Twin Desire

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Twin Desire Page 13

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “I love you too, Cole.”

  Jonny rolled over in his bed. It had been a practically sleepless night. He emailed his boss at the hospital, as well as, his secretary and asked that she let his patients know that he would be away on an extended leave of absence.

  Getting out of bed he started packing his suitcases. He wasn’t sure where he was going yet but he needed to get away and start over. Once he was packed, he would close his house up and then he would head over and say goodbye to his parents.

  He walked into the bathroom and took a long look in the mirror. Was he running away because he knew that Cheyenne could never love him like she loved Cole? Should he stay and fight for her if the baby was his? Did he even want to know the truth? He wasn’t sure what he wanted. The only thing he knew was that he needed time and space away from Cheyenne and his brother to sort out his life.

  “Bill, Coleman called and asked if we could come by his house tonight.”

  “Is everything ok?”

  “I guess, although he did sound a bit odd.”

  “Maybe he’s going to pop the question?”

  Bett held onto Bill’s hand. “I hate that in order for Coleman to be happy that Jonathan has to suffer.”

  “I know. I often wished that Cheyenne was twins.” Bill let out a chuckle.

  “That would have solved all the heartache now wouldn’t it have.” Bett smiled.

  Jonny pulled up in front of his parent’s house. He knew his mother would be upset that he was leaving but she’d understand. He just hated to upset her. He pushed open the front door. “Mom, Dad, you home?”

  His parents came walking out of the study hand in hand. He couldn’t help but smile. They had a love he wanted so badly. “Jonathan, what is it?”

  Two seconds and his mother already knew he was upset. “I want to talk to you.”

  “Come, sit.” His mother led him and his father back to the study.

  “I need to leave…”


  “Mom, I need to put some space between Cole and I.”

  “Are you two fighting again?”

  “No, although our relationship is a bit strained to say the least.”

  “Do you really feel that you need to leave, Son?”

  “Dad, I do. I need to get over Cheyenne and everything that has happened these last few months and the only way I can do that is to steer clear of them both, especially now.”

  “Now?” Bett gave Jonny a questioning look.

  “You haven’t spoken to Cole?”

  “He called and asked if we could come by his house tonight.”

  “Well he’ll explain then.”

  “We were thinking that maybe he decided to get married.”

  Jonny stared into space. His parents looked at one another and then back at Jonny. “Jonathan, do you think that running away will really help you to get over your feelings?”

  “It’s worth a try, Mom.”

  “Where will you go?”

  “To the airport and then I will choose a destination.”

  “Choose a destination?”

  “Yeah, some place far away.” Jonny stood up.


  “I’m going. I need to go.”

  Jonny’s parents knew there was no chance of changing his mind. They stood up and his father hugged him. “I’ll miss you, Son.”

  His mother had tears running down her cheeks. “I want to know where you end up and don’t think that I’m not coming to visit you because I will. I don’t care how far away you are I will come and cook for you and impose.”

  Jonny hugged his mother and kissed her on the top of her head. “I look forward to your imposition.” He stepped back. “I will call you when I get to wherever I land. I love you both.” Then he turned and left.

  Jonny arrived at the airport. He stood there looking at destinations and finally chose Ireland. He decided to go back to where his ancestors were born and start over there.

  His flight wasn’t for another few hours, so he decided to go buy a newspaper and a cup of coffee.

  As he lifted his coffee to his lips he was knocked into from behind. He spun around to find an airport cart full of boxes of medical supplies, suitcases and behind the tall cart a petite woman. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw the look of horror on her face. “Laney, what are you doing here?”

  “My God, Dr. Black, I’m so sorry.” She immediately took off her sweater to wipe down his coffee drenched shirt. “I can’t believe this. It’s been the worst day and now you…I mean that I hit you.”

  “First off, please call me Jonny. Second, don’t ruin your sweater on my shirt. It’s no big deal I have time to change before my flight.”

  “I was supposed to have Dr. Sands along to help but he backed out last minute because his wife found out she was pregnant.”

  Pregnant. The reason he was leaving. “Where are you going?”

  “Every year I take my month of vacation time and I go to a different country. One that has little to no health care and has children in need. I volunteer my services. I have some backers who donate funds toward the medical supplies, and I pay for my flight along with any doctors or nurses who’d like to come volunteer. We can usually find someone in the villages that we help that will allow us to stay with them at no charge or for very little.”

  Jonny looked at Laney like she was a rock star. How could he have not known what an incredible person she was or that she had been doing this for years? “WOW! That is impressive. I’d love to hear more and possibly even fund a trip. I don’t talk about it much, but I’m quite wealthy. I’d be honored to help your organization.”

  “You would?” Laney’s eyes opened wide.

  Jonny smiled. “I would.”

  “I’ll swing by your office when I return, and we can chat.” She smiled.

  “I’m headed to Ireland and I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

  Laney’s smile faded. “Oh, ok. Well…”

  Jonny pulled a receipt from his wallet and scribbled on it. “Here’s my private number. Call me anytime.”

