Twin Desire

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Twin Desire Page 12

by Michelle Iannarelli


  “Funny, I came to surprise you and it looks like I am the one surprised.” Jonny hit the elevator button so the doors would close.

  Cole put his foot in the door. “J, we need to talk.”

  “Please, Jon.”

  Jonny stepped inside the elevator. “So, tell me…do you just fuck whichever one of us is available?”

  Cole grabbed Jonny by the throat. Cheyenne screamed and wedged herself between them. “COLE! NO!”

  Suddenly, Jonny felt dizzy and sick. Every memory of that night came flooding back. The pain he felt, the anger in Cole’s eyes, along with Cheyenne’s endless screams for Cole to stop. Jonny froze. He couldn’t even look at his brother. His own brother beat him, lied to him, and Cheyenne lied for him. Did his parents lie to him too?

  Cole let go. Cheyenne reached for Jonny’s hand. Jonny pulled away like he had been burned. The elevator doors opened, and he stepped off without a word. He knew Cheyenne would probably come after him, but he had no intention of speaking to her…ever.

  “Stay here.” Cheyenne blurted out as she fled the elevator in search of Jonny. She ran through the lobby. Once she made it out to the street, she spotted Jonny as he climbed into a waiting limo. She grabbed the door handle and jumped inside. “Jon…”

  Jonny put his hand on the door handle to exit the limo as the driver pulled out into traffic.

  Cheyenne wiggled closer and placed her hand onto Jonny’s thigh. “Jon, please…”

  Jonny grabbed her wrist, gritted his teeth, turned toward her and practically growled. “I. Hate. YOU!” Then he shoved her hand away. “STOP THE CAR!”

  The limo came to a halt. Jonny leaned forward and handed the driver a fistful of cash. “Take this whore back to where you picked her up.” Then he exited the limo.

  It had been three days of drinking, breaking things, sleepless nights and avoiding everyone. Jonny called his boss on his way home from the airport and said he needed some time off. He powered off his phone. Sure, his parents would be worried, but they were probably in on all the lies too.

  There was a knock at the door that escalated into banging. “OPEN THE DAMN DOOR OR I WILL KICK IT IN, J!”


  “MAKE ME!”

  Jonny grabbed a bat on his way to the door. He pulled it open to find not just his jackass brother, but his parents were there as well. “Well if it isn’t my loving family of liars.”


  “You’re going to deny it?”


  “Don’t! Just go!” Jonny pushed the door to close it.

  Cole stuck his foot in the doorway and then forced his way inside. “We need to talk!”

  Bill grabbed Jonny’s elbow. “Hey, Son, we gave you some time but…”

  “But what, Dad? Did you think a few days would make up for a few months of lies?”

  “Jonathan, we felt awful keeping the truth from you.”

  “Yet, you did, Mom.”

  “Honestly, we were afraid that it would lead to more fighting. You seemed so happy with Cheyenne.”

  “So, you condone what Cole did to me?”

  “Absolutely not.” Bett rubbed her hand up and down Jonny’s arm.

  “Why am I the bad guy here then?”

  “You’re not, Son. We love you and want you both to be happy.”

  “How can I be happy when the woman I love ripped my heart out.” Jonny wanted to be strong, but his mother grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, and he fell apart.

  “Your brother is talking to your mother. I know that you promised Cheyenne that you would try to make peace with your brother, but I just don’t know if that will be possible. He’s a mess.”

  “I tried to walk away. I wanted J to be happy…”

  Jonny walked in clapping. “What a performance.”

  Cole turned toward his brother. “It’s the truth.”

  Bett looked over at Bill. “Your father and I will be in the kitchen.”

  Jonny picked up a half-drunk bottle of whiskey and started chugging.

  “Drinking isn’t going to solve this.”

  Jonny pulled the bottle away from his lips and dropped down onto the couch. “Solve this? The way I see it my dear brother beat the crap out of me, my parents lied to me and now you’re fucking the only woman I ever loved. What’s to solve? You can’t change the truth…oh, but wait, do you even know what truth is?”

