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Bonded (The Raegan Mason Trilogy)

Page 6

by Cheryl Courtney

  “Let me take you home. I’m parked right over there.” He pointed toward the light house again.

  “No, that’s okay. I need to dry out anyways. I’ll go home now. I promise.” I smiled my oath to him, unsure if I wanted to return to the water anytime soon.

  “Then let me walk you home.” He stood up and held his hand out to help me up.

  Apprehensively, I reached for his extended hand fearful of that overwhelming shock again. He watched me cautiously as I grasped his hand. The current was still there, but not as intense as before. He smiled encouragingly as I stood up. He didn’t release my hand and I was okay with that. I slipped my shoes on and he grabbed his shirt. Displeasure filled my thoughts as I realized he’d be covering up his body with a dry shirt. He turned to me, released my hand and started pulling his shirt over my head. My body shivered with elation at the warmth that rushed through me. He smiled, amused, and reached for my hand again as we walked back toward the condos.

  He questioned me endlessly about my life the whole way back. I answered as best I could about trivial things such as favorite color and favorite foods. Each time I tried to ask him questions, he’d avoid it like he didn’t hear me and continued with his examination. As I listened to his silky voice rattle off questions, I noticed the electric current between us continued flowing, but it was less intense. Maybe I was just getting used to the sensation. The music was also still there. It was softer, almost a whisper, but it was still here. I didn’t bother asking him about it anymore. I was convinced it had something to do with Kyler, but not sure exactly what it was.

  I stopped on the beach in front of the condos where I’d need to walk through to get home. “This is me. I live on the other side of the condos. Thanks for walking me home. Sorry it’s so far away from your car.” I reluctantly released his hand to start pulling his shirt off. I heard him suck in air and release it quickly as I returned his shirt to him. “Thanks for keeping me warm.” I smiled and felt the mysterious music increase tempo.

  “My pleasure.” He smiled and grabbed my hand again stunning me with sparks as intense as before, and kissed my hand. The warmth of his lips left behind an invisible scorching imprint on my hand. My eyes widened in surprise and the desire to feel those lips on mine possessed me. He chuckled and released my hand. “I’ll see you soon?” he questioned as he turned to go.

  “Uh, yes?” My head was spinning, my heart was pounding, and I’m sure I was flushed from the feelings I was developing for him.

  He stopped, looked at me questioningly, and then smiled a dazzling smile. “I will see you soon.” He winked and took off jogging toward the Rock taking my heart with him.

  The music faded as he ran.


  The next day, Julie and I spent the day shopping for her trip to California. Even though we lived on an island and saw beach and sand year round, she still had to add to her beach style wardrobe. It was a different style and a different ocean after all, she explained.

  She wanted to know all about my evening with Jaxon. At first I was confused. I had forgotten that I’d even left the party with him. The highlight of the evening wasn’t Jaxon, but I couldn’t bring myself to spill the details of the semi-nude moonlit swim shared between Kyler and me. Lying to Julie was becoming a recent habit. I did tell her how I crushed Jaxon after he practically professed his love for me. She, of course, thought I was bonkers.

  “Are you insane?” Julie lectured. “Jaxon is super hot, like Captain America hot, and he likes you! Who cares that you made sand castles as kids together? You could have a quick summer fling and let him go fight for our freedom knowing that you’ve served your country in a horizontal manner.” She smiled devilishly. “Or a vertical manner, whichever is your preference.” She winked knowing I had no informed knowledge of a preference.

  “Eww, Julie. Not even. Especially not with Jaxon. That would be too creepy for any kind of comfort. He even tried to kiss me last night and I thought I would go up in flames for the incest-like feelings it sent through me. Yuck!” I shook my head in disgust and shivered at the thought.

  “Incest? You’ve got to be kidding me. Weren’t you a little bit interested in what he had to offer? There are a lot of girls that have had his special treatment, if you know what I mean.” She grinned still trying to convince me what a good choice he would be.