  Laney blushed. “Ok. Thank you. I, uh…need to get going.” She gave the cart a yank and rolled it away.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Laney looked up and blinked…not once, twice, but several times before she found her voice. “What are you doing here, Dr…Jonny?”

  “It didn’t take but a few minutes before I realized that Ireland could wait and that maybe I’d be able to fill Dr. Sands place if that’s ok with you?”

  “Yes! Yes, of course. I am, uh, the team is happy to have you.” Laney extended her hand. “Welcome!”

  Jonny shook her hand. “Thank you for having me.”

  “Have a seat.”

  Jonny plopped down into the seat next to Laney. She could smell his cologne and the lingering scent of coffee. She smiled.

  “What’s the smile for?”

  “Did you ever wake up thinking it was going to be an awful day but then in an instant, things turned around and you suddenly felt hopeful?”

  Jonny looked at Laney and gave her a smile. “Yeah. I think that same thing happened to me today.”

  Eighteen months later…

  “I can’t believe this little lady is a year old already.” Cole held his daughter in his arms.

  “I’ll never forget the moment I first laid eyes on her. I’ve never felt so much love for someone.”

  “Hey, not even me?” Cole smiled.

  “You know how much I love you.”

  “I love you too. But truth be told, I think I do love my little princess a bit more than her mommy.”

  Cheyenne swatted Cole. “Uh huh. Daddy’s little girl will always win out over her mommy.”

  “You two are the most important things in my life and you always will be.” Cole kissed Cheyenne on her forehead.

  Cheyenne smiled. “I didn’t think I could ever be so happy.”

  “Ma Ma!”

  Cole handed his da
ughter off to Cheyenne. “Guess she isn’t always going to be a daddy’s girl.”

  “Come to Ma Ma, Evie Elizabeth.”

  “I’m so happy we named her after our mothers.”

  “Speaking of…your mother will be here any minute to start decorating for this little one’s big bash.”

  “We better get moving.”

  Bett was a woman on a mission decorating not only the entire house but now she was decorating the three-layer cake she had baked for her granddaughter.

  Cole stuck his finger into the frosting. “Coleman, I saw that.”

  “Mmm, so good, Mom.”

  “Keep your fingers out of my frosting!”

  “Remember when J and I would gang up on you and steal scoops of frosting?” Cole smiled but it faded quickly. “I miss him.”

  “I know you do. We miss him too.”

  “Do you think he’s going to show up today?”

  “He finally arrived back in the country two days ago so there is a good chance he will come.”

  “I know we made our peace over the phone and I’ve shared photos of Evie, but I feel guilty sometimes…you know?”

  “He looked exhausted but quite happy when I saw him. Perhaps you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself.” Bett smiled.

  “I had hoped that once we found out that Evie was mine that he could move on. I guess I had a crazy idea in my head that he’d come to terms with things and come home.”

  “If the tables were reversed would you have?”


  “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “I feel the same way but if I want to make a good first impression on your family, I best not make us late.”

  “They are going to love you as much as I do.”

  “I hope so.”

  Jonny reached out his hand. “I know so. Now come here and give your husband a kiss.”

  “Husband. I still can’t believe I have a husband.”

  “And I have a wife.” Jonny smiled. “You know I never imagined I could ever be this happy.”

  “I know you had a long unhappy road before me, but I promise you that all your roads ahead will be filled with happiness, love and sex…lots of sex.”

  “My, my and to think you used to be so shy. I’ve turned you into an insatiable little being.”

  “Only because I can’t believe you’re mine after dreaming about you for years.”

  “Oh, I’m yours and if you ever doubt that take a look at this ring on your finger.”

  “I love you.”

  “Ready to do this?”

  “So long as you keep me by your side, I can do anything.”

  “No chance of me letting you get away.” Jonny leaned down and kissed his wife.

  Cheyenne opened the door and her mouth dropped open. “Jon!”

  Jonny looked up and smiled. It was a genuine smile. It made Cheyenne smile. He grabbed Cheyenne and hugged her. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  Cheyenne pulled away. She glanced at the woman standing beside Jonny before looking back at Jonny. “Of course. Come in.” Cheyenne held the door open.

  Jonny grabbed his wife’s hand and stepped inside.

  Cole turned with Evie in his arms once he heard his brother’s voice. “J!” He practically ran to where his brother was with his mother and father right behind him.

  Jonny smiled. “So, this is the little lady who has my brother wrapped around her finger?” He ran his hand across her cheek, and she giggled.

  “Do you want to hold her?”

  “Yes, but I need a minute first.” Jonny looked at his wife, slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. “Now that we’re all here staring at this beautiful woman by my side. I’d like to introduce you to the woman who is my everything and…my wife!” Jonny smiled.

  Cole, Cheyenne, Bill and Bett stood there staring with their mouths agape. Jonny lifted their left hands. “Laney and I married on the beach at sunset in Zanzibar Archipelago. We had been in Africa tending to sick children.”

