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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

Page 86

by Max Boot

  Dahomey, 95

  Dáil Eireann, 248, 256

  Damascus, 162, 266, 281, 282, 507

  Dani, 12

  Daoud, Mohammad, 488

  Daraa, 281–82, 284

  Dar es Salaam, 395, 443

  Darius, King of Persia, 17–18, 151

  database of insurgencies, xxvi, 564, 565, 569–89

  David, King, 9, 54

  Dawes, William, 65

  Dayan, Moshe, 295

  Day of the Jackal, The (novel and film), 375

  D-Day, 290, 309

  Deakin, William, 311

  death squads, 448, 532

  Debray, Régis, 442, 445, 456

  Decima MAS, 288

  Decker, George, 415, 561

  Declaration of Independence, U.S., 76, 350–51, 408

  “Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and the Crusaders,” 515, 516

  Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 26, 75

  decolonization, xxv, 273, 322–26, 393, 410

  Defeating Communist Insurgency (Thompson), 398–99

  Defense Department, U.S., 413, 497–98, 538

  DeFreeze, Donald, 457

  Degaev, Sergei, 240, 244

  de Gaulle, Charles, 322, 373–75

  Degueldre, Roger, 375

  Delacroix, Eugène, 106, 108

  de la Rey, Jacobus Hercules, 188

  De Lattre Line, 357

  Delaware River, 69

  Delta Commandos, 375

  democracy, 123, 259, 264, 382, 390, 400, 449, 457, 527, 541, 559, 563

  in China, 329, 476

  in Cuba, 430, 432, 436

  in Israel, 468–69, 474

  in Japan, 272

  in Philippines, 403, 405

  in South Vietnam, 416, 422

  Democratic Party, U.S., 220, 224, 225

  Demons (Dostoevsky), 229, 262

  Demosthenes, 5

  Deng Xiaoping, 476

  Denmark, Danes, 307

  Desert One, 482

  Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 98

  Detachment 101, 267, 306

  de Valera, Eamon, 248–49

  de Wet, Christiaan, 188–89, 194, 249–50, 289, 467

  Dhofar Province, 318

  Dhofar separatists, 318, 391, 392

  Diamond, Jared, 10

  diamonds, 186

  Diana, Princess, 106

  Díaz-Balart, Mirta, 430, 432

  Dien Bien Phu, 319, 349, 357–63, 373, 375, 395, 407

  Dill, Solomon Washington, 221

  Dimitrijevic, Dragutin, 270

  Dinka, 12

  Dio, Cassius, 7

  direct action, 289

  “Dirty War,” 448

  disease, imperial wars and, 129, 136, 137–38, 193

  Division of Navarre, 87

  Dixon, Thomas, Jr., 225

  Djebel Sahaba, 12

  Dodge, David, 505

  Dominican Republic, 95, 439, 449

  Donovan, “Wild Bill,” 290

  Dost Muhammad Khan, King of Afghanistan, 165, 166, 167, 170, 173

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 229, 262

  Dostum, Abdul Rashid, 499

  Douglass, Frederick, 217

  Doyle, Arthur Conan, 185

  Doyle, Drury, 211–12

  Doyle, James, 211–12

  Doyle, John, 211–12

  Doyle, Mahala, 211

  Doyle, William, 211–12

  drone strikes, 175, 549

  drugs, 340

  in Afghanistan, 495

  Assassins and, 206

  Opium War and, 165–66

  Druze, 467, 501

  Duarte, José Napoleón, 416

  Dublin, 246–54

  Bloody Sunday in, 252–54

  Easter Rising in (1916), 203, 247, 249

  Mansion House in, 248

  Dublin Castle, 251, 253–54, 259

  Dublin Metropolitan Police, 251

  Dulles, Allen, 412

  Dulles, John Foster, 407

  Duma, Russian, 245

  Durand Line, 172

  Dutch East Indies, see Indonesia

  Dyak headhunters, 383

  dynamite, 209, 236, 237, 246, 367

  dysentery, 279, 300, 337, 350, 495

  Eastern Europe, 476, 499

  anti-Nazi resistance in, 308–9

  “Eastern Way of War,” 31–33

  Easter Offensive (1972), 424

  Easter Rising (1916), 203, 247, 249

  East Jerusalem, 470

  East Timor, 397

  East Turkestan Islamic Movement, 479

  Echevarría, José Antonio, 437

  Edirne, 26

  Edward I, King of England, 46, 49

  Edward II, King of England, 49

  Edward of Woodstock (Black Prince), 45

  Edwards, Bryan, 92, 93, 94

  Egypt, 42, 107, 183, 208, 266, 318, 395, 478, 496, 513, 523, 524, 528, 567

  al Qaeda and, 521, 526

  ancient, 9

  Israel’s war with, 461

  Muslim Brotherhood in, 461, 481, 488

  PLO and, 462, 466

  Suez Canal and, 323

  Egyptian Camel Corps, 274

  Eighth Route Army, Chinese, 343

  Eighty-Second Airborne Division, U.S., xix–xx, 552

  Eighty Years’ War, 46

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 309, 323, 361, 411, 412, 439

