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The Ultimate Collection: 18 Books

Page 5

by D. L. Savage

Better than you could possibly imagine, I texted back, feeling my cock beginning to stir at the thought of Carrie soon waking up, and all the fun we might have that Saturday morning …

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  Colt’s Transformation

  “Okay men, before this drug trial commences, there are a few things we aught to warn you about …”

  As the doctor’s voice rang out around the small dingy room, Colt Andrews tried to listen but found his attention wandering once more to the hot blonde strutting through the parking lot outside. From his seat in the corner, Colt could spy through the little window just enough to make out the smooth curves of her toned little butt, framed perfectly in a pair of tight black yoga pants, as she strode purposefully towards her car.

  “Now with any medical trial, there is always the possibility of side-effects, and this test is no exception. As a number of you are already aware from previous experiences here, there are inherent dangers in these kinds of experiments, and the amount you get paid reflects that risk factor …”

  Man, thought Colt, his eyes still focussed on that blonde’s tight inviting-looking butt, What I’d give to fuck her … To run my fingers between her legs from behind … To feel the hot wetness of her pussy on my fingertips, before pulling out my cock and slipping it deep inside her tight little cunt …

  Colt shifted in his seat, his swelling cock causing a little discomfort as it strained against the inside of his jeans. The blonde had disappeared out of sight by now, and his attention once more turned lazily to the room. He looked around at the other eleven men — all of them rugged and muscular, like him.

  The doctor leading the trial had said something about that; that they had all been chosen because of their high testosterone levels. And there had been other tests, too: to make sure that Colt was one-hundred-percent heterosexual. That part had been kind of fun. They’d got him to strip naked and attached these little pads on wires to his cock, then shown him various kinds of porn, all the while monitoring what got him hard. The only gross bit was that occasionally they’d shown him gay porn, too, and Colt found anything like that disgusting.

  “So with all that being said,” the doctor continued, “please divide up into your two test groups and then proceed to the next room …”

  Finally, the doctor had finished talking. Colt was about ready to fall sleep, and he was relieved to be back up on his feet up again. Man, these drug trials could be so fucking boring sometimes. But at least this particular one paid well … Kind of insanely well, actually. With the money Colt stood to make from it, he knew he wouldn’t have to look for another job for at least a couple of months, leaving him free to do whatever he liked: kick back, play Xbox, get baked, and — his favorite pastime — hit the nightclubs and pick up chicks.

  Colt filed into line with his group of guys, Group B.

  They’d been split up into the two groups and told that one would be the placebo - taking only sugar pills - while the other would be the real group, taking a drug called FemTrans. There had been a fucking enormous contract to sign, swearing them all to secrecy and listing page after page after page of side effects, but of course Colt had just yawned and nodded and signed where instructed. He’d done tons of these medical trials before, and the worst that had ever happened to him were a few itchy rashes here and there.

  “Take two pills in the morning, and two more at night,” the nurse instructed Colt, when it was his turn to step forward and receive his package of FemTrans medication.

  “Thanks,” Colt mumbled, his eyes immediately shifting down towards her ample bosom, straining to burst free beneath her tight white lab coat.

  He tried to catch her eye and give her a wink, but she’d already switched her attention to the next musclebound guy behind Colt.

  And with that, Colt stepped out of the room and back into the lobby of the pharmaceutical company, his package of meds clutched under his beefy bicep and a new spring in his step.

  It was Wednesday, and their first payment was due on Friday morning.

  Colt was fucking broke until then, but so what. At least he’d have money soon.

  He turned and walked back to his apartment, enjoying the sun on his face, excited about the weekend and hoping to God that he was in the placebo group …

  Colt took his first two pills that very evening, washing them down with a big gulp of Coors Lite. The medicine left a strange taste in his mouth, but he shrugged this off, taking another long pull on the smoking joint on the coffee table in front of him.

  He was almost out of weed, and far too broke to afford more, but he reminded himself that he only had another couple of days to wait before that first big payment from the trials company finally landed in his bank account.

  That night Colt slept surprisingly deeply — normally he was a rather light, fitful sleeper, often woken by nightmares — and for once he couldn’t remember his dreams in the morning at all. Also, as well as his regular morning wood, he woke feeling just a little more horny than usual, and it was a rather different kind of horniness too … He almost couldn’t work out the difference, but it seemed to feel more like a ‘full body’ sensation, as if all Colt’s limbs were radiating with a strange and sexy heat.

  His stomach swarmed and tingled, and his mind swirled and fluttered with vague horny thoughts; more just sensations really than images.

  Colt ran his hands lightly across his toned muscular stomach, and instead of immediately grabbing hold of his dick and jacking it as he normally would have done, he instead found he was savoring the sensation of slowly running his fingertips back and forth over his taught skin, exploring his whole body, which it turn made those hot strange tingly sensations increase in his stomach.

  Colt groaned, involuntary, as a deep shudder of pleasure ran through him.

  And instead of shifting down between his legs, his fingers traced upwards, towards his pecs and in particular his nipples which seemed to be way more sensitive than usual.

