attending two different colleges.”

  “I know all of that, so get to the point, Cole.”

  “I want to ask Cheyenne to marry me after graduation and I’d like your blessing?”

  Mr. Benson didn’t even blink. “ABSOLUTELY NOT!”


  “I said no. If you don’t have anything else to say, then please leave.”

  “We can wait until we finish college to get married. I love her, and I want to marry her.”

  “I don’t care how long you wait; it will be over my dead body that you marry my daughter!”

  Cole was crushed. “Why do you hate me so much?”

  Mr. Benson closed the distance between himself and Cole. “You are a cocky, arrogant player who I might add has a bit of a drinking problem. Cheyenne deserves someone worthy of her and you are NOT him. Now get out!”

  Cole stepped back. “I’m sorry you feel that way. Thankfully Cheyenne is the only one who needs to say yes.”

  “Don’t cross me, Cole, or you will be very sorry.”

  “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “You should be.” Mr. Benson gave Cole a shove before walking out of the room.

  Jonny was on his way out of the house and Cole came stomping up the front steps. “Hey, you alright, C?”

  “I just…I asked Mr. Benson if I could marry…”


  “I decided that I wanted to ask Cheyenne to marry me after graduation.”

  Jonny looked down. “Oh.”

  “Her father said, ‘over his dead body’ and I asked him why he hated me such much. He said I wasn’t good enough for Cheyenne.”

  “C, I’m sorry.”

  “I was upset, then I got angry, but now I’m devastated. I thought that I’d spend the rest of my life with Cheyenne.”

  “Just because her father didn’t give you his blessing isn’t any reason to believe that she wouldn’t say yes. She loves you.”

  “I know but how do I ask her to choose? I know how much she loves her father.”

  “Maybe you should just table the idea for now and give him some time. She’s his only child and he’s probably struggling with her leaving home for college. You probably blindsided him and he overreacted.”

  Cole smiled. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Thanks, J, you always know how to make me feel better.”

  Cole barely got inside the house and his mother was standing in front of him. “Did you order Cheyenne’s corsage?”

  “Prom isn’t for two weeks, Mom.”

  “Cole, why must you always wait until the last minute?”

  “Mom, I promise you, I will order it. Right now, I have to go shower and change.”

  “Where are you off to tonight?”

  “End of the season wrestling party.”

  “Will there be drinking?”


  “Cole, look, I know that you think that your father and I live under a rock but we both know that you drink.”

  “Then why didn’t you ever say anything or ground me?”

  “Your father said that if we did that, then you’d probably act out and drink more.”

  “It’s just a few beers and beer is legal for my age.”

  “I hope that’s all it is.”

  Cole kissed his mother on her cheek. “That’s it, Mom, I promise.”

  Jonny found himself back at the library. Concentrating before was hard enough but now all he could think about was Cole proposing to Cheyenne.


  Jonny looked up and was pulled from his thoughts of Cheyenne by none other than Cheyenne. “Oh, yes, thank you.”

  “I figured you’d be here studying.”

  “Because my girlfriend dumped me and I’m a loser?”

  Cheyenne sat, reached her hand across the table, and placed it on top of Jonny’s. “Cindy was a fool to let you go and you’re not a loser.” Cheyenne smiled.

  “Thanks, Chey.”

  “So, what are you studying tonight?”

  “Everything. Since the accident I can’t seem to concentrate.”

  “Jon, did you tell your doctor?”

  “He said it happens sometimes with a concussion.”

  Cheyenne picked up one of Jonny’s books. “Would it help if I
was your study buddy?”

  Jonny looked at Cheyenne. How was he supposed to tell her that she added to his lack of concentration? “I’ll be ok. Don’t you have your own studying to do, Miss I’m Going To Harvard?”

  “Seeing as they already invited me, and I’ve accepted, I can slack a bit.” Cheyenne giggled.

  Jonny smiled. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you too, Jon.”

  Cole had a few beers and was finally starting to relax.

  “Where’s Cheyenne?”

  “I didn’t realize you guys were bringing your girlfriends, so I didn’t invite her.”

