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The Backup Plan (Back in the Game)

Page 2

by McLaughlin, Jen

  He tipped his head. At least, I think he did. I still couldn’t see. “Again, why would I?”

  “So, you can graduate, maybe?” I asked irritably.

  “I don’t give a fuck if I graduate.”

  “Why not?” I sighed. “And can we please turn on a light? This darkness stuff is all clandestine and creepy.”

  “No. I like the dark, just like I like just sitting there in class, doing nothing, wasting my father’s money for fun.”

  “But you can’t keep doing that,” I said. “You’re going to fail, which you obviously want, but what will you do with your life? If it turns out that you can’t play football, and you don’t have your degree, you’ll be left with nothing.”

  “I already have nothing. My game is over.”

  “That’s not true…” I swallowed hard. “Your arm could heal, right? I mean, I know you’re out of this season, but what about next year?”

  “That’s none of your damn business,” he said gruffly. “And I don’t give a shit about any of it. I’m only here because my dad’s making me stay, even though I begged him to let me transfer to a different school.”

  There it was. My chance to tell him why I was here. I wasn’t supposed to, but I also wasn’t a liar, so it was time to break a few of Mr. Maxwell’s rules. “About that… Speaking of your dad…”

  “Oh, hell no.”

  He moved away from me abruptly, and I sagged against the wall, my heart still racing from the close proximity. Without warning, the overhead light blazed on.

  I shaded my eyes and tried to see through the burning tearing I had going on, but it was useless. “Ow. Next time, warn a girl, will ya?”

  “That’s why you’re in my room, isn’t it?” He curled his hands into fists at his sides. His dark brown hair was mussed, as if he’d been running his hands through it. He looked so darn hot when he was all disheveled. His voice, combined with those muscles, was a killer combination. “He told you to check up on me, since you’re going here, too.”

  “Yeah.” I rubbed my forehead before letting my hands drop to my sides. “Well, technically, I’m supposed to tutor you, too. Make sure you pass. Report back to him if you refuse to cooperate. Oh, and he’s paying for me to be here so I can do all this. You know, the usual ‘help me and I’ll help you’ plot device.”

  He snorted and eyed me with all the haughty disdain a Maxwell heir should give a regular girl like me. His once lively green eyes were cold. Lifeless. “No. Get out of my room.”

  I raised a brow. “Does that entitled tone of voice work on other people?”

  “Yes.” He opened the door. “Leave.”

  “Or what?” I tucked my hands behind my lower back and remained where I was, nonchalantly reclining against the wall. I tried to look all casual and relaxed and stuff, even though I was anything but. “You’ll pick me up and carry me out of here, kicking and screaming? That could be fun.”

  He glared at me. “I will if I have to.”

  “Oh, that won’t be necessary. Hey, want to go get dinner with me now that I’ve left my book of secrets out for you to read?”

  He looked at me as if he thought I might be a few Crayolas short of a box. Maybe I was. Who knew? “No, I do not want to go out to eat with you. I want you to leave me the hell alone.”

  “Suit yourself. You’re missing out, though. I’m pretty fun.” I tucked my hair behind my ear. “I could bring something back for you, if you want. If we’re being honest—and I believe we are, right?—I wouldn’t want to be around people, either, if they all stared at me like I was about to go crazy. You should let them see you’re not. Let them know you’re still you. Maybe, I don’t know, talk once in a while?” I shrugged. “Just a tip.”

  His eyes flashed. “I’m not going down there because I don’t want to deal with you, not them.” He pointed to the hallway. People kept walking by and craning their necks to see inside. “My father might have asked you to help me, but I’m not interested.”

  I nodded. “I get that. I totally do. But you see…” I walked up to him, stepping into his personal space, just as he’d done to me earlier. “I don’t really have a choice about walking away. I promised to do my job, and I can’t break that promise.”

