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Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1)

Page 24

by Jourdyn Kelly

  "We didn't use enough to harm us, Anala," Eric assures me.

  "You didn't have to do this."

  "We wanted to," Emily chimes in.

  "Yeah, I think it's pretty cool that my blood can boost your awesomeness." Jeremy puffs out his chest - as he tends to do - and gives me a silly grin.

  I haven't come to terms with how I feel about them knowing what Hunter blood does for me. It must mean they know about Sam, and I'm mortified all over again.

  "You've done a lot for us," Jenna - yes, Jenna - says. "We just wanted to be able to return the favor." She must not be used to being nice, because she blushes a scarlet red when everyone looks at her.

  "I haven't done anything for you, except put you in danger."

  "That's not true," Sam counters.

  "You made us strong, Ana. It was you who made all of us believe in ourselves."

  "Amanda's right." Zac touches my hand, briefly. "We may have had to grow up a bit faster, but, now I feel I'm ready for anything life throws at me. That's because of you."

  The praise is making me uncomfortable. Sure, it's nice to hear. I just can't bring myself to believe it when I'm about to throw these kids into the lion's den to either fight or be eaten. Literally.

  I clear my throat, hoping I don't cry in front of them. "Thank you. All of you. I don't know what else to say."

  "You don't have to say anything," Amanda ascertains. "Just drink, and we'll go back to eating and we'll all be normal for another couple of hours."

  Normal? Somehow, I don't think the sight of me drinking blood from a bottle is normal. But, I do as she asks, as do the others. The blood, again, magnifies everything inside me. The more I drink, the more intense it gets. I close my eyes, trying to restrain the response the Cursed One in me is having, but the change comes abruptly, and unexpectedly.

  "Sorry." I fight it, making myself change back through sheer determination.

  My Hunters just smile at me, and continue on with their dinner conversation as though nothing out of the ordinary is happening around them. I've never appreciated anything more.

  I wish I could get rid of this feeling of dread. The others busy themselves with readying their swords, or getting gear together. They're all dressed in their hunting garb and looking quite formidable. However, I still can't shake this feeling.

  I'm surprised I don't feel worse. This is supposed to be my last night on earth. Of course, none of my Hunters have confirmed that they will indeed kill me. I glance in Zac's direction and find him watching me.

  "Why don't you guys start loading up the van," I announce, startling them by breaking the silence. "Zac, hang back for a minute. I would like to speak with you."

  Sam looks at me warily, and I give him a slight nod. After Zac tried to kill me, Sam isn't too keen on me being alone with him. If he only knew what I intend to ask.

  "Am I in trouble?"

  "Of course not. As long as you don't try to kill me again. Yet."

  He chuckles, and then sobers abruptly.



  "No way! Are you crazy? Sam will kill me!"

  "Sam is the reason I'm asking you, Zac. He won't do it. Amanda won't either. And, honestly, I'd rather Jenna not do it because I think she would actually enjoy it." I take a step closer. "You care about me. So, I'm asking you to do this for me."

  "It's seriously messed up that you're asking someone who cares about you to kill you, Ana."

  "I know. But, you understand why it has to be done, Zac. You know it's wrong that I'm alive."

  Zac runs a hand through his hair, blowing out air in an exaggerated - and exasperated - manner.

  "How can it be wrong? You're not evil? You haven't done any harm to anyone..."

  "I have. I have killed innocents, Zac. My mere existence is what brought all of this to you and the others. I'm not natural," I say, using the words I used with Amanda, hoping they will sink in with Zac. "Please?"

  "Damn it, Ana. Did you really think I would agree to do this?"

  My hope deflates. With how he feels about me and Sam together, I had hoped it was enough to have him on my side about this. I guess I misjudged just how much he does care.

  "Think about it. And, know that what I'm asking is what I want. It's what I need. Six hundred years is long enough, Zac." I pause as I walk by him and lay my hand on his shoulder. With a brief squeeze, I walk away, keeping a shred of hope that he will do as I ask.

