Book Read Free

Noble Brit

Page 17

by P. T. Michelle

  His deep voice is the most reassuring sound I’ve ever heard. I blink to try to stop my tears and glance helplessly at my mom. “I’m okay. My mom’s bleeding bad.”

  “It’s going to be okay.” He turns to speak to Theo, who’s just walking up. “Tell Sebastian that Josi and Mina are safe, but we need him here now. Then please go stand with Mina while you call for an ambulance.”

  “Thank you for keeping Josi away from this,” I say into the phone. My composure crumbling, I let out the sob I’ve been holding back and lift my blood-coated hand to my mother’s slack features. In my heart I know…she’s already gone.

  “As soon as Sebastian takes Josi, I’ll walk over,” Den says quietly in my ear.

  “Okay.” Just hearing his calm tone keeps me from completely breaking down.

  Theo calls for an ambulance as he reaches my side. Hanging up, he briefly puts a comforting hand on my shoulder before he turns to stand guard next to me. People have started to notice my mother, their steps slowing, gazes widening at the blood. I realize I’m still on the phone with Den and start to hang up, but he shakes his head, his expression intense. “Stay with me, little willow. I’m right here. Talk whenever you’re ready.”

  I look at my daughter waving to the ducks and renewed fear pushes the words out of me. “Mom hired that cleaning team. They know I was there, and they’re looking for me. I’m worried for Josi—”

  “We got them, Mina,” Den says with a curt nod. “The police are rounding the rest of their crew up as we speak.”

  “Tell me what happened, so I don’t have to think about anything else.” The moment he starts talking, I close my eyes, appreciating his comforting voice and the distraction he offers.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I pull the covers over Josi in Sebastian and Talia’s guest bedroom, tucking her in securely. She’s so tired from her outing at the park and feeding the ducks, that she’s already asleep. Thankful that she’s so resilient, I push her curls away from her angelic face and kiss her cheek, whispering, “I wish I could be more like you, little one.”

  I’ve never been so bone-weary in my life after spending several grueling hours doing police interview after interview, where not only was I grieving the loss of my mother for the second time, but I also couldn’t stop the truth from coming out about her faking her death.

  With Regan’s burned body tied to the cleanup team, who were hired by my mother, who was later stabbed to death by Simone for her role in trying to have Simone assassinated in prison...yeah, my mother’s tightly woven lies quickly unraveled the moment the cleanup guys started ratting each other out.

  I pat the covers around Josi, then rub my eyes and sigh. I know my brother is waiting to talk to me.

  I start toward the closed door when I hear Seb speaking in a low angry tone. “You’ve gone rogue on me for the last time, Den. Your job was to keep Mina safe and me informed, so I’d love to know how keeping me out of the goddamn loop about Isabel’s return from the grave was part of that fucking equation?”

  “Mina remains my priority. Nothing has changed,” Den simply says, but doesn’t elaborate to defend himself.

  “Not anymore, she’s not!” Seb snarls.

  Talia says something I can’t hear, but my brother charges on. “Your definition of priority and mine are obviously in conflict. All I want to do right now is kick your ass for putting her at risk, but I don’t have time. Not only did I get my ass handed to me by the police Chief for withholding information, but I now have the fun job of telling my father the whole twisted truth about Isabel tonight so he doesn’t find out when the shit-show hits the news outlets.”

  “Stop taking your frustration and anger out on Den, Sebastian,” Talia cuts in. “Isabel’s actions were her own. And as for Den not informing you, that’s not accurate. He—”

  I quickly open the door and close it behind me. “I’m to blame for his silence,” I say as I walk into their living room. Meeting my brother’s angry blue gaze, I step beside Den, showing my support. “Den just learned the truth about Mom today. I asked him not to say anything, because I wasn’t ready to share. And honestly, I’m not sure I ever would’ve told anyone. Like you, I wanted to protect our father from the truth.” I spread my hands and sigh. “But that would only work if she stayed dead, and out of all of our lives. Her actions of taking Josi from daycare today told me I shouldn’t remain silent.”

