Twin Desire

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Twin Desire Page 3

by Michelle Iannarelli


  “Mom, I don’t remember. I felt ok one minute and so sick the next. The room was spinning, and I heard voices and then…I’ll spare you the details.”

  “Now you’ve lost Cheyenne.” Bett shook her head.

  Cole nodded. His eyes were filled with unshed tears. “She’s never going to forgive me, Mom.”

  “Could you blame her?”


  “Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll go make you some tea.”

  Jonny came flying in the door. “Where is he?”

  “Calm down, Son.” Jonny’s mother placed her hand down onto Jonny’s shoulder.

  “Your brother is in the shower.”

  “Did he tell you what he did?”

  “Yes, and he is very upset.”

  “He’s upset? What about Cheyenne? She didn’t deserve…”

  “No, she didn’t.”

  Jonny turned and Cole was standing there. “You broke her heart. She cried herself a river.”

  Cole grabbed his head. “I didn’t realize…”


  “Oh Cole, I’m sure once he calms down, he will apologize.”

  “Why should he. He’s right. Our whole lives all Jonny has done is right my wrongs. Mom, Dad, I was drinking, and I crashed my car. Jonny said he was driving so that I wouldn’t get arrested or lose my scholarship. I didn’t ask him to. He just did it. Like he always does.”

  “Cole, why don’t you take your tea and go up to bed. Your mother and I need some time to digest all of this.”

  Cole nodded and took the tea from his mother. “I’m sorry, Mom, Dad.”

  “You know, Cole, no matter what, your father and I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Jonny, it’s been ten days now. Don’t you think it’s about time that you started speaking to your brother again?”

  “We’re speaking.”

  “Only if you have to. Look, I know you’re upset with him but don’t forget he’s still your brother. You shared my womb for eight months; you are each other’s best friend. What he did was terrible, but he didn’t do it to you.”

  “You’re right. I guess I owe him an apology.”

  “You don’t have to apologize just talk to him.”

  “I need to apologize for punching him.”

  “Jonathan, you’re the one who did that?”

  “Yeah. I lost it when I saw him with that girl and Cheyenne was crying.”

  “You care about her, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do. We’ve been friends for years.”

  “No, it’s more than that.”

  “She’s just a friend.” Jonny grabbed an apple and left the room.

  His mother stood there shaking her head.

  “Think fast.” Jonny threw the apple.

  Cole turned and caught the apple. “That’s an improvement, now you’re throwing fruit at me.”

  Jonny walked in and sat down on Cole’s bed. “I’m sorry I punched you.”

  “I deserved it.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “I haven’t had a drink since that night.”

  “That’s a start.”

  “Cheyenne’s never going to forgive me, is she?”

  “I doubt it.”

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Not good.”

  “She blocked my number. I tried twice to talk to her at school, but she ignored me.”

  “Cole, you hurt her. How do you expect her to act?”

  “I wish I never went to that party.”

  “I bet Cheyenne feels the same way.”

  “Boys, don’t forget you have to pick up your tuxedos tomorrow.”

  Cole looked at his mother. “Mom, I can’t go to prom without Cheyenne.”

  “Yeah, and I don’t want to go alone.”

  “Why don’t you boys just go together?”

  Cole and Jonny looked at each other.

  “Ok, then. Don’t.” Their mother turned and left.

  “You should go.”

  “So that I can see Cindy dancing with my replacement. No thank you.”

  “Take Cheyenne.”


  “She was so excited to go. I hate for her to miss prom because of me.”

  “It would be too weird.”

  “Could you at least offer to take her?”

  “Fine, but if she says no then I’m not going either.”

  Cheyenne closed her locker and Jonny was standing there staring at her. “Hey!”

  “You didn’t call me back last night.”

  “I’m sorry, I fell asleep studying.”

  “It’s ok.”

  “How’d you do on your AP final?”

  “I think I did ok. You?”

  “I don’t know and honestly, I’m not even sure I care anymore.”

  “Just because my brother is an asshole please don’t let that ruin everything else in your life.”

  “I know and I won’t.”

  “Good, then would you like to accompany me to the prom?”

  Cheyenne looked at Jonny. “Like as your date?”

  “Yes. No. I mean yes, we’d go with one another, but it wouldn’t be a date.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Jonny felt embarrassed now that he asked. “It was stupid of me to ask. Just forget it.”

  Cheyenne reached her hand over to Jonny’s. “Hey, it wasn’t stupid. Jon, you are so thoughtful and kind. I’d be lucky to go on a date not date with you.”

  Jonny smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Cheyenne had her dress out on her bed and was trying on shoes when her father passed by her door. “Did you decide to go to the prom?”

  “I did.”

  “You didn’t make up with that jerk, did you?”

  Cheyenne rolled her eyes. “No.”

  “Good, because you’re better off without him.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek. “I still love him, Dad.”

  Cheyenne’s father pulled her into his arms. “Well he isn’t good enough for you. You deserve someone who will be faithful and cherish you.”

  Cheyenne pulled away. “I’d like to be alone now.”