  “Why don’t you call her and tell her to come by before she thinks you intentionally didn’t invite her.”

  “She’s not like that. She trusts me. But I think I’ll call her anyway.”

  “I’ll catch up with you later, Man.”

  “Sure thing, Marc.”

  Cole pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Cheyenne but got her voicemail. “Hey, Baby, it’s me. Call me when you get this. I was wondering if you wanted to come by the party. Some of the guys brought their girls. Love you.”

  “Hey, who’s that guy over there?”

  Marc turned to Celine and then looked over to where she was pointing. “Cole Black and yes, he has a girlfriend.”

  Celine smiled and grabbed two beers. “Well, she isn’t here right now.”

  Marc watched her walk over toward Cole and shook his head.


  Cole looked up at Celine. She looked like a super model and was wearing a short, tight dress. “Hey!”

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Cole shook his head. “No.”

  Celine handed Cole a beer. “Have a drink with me.”

  “I’ve had a few already.”

  “Oh, I don’t like to drink alone.”

  “I have a girlfriend.”

  “It’s a beer not sex. Unless of course you’d rather have sex?” Celine winked.

  “I think I should get going.”

  Celine reached out her hand and grabbed Cole’s wrist. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Stay. No sense in a good beer going to waste.”

  Cole raised his beer. “To not wasting a good beer.”

  Jonny packed up his books and pulled on his backpack. “Do you want me to give you a ride home?”

  “I was about to ask you if you needed a ride.”

  “Nah, my dad got me a rental until Cole’s new custom car comes in.”

  “You have the rental and Cole has your truck?”

  “Dad said Cole could have my truck since I crashed his car.” Jonny shook his head.

  “Jon, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s ok. I’m not suffering driving a Range Rover.”

  Cheyenne hugged Jonny. “You are always so sweet. That’s one of the things I love most about you.”

  “Yeah, that’s me, sweet.” Jonny headed toward the door.

  Cole finished his beer, stood up and felt queasy. “I’m not feeling so well. Excuse me.” He wobbled to the bathroom. Once he got inside, he started to sweat. He took off his shirt and splashed some water on his face. He dialed Jonny but he didn’t answer. “J, I need your help. Call me back.”

  Marc saw him staggering and followed him to the bathroom. “Cole, are you alright?”

  “I don’t feel so good.”

  Marc wrapped his hand around Cole’s waist. “Why don’t you come and lie down. I’ll get a hold of Jonny.” Marc walked Cole to his bedroom.

  Cole tried to lay down on the bed, but the room was spinning. He heard the door close but before he got to see who was there, he passed out.

  Jonny walked Cheyenne to her car. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you for walking me to the car.”

  “You shouldn’t be walking around this late at night alone.”

  “What time is it?” Cheyenne looked at her phone to see the time and saw the missed calls from Cole. “Oh, looks like Cole has been trying to get a hold of me.”

  Jonny looked at his phone. “Me too.”

  “I hope he’s ok.” Cheyenne pressed her voicemail button.

  Jonny dialed Cole right away and Cole didn’t answer. “No answer.”

  “His voicemail said to call him that he wanted me to come by the party.”

  “Let me rewind mine.” Jonny got a knot in his stomach when he heard the tone of Cole’s voice. “Where was the party?”

  Cheyenne jumped back out of her car. “Why, what did he say on his message?”

  “It could be nothing, you know Cole.”

  “Jonny! What did he say?”

  “He said he needed my help.”

  Cheyenne grabbed her stomach. Now she was panicking. “We have to go to him.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  “Cole, Cole, wake up!”

  Cole tried to open his eyes, when he finally did everything was blurry. “Chey?”

  “Mmmm.” Cole felt a hot mouth go down on him.

  “Chey, not now, I’m sick, Baby.”

  Celine continued to suck him off until he was hard. Then she crawled up Cole’s body and kissed him. “You taste good.”

  “You’re not Chey. Stop get off me!” Cole tried to push Celine off him, but he was too weak.