  Anger melting away, Seb pulls me into a bear hug, his gaze sympathetic. “I’m sorry you had to witness what happened to your Mom.”

  I swallow my emotions and squeeze his waist. Releasing him, I step back into place beside Den. “No one saw Simone coming. Especially not Mom.”

  Seb scrubs his hand along the scruff on his jaw. “I’m still stumped how Isabel pulled off faking her death. She couldn’t have gotten out of that limo without help. The only thing I can think of is that she must’ve paid the driver to help her escape without detection. Unfortunately, the vehicle was so damaged from the explosion it was scrapped, so there’s no way to know for sure.”

  “If Isabel tried to have Simone killed, I wonder if the driver’s surprising death after surgery was also engineered by her?” Talia muses, tapping her chin. “As for how he helped her, the only scenario I can think of is that the limo had a trap door underneath. I remember thinking it was odd that the limo stopped for a short time just as it pulled away, then it moved forward, driving off. At the time, I thought it stopped because Isabel realized she’d just taken our limo.” Looking at each of us, she nods. “While all of you were in police interviews, I reviewed the footage from that night in our database, and yep, there was a manhole just beneath that spot where the limo stopped. All I know is, she took a huge risk on the timing of that explosion working to her advantage.”

  “Agreed. Then again…” Seb looks at his wife. “We helped her case.”

  I frown. “No one in our family would’ve helped Mom orchestrate this.”

  “Not intentionally.” Shifting his attention to me, he continues, “But we did help when we didn’t run the DNA test on the burned body in the limo. Skipping the test made sense at the time, since several people saw her get into the vehicle.” Seb rolls his head from one shoulder to the other, then exhales. “Regardless of the why of the past, it’s done. Now I have to deal with the fallout with Adam.”

  “I’ll go with you to talk to Dad. We can do it together.”

  He shakes his head. “You’ve been through enough for one day, Mina. Get some sleep. Go get in bed with Josi and crash.”

  “Joey’s down for the night, so I can go with you,” Talia says, then turns to me. “I know you’re exhausted. Get some rest, Mina.”

  As Talia walks over to their coat closet, Seb looks at Den. “I’d like you to stay until we return. After that, your services with BLACK Security will no longer be required.”

  “What?” Tense with anger, I glare at my brother. “He didn’t do anything wrong!”

  Den doesn’t react at all. Instead, he turns to Talia, who’s stopped halfway across the room, coats in hand, a look of astonished exasperation on her face.

  “Is that your opinion, Talia?” Den asks.

  My stomach tightens with worry when Talia steps forward and hands Seb his coat. Shrugging into hers, she meets Den’s unwavering gaze as she buttons hers closed. “You’re the best at what you do, Den. Of course I want you to stay. But I also consider you family, so I do have a request.” Her gaze pings between the two men. “I want you two stubborn alphas to stop butting heads. Can you please do that for me?”

  Den bends slightly at the waist and inclines his head. “I’ll try my best.”

  Grumbling his acknowledgement, Sebastian follows his wife into the elevator and as the door starts to slide closed, he says to Den, “I expect a full report of everything that led up to today’s events, your conversations with the police…all of it, in my inbox before I get back.”

  The tension in my shoulders eases once th
e elevator door shuts. “Please tell me you’ll write that report,” I say, turning to face Den. “I don’t want Seb to keep threatening to fire you. I can’t take the stress.”

  Den shrugs. “He fires me on a near daily basis. It’s kind of our thing.”

  “I know my brother, Den. He’s not happy with you.”

  “Sebastian’s right pissed for sure. We’ll work through this in our own way.” Stepping close, he runs his knuckles down my cheek. “You’ve been through a lot. Are you going to be okay, little willow?”

  My heart squeezes and tears threaten at the sympathy in his gaze. Straightening my shoulders, I push the images of Mom slumped against me out of my mind and take a deep breath. “I think so.” Tilting my head, I hold his gaze. “Why do you call me willow? I hope I’m the bird variety and not a plant that grows in mud.”