  He swallowed so hard I could see it. “You’re his fucking spy.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “The hell you aren’t.” He narrowed his eyes on me. “You—”

  I poked him in the chest. “If I was a spy, I’d hide why I was here from you. I’d lie and act like I was falling in love with you or something ridiculous like that. I’d creep closer and closer to you, gaining your trust, and then I’d secretly report back all the juicy details to your father without telling you.” I rested a hand on his shoulder and met his eyes, ignoring the way my heart leaped at the contact with his skin. “I could have done that, you know. It would have been so easy to make you believe I couldn’t resist you. Guys like you will believe any girl can’t help herself.”

  He took a shaky breath and shoved my fingers away. “You make it sound like I’m gullible and would fall for that act. I’m not, and I wouldn’t.” He cursed under his breath. “Just leave me alone. I’m not interested in your help, and you can tell my dad I said that.”

  “I could, but I won’t.” I pivoted and walked away, but not before I called out over my shoulder, “Love me or hate me, I don’t care. But I’m not going anywhere until you’re holding that degree in your hand. See you tomorrow morning, bright and early.”

  “Fuck off,” he muttered under his breath.

  “I’d rather stay to do my job, and I’ll do it, because it’s the only way I can get a first-rate education in a place like this,” I said, sweeping my arms wide. “Maybe that makes me selfish, but it also makes me determined, because I need this, probably more than you. I’ll see you tomorrow—oh, and bring a pen or computer this time.”

  As I walked away, I was pretty sure I heard him suggest exactly what I could do with his pen before the door slammed shut.

  Chapter Two


  I didn’t know what the hell to do with myself anymore.

  Dad had sent Taylor to me, and he’d done so knowing I’d always had a secret thing for her. He’d coldly, calculatingly, thrust her back into my life, knowing she’d hit my weak spots without even really trying. I couldn’t stay mad with her. And I couldn’t be mean, crass, or crude. Not for long.

  But I was going to try my damn best to be an ass to her, anyway.

  I mean, shit, my whole life was a mess right now, and it was my fault.

  The last thing I needed to do was drag her down with me.

  From the moment I’d been able to grasp things, I’d had a football in my hand. The feel of the ball on my skin had soothed me while I was teething, and I’d always slept with one instead of a stuffed animal. That’s what my nannies told me. What I’d believed my whole life. That I’d always be a football player.

  That I’d always be in the game.

  Up until the night my dreams became fucking nightmares instead.

  Without my future all lined up for me, I didn’t know who I was anymore. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know. I walked out of my room with my head held high, and my eyes focused straight ahead, ignoring the people staring at me with varying degrees of hatred and fear.

  I’d lain awake in bed most of last night, thinking about what Taylor had told me. If Dad had sent her here to tutor me, there was no way in hell I was going to escape her. Taylor was like a dog with a bone; once she had it in her mouth, she wouldn’t let go.

  She wouldn’t lose this chance, and if I were being honest I didn’t want her to. She deserved all the best things in life, more so than I ever had.

  I had two options. I could say fuck you to Dad and make a run for it. I’d finally be free. Or I could use his money to get a degree and make something of myself.

  Football had always been the dream. But that was over.

  I needed a backup plan.

>   One thing was for sure—I might take his money to help my future, but I would never work for my dad. I had to pick a career on my own.

  And for that, I had to get a degree.

  Maybe I’d play along. Act as if I was all gung-ho about being a Maxwell heir again. Taylor could report back that I was being the perfect grade-A student. I’d do the time, graduate, and afterward I’d leave this town behind…and everyone in it.

  It’s what I had wanted to do originally, anyway.

  I’d tried to transfer schools after the accident. Dad had told me I needed the life lesson that not everyone would like me—he should know, since pretty much no one liked him—and so, I got stuck at Villanova. And seeing as until I successfully graduated college he was the sole executor of the trust fund my mother had set up for me, I was screwed.