  The ride to Thomas's location is a somber one. Zac is driving, which keeps him occupied and quiet - good for me. Amanda sits next to him, occasionally calling out directions. Sam and I sit in the middle seats of the van, while the others fill out the back.

  He holds my hand tightly. I don't know if it's because he's nervous about the fight ahead of him, or because of what I want after the fight. I can't have him thinking of anything except staying alive, so I squeeze his hand, and smile reassuringly. It's the least I can do, even if I don't feel reassured myself.

  We're a couple of blocks away when I order Zac to stop.

  "They'll have a harder time smelling you if we don't drive right up to the front door," I explain, and take out the makeshift 'floor plans' that Eric helped me draw up. I lay them on top of a trashcan and beckon everyone to come and look.

  "There's a small opening here," I point on the right side of the drawing depicting the Colosseum. "A very narrow corridor follows with openings here, here and here," I say, identifying each doorway. "You will spread out, but not too far from each other. I want you to be able to help each other if needed. I will go in first..."


  "Sam, listen. They cannot detect me. I will climb up to this vantage point," I point to the perch I usually use to observe. "I will relay to you how many Cursed Ones are there and their approximate location. Then, I will look for Thomas."

  "It's a good plan, Sam," Amanda says, and the others agree. Sam nods - reluctantly, of course, and we start unloading the van.

  "Stay focused. The only thing you should be thinking about is staying alive. Let your training take over. You're prepared for this, and you've worked together long enough to know when someone needs help."

  "We got this," Jeremy assures me, but even he looks a little worried.

  "Make sure you do." I walk up to Amanda and hug her tightly. "Be careful. If you get into a difficult situation, do whatever you can to get out of it." I address them all again. "Have each other's backs." I glance at Zac. Have my back, I think silently.

  I wrap my arms around Sam and kiss him. "Please stay focused. Do not worry about me. Worry about yourself and Amanda."

  "I will."

  "Promise me."

  "I promise, Anala."

  "Stay alive."

  "You, too." He kisses me, again. "I love you."

  "I love you, too, Sam."

  With one last kiss, we start walking the couple of blocks to the hideout. He doesn't want to let go of my hand, but when we're close, I slip it away and raise my hood. I motion for them to wait for my signal, and then scale the wall until I'm sitting atop.

  "That is so cool."

  They are the last whispered words I hear from Jeremy before focusing my attention on the Cursed Ones below me. Not just Cursed Ones, I realize. Hybrids. Could it be possible that Thomas was expecting me, or is he just being cautious? Either way, he's brought in the cavalry.

  I gesture down to Sam, making a five and a zero with my hand and an upward motion.

  "Fifty plus." I hear him tell the others.

  Then, I make another gesture, hoping he understands what I'm trying to say.

  "Damn. Hybrids."

  I glance back at him and nod my head. I signal for them to move in, saying a little prayer for them as I do. I have no idea of something like me is listened to, but I try anyway.

  "Be careful! Let's go!"

  I hear Sam relay the order, then I round the area to try and find Thomas. Trust them, I tell myself, trying to take my own advice to 'stay focused'. I kn
ow they're inside when I hear the clash and clanks of swords hitting swords.

  My adrenaline pumps, my Hunters' blood in me feels as though it's coming to life. I drop down to the quarters below me, checking each room, each crevice for Thomas. When I don't find him, I make my way into the 'stage' area where I first saw him. Thankfully, my Hunters are holding their own, and all still alive, but the sheer number of Cursed is overwhelming. I abandon my search for Thomas temporarily to help.

  Fighting with me was difficult for them, and I am only one. Even though these Cursed Ones are not as strong as I am, having them come at my Hunters from all sides can be daunting for the most seasoned Hunter like myself. They were closing in on Amanda and I can actually feel her fear. Before I have a chance to get to her, Zac is there. Together, they skillfully take care of the small crowd of Cursed Ones around them. I was almost mesmerized by the way they work together. It's like a well rehearsed dance.