  Chuckling, he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Definitely not a muddy plant. It’s a small, yellow-feathered bird. When I was young, every spring the willow’s song would filter through our kitchen window. As soon as my mom heard it, she’d make tea, then walk outside to her garden and check on each plant’s buds about to bloom. With hope in her eyes for a great flowering season, she’d head off to her studio, inspired to start a new project. Now, whenever I hear the willow’s soft song, it instantly makes me smile.”

  “Soft song? Um, you’re the amazing singer, not me.”

  “You’re my hope, Mina,” he says, running his fingers down my hair.

  He’s standing so close, his intense gaze sliding to my lips. My eyes drift closed and I wait for his mouth to claim mine. After everything that’s happened today: betrayal, shock, fear, sadness, anger, terror, and bone-weary tension, I crave connecting with him again on a visceral level. Even if it’s here in the living room, I don’t care. I just need to feel alive and wanted.

  The instant I sense Den stepping back, my eyes pop open. My brows pull together in confusion as he walks to the window and puts his back to me, his hands crossing at the base of his spine.

  “You should get some sleep,” he says gruffly.

  Frowning, I walk over and stare at his profile. “I’m not sleepy.”

  He doesn’t bother to look down at me as he responds. “Reading might help you fall asleep.”

  Annoyed that his gaze stays focused on the city lights below, I say what’s on my mind. “I’d rather spend time with you.” When he doesn’t respond, I huff my frustration. “So, is that it? Now that the danger is over and the job is done, you’re finished with me as well?

  “You need time to process. I think keeping my distance is best for now,” he says, his jaw muscle jumping.

  “Was I that much more than you expected?” Leaning my back against the window, I cross my arms and apply pressure to my chest to ward off the hurt creeping into my heart. “I never would’ve thought anyone could intimidate you, least of all little ‘ole me.”

  Den’s laser gaze cuts to me, his brow furrowed. “What are you going on about?

  “I’m saying that you’re as much to blame as I am.”

  His mouth thins and he returns his focus to the city. “Which is why I’m giving you space.”

  “How awfully considerate of you.” Stung by his rejection, I turn my sarcasm on full blast as I push off the glass. “Since you’re not planning on sticking around, I guess I should thank you for unleashing my inner siren. Someone will absolutely appreciate all she has to offer.”

  Den quickly steps in front of me and puts a hand on the glass to block my exit. “The idea that our connection last night could be due to lingering drugs in your system is driving me fucking insane!” His tortured gaze searches mine. “Tell me you wanted every single thing that happened as much as I did.”

  “You think I regret all that primal rawness? That I didn’t freaking love every sensual way you made me scream your name?” I blink at him in surprise. “Is that why you’ve been keeping me at arm’s length since this morning?”

  He slides his fingers under my hair, his hold tense as he clasps my neck in a firm hold. “I learned about the drugs in the tea after you fell asleep. I didn’t want to believe they could’ve influenced you. This morning when you said you weren’t yourself last night, I tried to keep my distance, to give you an out, but…” Pausing, he runs his thumb down my neck. “I’m a greedy bastard.”

  Relieved he still wants me, I rest my hand on his chest. “This morning, I was worried you might be put off by my, um...aggressiveness. I was actually trying to apologize, but apparently bungled it.” Smirking, I continue, “Last night’s Mina would’ve scared the ever-loving-hell out of Derrick.”

  “The last thing I want to think about is you with your ex.” He pulls me against him, and my heart skips several beats as he stares down at me, all broody and intense. “Never apologize for your wild, Mina. If a man can’t handle the demanding minx you are in bed, he doesn’t bloody deserve you. I covet every gorgeous, petite inch. I want to be the only man you debate with, the only man you cook with, the person you want to share all your stories with, and absolutely the only man who grants every desire your sexy mind conceives.”

  The fact he’s saying everything I want to hear makes it hard to speak. Me too, big guy. Me freaking too. Too emotional to form the right words, I push up on my toes to wrap my arms around his neck when Den scoops me into his arms.

