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Kalvan Kingmaker k-3

Page 50

by John F. Carr

  "Our original plan had been to keep pushing the tribesmen until they moved into Hostigos and let them strip and tear the false kingdom to its bones. Here we failed. We did not expect Kalvan, who has never to our knowledge fought in the wilderness of the Trygath, to be able to mount such a hasty and formidable army. Nor did we plan on him allying himself with King Nestros-"

  "You mean the new False Great King Nestros!" Archpriest Dracar cried. He was all but foaming at the mouth, while Roxthar was smiling. "We have been working for a century to make the Temple's participation mandatory for the crowning of Great Kings throughout the Five Kingdoms, and have been successful in both Hos-Ktemnos and Hos-Bletha. We have long hoped to crown the first Great King in Hos-Harphax. Now Kalvan has put all this work, and even the Temple itself, into jeopardy!"

  Once he was certain that Dracar was finished, Soton began again as if the Archpriest had never spoken.. "Yes, Nestros' elevation was a demonically brilliant idea of Kalvan's, and one we did not anticipate. It completely pulls him out of our sphere of influence and forces him into a continuing alliance with Kalvan. Of course, the Temple could offer Nestros' absolution-"

  "NEVER," Dracar shouted. Half a dozen other Archpriests shouted along with him until Roxthar silenced them with a sudden hand movement.

  "The traitor and Usurper Nestros has sealed his fate," Roxthar declaimed. Anaxthenes shivered. He was sure that Hadron's lair in Regwarn held less promise of pain than the Investigator's offices in the Temple basement.

  When Soton had the assembled Archpriests attention again, he continued. "Nor did we expect the Usurper Kalvan to defeat the nomad horde. Very quickly our own army went from being hunter to quarry. So we left a rearguard at the Drynos, which cost the Order four Lances of Styphon's best soldiers. However, our sacrifice did delay Kalvan and the barbarian horde long enough so that the remainder of our force could retire in safety at Tarr-Ceros. Had Kalvan and his allies been able to defeat our main body-I would not be here today and the nomads might have already advanced into Hos-Ktemnos."

  There was a collective sound of in-drawn breath and nervous shuffling throughout the room.

  While verbally Soton glossed over an action that had meant the end of four of his precious Lances, Anaxthenes saw the pain of it was writ clear upon his face. "True, at first glance, this appears that we have suffered a great disaster, in actuality we accomplished most of our original mission-although at a much higher cost than we had anticipated. First, we stopped Usurper's invasion of Hos-Harphax, an action that would have led to the loss of our only trusted northern ally. Secondly, we have bought ourselves time to prepare for the invasion of Hostigos, time in which Kalvan wasted most of his energies trampling through the Trygath placating his new allies. Not training more troops and influencing princes and barons in Hos-Harphax and Hos-Agrys.

  "Furthermore, in his absence, his wife has invaded a neighboring Princedom thereby incurring the legitimate wrath of princes and nobles throughout the Five Kingdoms. Even the False League of Dralm has condemned Hostigos for this unjustified invasion."

  There was the tittering of laughter among the assembled archpriests.

  "The False Queen Rylla has unwittingly wrought a miracle that even Styphon Himself might have found difficult; she has forged a consensus out of the collective Princes of Hos-Harphax. We have just learned a few candles ago, from a swift packet ship, that the Harphaxi Electors met in a special session and abolished the Regency Council, proclaiming Prince Lysandros the new Great King of Hos-Harphax!"

  There was a spontaneous burst of applause that rang the rafters.

  "For the first time in the history of Hos-Harphax, an Archpriest of Styphon's House will lead the ceremony of coronation." Soton pointed to Anaxthenes. "Since Styphon's Own Voice will be unable to make such a long journey, our own First Speaker Anaxthenes will represent the Inner Circle and perform the coronation of Great King Lysandros the First."

  Anaxthenes was in shock. Is this an honor, or just Roxthar's way of getting me out of Balph while he works more mischief? Since even the Investigator looked surprised by this news, he wondered if it was Soton's idea. Clearly, whatever the reason, his star was once again on the ascent. Several of the other archpriests were looking at him in wonderment.

  "Already promises have been made to Great King Lysandros by princes of gold and soldiers for a counter-invasion of Hostigos."

  This time applause was even louder. Grand Master Soton appeared to be a miracle worker; there was a visible lightening of the tension inside the Council Hall. Even Anaxthenes was beginning to wonder if the Usurper Kalvan was invincible any longer.

  "Next year we shall put the war on Hostigos soil and let the blood of her sons fertilize the fields! This war will drain the treasure from our counting houses, but we shall fill them again with Kalvan's wealth and stolen gold."

  There had never been any doubt as to Soton's professional commitment to this war; now, there would be no doubt to his personal commitment as well. Kalvan had given the Order grievous losses and had shaken Soton to his very core. Anaxthenes now knew that Soton, like a wolf at a bear's throat, would not stop his attack until death alone stilled his limbs.

  From the hungry look on Roxthar's face it was obvious that Soton had told the Holy Investigator exactly what he wanted to hear.

  Roxthar rose and put his hand on Soton's shoulder. "We shall destroy the False Daemon Kalvan. Force him back into his lair and destroy him and all his kin. There shall be no more Kalvan, no Hostigos, when our work is done. The land shall be soaked in blood and tilled with iron. We shall forge a Grand Host of Styphon's allies next spring and destroy this Kalvan and his tools. What heresy the Grand Host overlooks, my Investigator's shall uncover."

  Soton didn't look happy at this prospect, but controlled his disgust, which made Anaxthenes wonder if the Grand Master had not made his own deal with Roxthar, much as so many others had been forced to do in these new times.

  "When the Holy armies are finished," Roxthar's harsh voice rose in a crescendo. "There shall be no more Kalvan, no more Hostigos, no more Rathon, no more Dralm! Kill Kalvan! Kill Kalvan! Kill Kalvan!"

  Suddenly all the voices in the room, including his own, added their weight to Roxthar's chorus, "KILL KALVAN! KILL KALVAN! KILL KALVAN!"

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