  “Even more reason to avoid that scenario. I know you think I’m a prude for waiting, but I can’t just give that part of me away to just anyone. I know there’s someone out there for me that has endured as much peer pressure as I still am enduring!” I glared at her to emphasize the “peer” I was referring to. “I want someone that will respect me for who I am, not what pleasures I can stir in their loins.” I held up a silky pale green top and quickly switched it out for the brilliant blue one instead. I think a certain blue eyed god was influencing my color choices.

  “That blue would look amazing on you. Go try it on.” Julie started pushing me toward the dressing room. She grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans along the way and shoved it in my arms. “Try these on with it.” She insisted.

  I took the clothes in the fitting room and began to change. I kept thinking about Kyler and the way he treated me last night. He wasn’t like other guys. He could have tried a lot more with me, but he didn’t. He held my hand for over a mile and was clearly interested in me and the kiss on my hand was completely romantic. I couldn’t help placing my lips over the burning his lips left on my hand last night hoping to feel that burning on my lips. That addictive warmth spread through me as I remembered his touch and magnetic force field that drew me in. I had to shake my head and focus before Julie started wondering what was going on. I finished changing into the new clothes and opened the dressing room door to show her.

  Julie was waiting patiently for me to change. “What took you so long? Oh, wow, you look great!” She reached out to turn me around to get the whole view. As she did that, she ripped off the tags and took off running for the cashier.

  “Julie! What are you doing?” I stumbled after her trying to catch her.

  “You’re going to wear these right now. You look too stunning to go around in a t-shirt and shorts.” She handed the cashier the tags and her credit card. “Go get your other clothes to throw in the bag. We can burn them later.” She smiled and waved me off with her hand as she signed the receipt.

  I shook my head at her and returned to the dressing room to collect my clothes. At least I got to keep my sandals on. I grumbled on the way back. “I’m overdressed to be shopping. I’ll end up sweating and looking ridiculous.”

  “The mall is air conditioned, and you’re not overdressed.” She linked her arm in mine and started dragging me through store after store.

  We shopped for hours. My feet were killing me and I was hungry. “Hey Julie, can we take a break? I’m starving.” She eyed me trying to determine if I was faking or not.

  “Okay, we can stop to eat. Let’s go to that new seafood restaurant near the Aquarium, Captain’s Quarters, I think.” Julie switched her bags to her left hand and grabbed my hand with her other and started dragging us back to the parking lot where her VW Bug was parked.

  The drive didn’t take too long and Julie was kind enough to keep the top up and the air conditioning on so I wouldn’t sweat too badly in the new clothes she bought. We drove up to the restaurant and the parking lot was packed. I knew we’d end up waiting for a table. “Can’t we go some place quick? I don’t know if I can wait to be seated and then wait for food.” My stomach was growling loudly now.

  “Don’t worry, Rae. I’ve got connections here.” She winked and pulled me to the entrance. Like I predicted, there were people waiting in line to be seated. Julie walked up to the hostess and whispered in her ear. She looked up at me and smiled welcomingly and picked up two menus and led the way to a booth.

  The hostess smiled again warmly at me and waited until we sat before speaking. “Welcome to the Captain’s Quarters. Our lun
ch special today is steamed lobster tails with garlic butter sauce served with fresh vegetables and rice pilaf. Your server will be with you shortly to take your order.” She looked at Julie and winked before walking away.

  “What was that about?” I questioned as I picked up the menu.

  “Oh, I dated her brother for a while. I told her you were a super model friend of mine visiting from Paris and that you were scouting for new talent. She’s been dying to leave the island and move to New York to pursue modeling. Places like this always have an open booth for dignitaries and such. Why not us?” She grinned as she returned her menu to the table and waited for our server.

  As I was looking through the menu, a familiar buzzing vibration began to tickle at the back of my neck. Before I could turn around, Julie squealed, “Kyler! Did you already eat? Want to join us?”

  My heart started galloping at an unhealthy speed and my face began to flush. I couldn’t move out of fear. Julie began scooting over to allow room for him to sit next to her.

