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Courting Innocence

Page 9

by Kimberly Dean

  Or was she making it all up inside her head?

  Her fingers dipped further beneath her bikini top – and she swore he stopped breathing.

  With a shiver, Erin let her hands glide over her body, catching any leftover trails of white cream. She traced the line of her bikini bottom along the path at the top of her leg, and her hips rolled. She couldn’t help it. She was getting too close to the fire. She pressed her thighs together hard, but felt stickiness that had nothing to do with a spilled drink.

  She was getting off on him getting off on her.

  ‘Got any more of those chips?’

  She nearly came out of her chair when Marty schlepped over with his arms stretched out.

  Dustin glanced at the bag. He’d already had it taken away from him once. ‘I don’t know, man. Erin?’

  She set the bottle of sunscreen on the table with a thunk. When she pushed her sunglasses up her nose, her hand was shaking. ‘I have no idea.’

  ‘I’ll check,’ Dustin offered.

  Marty looked at the bottle of sunscreen she’d just put on the table. ‘You need help with your back?’

  Behind the tinted lenses, she closed her eyes. She couldn’t be touched right now. Her body was one big throbbing tangle of need. ‘I’m good,’ she said with a rasp.

  Only she wasn’t.

  ‘Found some.’ Dustin tossed a lunch-sized bag of Doritos to her so-called boyfriend.

  ‘Awesome. Water?’

  ‘In the cooler,’ Erin snapped. She came out of the chair as if it was a hot seat. ‘Excuse me.’

  With a walk that was no longer slow and sexy, she headed for the cabana. She was so amped up, she couldn’t stand the feel of the cement deck against her feet. It was warm and hard and wet.

  She lifted the hair off the back of her neck, but behind her, she could feel a steady stare. It made her aware of how much she was baring. And how her hips were still swaying to and fro.

  ‘Keep your eyes in your head, King,’ she heard Dustin warn quietly.

  Colton cleared his throat. ‘I’m trying to take a nap over here.’

  ‘Like hell you are.’

  By the time Erin made it to the shower, she was trembling and sweating. She turned the faucet to cool and stepped into the spray. It didn’t soothe her body’s needs; it only made them sharper. She bent her head under the cascade of water, but then saw the gold bracelet lovingly cupping her ankle.

  She’d turned Colton on. She knew she had.

  Elation went through her, and she gave up fighting. Stripping fast, she let her hands wander again, only this time she didn’t hold back. She cupped her breast and felt her nipple stab into her palm. She squeezed tight and sent her other hand between her legs.

  ‘Ohhhh,’ she groaned. She was so, so wet. Her finger slid inside easily, and her thighs shuddered. It didn’t matter how many times she’d touched herself while thinking of Colton, every time it was hotter.

  Picturing him just outside the door, she pinched her nipples and played with her pussy. She pushed deeper until she could rub that spot inside her…the one that drove her crazy…

  A squeal of pleasure left her lips, and her head dropped back. She searched for her clit with her thumb, but she was coming almost before she started.

  Leaning against the shower wall, she let it run through her.

  Colton was here, and he wanted her.

  A smile was on her lips as she cleaned up. She rinsed out her bikini and put it back on. Wet, the fabric clung to her curves even more. Feeling ready to take on the world, she walked back to the pool.

  She stopped not ten feet outside the cabana. Where there had been four people, there were now only two – plus a landscaper outside the pool fence. ‘Where’s Colton…and Dustin?’

  Sienna put a bookmark in her book and closed it. ‘They went into town to get something to eat.’

  He’d left?

  Tears stung Erin’s eyes. But she’d thought…No, she knew!

  One big ache ran through her body. Had Dustin thought their playtime had become too hot? Or had Colton been the one to bug out?

  ‘I’m hungry, too,’ Marty said. ‘Let’s go grill those steaks we set out.’

  Without waiting for them or helping with their things, he started for the gate.

  Sienna put her book in her lap and pulled her knees up to her chest. She waited until the gate creaked and then slammed shut. ‘Are you all right?’ she asked.

  Sienna was quiet and proper, but she’d felt what had been going on. How could she not? Erin had felt like she’d been sitting in the middle of a sauna.

