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Roping in the Cowgirl

Page 15

by Judy Duarte

  “That’s my guess.”

  Shannon slowly shook her head. She understood the dynamics involved in domestic abuse, but that didn’t mean they didn’t upset her. “I guess Beth was desperate to escape, but why was she looking for Nate?”

  “There was an envelope on the seat, but it didn’t have a letter in it. Nate had sent it to her, using the Rocking C for his return address.”

  Shannon glanced at the battered woman lying on the bed. “I wonder what was going on between them. Could she be Nate’s sister?”

  “We won’t know anything until we can talk to Nate.”

  “And we can’t do that until the phone is working again.” Shannon’s focus returned to her patient.

  After Blake put everything back into Beth’s purse, he pulled up a chair next to Shannon and glanced at Beth. “How’s she doing now?”

  “About the same, but her contractions are getting stronger.” Shannon leaned back in her seat. “I feel so helpless.”

  Blake reached out and took her hand, giving it a warm, gentle squeeze. “You’re amazing. Don’t ever forget that.”

  She turned to him and smiled. “Thanks, I appreciate you saying that.”

  “I mean every word of it.” Something sparked in his eyes—respect, compassion and... Could it be love?

  Had he begun the feel the same way about her as she was feeling for him?

  She didn’t dare make any assumptions, but there was something to be said about having a man at her side, a teammate who was giving his all—win or lose.

  And she couldn’t help wondering if Blake would be that loyal and dedicated to his lover.

  Or to his wife.

  * * *

  Throughout the night, Blake stuck close to Shannon’s side, providing her with his support, as well as any help she might need. Every once in a while, he’d leave and go into the office to see if the telephone was working. He knew better than to even try his cell. The reception in the valley was crappy at best.

  Finally, around two o’clock, he heard a dial tone and quickly placed the 9-1-1 call, providing the details of their emergency.

  Shannon must have heard him talking to the dispatcher because she followed him to the phone and stood by to make sure that help was on the way.

  Unfortunately, when Blake replaced the old-style receiver into the cradle, he didn’t have good news for her. “It’s going to be a while before the paramedics can get here. There was a bad accident on the interstate involving a big rig, a tour bus and several other cars. So the first responders are going to be tied up for a while.”

  Concern splashed across Shannon’s face. “That might be too late. Beth’s contractions are coming about three minutes apart, and she’s about five centimeters dilated. I’m also worried about the fact that she’s still unconscious. If she can’t push the baby out, she’s going to need a C-section.”

  Blake watched as tears filled her eyes. He’d never been able to deal with a woman’s emotions, but this was different. Shannon was different.

  As he slipped his arms around her and drew her close, she leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. He breathed in the soft, floral scent of her shampoo, savoring it, and closed his eyes. He wished he could offer her more than support, although he had no idea what he could possibly provide her.

  “Do you have Nate’s telephone number?” he asked. “Maybe we should call him now that the line is open. He might have more information about Beth and her pregnancy.”

  “Good idea.” Shannon went to the personnel file, and after locating the number, called the ranch hand’s house. As seconds ticked away, her brow furrowed. Then she hung up the receiver and turned to Blake in disbelief. “He didn’t answer. I wonder where he’d be at two in the morning.”

  A single man on his night off? Maybe he was at a bar with a few buddies and got stuck in town when the storm hit. Or he might have been on a date that had ended in a sleepover. Blake didn’t find that unusual at all.

  Before he could tell Shannon as much, she stiffened. “Oh, no. You don’t think Nate was involved in that accident on the interstate, do you?”

  “Don’t worry about that now. Let’s focus on helping Beth and her little one.”

  She nodded, sucked in a deep breath then headed back to her patient.

  As tough as this night had been, something good had come of it. Blake had seen Shannon in action, and he’d been impressed with her skill, with her compassion. No wonder she’d wanted to be a doctor. She would have made a damn good one.

  But that hadn’t been the only conclusion he’d come to. During the crisis, he and Shannon had become a team of sorts. And he liked the thought of that, as well as the sense of warmth and unity it had evoked.

  Twenty minutes later, the whirring of a helicopter sounded outside, its blades circling as it hovered overhead. It had to be Life Flight. That assumption was confirmed when Joy and Sam, who’d apparently been awakened by the noise, escorted a flight nurse and paramedic into the bedroom, where Beth lay—still unconscious.

  When Shannon had caught them up to speed and given them the obstetrician’s name, they placed the pregnant woman on a gurney and rushed her out of the house.

  Once they were gone, Shannon’s shoulders slumped, and she let out a ragged sigh.

  “Honey,” Joy said, “you need to get some rest.”

  “I know, but...” Shannon didn’t have to finish. They all knew what she was about to say. Not only was she the head nurse, but she was the only one on duty tonight and possibly all day tomorrow.

  “Sam and I will watch over the men here,” Joy said. “You won’t do anyone any good if you don’t get some sleep.”

  Shannon bit down on her bottom lip. “I suppose you’re right.”