  Fuck, Colt thought as his fingers touched his rock-hard nips, and as he tweaked and thumbed them, the sexy sensations increased even further, fluttering all around his shivering body. This was completely new to him — he’d never really masturbated in anything other than a horny, dick-focussed frenzy, and yet here he was not even touching his cock, just enjoying playing with his nips and cupping his large abs in his palms, groaning softly and writhing beneath his tangled sheets, as the fluttering excited feeling grew even more powerfully in his stomach and swirled around his mind.

  Finally with a shiver and a groan, he let his hand slip between his legs, and Colt registered with surprise that his dick wasn’t fully hard; normally it would have been absolutely rock solid by now. But instead it was only at about three-quarter mast; still long and thick alright, but just not absolutely solid and throbbing.

  Yet even while only semi-erect, his cock felt so much more sensitive than usual, almost too sensitive to masturbate in his usual rough way. So instead, he found himself gently cupping his balls with one hand, while tenderly rubbing his finger around the base of his cockhead in a deliciously slow, sensual, circular motion. And it was this that really began to increase the sensations within his body.

  The horny, sexy feeling in him built and built, and Colt found himself actually sighing and panting out loud as he felt his orgasm approaching (again, something that he never normally did). When it finally shuddered through his muscular frame, it was so intense it was almost painful, and he found his whole body tensing up and trembling, a long groan escaping his pouting lips as he felt his cock finally spasm and squirt.

  As Colt sat up in bed, reaching for his trusty bedside roll of TP to clean himself up, he noted with surprise that, although it had been perhaps his strongest orgasm in recent memory, he’d cum hardly at all; just the tiniest little pool of pale creamy fluid had collected there in his belly button. Normally Colt was a pretty heavy cummer, so this was another weird little surprise.

  Finally, his groggy
mind put two and two together and he guessed that those FemTrans tablets he’d taken last night were probably not placebo.

  So what, Colt thought, if I can have orgasms like that, and sleep like a baby too, then who gives a fuck if I cum a little less than normal. And anyway, I’m only taking this trial for a couple of weeks …

  And with that thought fresh in his mind, he reached for the package of FemTrans pills, popped out two more, and washed them down with the glass of water he always kept by his bedside.

  However by Friday morning Colt was starting to worry a little about the way the medicine was affecting him. Sure, he’d had some pretty fucking mind-blowing orgasms over the last couple of days, and he’d been sleeping like an absolute baby, but there were other weirder things happening to his mind and body, too.

  For instance, he hadn’t needed to shave — not once — since starting on the pills. In fact, if anything it seemed like his skin was getting so smooth and clear that he couldn’t even see the hair follicles on his cheeks or neck anymore. And speaking of his neck, his Adam’s apple seemed to have shrunk to a barely noticeable lump, too.

  Similarly, his muscles were shrinking, and it was this that worried Colt most. He’d put many long hours into achieving his buff, muscular shape and he didn’t want to turn into a fucking weedy stick insect again, just for a few thousand dollars.

  It was this last concern that caused him to finally pick up the phone at 9am and call the pharmaceutical company.

  “Hello, Doctor Landis’s office?” the voice of the assistant nurse cooed softly.

  “Hi, this is Colt Andrews,” Colt said, as calmly as he could, hearing his own voice sounding a lot higher and softer than usual, too. “I’m on the, um, FemTrans trial and I’ve been noticing some pretty strong effects.”

  “Oh good!” the nurse said.

  Good? Colt thought.

  “No, you don’t understand. This is bad,” he stammered. “My muscles are shrinking and my skin’s getting less hairy …”

  “Mr Andrews,” the nurse interrupted, a new strictness in her voice, “you didread that contract you signed, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Colt lied, uneasily.

  “Well then, you’ll be fully aware of all the possible side-effects of the drug. Now, Mr Andrews, we’re extremely busy this morning, so unless you’ve got something urgent to tell us, I suggest you continue on with the trial as normal, and we will collect your feedback in two weeks as arranged. Your first payment should arrive in your bank today … Unless you don’t want to continue with the trial, that is?”

  Colt thought once more about the sweet bank transaction he’d been waiting for all week.

  “No, no, I want to continue,” he said, hurriedly, then hung up the phone.

  He walked over to the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water, and swallowed his two morning FemTrans tablets. Then he padded through to the bathroom and before he got undressed he took a long hard look at his face in the mirror.

  Something was definitely happening to him.

  His eyes seemed larger and his eyelashes were more prominent too. Also, his eyebrows were thinning out and his cheek bones seemed a little more visible than usual. Almost all the stubble was gone from his face, and his lips — normally thin and chapped — were now thick and even a little glossy-looking. Before he could stop himself, Colt gave in to a strange urge: to pout at himself, narrowing his eyes a little and blowing a sexy, sensual kiss at this strange new person staring back at him in the mirror.

  Next he ran his fingers through his hair, which felt much thicker and glossier than usual, and noted with surprise that it was getting pretty long even though he’d only had it cut a month or two ago.

  As he tugged off his t-shirt, he took in his upper body. He still kind of had his pecs, but they were much softer than before, almost like little A-cup titties, and his nipples were still way more sensitive than they used to be. His six pack had all but disappeared, replaced now by just a slim flat belly, and his waist seemed to have shrunk in a few inches too while his hips seemed wider. His arms were still toned but no longer as muscular, and they had also become much less hairy than they used to be.