  Shaking myself, I come back to reality just in time to see three Cursed Ones running towards me. With a low growl, I greet them with a vicious attack of my own. They have no chance against me, really. Especially not with this blood running through my veins. As the last of the three falls to dust at my feet, I find that I'm angry. Angry that I had to drag people I care about into this mess. Angry that I can't be with the man I love. Angry that Thomas is nowhere to be found.

  "Thomas!" My shout reverberates throughout the coliseum, momentarily distracting all that are in there. "You are not a coward! Come out and fight me!"

  I swing my sword behind me, beheading the Cursed One that dared try to sneak up on me. Amateurs.

  "Do you really want to fight me, Anala?"

  I look up and find Thomas looming above me at the top of the structure. His accent makes my heart ache. He sounds so much like the boy I care about.

  "It is my destiny, Thomas."

  "Hunter's code," he mocks. "Bollocks is what it 'tis." He drops from his post, landing in front of me. I barely register that the fighting has completely stopped. My Hunters, Cursed Ones and even the Hybrids are focused on the stage where Thomas and I are.

  "The code is there for a reason. Cursed Ones should not exist."

  "And, yet, here you are. Someone broke the code. You should be grateful."

  My parents flood my thoughts, but I say nothing.

  "Perhaps if they hadn't, none of this would be happening. You wouldn't be here killing innocents, or creating an army. Why should I be grateful for that?"

  Thomas lets out a low snarl. "You think I do not deserve to be alive!"

  "Thomas, I have missed you and thought of you often."

  He takes a step forward with something that resembles a smile on his handsome face.

  "However," I continue, "I think it's wrong for you to be alive. And, I still have a duty to fulfill."

  He lets out a strangled cry and charges me. I cross my swords above me to block his from slicing through my skull. The force vibrates through my arms. He is strong. I push him, and he flies across the stage, through some fallen columns.

  Thomas gets up and shakes off the dust that covers him.

  "I can defeat you, Anala."

  "You never have before," I taunt.

  "I'm stronger now," he growls.

  He's delusional if he doesn't think that same strength - or more - runs through me. He circles, and I follow his movements. Incredibly, my Hunters are still watching the exchange, as are the others. I want to yell at them to finish the job, but I need to keep my focus on Thomas.

  "We could rule this world, Anala. What happened to your feelings for me?"

  "Things change, Thomas. You changed."

  "There is someone else."

  It was a statement, so I don't bother answering.

  "Who is it?"

  "All that matters is what is happening right in front of you. Do you not recall your Hunter training at all?"

  "Bollocks," he repeats with venom.

  "Such hatred for what you were born to be."

  "I was born for this," he retorts, gesturing towards his Cursed Ones. "I was born to lead."

  "You're not even their true leader," I smirk. I see his eyes darken with rage. It's exactly what I want. I need him to be mad at me. If I have any chance at killing him, I need it to be in self-defense. I don't think I have the heart to do it any other way.

  When I think he is going to charge me again, he changes directions and jumps out towards my Hunters. Before I know it, he has Jeremy in his grasp.

  "Is it you?" Thomas grips Jeremy's hair and pulls his head back painfully. I know it's painful, because I can feel it. I'm afraid that the slightest movement from me could mean a certain death for Jeremy. From my peripheral vision, I see Sam slowly move, inches at a time. He's trying to position himself behind Thomas and Jeremy.

  "Does it make you feel better to kill those who are weaker than you, Thomas?" I am risking Jeremy's life by provoking Thomas. I'm hoping that it distracts him enough to not notice Sam, and to let Jeremy go in favor of fighting me. "Is that the only way you can win?"

  "No, it's not you," Thomas smiles. "Not Anala's type." He picks Jeremy up and throws him across the arena. I can only pray he lives. It is a better fate than being bitten or having his neck broken by Thomas. He eyes Sam for a split second and my heart stops beating in that time. For whatever reason - perhaps because Sam is partially hidden in the shadows - Thomas bypasses Sam and goes after Zac.

  Without the element of surprise that Thomas had with Jeremy, Zac fights. Stop fighting, Zac! He will kill you! I plead silently. I'm astonished when Zac stops and looks at me in confusion. With the hesitation, it doesn't take much effort for Thomas to entrap Zac in his vice-like grip.