  “No, I’m not your pathetic spoiled little girlfriend.” Celine wiggled back and then impaled herself with Cole’s cock.

  “I love, Cheyenne. Get off me! I love my girlfriend.” Cole reached up his hand to push Celine away.

  Celine heard the doorknob turn and yelled out. “Oh Cole, yeah, you know I like it when you grab my boobs. Mmmm! Harder, Baby! Oh Baby!”

  Marc met Jonny and Cheyenne on the front porch. “Thanks for calling me, Marc.”

  “I didn’t think he drank that much but then he practically passed out in the bathroom. That’s when I put him in my bedroom and called you.”

  “We appreciate it.”

  “Hey, Cheyenne, I’m surprised you’re here, and with Cole’s twin.”

  “Hi, Stef. Why are you surprised?”

  Stef looked away from Cheyenne and over at Jonny. “Yeah, why, Stef?”

  “Cole came out of the bathroom without his shirt on and then Celine followed him into…”

  Cheyenne ran toward the bedroom. Jonny got in front of her and grabbed the doorknob. “Maybe I should go in first.”

  Cheyenne gritted her teeth and practically growled at Jonny. “OPEN THE DOOR!”

  Cole was holding onto Celine’s boobs while she was riding him like he was a bucking bull.

  Cheyenne gasped. Jonny grabbed her and pulled her against his chest. “Don’t go in there.”

  “I have to.” Cheyenne pulled away and pushed her way inside the room. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’D DO THIS TO ME!”

  Celine rolled off Cole and wrapped herself in a sheet. “He told me you two broke up.”

  Cole mumbled. “Chey.”

  Jonny threw a pillow on top of Cole’s erect cock and then picked up Celine’s micro dress and thong and tossed them at her. “Get out!”

  Celine grabbed her phone from the dresser and left with a smile on her face.

  Cheyenne was shaking, her whole world was crumbling around her. “Jon, I have to get out of here.”

  “Give me a sec.” Jonny walked over to Cole, pulled him up by his hair and then punched him in the face. “You fucking drunk asshole!”

  Cole’s lip split and blood started gushing down his chin. “J, I’m sick.”

  Jonny balled his fists and closed his eyes. He could hear Cheyenne crying behind him. “Cheyenne needs me more than you do right now.” Jonny grabbed Cheyenne’s hand. “We’re going to walk straight out the door. Don’t look at anyone just keep walking.

  Cheyenne nodded. “Ok.”

  Cheyenne didn’t say anything on the ride home. She was numb. Cole meant everything to her.

  Jonny turned off the car and then he placed his hand onto Cheyenne�
��s arm. “Are you going to be alright?”

  She shook her head. “Jon, how could he do this to me?”

  Jonny held Cheyenne in his arms while she cried. “I’m sorry.”

  After a while a car pulled up behind them. “That’s going to be my dad.”

  Cheyenne wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. “Thank you, Jon, for bringing me home.”

  “I have to go now but if you need me you can call any time.”

  Cheyenne kissed Jonny on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad…”

  “You’re not the one who showed up drunk on the front porch.”

  “What? Cole made it home?”

  “He did but your truck didn’t.”

  “I was going to call you to help me get him home.”

  “Well, he somehow managed that task all on his own. Now all we have to do is find your truck.”

  “We left Cheyenne’s car at the library. I ended up taking her home. We can get both cars tomorrow.”

  “Lord, is she drunk too?”

  “No, my brother is an asshole…”


  “Cheyenne and I walked in on him having sex with another girl.”

  “You’re right he is an asshole.”

  “She was devastated, Dad.”

  “What’s wrong with that brother of yours?”

  “I think I saved his ass one too many times.”

  Cole sat in the bathroom while his mother cleaned up his face. “Cole, why won’t you tell me what happened to you?”

  “Does it really matter?”

  “Honey, are you in trouble?”

  “Yes, but not like you mean. I didn’t think I drank that much but then I felt sick and…”

  “Coleman, you didn’t have another accident and that’s what happened to your face?”

  “No, worse. I guess I had sex with some random girl and Cheyenne and Jonny walked in on us.”


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