  El Al, 452, 466

  Elamites, 14, 15, 27

  Elburz Mountains, 154, 206

  elections, 405, 430, 508

  Irish, 257

  U.S., 198, 224, 225

  in Vietnam, 351, 412

  El Empecinado (Juan Martin Díaz), 89

  Elizabeth, Empress of Austria-Hungary, 230, 231

  Elliott, Joel, 144

  Ellis, John, 27, 192

  Ellsberg, Daniel, 421

  Elphinstone, Monstuart, 172

  Elphinstone, William, 167, 168, 172

  El Salvador, 416, 447, 449, 537, 544, 562

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 67

  Encyclopaedia Britannica, 286

  Encyclopedia of Jihad, 522

  Endehors, L’, 232

  “enemy-centric” strategies, 180

  Engels, Friedrich, 110

  England, 46, 229–30

  in Indian wars, 132–34, 139

  Scotland vs., xxxii, 46–50, 557

  Enlightenment, 55, 475

  irregulars in, 59–63

  see also liberal revolutions

  Enosis, 390, 391

  Entebbe, 395, 451–56, 458, 467, 476, 525

  EOKA (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters), 318, 390, 391, 569

  Eskimo, 11

  Espoz y Mina, Francisco, 86–87, 89, 475

  ETA, Basque, 210, 397, 456, 459

  Ethiopia, 296, 517, 521

  ethnic cleansing, 105, 532

  ethnic wars, 397, 484, 509

  Everett, Edward, 106

  “Evolution of a Revolt, The” (Lawrence), 285–86

  Ewald, Johann von, 63

  Exodus affair, 325

  explosives, 248, 280, 516, 517, 528, 529, 530

  see also dynamite; gelignite

  expropriations, 242–43

  Eyre, Vincent, 164, 168

  Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 398

  Falkland Islands War (1982), 324

  Fall, Bernard B., 354–55, 537

  Fallujah, 545

  Fanon, Frantz, 456

  Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), 447, 449

  FARC (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces), xxix, 447, 449, 472, 477, 566, 570

  fascism, 209–10, 343

  see also Italy, Fascist

  Fatah (Conquest), 461–64, 467, 473

  Fathers and Sons (Turgenev), 235

  Fawkes, Guy, 208–9

  Fayyad, Salam, 513

  FBI, 522

  fedayeen, 206–7, 461, 465

  Feisal, King of Iraq, 274, 275, 277, 283

  Fenians, see Iri
sh Republican Brotherhood

  Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 85

  Fergusson, Bernard, 300–301

  feuds, 11, 173, 533

  Fez, 124, 182

  Field Intelligence Department, British, 195

  Fifteenth Amendment, 219, 224

  Fifth Infantry Regiment, U.S., 151

  Figner, Vera, 235–36, 238, 240

  Finch, Peter, 455

  fireship, 104–5

  First Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (July 1921), 329

  First Front Army, 338

  First Intifada, 468–69, 471, 472, 474, 478

  First Opium War (1839–42), 165–66

  Fischer, David Hackett, 65

  Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 101

  flagellation disorder, 284–85

  FLN (National Liberation Front), 322, 365, 367–76, 392–93, 473, 511

  Florida, 124, 140, 149

  Florus, 21

  FM 3–24, xviii

  foco theory, 431, 442, 447–48

  Fonda, Jane, 420

  Foner, Eric, 221

  Force 17, 503

  Force X, 404

  Foreign Affairs, 422

  Foreign Legion, 178, 356, 359, 360

  forgers, 291

  Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 219

  Fort Duquesne, 132

  Fort Leavenworth, Kans., Combined Arms Center at, 540–41

  Fort Sill, Okla., 149

  Forward Operating Bases, U.S., in Iraq, xvii, xviii

  For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 431

  Fourteenth Amendment, 219, 224

  Fourteenth Army, 301

  Fourth Front Army, 338

  Fourth Regiment (King’s Own), 66

  Fox, 140

  Fox, Charles James, 76

  France, 46, 53, 57, 80–91, 97–100, 119–22, 147, 177–83, 203, 261, 264, 266, 318, 394, 417, 451, 456, 527, 537

