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Hungry CEO

Page 10

by Charlize Starr

  The makeup artist, with a name as beautiful as she was—Adanna, began picking through her clothes. He’d get what he wanted, a meeting with Valentine, because though she may be younger than him, she’d wanted this as much as he had.

  “There’s a party on Monday at his house. I can get you an invite. After that, it’s all up to you,” she said.

  “I can close the deal. Don’t worry about me, doll.”

  She gave him a glowing smile. “I’ve seen that for myself, thanks. I’m not worried.”

  In his pants pocket, his phone buzzed. “Just a minute.”

  He walked out into the hallway and picked up. It was his secretary, who shouldn’t even be at work today because it was a weekend. “Yes? What is it, Gayle?”

  “Mr. Love called in. He needs to see you, so he’s scheduled an emergency meeting for the two of you in his office.”

  “Why didn’t he just call me?”

  “I don’t know, Mr. Leblanc. His daughter called me and asked that I call you. Said she was calling on her father’s behalf.”

  “Hm.” This just got stranger and stranger. Why on Earth was David calling him into the office on a Saturday? Maybe he’d landed a client and the work couldn’t wait.

  All the same to Alex. He just wanted to be so busy, either working or fucking, that he didn’t have to think. “Call Kellie back. Tell her to tell David I’ll be there in an hour.”

  “Will do. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  “Not a thing. Enjoy your weekend, Gayle. Goodbye.”

  He ended the call and stepped back into the abandoned dressing room. “I’m sorry, beautiful, but I’ve got to go.”

  “Aw. I was hoping we could go back to my place, order some pizza and get a bottle of wine, and maybe have another go.” Her bottom lip puckered out in a perfect pout.

  “Another time.” That wasn’t true. He didn’t go back for seconds, ever. He had rules now, like that one, and always using a condom. He’d been stupid when he was young, and other people had gotten hurt. He’d rather injure an ego by not calling than cause any permanent damage.

  Alex strolled out and got into his Maserati and pushed the ignition. The car roared to life and he peeled out of the parking lot on his way to the office.

  The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he got. Why the fuck was David calling a meeting on a weekend? Calling him away from what he was doing—which was working, in his own way—and into the office. Alex swore, if it was for another lecture, he’d throttle the man himself.


  Alex walked into the Leblanc & Love offices just short of an hour after Gayle called. The place was empty, but not deserted. The hallway lights were on, as was the coffeepot. Alex helped himself to a mug of coffee before heading to David’s office.

  He knocked on the door and a feminine voice said, “Come in.” That was not David. What the hell was going on here?

  He pushed open the door, jaw clenched tight, coffee clutched in his hand. “Kellie?” he asked, incredulous. “Where’s your father?”

  “I need you to come in and sit down. This is a bit of a shock.”

  “Is David all right?” Alex crossed the room and put the coffee down on the desk so hard that it sloshed out of the cup.

  “He’s going to be all right, after some rest. He’s got to make some changes in his life.” Kellie sat down in her father’s chair. It engulfed her small frame and she looked as out of place as a doll.

  Leaning on the desk, he towered over her. “What happened?”

  She looked up into his eyes, their faces only inches apart. “He’s had a heart attack.”

  Alex eased back, plopping down in the chair on the opposite side of the desk. “But he’s okay?”

  “Will be. There’s just one small detail that you’re probably not going to be thrilled about.”

  “Then spit it out. I don’t have all day.”

  Kellie got up, walked around the desk, and leaned against it. This time, she looked down on him. “He’s asked me to keep an eye on you.”

  Alex chuckled. “That’s ridiculous. Look, you tell your dad we talked, I promised to be on my best behavior, and get out of here. Shouldn’t you be in class or something?”

  “I graduated last month. I have a degree in psychology and I got it specifically so I could come to work here and be an asset to the company. This isn’t a fish out of water thing.”

  Alex stood up and met her toe to toe. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  He turned and walked away from her, putting some distance between them. He had the overwhelming urge to put her over his knee and spank her, although she was certainly a grown woman now. She had to be, what? Twenty-two, twenty-three?

  And, damn, if she wasn’t beautiful. Long, platinum blond hair pulled back from her face. Tendrils snaked loose to frame her high cheek bones. Her eyes were a vivid green, the kind that was hard to look away from. Hell, the whole package was hard to look away from. She had an hourglass figure, all the right curves. She was like some delicious treat, all rolled up—what the hell was he doing?

  This was David’s daughter for Christ’s sake. He couldn’t fuck around with his business partner’s daughter, and he was never going to settle down, fall in love. That kind of left him with limited options. He didn’t need her as a distraction, though.

  She’d taken a moment, either to collect her thoughts or to let him cool down. “I intend to do what my father has asked me to do. According to him, for whatever reason, you’re hell bent on destroying your own reputation. That can’t fly at this company, and you know it. If we don’t put on a perfect face, no one will trust us to help them.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me all that. I’ve been doing this for ten years, honey.” What the hell was David thinking, sending his daughter to watch over Alex? Especially one so gorgeous? He knew Alex enjoyed beautiful women. Didn’t he realize Alex would be instantly attracted to Kellie?