  Blake reached out, took her hand in his and gave it a warm squeeze. “Come with me to Sam’s place. It’s quiet there, and you can take a good nap.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Joy said. “I’ll call you there if we need you, and you can come back.”

  As Shannon pondered the suggestion, Blake added, “I’ll stay awake and listen for the phone. You won’t be neglecting your duty. You’ll still be on the premises and only minutes away from the residents.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Give me a minute to grab my toothbrush, a change of clothes and a few other things.”

  As Blake watched her walk away, he couldn’t help but smile at the irony. He’d wanted to get Shannon in his bed before he left for California, but this wasn’t quite what he’d had in mind.

  * * *

  The rain had stopped shortly before Shannon and Blake dashed outside and made a run to Sam’s place, their feet sloshing on the wet grass. After leaving their shoes on the small front porch, they entered the cozy living room.

  So far, Blake had been a perfect host, as well as a gentleman. He’d told her to make herself at home, then he showed her the bathroom, making sure she had a washcloth and a couple of fresh towels.

  Then he’d left her alone so she could get ready for bed. After she washed her face and brushed her teeth, she slipped on her nightclothes, a pair of gray flannel boxers and an oversized white shirt. For a moment she wished she’d grabbed something a little newer, a little sexier, but she quickly scolded herself for having that stray thought.

  She was here to take a nap—nothing else. Besides, she was so exhausted, so emotionally spent, that she would probably fall asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

  Still, when she stepped out of the bathroom and found Blake standing barefoot near the double bed, the covers turned down for her, she tugged at the hem of her shirt.

  “Do you need anything?” he asked.

  Oh, she had needs all right. But she couldn’t very well discuss them with him. “I’m fine. Just...a little tired.”

  Still, she continued to study him as he stood there, his hair damp from the rain.

  Would he walk away now and leave her to sleep? Or would he say something more to her, prolonging their time together?
Maybe he’d even offer her a goodnight kiss.

  Either way, she wasn’t quite ready for him to leave. If she gave him an appreciative hug and a kiss, would it be out of line?

  She didn’t think so. He’d been a real trouper this evening, even though he’d had every reason to leave her to deal with Beth on her own. It’s not like he had any medical training or experience. But he’d obviously sensed that she’d needed his emotional support. And the fact that he’d acted on that not only pleased her, but touched her heart.

  “Thanks for hanging out with me tonight.” She crossed the room, joining him near the bed. “I usually handle emergency situations by rote. My training just kicks in. But I wasn’t prepared for a case like Beth’s.”

  “I know, but you did everything you possibly could for her.”

  “I’m just glad she’s finally at the hospital, where someone can properly care for her.”

  As if sensing what she wanted to do and why she was hesitant to make the first move, he opened his arms for her. Without missing a beat, she stepped into his embrace as if it was the most natural thing in the world for her to do.

  And who was to say that it wasn’t?

  Blake felt so good, so right. And while she knew that he’d only meant to offer her comfort and understanding in a time of crisis, she wanted more from him. She needed more.

  Without pondering the repercussions, she slipped her hands around his neck, then drew his lips to hers.

  * * *

  Blake had been thinking about kissing Shannon all evening long, but the moment had never been right. Even minutes ago, when she’d been in the bathroom, he’d contemplated his desire, pondered his options and considered the limits he might want to set.

  Now, as their bodies pressed together, their hands stroked each other, caressing and exploring. Before he knew it, his common sense deserted him, and his libido took its place. He couldn’t seem to get enough of Shannon’s taste, of her soft, warm body.

  When his hand reached her breast, covered only by a thin piece of cotton, he fondled it. As his thumb skimmed a taut nipple, her breath caught. He damn near gasped, too.

  He’d never wanted a woman this badly, never felt as though he needed her, that he might find something special in her arms that no one else could provide.

  He pulled his lips from hers long enough to trail kisses along the side of her neck and down to her throat. But he wasn’t content to leave it at that. He reached for the hem of her shirt and lifted it up, revealing her breasts and the dusky nipples he wanted to take in his mouth, to tongue until her breath caught again.

  After she helped with the removal of her night shirt, he ravished one breast, then the other until a surge of heat and desire shot through him. He straightened and kissed her again, deeply, thoroughly. Then he pulled her hips flush against his erection, taunting them both to the breaking point.

  He reached for the waistband of her boxer shorts and slipped them over her hips. She helped him shove them all the way down, stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

  Her naked body, petite and lithe, was everything he’d imagined it to be and more. And, at least for tonight, she was his.

  “I want you to take your clothes off, too,” she said. “I need to feel your skin against mine.”

  “There’s nothing I’d like more than to make love with you.”

  When he’d shed his shirt and removed his jeans and briefs, she studied his body as intently as he’d studied hers.

  Taking mercy on them both, he lifted her in his arms and placed her on top of the mattress. Her dark hair splayed upon the white pillow, her body upon the light blue bedspread.

  Before he could take a moment to fully appreciate her beauty, she reached for him, pulling him down with her.

  He continued to kiss her, to taste her, to stroke her until they were both ready to scream. Then, as if gathering her senses, she drew back. “I sure hope you have a condom.”