  in Algeria, 15, 79, 100, 181, 183, 322, 326, 363–77, 382, 390, 392–93, 416, 469, 473–74, 513, 514, 527, 546, 560

  in American Revolution, 74–78, 99, 107, 566

  anarchism in, 203, 226–33

  Boer War and, 185

  British compared with, 390, 392–93

  British wars with, 78, 95–96, 99, 185

  Caucasus and, 161

  chevauchée in, 45

  colonial troops of, 61

  Communist Party in, 349

  Diem and, 411, 412

  Entebbe hijacking and, 452, 453

  Greek independence and, 107

  growth of army in, 60

  Haiti and, 91, 93, 95, 97–100, 120, 180, 205, 308, 561

  Hezbollah and, 506

  Huns in, 29

  in Indochina, see Indochina, France in

  intelligence service of, 496

  Italian unification and, 113, 115–16

  maquis (resistance) in, 309, 312, 343, 348

  metropolitan vs. colonial army of, 178, 179, 181

  Middle East and, 281, 282, 326

  in Morocco, xxv, 124, 180–83, 200, 356, 368

  navy of, 74, 78

  Nice and, 109, 115, 116

  Normans in, 40

  in Peninsular War, 81–91, 102, 107, 120, 123, 205, 309, 561

  police in, 244

  post–World War II, 322, 323, 325–26

  Prussia’s war with, 119–20

  in Shanghai, 328

  Suez Canal and, 323

  torture used by, 364–66, 371–72, 527

  U.S. aid to, 354, 356, 361

  Vendée revolt and, 57, 81, 91, 120, 180, 205, 561

  in War of Austrian Succession, 60–61

  in World War I, 120, 179, 182

  in World War II, 182, 289, 290, 304, 307, 309, 312, 348

  Franco, Francisco, 233

  francs-tireurs, 119, 120

  Franklin, Benjamin, 76

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary, 261, 266, 269–71

  Frederick the Great, 61

  Freedmen’s Bureau, 222

  Free French, 309, 348

  French, David, 390

  French, Lord, 258

  French and Indian Wars (1689–1763), 67, 124, 132, 137, 139

  French Community, 326

  French Far East Expeditionary Corps, 349, 356–62

  French Revolution, 91, 101, 122–23, 334, 561

  Reign of Terror in, xxii, 80–81

  French Union, 354

  Friedman, Thomas, 462

  Frist, Bill, 535

  Fromkin, David, 283

  Fuentes, Carlos, 435

  Fujian Province, 333

  Fuller, J. F. C., 197

  Funston, Frederick, 198

  Gadea, Hilda, 435

  Gage, Thomas, 64, 65, 70

  Gallic War (Caesar), 54

  Gallieni, Joseph, 179–80, 181, 183

  Galula, David, 369, 398–99, 403, 408, 537, 538, 540

  Galvin, John, 537

  Gambetta, Léon, 119

  Gandhi, Mahatma, 229, 324, 474

  Gaozu, Han emperor, 35–36

  Garfield, James, 232

  Garibaldi, Anita, 111–14

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, xxi, xxv, 109–23, 215, 225, 271, 340, 342, 379, 475