  He hadn’t seen her in years; five, maybe six. She was a woman now, and Alex’s cock could tell the difference. It twitched to life when he turned to face her. “You will not be following me around, like a dog tied to a leash.”

  “Am I the dog in this scenario or are you?” she asked, with a straight face, arms crossed over her delectable breasts.

  Great, now she was making fun of him. This would not turn out well if he had to spend any time in this woman’s company. “Go to hell.”

  “I can be of help, or I can stand around mutely and ‘hold your leash,’ but, in any case, you’re not getting rid of me. My father started this company with you and I recall you selling him ten percent of your stock just last year, so that gives him more of a stake. These are his wishes.” She made her way toward him, hands outstretched in placating gesture. “Just go along with it, so my father can rest and get well without having to worry.”

  Damn it. It didn’t matter that David held more stake in the company. What mattered was when Alex needed cash last winter, David had been there. He couldn’t leave him hanging. “Fine. I’ll see you Monday morning. Go buy yourself a cocktail dress or ten.”

  Chapter Two

  Monday morning, after calling to check on her father, Kellie went into Leblanc & Love’s offices. The staff would have to be told about her father’s condition and that Kellie and Alex would be stepping in to fill his very big shoes.

  When she walked in, Alex was already addressing everyone, and her eyes narrowed. Acting without her involvement was a clear sign of disrespect on his part. She strolled right up to him and stood beside him as he finished up. He gave her a glance and, with a huff, continued on. “Kellie and I will be covering for David. If you have anything important, bring it to me. Otherwise, let Kellie handle it.”

  So that’s how he wanted to play this? Give her a hard time at every turn? He was just acting so childish and he was at least forty years old. This was exactly why Kellie was still a virgin—men just weren’t grown up men anymore.

  She was content to be o
n her own until she met a man who could overwhelm her, who could sweep her off her feet the way her father had with her mom. She didn’t see that happening anytime soon.

  Kellie pasted a smile on her face. This line of thinking was getting her nowhere. “If any of you have any questions about my dad or you’d like to send him your love, just come see me. I’ll be working out of his office.”

  Alex turned to her. “Do you have anything else you want to add?”

  “I’d like to see you in my dad’s office, please.”

  “Sure.” He held out a hand, gesturing down the hall to David’s office.

  She walked in front of him, struggling to control her temper. She would not blow up at him, she wouldn’t do it. Shutting the door behind them, she turned on him. “What the hell was that?”


  “You know exactly what. You started that meeting without me, you completely undermined me. Can you tell me what the point of that was?”

  He advanced on her and Kellie took a step back. Damn it, she hadn’t meant to do that, to give him any ground, but… it was just a gut reaction.

  “You are here to ‘watch’ me, correct?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Then do what you were asked to do, help out where you can, but don’t, for a minute, think that you’re going to come in here, throw my experience out the window, and act like we’re on common ground. Are we clear?”

  Childish. This was a pissing contest, that’s all there was to it. And she wouldn’t get involved in one with him. “Tell me what you’ve got planned for the next few days so I can plan my calendar around that.”

  “There’s a party tonight. I’m courting a huge client. I don’t need you there. I’ve got this in the bag.”

  “Mm-hmm. I’m going with you. Where’s it at?” She crossed her arms and plopped down in her father’s chair. She studied Alex while he obviously mentally cycled through his options of ways to convince her not to go.

  He had light brown hair, and commanding lips. That’s the only way to describe them. His whole face, really. And, she had to admit, he had beautiful brown eyes. A woman could get lost in eyes like that. And he was absolutely infuriating. “Well?”

  Alex came over and flopped down across from her. “It’s at Chase Valentine’s house.”

  “Shut up. Are you serious? That would be such a boon for this company.”

  “Exactly.” He crossed his legs and sat back. “See why I don’t need your help?”

  “Not at all. I’m going to make sure Chase doesn’t catch you upstairs, in some linen closet, hooking up with the caterer.”

  His lips pursed and he quirked them from side to side. “You’re really going through with this.”

  “I really am. Given my education, you might as well think of me as an untapped resource.”

  His mouth turned up in a wicked grin. “Untapped resource. I like that.”

  “I-I’m glad. See? We can work together.”

  “Oh, sure. We’ll have a great time.” He stood up and examined her openly. “You’ll need that cocktail dress I mentioned Saturday.”

  “You were serious.” Kellie touched her face, sure there must be something on it. Why was he staring at her that way?

  “I’ll pick you up at seven. Give Gayle your address.”

  “I don’t trust you to pick me up. Why don’t you give me Chase’s address?”

  “Because you’re not the one with an invite. You’re going to have to trust me, honey.” He walked to the door and gave her another perusal. “I can’t wait to see what you wear.”

  “Why? I know how to dress for a party.” Was he really insulting her taste in clothes now?

  “Because you’re gorgeous, and I’m a red-blooded man.” With that, he left, shutting the door behind him.