  “J, I lost control when I found out that you hooked up with Chey on prom night. It’s easier to know you’d been with her now than all those years ago. She jumped from my bed to yours and…”

  “She might have been in my bed, but she cried out YOUR NAME! You’d have thought I’d learned my lesson. Nope. When she needed a shoulder to cry on, I miraculously forgot the hell and heartache she put me through back then.”

  “I know that there isn’t anything I can do or say to take your hurt and anger away, but I wish I could. I never expected any of this to happen. Cheyenne and I hadn’t spoken since that awful night. But J, her dick father set me up. He had me drugged and when we found out…”

  “That’s when you had your fucking reunion. It must have been sweet. Sorry I missed it.”

  “I had hoped that we could make peace, but I guess you’re not ready for that.” Cole stood up. “If it’s easier to hate me then so be it, but, J, you’re my brother and I love you and nothing is going to change that.” Cole walked out.

  Jonny sat silently drinking as he watched his brother walk out of his life.

  Bett came into the living room carrying a tray. “I assume Cole left?”


  “I looked for something to cook since it seems like all you’ve done is drink for the last few days, but I could only find eggs. So, I hope you’re in the mood for breakfast.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not hungry.”

  “That’s it!” Bett grabbed the bottle from Jonny’s hand. “You’re not going to spend another moment as a guest at this pity party. Eat what I fixed you and then I want you to get that stinky ass in the shower.”

  Jonny blinked a few times at his mother before picking up the fork to eat. “I suppose I could use some food and a shower.”

  “That’s my boy.” Bett smiled.

  “Coffee!” Bill placed down the carafe and three mugs. “I see your mother forced you to eat.”

  “She’s relentless.”

  Bill smiled and then wrapped his arm around Bett’s waist. “Yes, she is.”

  Jonny wrapped himself in a towel and then dropped down onto his bed. His mother was right a long hot shower would make him feel better. He wasn’t sure how much better he felt but at least he didn’t smell like booze and body odor.

  He reached for his phone and powered it on for the first time in days. It vibrated and beeped with multiple notifications for about two minutes before it went silent. Jonny scrolled through his emails, texts and then he went to his voicemails. There were several from his colleagues but there was also one from Cheyenne. He hovered his finger over the message for a moment before allowing it to play.

  Cheyenne managed to blurt out before erupting into tears. “Jon, I’m…I’m…sssoorrrryyy.”

  Jonny couldn’t handle listening to Cheyenne cry. As angry and upset as he was it still broke his heart.

  Cole felt like crap. He thought that maybe after he spoke to his brother that he’d feel better, but he didn’t, he felt worse.


  Cole looked up and shook his head. “Hey!”

  Cheyenne grabbed Cole and hugged him. “I guess it didn’t go well.”

  “I don’t know if…if he’ll ever forgive me.”

  “He will. You’re his brother.”

  “No. You didn’t see him. He hates me, Chey.” Cole pulled away from Cheyenne and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

  “Did he mention my voicemail?”

  “No. The only time he really mentioned you was when he thre
w it in my face that you cried out my name when he had sex with you.”

  “That crushed him.”

  “I always thought that he stopped talking to you because we had broken up.”

  “I never should have…”

  “No, you shouldn’t have.”

  “You cheated on me and broke my heart. Jon is the one who picked up the pieces and in return I tore his heart out.” Cheyenne wiped the tears from her eyes. “He’s always been in your shadow. How do you think that makes him feel?”

  Cole shook his head. He was angry that Cheyenne slept with his brother. He didn’t need to have Cheyenne give him a guilt trip too. “STOP DEFENDING HIM!”

  Cheyenne’s eyes opened wide. She couldn’t believe how angry Cole was becoming. “Cole, I never cheated on you. Jon never did anything wrong. In fact, he said you told him to take me to the prom.”

