Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present Page 88

by Max Boot

  Jiangxi Province, 319, 332–35, 338

  jihad, jihadists, 54, 130, 162, 174, 484, 519, 521, 523, 564

  Afghanistan and, 484, 487, 496, 499, 530

  U.S. damage to, 527

  Jihad Inc., 522

  “jihad trail,” 496

  Jinggang Mountains, 333

  “John Brown’s Body” (song), 217

  John of Fordun, 47, 49

  John of Lorne, 46, 48–49

  Johnson, Lyndon, 384, 417, 420, 423, 533

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 497, 533

  Joint Security Stations, 542

  Joint Special Operations Command, U.S., 532

  Joint Special Operations Task Force, U.S., 548

  Jomini, Antoine-Henri de, 9, 90, 91

  Jordan, 283, 395, 462, 473, 478, 526, 529, 547

  Karameh battle in, 463–64

  PLO expelled from, 464

  Zarqawi and, 530, 531

  Jordanes, 28

  Josephus, Flavius, 1, 3, 4, 6, 23

  Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, A (Sales), 169

  Juárez, Benito, 122

  Judaea, xxxii, 6–7, 9, 21, 23, 24, 154

  Sicarii in, 208, 209

  Judas Maccabeus, 6, 52, 54

  Jugurtha, 20

  Juhayman al-Uteybi, 478, 483

  Jung Chang, 335–36

  Junger, Sebastian, 488

  Kabila, Laurent, 444

  Kabul, 125, 127, 163–71, 479, 485–88, 493, 499, 500

  British retreat from, 127, 163, 164–65, 167–68, 171, 325

  Kabul Polytechnic Institute, 488

  Kachin tribesmen, 306, 570

  Kagan, Frederick, 534

  Kalinga, 12

  Kalyvas, Stathis, 562, 563

  Kambula, Zulu defeat at, 128–29

  kamikazes, Japanese, 504–5

  Kandahar, 169, 170

  Kansas, 141

  “Bleeding” (1854–59), 202, 211–15, 222

  Kaplan, Robert, 489, 496

  Karameh, Battle of (1968), 463–64

  Karine A (freighter), 472

  Karmal, Babrak, 486

  Karzai, Hamid, 416

  Kashmir, 50, 479, 509, 523

  Katyusha rockets, 510

  Keane, Jack, 534

  Keegan, John, 10, 31

  Keeley, Lawrence, 11

  Kelly, Ned, 51

  Kelly, Patrocinio (Pat), 402

  Kempeitai (Japanese secret police), 364

  Kennan, George, 244

  Kennedy, Hugh, 41

  Kennedy, John F., 206, 374, 413, 414–15, 417

  Kennedy, Robert F., 206, 414

  Kenya, 297, 325, 392, 451, 455, 517

  Mau Mau in (1952–60), 93, 318, 367, 375, 390, 391, 392, 404

  “reconcentration” policies in, 381

  U.S. embassy bombed in, 516

  Kenyatta, Jomo, 325, 391

  Keppel, Augustus, 76

  Kerouac, Jack, 435

  KGB, 452, 486, 492, 493, 499

  Khalturin, Stepan, 237

  Kharijites, 481

  Khartoum, 266, 296, 395, 464

  Khobar Towers bombing, 507, 521

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 482, 503, 506, 508

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 414

  Khyber Pass, 167, 169, 174

  kidnappings, 224, 258, 343, 437, 447, 457, 458, 466, 510

  Kim Il-sung, 346

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 229, 474

  King Abdul Aziz University, 518

  King David Hotel bombing, 325

  King Fuad University (later Cairo University), 461

  King Philip’s War (1675–76), 124, 138, 139

  Kiowa, 144, 145

  Kipling, Rudyard, 163, 165, 175, 187, 201

  Kissinger, Henry, 423

  Kitchener, Lord, 179, 182, 191–93, 196, 197, 255, 418

  kleine Krieg, 60

  klephts, 51, 103–4, 343, 489

  Knowlton, Holly, 536

  Koenigstein, François-Claudius, 263

  Kolokotrónis, Théodorus, 103

  Koran, 493, 505, 522

  Korda, Alberto, 447

  Korea, 364

  see also North Korea; South Korea

  Korean War, 388, 424

  Kosovo, 107, 514

  Kravchinski, Sergei, 261–62

  Kropotkin, Peter, 229, 236, 519

  Kropotkin, Prince Dimitry, 236

  Krueger, Alan, 264

  Kuala Lumpur, 319, 378, 380–81, 383

  Kuhlmann, Brigitte, 450–52, 455

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), xxv, 210, 218–25, 235, 258, 262–63, 503, 569

  anarchists compared with, 228, 234

  OAS compared with, 375

  size of, 260

  Ku Klux Klan Act (1871), 223–24

  Kuomintang, see Nationalist Party, Chinese

  Kurdistan, 478, 514, 530

  Kuwait, 395, 461, 469, 478, 520

  labor unions, 233, 331, 430

  Labour Party, British, 321, 324

  La Cabaña prison, 441

  Lacroix, Pamphile, 95

  Ladysmith, 184, 195

  La Higuera, 394, 446

  Lake, Gerald, 130

  Land and Freedom, 235

  landmines, 254, 279, 360, 378, 463, 492

  Lansdale, Edward Geary, xxi, 71, 399–417, 419, 425–26, 439, 441, 449, 476, 492, 562