  Kellie sat there, her mouth open for several seconds. Did he just say he found her attractive? Wait, no… that’s not exactly what he said. He called her gorgeous, but he didn’t say that he personally found her attractive. He must’ve just been saying it in a general way.


  Alex rapped on Kellie’s door at 7:15. Let her wait and wonder if he’d ditched her. It wasn’t her, so much as… her effect on him. Did she have to be damned perfect to look at?

  When she opened the door, Alex could only stare. He couldn’t believe how much more beautiful she was in the gold sheath dress. It clung to her delectable curves and ended mid-thigh. The men would be ogling her all night. “You can’t wear that.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You should go change. That dress is too…” He gestured with his hands, trying to come up with a description. “Short.”

  “This is a pop star’s party. I will be dressed conservatively compared to some. Certainly compared to whoever you slept with to get us invited.”

  “What?” He managed to stammer out. How did she know?

  “Let’s just go, Alex. We’re already running late.” She clutched a small, shiny gold purse in her hand and pulled the door shut behind her.

  Downstairs, he opened the door for her and couldn’t look away at the expanse of leg that she flashed climbing in. He shut her door, then closed his eyes. He had to get his shit together—he couldn’t keep thinking of that hot little body or those full lips.

  He went around and got into the car, started it up, and pulled out onto the street.

  “You’re acting weird.”

  “How am I acting weird?”

  “I don’t know… just strange. You’re giving me looks.” She twisted in her seat to face him, but he kept his eyes on the traffic in front of him. He probably was giving her looks, because he fucking wanted her more than he’d wanted anyone in a really long time. He wanted to capture her wrists in his hands and make her writhe beneath him, beg for release.

  He ground his teeth together, working to put the image out of his mind. Kellie was off limits. “What kind of ‘looks’?”

  “I don’t know how to describe them. It’s like… do you… Never mind.” She turned and faced forward, dropping the subject.

  Did he what? Did he want her? Was she feeling this pull the same way he was? Jesus, if she wanted him, too… if she gave him any kind of a sign that she was interested in sleeping with him then he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. He’d have her, or die trying.


  Kellie stood in the expansive living room, as pop music played in the background, listening to a man drone on about music videos. From her location, she could see Alex talking to Chase Valentine. She nodded and smiled at the man before her, and tilted her head.

  Alex was childish and annoying, but… She sighed. He was hot. She could admit that she felt an attraction to him. She was a grown woman, and even if she had no intention of acting on it, she could look at the man objectively and think, “Hot damn.”

  She’d caught herself watching him stalk across the room, like a predator, twice tonight. He looked so fine in that black suit. His chest was muscled, his ass tight, and his mouth made her think things she was not comfortable thinking about Alex Leblanc.

  Their gazes locked and she could swear the air around her crackled. “Excuse me,” she muttered to the man who had continued to talk long after she stopped paying attention.

  Kellie walked away, making her way toward Alex. She wanted to ask him again about those looks he was giving her, like right now he looked like he wanted to devour her. And, God help her, she wanted to let him. But she couldn’t ask because she’d been eyeing him herself all night.

  Didn’t matter. Alex would be like any other man. He’d kiss her, and she’d feel absolutely nothing. Sometimes, she wondered if there was something wrong with her.

  If that was the case, that no man could sweep her off her feet, then she’d die a virgin and not regret it. She wanted everything or she wanted nothing.

  Finally, she reached Alex and Chase Valentine. “Introduce us,” she said without breaking eye contact with Alex. The man had such magnetism about him. Finally,
she dragged her gaze away and looked at Chase Valentine.

  “This is Kellie Love. Kellie, Chase Valentine.”

  “Your name is apt,” Chase Valentine said to her.

  “In what way?” She offered him a polite smile. He was a troublemaker and she didn’t want to give the impression of anything beyond professional interest.

  “Because you’re so love-ly.”

  Oh, my God, that was a pickup line she’d heard a time or two. She wanted to yawn in his face, but she couldn’t because Alex was courting him. “That’s very kind of you.”

  Valentine turned toward her, and away from Alex, and lowered his voice. “Would you like a tour of the house?”

  Kellie opened her mouth to speak, but Alex beat her to it. “No, she wouldn’t,” he said. “We have another party to attend. Are you ready to go, Kellie?”

  “Um, I suppose so?”

  They had no other party to her knowledge. What was going on with Alex?


  Aidan led Kellie to the door and she followed compliantly enough. He’d heard enough times about how Chase Valentine’s “house tours” ended to know he had no intention of letting Kellie go on one. The man had never heard the word “no.”

  He told himself it was because it would put Kellie in an awkward position, but the real problem was, what would he do if Kellie didn’t say no? What if she slept with Valentine? He couldn’t stomach the idea, and so he’d decided they should leave. He’d met Valentine, developed a rapport with the man. He’d follow up with him tomorrow.

  Outside, they stopped to wait on a valet to bring his car around. Kellie gave him a sideways glance. “We’re going to another party?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “I’d love to hear how.”

  Just then, the car pulled up and the valet hopped out. Alex put his hand on the small of Kellie’s bare back and the touch jolted down his arm and body, straight to his cock. She gave him a look of surprise then shook her head.


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