  “I knew how much prom meant to you, so yeah, I asked him to take you, but I never told him to fuck you!”

  “You’re never going to be able to let this go, are you?”

  “Look, I want to, I do…but I’m jealous.”

  “Why? I love YOU! I don’t know how to make you believe me.”

  “I believe you it’s just…”

  “You don’t trust me, do you?”

  Cole looked down and when he looked up Cheyenne was shaking her head. She grabbed her purse and headed for the stairs. Cole reached out his hand to grab her. “Chey, wait!”

  Between the tears and moving to avoid Cole’s hand Cheyenne slipped and fell down the stairs.

  Jonny saw it was Kelsey calling so he decided to answer his phone. He knew how worried she was from all the messages and texts she had left the last few days. “I’m sorry, I…”

  “Cheyenne was just brought into the hospital.”

  Jonny bolted up. “What happened? Why?”

  “She took a fall. Look, I shouldn’t have called but I know how much you care about her.”

  “I won’t say a word. I’ll be right there…and Kelsey, thank you.”

  Cole paced back and forth in a panic. This was all his fault. If he wasn’t such a jealous asshole Cheyenne wouldn’t have been trying to get away from him.

  “Cole!” Jonny stepped in front of his brother.

  “It’s my fault.”

  Jonny grabbed Cole by his shoulders. “What did you do to her?”

  “We had a fight.” Cole looked down at the ground. “She tried to leave, and I reached for her arm…she moved out of the way and must have lost her footing and fell down the stairs.”

  Jonny tightened his grip. “Did she fall or was she pushed?”

  Cole opened his eyes wide and looked at his brother. “I know it’s my fault, but I swear she fell.”

  Jonny let go of his brother, closed his eyes and exhaled. “Ok, let me go see what I can find out.”

  “Hey, Stranger!”

  Jonny couldn’t help but smile when he saw his colleagues. “Missed me, huh?”

  Laney smiled a ridiculous smile. “Yes, Dr. Black.”

  Kelsey grabbed Jonny and hugged him. “Good to see you.”

  “I’m looking for my friend Cheyenne Benson.”

  “Follow me.” Kelsey turned.

  “I’ll see you later, Laney.” Jonny gave her a wave as he followed Kelsey down the hall. “How is she?”

  “Dr. Alonso is with her. They were running some tests. It looks like a concussion and a sprained wrist so far.” Kelsey placed her hand onto the door handle and Jonny stopped walking.

  “I…I need a minute.”

  Kelsey reached out her hand. “I didn’t realize…”

  “It’s ok. I’m ok.”

  Kelsey rubbed her hand up and down Jonny’s arm. “I’m always here if you want to talk.”

  Jonny smiled. “Thank you.”

  Dr. Alonso came out of Cheyenne’s room before Jonny got inside. “I told you that I would come for you when…”

  “Wrong twin. It’s me, Jonny.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Your brother gave us a heck of time earlier.”

  “I’m sorry he can be a real asshole.”

  “Worried people typically are.” She laughed.

  “So, how is she?”

  “She has a concussion and a sprained wrist. Dr. Smith should be out in a minute to…”

  “Leah Smith?”


  “She’s a…”

  Dr. Alonso placed her hand onto Jonny’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I…”

  Jonny couldn’t think. His mind spiraled out of control. Cheyenne was pregnant? “I need be with her.”

  Cheyenne had regained consciousness. She couldn’t help but stare at the small little spot on the screen that the doctor told her was her baby. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She looked up when she heard the door and was surprised to see Jonny and not Cole. She could always tell them apart even when no one else could. The moment she made eye contact he looked away.

  “You ok?”

  Cheyenne nodded as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks. “Jon…”

  “The baby looks fine. Try to avoid stress and make sure you rest. I’d like to see you next week. Make sure you call me immediately if you have any pain or bleeding.” The doctor stood up and tapped Jonny on the shoulder. “Nice to see you.”


  “Here you go.” The technician handed Cheyenne a strip of photos of her little spot. “Baby’s first photo.”