  As he walks past the couch, I frown. “Where are we going? The leather is perfectly cushy.”

  He stops halfway across the room and looks down at me, his golden gaze turning a deep amber shade. “I want you always, little willow.”

  Every muscle in my body turns to mush and my arms tighten around his neck. “I lo—”

  “But not tonight,” he continues as he walks over and sets me down just outside the guest bedroom door.

  “Are you serious?” I say on a low hiss so I don’t wake Josi up.

  “I meant what I said about you needing to process.”

  “Oh, I’m processing all right.” Narrowing my gaze, I cross my arms. I can’t believe I almost told him I loved him. Is there a female version of blue balls? Because if there is, I’m feeling it! And you know what they say about payback. “You won’t like what I’m thinking right now.”

  “Get some rest. Tomorrow and the days to follow will be hard.”

  “I don’t want to process,” I argue past the tremble in my lips. His rejection on top of everything else is just too much. “I don’t want to think, Den.” I put my hands on his lapels. “I want—”

  Clasping my chin, he presses his lips to mine in a dominant, you’re-mine-and-yes-I-want-to-fuck-you-just-as-much kiss. The moment I return his affection with all the pent-up emotion swirling through me, he pulls back, his intense gaze glittering with smoldering lust. “It’s because I care that I’m telling you good night, Mina.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  While I stuff a stack of mail into my purse, I watch Josi crawl into Den’s lap to show him her Halloween artwork from daycare. My heart swells with love and appreciation as he asks about every slash of color and listens intently to her describe and point to her Jack-o-lantern, witch’s hat and black cat drawing.

  Den’s patience with Josi is so heartwarming. It gets to me every time I see them together. The moment he stops by on his way home from work to check on us, she’s on him like Velcro. Yet, he’s so patient, but also firm with her. Far better than me. After losing my mother for a second time, I’ve spoiled my daughter more than I normally would’ve, but now that Josi and I are finally getting back into a rhythm that works without constant fit pitching or foot-stomping bouts, I’m bringing her back to a more structured routine.

  The last week and a half hasn’t been easy. After the initial news cycle and social media fallout of my mother’s duplicity, each of the Blakes dealt with Isabel Blake’s actual death in their own ways.

  While continuing to search for Simone, Seb uncovered the fake identity my mother had been using, which helped him rec
over and move the rest of the stolen Blake money back to the corporation.

  My brothers, Gavin and Damien, in solidarity with our father, refused to attend our mother’s burial, which was set far away from the Blake family plots in another part of the cemetery.

  And my father? To Gavin’s delight, Adam Blake has spent less time at the office as CEO, because he’s been spending more time with Josi. I never thought I’d see the day that my dad would be so involved in my child’s life. I’ve appreciated him more every day. With Helena’s help, he has thrown himself into grandfather-hood with gusto. Of course, he also tried to include Joey in some of their outings, but so far Seb is resisting. While I can’t begin to understand my brother’s reasons for holding back, I appreciate that Seb needs time. Of all of us, he suffered the most and lost so much from my mother’s machinations.

  For my own sanity from reporters and ugly news reports, I buried myself in Blake Industries work I’d missed leading up to my mother’s murder. I had a lot to catch up on, and if it weren’t for Den insisting that I attend my mom’s burial once her body was finally released from the morgue, no one would’ve been there when she was put to rest.

  Once I slide the gift I plan to give Den into my oversized purse, I start to push my hair back when my gaze snags on the present he gave me just before we picked Josi up.

  As we parked the car at Josi’s daycare, I glanced down at the sensation of Den’s fingers sliding along my wrist. I’ve missed his touch so much. “I waited until after your mother’s funeral, but I couldn’t wait any longer to put this on you.”

  Lifting my arm, my gaze misted over as I stared at the gold willow charm dangling from the matching chain link bracelet he hooked around my wrist. “Thank you for the thoughtful gift. Didn’t you say willows are slim? I think my little bird needs to go on a diet.”


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