  “I always keep one in my shaving kit.”

  She let out a little sigh of relief, and he laughed. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

  When he returned and had protected them both, he again joined her in bed. And they took up again right where they’d left off. As he hovered over her, she reached for his sheathed erection and guided him right where he wanted to be. Where he needed to be.

  He’d meant to enter her slowly, but he was so eager to join his body with hers, that he thrust deep inside. Again her breath caught, but she arched up to meet him, matching each of his in and out movements with her own. As she reached a peak, she cried out with her release. He couldn’t have prolonged his own any longer, even if he’d wanted to. And they came together in a mind-swirling, earth-shaking climax.

  Making love with Shannon had been unimaginable, and far better than he’d ever thought sex could be.

  There seemed to be much more going on between them than physical attraction, chemistry and lust. In fact, lying in Shannon’s arms, he felt as though he’d finally...come home.

  * * *

  As the sun peered through the cracks in the bedroom blinds, Shannon stretched out her arm onto the other side of the mattress, where Blake had lain earlier while they’d enjoyed the sweet afterglow. He’d promised to stay awake in case Joy called, so he’d eventually rolled out of bed and let Shannon sleep.

  Since the phone hadn’t rung and he hadn’t knocked, she suspected that all was going well at the big house. But here at Sam’s place? Things had gone better than well.

  Last night, Blake had shown her the tender loving care she’d so often dealt out but rarely received. And she loved him for it.

  Correction. She just plain loved him.

  She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 6:33 a.m. It was time to dispense the morning medication, and Blake needed to get some sleep, too. So she threw off the covers and got out of bed. Then she padded to the bathroom, took a shower and ran a brush through her hair, sweeping her curls into a messy topknot.

  After dressing, she went to look for Blake and found him in the small living area, stretched out on the sofa, watching a golf match on television with the volume turned off.

  When he looked up and spotted her, a grin stole across his face. “Good morning. I was just about to come in there and wake you. How’d you sleep?”

  “Better than I expected. Are you going to be able to catch a little shut-eye now?”

  “Probably. Then I’m going to drive out and check the water level of the creek myself. I need to go to the airport as soon as I can get there.”

  Her heart twisted. He was still talking about rushing home? Even after last night?

  Of course he was. She couldn’t expect him not to. But wasn’t he going to at least mention what they’d done, what they’d shared?

  Wasn’t there any kind of future for them—together?

  They’d needed to have that kind of conversation after their first heated kiss, but they hadn’t. And now that they’d actually made love, that discussion was all the more important.

  “You know,” he said, “I’ve been thinking.”

  Oh, good. That was a relief. She would have hated to be the one to broach the subject herself.

  “Thinking about what?” she prompted.

  “For one thing, we have a good thing going. And I’d hate to lose that.”

  Hope soared, filling her chest to the brim. “And for another?”

  “I was thinking about you attending medical school.”

  She tilted her head, trying to wrap her mind around his comment. “I’m not following you.”

  “You’d make a good doctor, and I think you should chase your dream. In fact, I’ll pay the tuition, if you choose a school in Southern California. That way, we can have a relationship and I can go back to work at my firm. The way I see it, everyone wins.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Think about it,” he said. “Your skills and bedside manner are better suited to being a doctor. And if you choose a school near me, it won�
��t cost you anything.”

  She was stunned. What in the heck was going on? He wasn’t suggesting a “relationship,” he was making a business deal. What he was offering was no better than a bribe. What was he thinking? That she was only interested in what he had to offer her—or that she could be...bought?

  And what bedside manner was he talking about? The one she’d displayed just for him in this very house?

  “I’m not interested in leaving Texas.” Not if it meant being his paid mistress or whatever he had in mind.

  How had she let this happen? She’d seen his flaws and shortcomings, but time and again she’d overlooked them.

  But she never should have overlooked the money issue. Blake put way too much value on having it, keeping it and using it to his best advantage.

  She slowly shook her head. When he first arrived at the ranch, he’d thought Joy was after Sam’s money. And now he’d made the same assumption about her. But Shannon didn’t give a darn about anything he might or might not have stockpiled in banks. She wasn’t swayed by his wealth. Neither she nor her affections were for sale.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, as she reached for the doorknob. “Are you upset about something?”

  “I’m just...” When she glanced over her shoulder to give him a final look, her heart twisted again, this time into a wadded-up mess. Her eyes misted, but she managed to keep her voice steady. “Apparently you have the wrong impression of me, and I doubt there’s anything I can do to change that.”

  Needing to get away before she burst into tears, she opened the door and closed it soundly behind her.

  Chapter Twelve

  The rain had finally moved on, but Blake kept to himself for the next twenty-four hours by eating whatever he could find in Sam’s pantry. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to live off canned chili beans or peanut butter sandwiches much longer.

  He expected the road to open up again soon, if it hadn’t already. Then he could finally leave the ranch and put Shannon behind him.

  He wasn’t happy about whatever had gone wrong between them, especially after the amazing night they’d spent in bed. But he still had no real explanation for it.


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