  She didn’t trust her voice, so she just nodded.

  Out on the road, she spotted Dustin’s blue Jag heading away. She pushed her sunglasses up until they bit into the bridge of her nose, but the car kept getting smaller and smaller.

  What had she done wrong?

  A series of knocks startled Erin, and she jumped. She bumped her head against the headrest. Not in Dustin’s old blue Jag, but her pearl-coloured Prius. She looked at the window when another tap came. She’d been caught daydreaming.

  ‘Everything all right, Miss Foster?’ It was a Luxxor security man.

  Her fingers fumbled as she pushed the window controls. ‘They’re fine. Sorry, my mind was wandering.’

  ‘Did your date with Mr King go…well?’

  The man had been trained to be observant. His tone wasn’t insinuating at all, but she knew what his logical conclusion was. It was the morning after her ‘date’ with Colton, and she was just now picking up her car after breakfast. ‘Not that well,’ she mumbled.

  No, it had never gone that well for the two of them.

  ‘Maybe next time,’ he said with a pat to the roof of the car.

  Her smile felt stiff. ‘Maybe,’ she agreed as she fired up the engine and put her car in gear.

  But her mind was already back on that day at the pool. There hadn’t been a second chance then. She’d lost her virginity later that same night, but it hadn’t been to Colton.

  After a year of holding him off, she’d finally told Marty yes.

  ‘Mr Sloan,’ Colton said as he offered his hand. He was at the headquarters for Bodycheck, Inc. It had been a long day, but he was finally dealing with the most important thing on his to-do list. ‘Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice.’

  ‘Yeah, well, you used the magic password.’ The CEO took his hand in a grip like a vice. ‘What does this have to do with Sienna?’

  Nothing and everything.

  ‘She’s an old friend of mine,’ Colt answered honestly, holding his ground. He’d known that dropping Sienna’s name would get him in the door, but he’d figured it would also run him straight up against Jason Sloan’s protective side. The guy was an ex-hockey player – an enforcer, to be exact. This whole legal drama had started with a punch he’d thrown to protect his girlfriend’s honour. ‘I’m aware of the charges you’re facing, and I’d like to offer my services – with Sienna’s interests in mind and Erin Foster’s.’

  ‘Erin’s?’ Sloan said in surprise.

  It was simple, really. Sloan’s legal problems were what had the detective snooping around. If Erin wouldn’t stay away from Luxxor, then Luxxor would have to stay out of trouble. Putting Jason Sloan’s legal problems to bed would stop the immediate threat.

  The CEO took the business card Colt offered. ‘King. Aren’t you the guy who’s trying that case that’s been all over the news?’

  ‘I am.’ In fact, he’d come straight from there. He’d made short work of court today. His hangover had left him with a nasty attitude. He’d sliced and diced his way through the proceedings, but his mind had mostly been on getting to Sloan to fix this mess. Erin was too close to being collateral damage on this one.

  Sloan’s offensive posture eased, and he nodded towards his desk. Accepting the invitation, Colton took a chair. Mentally, he pushed past his starstruck reaction. He’d always liked the Sloan Gunman. The guy’s gritty play had reminded hi
m a lot of himself. He’d had to fight and grind for every accomplishment he’d ever made too. Sloan faced him casually, but Colton wasn’t fooled. There was an aggressiveness to the man that the business veneer couldn’t hide.

  ‘I have my own attorneys, Mr King,’ he began.

  ‘And I’m sure they’re some of the best that money can buy.’

  Sloan gave a snort. ‘You’re not here for money?’

  Colton didn’t bite. ‘I’m not. I’m here to help you clean up the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible.’

  ‘For Sienna.’


  ‘And Erin.’ A corner of Sloan’s mouth twisted upwards.

  Damn. Colton recognised the trap too late. His hangover must be lingering longer than he’d thought, but he kept his expression schooled. ‘That’s right.’

  Sloan leaned back in his chair, looking more like a player in the penalty box than a CEO in an office. He was already checking the ice and planning his play for when his penalty time ran out.

  ‘How do you know my girls?’ he said, his voice silky but icy.