  Castro compared with, 431

  fame of, 112, 115, 118–21

  Guevara compared with, 433, 434, 435, 439, 442

  Garibaldi, Ricciotti, 119

  Gates, Horatio, 73, 74

  Gaucher, Jules, 360

  Gaul, 29

  Gaza City, 470

  Gaza Strip, 64, 283, 395, 461, 462, 463, 465, 468–71, 473, 478, 548

  First Intifada in, 468–69

  Hamas in, 512, 564

  gazavat, 155, 158–62

  G Division, 251

  gégène, 364–66, 372

  Geggus, David Patrick, 95

  Geifman, Anna, 245

  gelignite, 246, 248

  Gemayel, Bashir, 501

  General Orders No. 100, 120

  General Staff, British, Geographical Section of, 276

  General Staff, Russian, 498

  Geneva Accords (1954), 363

  Genghis Khan, 28, 42, 169

  genocide, 193

  against American Indians, 146

  against Armenians, 261

  George III, King of England, 96

  George V, King of England, 256

  Georgia (country), 125, 162

  Stalin in, 109, 242–43

  Georgia (U.S. state), 70, 73

  Geraghty, Tim, 501–2, 506

  German East Africa, 443

  Germanic tribes, 21, 26

  Germans, in French Foreign Legion, 354, 356

  Germany, 109, 123, 266, 263

  American Revolution and, 75, 77

  Baader-Meinhof Gang in, 394

  Boer War and, 185, 193

  Exodus affair and, 325

  hostage rescue attempt in, 453

  imperialism of, 178, 182, 193

  metropolitan vs. colonial army of, 178

  occupied, 379

  terrorism in, 210

  in Thirty Years’ War, 46, 51

  Weimar, 271

  in World War I, 120, 182, 271

  Germany, East, 449, 455, 456, 458

  Germany, Nazi, xxiii, xxiv, 72, 80, 158, 233, 273, 390, 562, 563

  Allied bombing of, 174–75

  anarchism in, 233

  appeal of, 271–72

  expansion of, 266

  racial attitudes of, 307–8, 323

  resistance to, 307–12

  in World War II, 174–75, 288, 289, 290, 307–12, 321, 322, 366, 403, 409, 493, 536

  in Yugoslavia, 54, 84, 261, 310–12, 493, 514

  Germany, West, 379, 451, 458

  terrorism in, see Baader-Meinhof Gang

  Germentchug, 156

  Geronimo, 124, 148–49, 195

  Gestapo, 366

  Ghana, 324, 325

  Ghazi Muhammad, 155–57

  Ghilzai tribal confederation, 166–67

  Gibbon, Edward, 25, 2
6, 75

  Gibraltar, 86

  Gibson, Mel, 71

  Gideon Force, 296–97, 299

  Gimri, 154–56, 159

  Girardet, Edward, 490–91

  gliders, 288, 301, 303

  globalization, 229

  Gobi Desert, 35

  Gogol (Greek chieftain), 104

  Golan Heights, 510

  gold, 22, 186, 280, 544

  Gold Coast, 324

  see also Ghana

  Golden Mosque, 532

  Goldman, Emma, 232

  Goldsworthy, Adrian, 25, 30

  Goliath, 9

  Gone with the Wind (film), 225

  Good Earth, The (Buck), 339

  Good Friday Agreement (1998), 391, 569

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 476, 498

  Gorenberg, Gershom, 474

  Goya, Francisco de, 85

  Grand Mosque, 483

  Granma (ship), 427–28

  Grant, Ulysses S., 223, 224

  Graves, Robert, 284

  Great Britain, 50, 53, 60–81, 123, 157, 246–60, 318, 350, 527

  in Aden, 70, 325, 391, 392, 513

  in Afghanistan, see Afghanistan, British in

  American Revolution and, 59, 62–79, 88, 170–71, 183, 258, 309, 362–63, 560, 563, 566

  Boer War and, 140, 146, 183–97, 250, 335, 381, 382

  Caribbean possessions of, 96, 100

  Caucusus and, 160–61

  counterinsurgency success of, 389–93

  in Cyprus, 70, 325, 390, 391, 392, 513

  economy of, 321, 381

  First Opium War and, 165–66

  France’s wars with, 78, 95–96, 99, 185

  Greek independence and, 106, 107

  in imperial wars, xxv, 70, 80, 127–31, 147, 163–78, 183–97

  in India, see India, British in

  Indochina War and, 351

  intelligence services of, 251–52, 257–58, 496

  IRA and, xxiii, xxv, 251–52, 254–58, 289, 391, 569

  in Iraq, 70, 255, 282, 287, 390

  Irish rebellion against (1798), 80, 101–2, 107

  Irish War of Independence and, 246–58, 263, 362, 389, 469

  in Kenya, 93, 367, 390, 391, 392

  in Malaya, 70, 322, 325, 377–93, 399, 416, 419–20, 546

  metropolitan vs. colonial army of, 178

  Middle East division and, 281, 282–83

  in occupied Germany, 379

  in Oman, 390–91, 392

  in Palestine, 282, 283, 294–96, 323, 324, 325, 379, 461

  in Peninsular War, 85–89, 107

  post–World War II, 321–22

  racism of, 308, 323

  in Shanghai, 328

  Suez Canal and, 323

  in War of Austrian Succession, 60–61

  in war on terror, 176

  in World War I, 276–77, 280–83

  in World War II, 288–91, 296–302, 312, 324, 351, 381, 383

  Yugoslavia and, xxiii, 312

  Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 306

  Greater Israel, 395

  Greater Serbia, 270

  Great Snowy Mountains, 337

  Greece, 75, 260, 266, 310, 343, 394–95, 406, 440, 566

  ancient, 4–5, 10, 19, 31, 35, 54, 60

  civil war in, 398

  Cypriot Enosis with, 390, 391


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