  It was either that or rehab again, as he kept reminding me. I hadn’t even known you could be sent to rehab for “emotional distress.” Turns out, you could. Especially when your father was willing to line the pockets of the director to get you in there. I was pretty sure he’d told them I’d gotten hooked on pain pills after the accident, and I was also pretty sure he believed his own lies.

  I walked into the packed classroom and scanned the crowd for Taylor. There she was, sitting in the middle. She wore a pair of black-framed glasses with a hint of blue on the sides today, and her long blond hair cascaded down her back and framed her face. Only she could pull off the nerdy student look and still be so sexy. She looked like a hotter, younger Scarlett Johansson.

  She used to always have her nose buried in a book. I’d found it annoying at first, since I used to want her attention on me, but eventually I liked that about her—her hunger for worlds unknown and unvisited.

  What the hell had Dad been thinking, sending her here to set me straight? Was it some kind of test to see if I could keep my hands to myself? If so, I’d probably fail.

  Nothing new there.

  Except, I couldn’t fail. I might be going to hell, but she wasn’t going to go with me. I refused to allow that. I might be a bad guy, but I wasn’t that far gone.

  I walked to the seat next to Taylor and sat down without saying hello. She turned to me and offered me a cheery smile, looking way too happy for this early in the morning. “Look at you, on time and everything.”

  “Yeah.” I shot her a look, still inwardly cursing the night of the accident. Not only had I lost my best friend, I’d cratered my shoulder, singlehandedly ending my quarterback career. “I can still tell time, you know.”

  She blinked at me and let out a surprised little laugh. “Hey, was that a joke?”

  “No.” I turned toward the front of the class. “I don’t joke with people who aren’t my friends.”

  “Ouch. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I don’t have to be your enemy.” She reached out and rested a small hand on my forearm. I stared at it, unable to take my eyes off her pretty pink fingernails. “We could be friends, instead.”

  I tore my gaze off her hand and focused straight ahead, ignoring her. I saw a few people look our way before whispering. They were talking about me. Calling me a freak and a killer.

  They were right.

  I glowered at the girls frantically whispering and staring at us. I might have messed around with the blond at a frat party once. I wasn’t entirely certain, though. They looked away with hot cheeks and stopped talking.


  “What are you…?” Taylor followed my line of sight and leaned in closer. “Why are they staring at you? Do you know them or something?”

  I inhaled her sweet cupcake scent, trying to shut out everyone else but her. If we were going to be forced together, I had to find a way to do it without letting her too close. “Yeah, I know them.”

  She frowned. “Who are they? Ex-girlfriends or something?”

  Fuck me, she sounded jealous.

  I clenched my jaw, still ignoring her hand on my arm.

  Entitled asshole coming up. I had to show her there was no hope. She was light and flowers and crazy shit like that. I might need her to get through school, but for both our sakes she had to keep her distance.

  “I think I fucked the one on the left once when I was wasted.” I paused, cocking my head. “Maybe the one on the right, too. I’m not positive on that, though.”

  Those were lies. I probably had messed around with the blond, but we hadn’t sealed the deal, so to speak. I didn’t sleep around like that. She stiffened and finally yanked her hand back. “You don’t even remember?”

  “You know, it might have been both of them at once.” I shrugged, pretending to think about it. “Should I make you a list for future reference?”

  She made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat. “God, you’re such a pig. What happened to you when you left for school?”

  “I got laid,” I said drily. “You should try it sometime.”

  “What makes you think I haven’t?” She scooted away and pulled her pad out of her bag. “Did you at least bring a pen with you this time?”

  She was getting laid? By who? Irrational jealousy hit me hard at the thought of her naked with some other dude. “Y-Yeah.”

  I yanked my stuff out of my bag, keeping my head lowered. As I set everything up in front of me, I ran a hand through my hair. Those girls were looking at me again, and it took all of my control not to lurch at them and wave my hands around like a madman just to freak them the hell out. After all, they seemed to expect it of me.

  It would be gratifying to see them jump and squeal, if nothing else.