  “WOW!” Cole shook his head and then leaned down and gave her a one-armed hug while Evie giggled in his other arm. “Welcome to the family!”

  “Thank you.”

  Cole smacked his brother on the back. “I’m so happy for you, Bro!”

  “Me too.” Cheyenne gave Laney a quick hug and then she hugged Jonny. When she pulled away, she had a tear rolling down her cheek. She turned quickly and grabbed Evie. “Excuse me, I need to change this princess.”

  Bill hugged Laney. “I look forward to getting to know you.”

  “I feel like I know you all because Jonny is forever talking about you.”

  “Funny how he forgot to mention you to his mother?” Bett smiled before grabbing Laney and giving her a big warm hug.

  Laney giggled. “We weren’t sure if we were dating for a while, but then when we finally came to terms with it, Jonny kept saying that he wanted to tell you in person. Then when he asked me to marry him, I thought I’d finally get to meet you all but then we eloped. I hope you’re not angry?”

  “I could never be angry with anyone who is responsible for a smile like that on my son’s face.”

  Laney blushed. “He is so adorable when he smiles.”

  Cole went looking for Cheyenne. He found Evie with one of her cousins. After looking through the house he found her in the garden. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I just needed a few minutes.”

  “Seeing J upset you or is seeing J with someone else what upset you?”

  Cheyenne turned to Cole. “I’m not jealous, I swear. It was a surprise to find out that he’s married.”

  “Is this because we never got married?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. I know we waited in the beginning because you wanted to make sure that Evie was yours and that Jon wouldn’t come back and cause trouble but Cole…”

  “I know she’s a year old. To be honest, I think a part of me couldn’t marry you without J’s blessing. We hurt him enough. I guess in the back of my mind I felt as if I’d be rubbing salt in the wounds by marrying you.”

  Cheyenne lifted her hand up and placed it onto Cole’s cheek. “You could have told me that.”

  “I should have.” Cole got up and extended his hand to Cheyenne. “We better get back inside before my mother gives Evie more sugar.”

  “I am happy for Jon.”

  “Me too.”

  “Laney is lovely.” Bett sat down beside her son.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t share her with you. In a way it was like I was almost afraid that…”

  “That your brother would ruin things for you?”

  “If you asked me at the time, I would have denied it but in hindsight I’d have to agree.”

  “How long have you been together?”

  “Funny story…I worked with her at the hospital and my friend Kelsey constantly tried to tell me that Laney had a crush on me. I thought she was crazy. The day I left she was on her way to help the children I’ve told you about and well she ran into me with her cart, I spilled coffee all over my shirt and we’ve been inseparable ever since. We went from colleagues, to friends and before I knew it, I loved her so much that I couldn’t imagine spending a minute without her.”

  “She’s ok with leaving her family and job to follow you around the world?”

  “Doing what we’re doing was her dream, but she didn’t have the funding to do it more than a month per year. I’ve done a lot on the business end so that we can travel and provide medical care to those in need year-round. We have teams set up all over.”

  “I see.”

  “She doesn’t have family here. Her parents are in Nebraska.”

  “Will you ever settle down?”

  “Sure. Once we start our own family.”

  “Family!” Bett smiled.

  “Yes, hopefully within the next year. Then we will move back home.”

  Bett grabbed Jonny’s hand. “Jonathan, I am so happy for you.”

p; Jonny looked over at Laney who was sitting on the floor playing with Evie and her cousins. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “J, can I talk to you…alone?”

  Jonny nodded and kissed Laney. “I’ll be right back, Wife.”

  “I’ll be here, Husband.”

  Jonny followed Cole down the hall into his office. “What’s up?”

  “You’re happy with Laney, right?”


  “I know you already know I’m a jackass and all, but I guess I finally realized the real reason that I never married Chey.”

  “What are you getting at? Don’t fuck with me! I’m finally happy.”

  “I’m not. This isn’t coming out right. I need your blessing?”

  Jonny looked at Cole like he had three heads. “You didn’t care when you took her away from me that first day or while you had sex with her when I was with her, but you need my blessing to marry her?”

  “After you left and I found out about the baby, I told myself that I needed to wait to make sure that you weren’t coming back, that Evie was truly mine and that I didn’t have to worry. As the time passed and you stayed away, I felt more and more guilt. I chased you away. I missed you. I didn’t want to marry Chey and permanently drive you away. So, yes, I need your blessing.”

  “Ok, you have it. Now marry Chey for Christ’s sake and make an honest woman of her.”

  Cole grabbed Jonny and hugged him. “I’m so sorry, J. I was a dick to you so many times.”

  “Yup, you were.” Jonny laughed.

  Cole pulled away and cleared his throat. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Bro.”

  Evie was asleep in her Uncle J’s arms. Laney had her head against Jonny’s shoulder and Bett and Bill were sitting across from them. Cheyenne came back into the room and plopped down next to Cole.

  Cole stood up and then dropped down to his knee. “Cheyenne Benson, I don’t ever remember a day that I wasn’t in love with you and can’t imagine a day without you. Marry me, Chey?”


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