  “I was just going to wash my hands. My mother and some of the lab techs came to eat lunch.” He was still behind me and I forced myself to turn around and face him trying to compose the emotions on my face. When I turned, my lips formed a smile, remembering the kiss and the touches in the water. I tried to look natural but I don’t think I pulled it off. “Hey Raegan. I told you I’d see you soon.” He winked and my eyes bulged with shock. “I’ll be back in a few.” He walked away toward the restrooms before I could turn around to face Julie.

  “Did I miss something?” Julie had crossed her arms over her chest waiting like a parent for an excuse. “I thought you said nothing happened yesterday.”

  “Nothing did, yesterday.” I tried to hide my excitement, but I did want to tell her some parts of last night. “He asked me to dance last night while I was dancing with Jaxon. He said he couldn’t stand to see me so uncomfortable in his arms.” My crazy grin was hard to contain. “Then after I got home, I went to the beach and, well, he showed up.”

  “And that’s it?” I could tell she was waiting for the juicy part but I didn’t want to get caught talking about Kyler when he returned.

  “More or less.” I raised my eyebrows and smirked. She narrowed her eyes at me fully aware that I was withholding vital information from her.

  “Be that way. I’ll get the details from…” Kyler was coming. “Kyler. I’m so glad you’re here. Here, sit by me.” She patted the empty spot on her side of the booth and I waited patiently for my humiliating punishment for not spilling every detail.

  He slid in next to her and smiled that heart breaking sideways grin. “Have you ordered yet?” He asked Julie and then aimed those sapphires at me.

  “Oh not yet.” Julie replied. “We just got here right before you showed up. Did you call your mom from the restroom? I didn’t see you walk over there.”

  “You can say that. She knows I’m over here.” He smirked.

  “Did you have fun last night?” She smiled in that “I-know-what-you-did-last-night” way.

  He smiled and wrinkled his forehead in wonder. “It was one of the best nights I’ve had in a while.” He glanced in my direction and winked again.

  “Is that right? Tell me, when did it become the best night? Before or after you hooked up with my girl Raegan on the beach.” I subtly kicked my best friend under the table hoping to shut her up.

  “Ouch!” Kyler yelled as he reached down to rub his shin I mistakenly kicked. “Nice kick.” He grimaced through his teeth.

  “I’m so sorry, Kyler. I didn’t mean to kick you.” I stammered, standing up trying to apologize away my mistake as the server approached our table.

  “Is there a problem?” The server asked calmly. She was tall, blonde and very aware of the gorgeous man rubbing his shin.

  “Everything’s just fine.” Julie responded. I sat down embarrassed but attempted to put my apologetic face on for Kyler. He just smirked at me as if all were forgiven.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” She waited patiently for our drink orders.

  “I’ll have an iced tea.” Julie replied. “And can we get a basket of bread for our starving friend?” She motioned to me as a new wave of embarrassing flush crossed my face.

  “I’ll have a tea as well.” I replied quietly.

  “Make that three iced teas.” Kyler finished our drink order. “They have really good food here. We come here once a week. I haven’t tried everything on the menu, but everything I have tried is good. I would recommend the lobster. I heard they fly it in from Maine.” He smiled encouragingly at me to ease my embarrassment. The hum I felt in my bones as he spoke was soothing. I only wished Julie wasn’t a witness to this little moment.

  “Sounds good to me.” Julie responded. “Now where were we, before Raegan here kicked the crap out of you?” She glared at me out of the corner of her eye, waiting for the kick she so deserved.

  Kyler chuckled. “I had a great time at the party and after the party. I was surprised to find Raegan on the beach so late at night.” His foot bumped up against mine under the table, and I could feel the electricity flow from my foot up through my body. I inhaled slowly so it didn’t come out as the gasp that wanted to escape. I kept my eyes on his face. He hadn’t shaved this morning so the faint stubble was there. It made him look even more attractive in a rough kind of way. His eyes flickered back to me as he rubbed his chin and smirked.