  That put Colton’s back up. Erin had been his girl first. ‘Old family ties.’

  He held the dark stare that challenged him to falter. One thing Sloan needed to learn, Colton King did not blink.

  But he did know how to come from unexpected angles. ‘Dustin Foster is my best friend.’

  ‘Ah,’ Sloan said, relaxing. ‘Well, the Fosters can rest assured. I don’t need to bring in the big guns for this. My lawyer has assured me the charges will be dropped soon.’


  ‘You need a day?’

  ‘It would be nice. Are we talking days or weeks or months?’

  ‘Hell, I don’t know. I didn’t pay that close attention.’

  ‘You need to. You’re not the only one this case is affecting.’

  Sloan ran a hand through his hair. ‘Listen, the mouthy reporter needed to be shut up. I dropped him, and I admit it. I’d do it again.’

  Colton’s eyes opened wide. ‘Whoa. Stop. Don’t run around saying things like that.’

  Sloan grinned. ‘That’s what my lawyer says, too.’

  Colton shook his head. This guy would be a difficult client; he could tell already. ‘So listen to your people. The sooner this case is dead and buried, the better.’

  Sloan cocked his head, and his stare pinned Colton in his chair. ‘Have you ever met Sienna’s ex?’ he said, his voice steely.

  Colton gritted his teeth. All right, he got what the guy was saying – and he had to admit, he agreed. He understood about protective streaks. It was why he was here. ‘I’ve met both the asshole exes,’ he muttered.

  ‘Both? Sienna has another slimy boyfriend out there?’

  Colt swore under his breath. That one had slipped. Never again with the Jack Daniels. Never again. ‘I was talking about Sienna and Erin.’

  ‘Oh, right,’ Sloan grunted. He looked at the business card again. ‘Yeah, that one was an asshole, too.’

  Colton rubbed his forehead. His headache was pounding in his temples again. ‘OK, point made. Kyle Pratt deserved to get cold-cocked, but that doesn’t change the fact that Erin is too close to this. I’m concerned.’

  ‘Erin wasn’t there.’

  ‘She rooms with Sienna. She was there when Sienna got home that night.’

  ‘What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?’

  ‘Nothing, but the detective on the case has been nosing around her.’

  Sloan stopped cold. ‘That Morgan guy?’

  ‘Yeah, have you met him?’

  ‘Persistent fellow.’ Sloan rubbed his jaw. ‘Tough. He questioned Erin?’

  ‘Yes. We need to nip it in the bud.’

  ‘For the Fosters?’




  Sloan flicked the card, and it wobbled through the air until it hit the desktop. ‘Give it up, Colton. Come clean. Sienna finally fessed up about what’s been going on with Erin and you and Luxxor. You just don’t want this detective running across your name on any of the escort service’s client lists.’

  Colton rose to his feet. Like hell. ‘I don’t care about me. They can drag my name through the mud, but they won’t do that with Erin. They’ll have to go through me first.’

  A slow smile spread across Sloan’s face. ‘Family friend, huh?’

  Colton shook his head, grimacing. ‘Right.’

  Damn. This was no dumb jock. He knew strategy, and Colt had walked into the man’s territory unprepared and in a weak position. Erin was an Achilles heel for him. Always had been, and probably always would be.

  ‘Riiiight,’ Sloan drawled. ‘I know they paired you up with her, man.’

  Colton rubbed the back of his neck. The jig was up. ‘Sienna did that on purpose.’

  ‘Sure she did.’

  ‘She was trying to protect her friend?’ Colton guessed.

  Sloan shrugged. ‘That’s one way to look at it, I guess.’

  Colton blew out a breath and began to pace around the room. ‘How did Sienna get mixed up with Luxxor, anyway?’

  ‘Nina hired her as their Communications Director.’ Sloan pushed back his chair and propped an ankle on his other knee. He gave it a rub. ‘Hell, the two are tight. I can’t do anything about it.’

  Well, Colton could. He was going to make damn sure Erin never set foot within ten blocks of that place again.

  ‘So about that fight with Kyle Pratt…’ he began.

  One of Sloan’s eyebrows rose. ‘Really? You’re going to give him that much credit? He didn’t even get off a punch.’