  "What about you?" Thomas looks up at me, trying to read my emotions. I give him a blank stare - at least I hope it's blank and not filled with the anguish I feel inside. "Is it him, Anala? Is he the one that has replaced me in your heart?"

  "No one replaced you, Thomas. You drove yourself out by becoming what you are."

  "She judges me when she is what I am," he says to Zac.

  "She judges what you do," Zac responds.

  Oh, Zac, please don't antagonize him.

  "Who are you to judge me?" Thomas squeezes Zac's throat tighter, and I can feel my own air being constricted.

  "He's not judging you, Thomas," I say quickly, trying to distract Thomas with conversation. I think it works, because he loosens his hold on Zac a fraction. "He's telling you how I feel. I don't like what you have become."

  "This is what we are meant to be, Anala. Superior. Immortal. Not weak like them."

  "This is not you, Thomas. How can you turn your back on what you once were? Not just a Hunter, but human."

  "Being human brings nothing but pain."

  "Pain is all I have felt in the past six-hundred years, Thomas. Losing my parents, being alone, never being able to have a normal life. Immortality is lonely."

  When he looks at me, I see sadness in his eyes. And, something else. Something that resembles pity.

  "It's not lonely if you make more, Anala. If I had known you were alive, I would have sought you out. We could be together. Build our family."

  "This is not a family, Thomas!" His blatant disregard for life is aggravating me. "You don't know them. You don't care to sit down and ask how their day went. You make them kill for you, bring you humans to feed off of. If they do not satisfy your wishes, they are killed. Oh, but, you can make more so it does not matter," I say sarcastically. "You know not what a real family or real love is anymore, Thomas."

  A darkness as black as storm clouds fills his eyes.

  "You were always arrogant, Anala. Always had to be better than everyone else. This time, I am better. I do not let my emotions get the better of me."

  "It was my emotions for you, Thomas, that got me turned."

  He hesitates for a split second at my admission, his eyes clearing. But, as quickly as it happened it was over.

  "It is your emotions that wi
ll kill you this time, Anala. What pain will you feel when I kill the one you love now?" He raises his sword and points at me. As though a switch was flipped, the Cursed Ones and Hybrids all turn to me, and advance. They don't attack, but they are sure to surround me. Only a few stay back to ward off my Hunters if they try to ambush Thomas.

  "Thomas, please!"

  "Or, better yet, turn him."


  "It's not him! It's me!" Sam yells before Thomas can sink his teeth into Zac. "She loves me!"

  Sam! No!

  "He's lying," Zac manages through gritted teeth. "He wishes it was him. Anala loves me."

  "Zac, shut up! Leave him alone, he's just a kid! Anala's heart belongs to me."

  Sam comes into the light, and Thomas is taken aback by his appearance.

  "Who are you?"

  "My name is Sam Logan."

  "Sam!" I put every ounce of myself into that one word, pleading with him to stop.

  Thomas glances at me, seeing the agony etched on my face. I cannot hide it this time.

  "You are mine," he says to Sam. "My blood?"


  "Is this true, Anala? Is he the one you love?"

  There is no way for me to answer this without a terrible outcome. If I answer yes, Thomas will go after Sam, family or not. If I answer no, I put Zac's life in danger once again.

  "Thomas, you know as well as I do that we are not capable of emotions like that," I lie. It is my only option, and I can only hope that Sam understands what I am doing. But, it doesn't work.

  "You lie! I saw your face." He looks bemused. "But, you looked distraught over this one as well. Do you love them both?"

  "They are my family, Thomas. All of my Hunters. I love them all. If you hurt any of them, I will kill you. Without regret, without sorrow. I will bring the blade of my sword down on you with a vengeance so absolute your Cursed Ones will feel it."

  "You will never make it to me in time to save him. Either of them."

  "Oh, but I will make it to you. And, when I do, you will know that immortality does not truly exist."

  Fight, Zac. Do everything you can to keep him from biting you. Use your training. Use daggers or stakes, anything to distract him until I can get to you.


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