  I really needed to have my head examined. I could swear he heard my thoughts sometimes. I picked up the menu and started looking through it so I could avoid both sets of eyes narrowing in on my red cheeks. Kyler’s foot stayed in contact with mine. He was wearing beach sandals so his skin was touching mine. I kept as still as possible so that I could continue to feel that addictive pulse from him.

  “What were you doing on the beach last night?” Julie questioned. “Haven’t you heard about all of the recent sexual assault cases going on around here? Several girls have been either date raped or assaulted in some way. They haven’t caught the guy yet. All of the victims claimed they were drugged but no traces of drugs have been found in their blood tests. But none of them remember his face or any other descriptions of him. You really shouldn’t be alone on the beach at night.” Julie lectured.

  Our server had returned with our drinks and bread basket. She waited for our orders, or I guess my order since Julie and Kyler were both getting the lobster special. “I guess I’ll have the shrimp scampi and a salad with no croutons. Thanks.” I handed her my menu and she walked away.

  “Well? Why were you out there?” Julie persisted.

  I shrugged and looked away. “I just…”

  “She needed some air after being hit on by Jaxon.” Kyler replied. “She was contemplating the cosmos, isn’t that right?” He smiled and I returned his smile remembering him pointing out the constellations.

  “Uh huh. So you two just happened to be at the same place at the same time ‘contemplating the cosmos’?” She flicked her black eyes between us expecting more details.

  “Really, Jewels. We just hung out for a bit and talked.” While we had a moonlit swim and walked hand-in-hand down the beach. Mental sigh. I was falling for him and this was not going to end well.

  “So are you going to ask her out, Ky?” This time my aim was on target, thanks to Kyler keeping his leg close to mine. “Ow, Rae! Chill on the soccer kicks. He wouldn’t be sitting here if he wasn’t interested. Right Kyler?” It was his turn to quickly turn red. He was about to say something when our server arrived with our food. She set the plates in front of us and asked if we needed anything else. We all said no.

  Kyler and I both grabbed our utensils to start eating before Julie could force any more embarrassment on us. I couldn’t look at him but I could feel that magnetic pull strengthen. He had moved his foot after I kicked Julie. I guess he was afraid I’d accidently kick him again, or that Julie would retaliate and find his foot fondling mine under the table.

  We ate in silence
– very uncomfortable silence – for several minutes before Julie excused herself from the booth. Kyler had to get up to let her out. She just glared at us as she walked toward the restrooms. I tried smiling at him but I was so nervous.

  “I hope I didn’t mess things up between you and Julie.” He said with regret in his voice. “I don’t know what you told her, but I assure you I didn’t mean any disrespect last night. I really did have a good time.” He poked his fork around in his food.

  “Don’t worry about Julie. She’s just upset that her plans didn’t go as well as planned last night, which I’m glad. I really had a good time last night, too. I’m really sorry you have to see this side of her. She can be brutal.” I laughed and shook my head.

  He smiled and leaned closer across the table. “Do you have any plans for tonight?” His eyes were sparkling and I had to catch my breath at his nearness again. I could feel that humming pulling me closer.

  “No.” I whispered hoping I would before this conversation was over.

  “Meet me at the Aquarium? Eight o’clock?” He smiled mischievously.

  I frowned. “Isn’t it closed at eight?” He laughed.

  “Yes, to customers, but not to lab techs from the university.” He smiled. “I need to take care of some things there and then we could go to the mainland and maybe catch a movie?” He was using his hypnotic stare which had me wanting to say ‘yes’ to anything.

  “Mainland? Um, well I really don’t care to go over the bridge at night.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry I didn’t think about that.” He looked away regretting his invitation I’m sure.

  “What about the carnival on the boardwalk? We could always meet there after you’re done?” I asked hopefully.

  “You could come help me at the Aquarium and then we could walk there. It isn’t that far.” For some crazy reason, he looked expectantly, even hopeful as if I would deny his request.


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