  Cheyenne’s father shrugged his shoulders. “As you wish.”

  Cheyenne dropped down onto her bed and burst into tears.

  Cole spent the last two days trying to talk himself into the fact that his brother would be with Cheyenne on prom night. He knew that Jonny would never take advantage of Cheyenne, but he couldn’t ignore the jealousy that was bubbling up inside him.

  “Hey!” Jonny walked in and dove onto Cole’s bed.


  “C, I don’t know if I can do this.”

  Cole rolled onto his side so he could look at his brother. “Do what?”


  “J, you have to.”

  Jonny looked away from Cole. “It’s going to be too awkward. Our friends are all dating, so you know what they’ll be doing at the after…”

  “You better not fucking touch her!”

  Jonny got up from the bed. “You’re kidding me, right? You cheated on her and broke her heart. Then like usual you expect me to clean up your mess. Now instead of saying thank you, you’re going to threaten ME! Well, you know what, Cole, you can go fuck yourself!” Jonny walked out, slamming the door behind him.

  Cheyenne put on her mother’s pearl necklace and looked in the mirror. She missed her mother so much.

  “You look just like her.”

  Cheyenne smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Cheyenne, I know that these last few weeks have been very hard on you and I wish I knew how to help you. Your mother always knew how to make everything better.”

  Cheyenne turned around and hugged her father. “I love you, Daddy.” />
  “I love you too.”

  “Well, don’t you look handsome.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Fresh from the florist.” Jonny’s father handed him a box containing a beautiful white rose corsage.

  “Thank you.”

  “You ok, Son?”

  “No.” Jonny closed his eyes and exhaled. “I’m a mess.”

  “Jonathan, is this about Cindy?”

  “Mom, I wish I never agreed to take Cheyenne.”

  “But you didn’t want to be alone and the two of you are friends…”

  “I don’t want to go and see Cindy with someone else while I’m on a fake date. Plus, Cole and I had a fight.”

  “The limo is here.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Jonny’s mother placed her hands on his shoulders. “Listen to me. Everything happens for a reason. Follow your heart tonight, Jonathan.” Then she kissed him on the cheek.

  Jonny picked up the corsage. As he followed his mother out the door, he couldn’t help but think that she was giving him permission to be on a real date with Cheyenne.

  Cole pulled the curtain back and watched out the window as Cheyenne got out of the limo along with their friends. She looked so beautiful in her sapphire blue evening gown. Jonny kissed her on the cheek and handed her the corsage. She slid it onto her wrist and smiled. The limo driver handed her a box which she in turn opened and pulled out a boutonniere for Jonny. Cole watched as she pinned it to Jonny’s lapel and then they all lined up and his parents took pictures. Cheyenne smiled and laced her fingers with Jonny’s. Cole let the curtain go, he couldn’t watch anymore. His jealousy was out of control and his heart was torn to shreds.

  They arrived at the prom and the first classmate Jonny spotted was Cindy. He had hoped she wouldn’t notice it was him because he was with Cheyenne but nope, she knew. “Hi, Jonny.”

  “Cindy.” Jonny didn’t even look at her.

  “Jonny, please, can’t we talk?”

  “We could, Cindy, but I have nothing to say to you.”

  Cheyenne wrapped her arm around Jonny’s waist. “Come on, Jonnyboy, you promised me a night of dancing.”

  Jonny leaned down and kissed the top of Cheyenne’s head. “Yes, I did.”

  “You’re joking right?”

  Jonny looked at Cindy. “What I do is none of your business.”

  Cindy was jealous and Jonny got her angry. “I always knew that you wanted in her pants, but damn, Jonny, I didn’t think that you’d be so quick to pick up your brother’s sloppy seconds.”

  Jonny stepped in front of Cindy. “Apologize!”

  “Why should I? You know it’s true.”

  “Cheyenne doesn’t deserve to be spoken about that way. It’s not her fault that my brother was a dick and couldn’t keep his pants on!”

  Cheyenne was barely holding it together. “I need some air.” Cheyenne flew out the door.

  Cheyenne ran through the parking lot looking for their limo. Once she found it, she opened the door, climbed in and burst into tears.

  The limo driver turned toward the back seat. “Oh Honey, are you alright?”

  Cheyenne nodded.

  The driver gave her a few minutes and then he exited the limo and walked to the back and opened the door where Cheyenne was sitting and knelt beside her. “Can I do anything for you?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Chey, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  The driver stood up. “What did you do to her?”

  Jonny blinked and held his hands up. “Nothing, I swear.”

  The driver leaned inside the limo. “Do you want me to get rid of him?”

  “He can stay.”

  “Ok.” The driver backed away.

  “Can you give us a minute.” Jonny climbed into the limo and the driver closed the door.

  “I’m so sorry, Chey. What Cindy said was mean and uncalled for.”

  “I can’t go back in there, Jon.”


  “You’re not mad?”

  “Nah.” Jonny opened the door. “Excuse me, can you call us a car?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Jonny moved to the seat beside Cheyenne. “I have an idea.”