  Next Colt looked down at his legs, and noted with another jolt of surprise that they too had slimmed down even more overnight, the hair on them now nothing more than a fine down, instead of their usual black coarseness.

  And when he slipped off his cotton boxer shorts, he swore that his cock had shrunk too. It looked absolutely tiny now, more like a little boy’s dick than a fully-grown man’s, and the thatch of black pubic hair above it, while still there, was much softer and tightly curled than before.

  He turned, looking at himself over his shoulder in the long mirror, and his eyes were drawn down to his butt. Unlike his dick or his muscles, this was one part of him that hadn’t got smaller; if anything it had grown. It was much rounder and fuller than it used to be, and Colt couldn’t help but let his hands stray to it, exploring his delicious new buns.

  He’d always been an ass man, and it felt strange to be playing with his ownass, but he had to admit, it was one of the nicest he’d seen!

  This week just keeps getting stranger and stranger, Colt thought as he climbed into the shower.

  “Can I help you, miss?”

  Miss? thought Colt as he watched the smiling shop assistant come striding across the busy department store towards him. He looked behind him to see if she was talking to someone else, but nope, she was definitely making her way towards him.

  “I- I’m not sure,” he stammered.

  It was Saturday afternoon now, and he’d come to the mall to pick up some new clothes — just something temporary until the trial ended — as all his regular sweatpants and t-shirts no longer seemed to fit him. They hung off his new slim body and were always slipping down and tripping him up when he made his way around the apartment.

  He’d also taken to tying his newly-long hair out of his eyes with an old elastic band.

  “You look like you could use a complete top to toe makeover, if you don’t mind me saying?” the shop assistant said kindly.

  Colt looked at her closely. She was about his own age, and extremely pretty, so why in the world didn’t he find her attractive? This must have been the first girl he’d ever seen that he didn’t immediately wanted to bang.

  It was those stupid drugs again. They were fucking with his mind now, as well as his body.

  But it wasn’t as if his libido had gone down, he’d just stopped finding himself so attracted to girls. Instead, the few times he’d watched porn since the trial began, he found his eyes straying more towards the male performers, to their thick throbbing cocks and tight hairless balls, to their muscular bodies and sculpted jaws, and he’d quickly turned his laptop off again in disgust at himself. Man, Colt couldn’t wait for these two weeks to be over, so he could get back to feeling like himself again …

  “We can do you a full make over if you’d like one, miss?” the kindly young shop assistant said.

  Colt thought about his new bank balance — he had more than enough to blow on a couple of temporary outfits. Why not? he thought. It had to be better than tripping up over his baggy old sweatpants all the fucking time.

  “Okay, sure, thanks,” he said shyly. “I’d like something a little … tighterfitting perhaps?”

  The shop assistant took in his current outfit: his stained old gym t-shirt and baggy grey joggers and smiled.

  Colt’s eyes strayed to her chest, but not to check out her breasts, just to read her name badge. Chloe, it read, here to help.

  “I think we can do that!” Chloe said with a grin.

  And so Chloe took Colt around the department store, from section to section, picking out a selection of sexy new outfits. She couldn’t believe it when he told her that all he owned were sweatpants, jeans and t-shirts.

  “We’ve got a lot of work to do then!” she exclaimed.

  For ‘daytime’ she chose a few pairs of yoga pants in different c
olors, and a few tiny little vest tops. Then she picked out a couple of dresses, made from some sort of slinky stretchy fabric.

  “What about underwear?” she asked. “You need that too, sweetie?”

  Colt thought about his cotton boxers, which hardly stayed up around his waist now and nodded.

  In the lingerie department, Chloe first picked out some panties for him. Colt registered with a strange little thrill that they were all thongs and g-strings. He’d always liked seeing these kinds of underwear on girls he brought home, but never in a million years had he thought that he would be trying them on, too.

  “You know your bra-size?” Chloe asked him.

  He felt himself blushing as he shook his head.

  “No problem, we’ll get you all measured up in no time …”

  So Chloe came back with a tape-measure and took all Colt’s measurements (turned out he was a B-Cup), then picked out a few matching bras.

  Finally she directed him to the changing rooms, and as he walked towards the little open door at the end of the corridor, he passed a few young women in various states of undress, and none of them batted a single eyelid, none of them screamed or told him to get the fuck out of there.

  Shit, I really must look like a girl, he thought.

  In the cubicle he undressed and looked at himself once more.

  His breasts were small and perky, and his nipples were standing to attention in hard, puckered little points.

  His cock was completely gone now, and in its place were two thick silky folds of flesh where his balls used to be, with a sensitive pink little hood of flesh above. He knew what it was, but the idea that his dick had turned into a clitoris was so fucking weird that he almost hadn’t fully been able to register it. As such, he’d only explored his newly developed pussy a little so far with his fingers, each time creating such a strange and intense shivery feeling in his body that he’d had to stop and take a few deep breaths. And above these sexy, silken folds was a tightly-curled patch of dark pubic hair.


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