  Cheyenne held the photos against her chest. “Thank you.”

  The technician and the doctor left the room. Jonny stared at Cheyenne waiting for her to look up. He wasn’t sure what to say or if he should just leave.

  Cheyenne didn’t know where to begin. “I’m sorry, Jon, so sorry.” She was pregnant and had no idea if the baby was Jonny’s or Cole’s.

  “You need to calm down and relax. It’s not good for your baby.”

  Cheyenne could hear the coldness in his voice and that hurt her. “It could be yours too.”

  “You don’t think I know that.” His tone was less than kind and he regretted it. “I’m sorry. I think I’m still in shock.”

  “How do you think I feel?”

  Jonny turned to Cheyenne. “You didn’t know?”


  “Is Cole responsible for you fall?”

  “He didn’t push me if that’s what you’re asking. We had an argument; I lost my footing and fell down the stairs. He’d never hurt me.”

  “He blames himself.”

  “You spoke to him?”

  “He’s in the waiting room they wouldn’t let him in because he isn’t family.”

  “I’m surprised he called you.”

  “He didn’t.”


  “A friend who thought we were still…”

  “If this baby is yours, Jon…”

  “Don’t…I know what you’re going to say. That we’d raise our child together. I’m not going live the rest of my life with you pretending to love me.”

  “I do love you.”

  “But you love Cole more.”

  “I want this baby to know their father.”

  “Look, nobody would ever be the wiser since Cole and I are identical twins. Marry Cole and raise your baby together.”

  “I can’t ask you to walk away.”

  “I love you. I love you more than anyone else in this world, Chey.” Jonny wiped his eyes. “All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. So, be happy, Chey.” Jon leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Goodbye.”

  Cole came flying into Cheyenne’s room, ran over to her and hugged her. “Oh, Baby. I’m so sorry. I love you.”

  Cheyenne was still numb from Jonny’s last words. Now she had to tell Cole about the baby. “I’m sorry too.”

  Cole could feel Cheyenne’s tears on his cheek. He leaned back and wiped her cheek. “Don’t cry. I know I’m a jealous jackass, but I promise I…” Cole’s eye caught the sonogram photos. “You’re pregnant?” Col
e stared into Cheyenne’s eyes.

  Cheyenne nodded. “Are you angry?”

  Cole blinked a few times. He opened his mouth and then closed it. A tear rolled down his cheek. “Angry? No, I can’t imagine anything I want more than to have a child with you. I love you, Silly.” Cole kissed Cheyenne’s forehead.

  “Oh, Cole.” Cheyenne sniffled. “I want that too.”

  Cole smiled. He leaned back and reached for the photos. “Did you just find out today?”

  Cheyenne nodded. “With everything going on I never realized how late I…”

  Cole looked back at Cheyenne. “How far along are you?”

  “A few months.” Cheyenne could see the look of uncertainty and disappointment on Cole’s face.

  “Is it my baby?”

  “Does it matter? Couldn’t you love us anyway?”

  “What about J? He has a right…”

  “He knows.”

  “You told him before you told me?”

  “No. I didn’t tell him. He walked in when the doctor was here.”

  “What did he say?”

  Cheyenne swallowed trying to get the lump she still had in her throat to recede. “He said that we belonged together, and he wanted us to be happy. Then he said goodbye.” She didn’t want Cole to see how upset she was but there was no holding back.

  “He just left you knowing that you might be carrying his child?” Cole was angry. How could his brother abandon his own child?

  “He knows how much we love each other, Cole. He even suggested I lie and allow you to believe this baby was yours.”

  “That’s crazy. It’s not fair to any of us especially the baby to not know.”

  Cheyenne reached out her hand. “In my heart I know that this is your baby. I know it sounds insane but Cole, we got a second chance to be together and how cruel a fate would it be if this little baby wasn’t a symbol of our love?”

  Cole rubbed his free hand over Cheyenne’s belly. “I love you so much.”


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