  “An idea?”

  “We rent a hotel room, order room service and watch movies.”

  “Can we order ice cream?”

  “Whatever your heart desires, Beautiful.”

  “Do you really think I’m beautiful?”

  Jonny stared at Cheyenne and nodded. “I always have.”

  “What Cindy said…is it true?”

  Jonny placed his hand down onto Cheyenne’s. She leaned closer to Jonny and he licked his lower lip.

  The door opened. “Your car has arrived.”

  The sexual tension was broken. Jonny sprang from the limo and extended his hand to help Cheyenne out.

  Cole was tearing his room apart packing away anything that reminded him of Cheyenne. He filled a box with photos and gifts. Now he was packing up items Cheyenne had left in his room or loaned to him through the years.

  “Cole, can I come in?”

  Cole opened the door for his mother. “What’s up?”

  “I brought you some fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.”

  Cole smiled at his mother. “Warm cookies and cold milk are how you fix a broken heart?”

  “Only time can do that but while you’re waiting why not eat cookies.” Cole’s mother smiled. “I love you, Coleman.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  Jonny opened the door to the hotel room and as he crossed the threshold his stomach knotted. He was alone in a hotel room with Cheyenne on prom night.

  “Jon, you ok?”

  “I was just thinking about something.”

  “Something or someone?”

  “Yeah, a little of both.”

  Cheyenne stepped out of her shoes. “Let’s see what kind of desserts they have here.”

  “Come here.”

  Cheyenne turned around. “What?”

  “I promised you a dance.”

  “You did.”

  Jonny walked over to the clock radio next to the bed and turned on some music. “May I have this dance?”

  Cheyenne giggled. “Yes, you may.”

  Jonny placed his arms around Cheyenne’s waist. “I’ll try not to step on your toes.”

  After a few songs Cheyenne rested her head against Jonny’s chest. “You smell good.”

  “Good enough to eat?” Jonny regretted it the minute the words left his mouth.

  Cheyenne pulled her head back and looked up at him. “I wouldn’t know unless I…”

  Jonny leaned his head down and Cheyenne could feel his breathe. “Yes, to your question. The part about me always wanting you is true.”

  Cheyenne kissed Jonny’s lips. Jonny raised up his hand and placed it onto her cheek. “Good enough to eat.”

  Jonny kissed Cheyenne as he walked her backward until they were at the bed. “Tell me to stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Chey, we can’t undo this.”

  “I know.” Cheyenne unbuttoned Jonny’s shirt and then reached for his belt.

  Jonny was torn between his feelings of betraying his twin and his cock growing hard against his zipper. “What about Cole?”

  “It’s over between us and I’m certain that he wouldn’t even stop to think about how you’d feel if the tables were turned.” Cheyenne stepped to the side and walked out of the bedroom.

  “Cole, can you come downstairs?”

  Cole grumbled, rolled his eyes, and got up. “Ok, Dad, just a minute.” He pulled on a shirt and headed down the stairs.

  His father was standing at the bottom. “Son, I know that your mother thinks that cookies and milk can cure what ails you, but I have something better if you’re game?”

  “I gave up drinking, Dad.”

  “I’m not taking you drinking. We’re going to play cards, and
have I ever mentioned the hot women who work the room?”

  Cole smiled. “You’re taking me to play cards?”

  “I am.”

  “But, Dad, you always said you played cards to get away from the family.”

  Cole’s dad leaned in close. “I love your mother dearly, but it was more to get a break from her cookie baking and knitting. So, are you coming?”

  “Yeah, just let me run upstairs and change.” Cole turned and ran up the stairs.

  Cole’s father smiled until he heard his wife clear her throat. “I always thought that you loved my cookies?”

  “I do but I love our son more.”

  “Good answer.” Cole’s mother kissed his father.

  “Chey, I’m sorry.”

  “Cole hurt me. I don’t care how he would feel.”

  “I know he did, and I hate him for hurting you. You’re the sweetest most beautiful girl that I’ve ever known.”

  Cheyenne stood up and Jonny could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I deserve to feel loved, Jon, and so do you.”

  Jonny knew that if he took another step closer it would all be over, and he wouldn’t be able to control himself. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

  “Maybe we were meant to be more than friends?”

  Cheyenne said exactly what Jonny needed to hear to allow his heart and body to take over and leave his brain in the dust. He scooped Cheyenne up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

  “Dad, how do you stay faithful to mom with all of these women giving neck and hand rubs?”

  “Easy, Cole, I love your mother.”

  “Thanks for bringing me, Dad. It makes tonight a little easier to get through.”

  Cole’s dad patted him on the shoulder. “I know, Son. Maybe you’ll even get lucky.” His dad winked.

  The thought of being with one of the women there was causing Cole’s pants to become quite snug. He squirmed in his seat when one of the women approached him.

  “Would you like a massage?”

  “Uhh, ok.”

  “Come with me.”

  Cole looked at his father. His father nodded. Cole got up and followed the woman out of the room.


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