  “Good,” she said distractedly. It was obvious her mind was somewhere else. She tapped her pen against the edge of her desk once, twice, three times. “Are they ever going to stop staring?”

  I wanted to say something cocky about them wanting a round two with me, but instead I told her the truth. “No, because I’m not alone for once.”

  She tilted her head. “Did you seriously not talk to anyone during the past three months?”

  “I had nothing nice to say, so I shut up,” I said stubbornly, tilting my chin up in typical Maxwell fashion.

  The girls looked back at me again. The one I’d made out with held my gaze, a small smile on her lips. Did she think I was back to fucking normal again, all because I was talking to someone? Well, I wasn’t. This was Taylor, who my father sent to make sure I didn’t mess up again. She hardly counted as talking to someone.

  She was an obligation, not a pleasantry.

  If I kept telling myself that, maybe I’d believe it.

  I looked away from the blond first, focusing on my new tutor. Taylor had been up front about her role here at Villanova, and hadn’t pretended to be something she wasn’t. I had to give her credit for that, at least.

  As a guy who rarely got it, I appreciated honesty.

  She shifted in her seat. “Did you seriously sleep with both of them at the same time and forget about it?”

  A smile twitched at my lips. Girls were so predictable, it was funny. They hated the idea of a guy kissing and forgetting, even if it wasn’t them. “So what if I did? I’m a Maxwell. We’re supposed to be man-whores. My dad fucks anything with a skirt on, and I’m the same way. It shouldn’t be a huge surprise.”

  I hadn’t even realized it before…but in some ways, that was true. I was like my father. I’d become cold. Hard. Uncaring. Focused on nothing but myself.

  When had I lost my way?

  She looked at me with some sort of emotion in her eyes that I couldn’t quite read. “And you’ve always done your best to be a Maxwell. Is that it?”

  Hell no. I hadn’t.

  But she wouldn’t know that, would she?

  She had no clue who I was anymore, just like I barely knew her. I wrote Advanced Marketing on the top of my notebook. “Yeah, of course. How else will I get my trust fund? I’m a Maxwell, through and through.”

  I wanted to gag just saying those words. But I had to play the part.

; “God knows you can’t survive without your millions,” she said sarcastically.

  “I could, but why would I want to? And what would I do for money? Become a fry cook? Clean houses?” I asked. She reared back in pain at my jab at her mother. Good. That had been my goal. If she didn’t like me, she’d keep her distance. “Get a minimum wage job and try to rent a studio apartment in the ghettos of Philly? Yeah, no thanks.”

  She pressed her lips together and stared straight ahead. “This arrangement we have going between us is going to be a heck of a lot easier than I thought it would be. Thanks for that.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  The professor started talking, and Taylor ignored me. A part of me wanted to make her answer my question, but I forced myself to pay attention to the class.

  The next hour or so passed in a blur of note-taking and lectures. My shoulder started to ache like a bitch from all the movement, but I didn’t stop or take a break.

  About halfway through the class, I looked over at Taylor. She was scribbling energetically next to me, her nose scrunched up in concentration. It was way too damn cute. She had her lower lip caught between her teeth, and she looked so focused and determined to be the best in the class. She always wanted to be the best at everything.

  We’d once had that in common.

  Slowly, she looked up at me, catching me watching her. I held her gaze, not flinching when her blue eyes latched on to mine and didn’t let go. I cocked a brow at her, challenging her without even saying a word.

  Her cheeks flushed, and she was the first one to look away.

  I’d won.

  It was then, with that small victory coursing through my veins, that I made my final decision. I’d stay in Villanova. Pass my classes. Get my degree next year…and then I’d get the hell out of here. But my decision to stay had nothing to do with Taylor coming back into my life. Nothing at all.

  I focused on the teacher again, squinting across the room at him. Now that I had an end goal in mind, I was more determined than ever to focus. Maybe I could start over somewhere. I was going to school for business management, so maybe I could get a management position somewhere, or go to grad school on the West Coast.


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