  Colton winced and pressed at the pain drilling in his temple. ‘Do you listen to any of the advice your people give you?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘Mr Sloan –’

  ‘It’s Jason.’ The guy grinned and swivelled in his chair. ‘So, old family friend, how far back do you go with our girls?’

  Colton sighed. ‘Seven or eight years.’

  Ironically, that had started with a fight, too. He and Dustin had got into it during a basketball game. There had been no way in hell Colton was going to let some snobby rich kid take him down, but that scrawny party boy had shown more scrap than he’d expected. Dustin had kept getting back up until Colt had to respect him.

  By the next day, they’d been friends – the rich kid and the building super’s brat. They’d bonded when they never should have met, and the Fosters had taken him under their wing, too.

  With only one stipulation…

  ‘So Sienna and Erin must have been teenagers,’ Jason calculated. ‘How hot was Sienna?’

  Not as hot as Erin. ‘I never noticed.’

  ‘Good answer.’

  It was the truth.

  ‘The Fosters can’t ever find out about this,’ Colton said, returning to the subject at hand. He dropped back into the seat and braced his forearms against his knees.

  He owed Harmon and Marilyn. When things had gone bad for him at home, they’d been there for him. Hell, they’d supported him through college and law school. He’d paid them back, of course, but he owed them more than money. They’d had faith in him. They’d seen his potential when his own parents had been too busy or drunk to notice.

  The Fosters were the closest thing to a real family he had.

  ‘They can’t find out Erin has been using an escort service, or they can’t find out she was paired with you?’ Jason asked, his voice quiet.

  Colton was skilled at manipulating conversations. He could avoid traps and lay verbal snares with the best of them. He’d only just met this guy, but the dullness of the hangover was lingering. And hell, it wasn’t like he could talk with Dustin about this.

  ‘Both,’ he confessed.

  ‘She’s got a thing for you.’

  As well Colton knew. She’d never tried to hide it, although in recent years he’d thought she’d forgotten about him.

sp; Like he’d wanted, he reminded himself.

  ‘I wouldn’t be any good for her,’ he tried to explain. She was sunlight, while he’d experienced and still dealt with reality’s darker corners. She’d never had to face any of life’s major challenges – well, not until recently.

  He could still rearrange Marty’s face for that one.

  No, Colt wanted to keep her free and innocent. She needed someone who could lift her up, not bring her down.

  ‘You know she’s not a teenybopper anymore,’ Jason said.

  A vivid vision of her in the back of the Town Car blistered Colton’s brain. ‘I know.’

  ‘You think she’d be better off with what’s-his-jerk’s face? The guy who dumped her?’

  Colton’s hands fisted together. He knew he was being baited. It had been a long time since he’d allowed himself to be drawn into a fight, but that alcohol had stung sharp against some old wounds.

  ‘He’s in Cleveland, and he won’t be coming back.’

  ‘Done a little checking up on him, have we?’ Jason swivelled in his chair again. He was still rubbing his ankle as if it were a habit. ‘Ah, hell, admit it. You want her. It’s plain as day on your face.’

  Colton kept quiet.

  ‘What did they do? Warn you off her?’

  Colt stiffened.

  ‘Shit,’ Jason said, not giving him time to form any kind of reply.

  The enforcer-turned-business-mogul planted his hands on the desktop and leaned forward. ‘OK, here’s the deal. I just met you, but I like you. You’re strong and upright, and you’re bullheaded like me. Most of all, though, I can tell how much you care for Erin.’

  Colton shook his head slowly back and forth. This was not what he needed to hear. It was the same thing the devil on his shoulder had been whispering in his moments of weakness.

  Jason slapped his hand flat on the desk, and the sound vibrated in Colton’s eardrums. ‘Listen to me. Don’t let anyone else get in the way of what you want. Take the woman to bed. At least you know you’ll protect her.’

  Protect her? Colton’s chin came up. ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘A pretty girl like that? Friendly and happy? Guys eat that up. If it’s not one of Nina’s boys, it will be someone else.’

  Sloan jabbed a finger straight in Colton’s face. ‘So why not you?’


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