  Diem and, 407–13, 416, 421

  fictional versions of, 400–401, 402, 413

  Huk Rebellion and, 400–406

  second South Vietnam tour of, 421–23

  Lansdale, Helen, 402

  “Lansdalism,” 408–9

  Laos, 319, 354, 357, 395, 419, 425

  La Poderosa, 434

  Laqueur, Walter, xxi–xxii, 261

  Lartéguy, Jean, 376, 537

  Lashkar-e-Taiba, 479, 547–48

  Latin America, 444, 447–49, 456, 537

  death squads in, 448

  independence in, 102, 123

  oligarchies in, 434

  Lattre de Tassigny, Jean de, 356

  Law and Order Party, 211

  Lawrence, Kans., 212, 214

  Lawrence, Sarah, 275

  Lawrence, T. E., xxv, 116, 273–89, 462, 538, 540, 544, 557, 566, 567

  Charles Lee compared with, 68

  coinage of appellation, 275

  at Colonial Office, 282–84

  Daraa incident and, 281–82, 284

  death of, 284, 304

  fame of, 275, 284, 413

  as Feisal’s advisor, 275, 277

  flagellation disorder of, 284–85

  Giap compared with, 352

  guerrilla warfare and, 45, 200, 278, 285–86

  illegitimate birth of, 275–76

  Mao compared with, 342

  memoirs of, 281, 283, 285

  Wingate compared with, 292, 296, 298, 301, 304

  Woolls-Sampson compared with, 195

  League for the Independence of Vietnam, see Vietminh

  League of Nations, 283

  Lebanon, xxix, 75, 453, 500–513, 524

  civil war in, 467, 501, 509

  French in, 282

  Hezbollah in, 467, 478, 501–14, 548, 564

  Israeli invasion of, 467, 471, 501, 503, 506, 510, 514, 548

  Israeli withdrawal from, 510

  PLO in, 464–68, 473, 501, 503

  Leclerc, Victor Emmanuel, 97–99, 429

  Lederer, William, 400–401

  Le Duan, 425

  Lee, Charles, 68, 71

  Lee, Harry “Light Horse,” 74

  Lee, Robert E., 74, 90, 216

  leftist revolutionaries, as romantic figures, see radical chic

  Lehi (Stern Gang), 325, 474, 476

  Lémass, Sean, 252

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 240, 242, 243, 244, 431, 451

  Lentaigne, Joe, 304

  Lermontov, Mikhail Yurievich, 163

  Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von, 288

  Lewis, Bernard, 208

  Lewis, Mark Edward, 38

p; Lexington and Concord, Battle of, 56, 65–67, 76

  Lezaky, eradication of, 307

  liberalism, 55, 271, 273, 330, 392

  liberal revolutions, xxiv–xxvii, 56–57, 59–123, 475

  achievements of, 122–23

  Mazzini’s inspiration to, 110

  Liberal Party, British, 193, 196, 255

  Libya, 108, 266, 318, 394, 451, 456, 469, 514

  Lidell-Hart, Basil, 286

  Lidice, eradication of, 307

  Lieber, Francis, 120

  Lieber Code, 120

  Life, 323

  Life of Alexander the Great, The (Plutarch), 6

  Lin Biao, 345

  Lincoln, Abraham, 118, 120, 236, 527

  literacy, 54–55, 95, 209, 218, 241

  Little Beaver, Chief, 141

  Little Big Horn, Battle of the (1876), 124, 127, 150, 151

  Liverpool, 258, 321

  Lloyd George, David, 193, 253, 255–56, 265

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 421, 422

  Lombardy, 112, 116

  London, 48, 76, 118, 185, 247, 250, 276, 515

  anarchists in, 229–30, 232

  post–World War II, 321–22

  2005 bombing in, 527

  Londonderry, 318, 391

  London Times, 184–85, 187, 259

  Long March, 114, 319, 335–40, 345

  Long-Range Desert Group, 289

  Long-Range Reconnaissance Patrols, 195, 419

  Louis Napoleon, Emperor of France, 115, 119, 122

  Louis XVI, King of France, 78, 206

  Lovat, Lord, 291

  low-intensity conflict, xxvi, 9, 44, 46, 273, 343, 415

  Greek tradition of, 103–4

  Luding Bridge, 319, 335, 336

  Lufthansa, 458, 466

  Lugard, Frederick, 183

  Lumumba, Patrice, 443

  Luzon, 395, 404, 405

  Lyautey, Louis Hubert Gonsalve, xxi, 177–83, 200, 356, 368, 433, 493, 538

  Lawrence compared with, 287

  “population-centric” counterinsurgency and, 71, 127, 177–83, 399, 403

  Templer compared with, 379, 384

  Lyttelton, Oliver, 381

  M-26-7, see 26th of July Movement

  Ma’alot, 453

  MacArthur, Arthur, 199

  MacArthur, Douglas, 199, 307, 462

  Maccabees, xxxii, 3, 6–7, 415

  Macedonia, Macedonians, 6, 104, 260–61

  MacGregor, Rob Roy, 51

  Macnaghten, William, 166–67

  Macready, Nevil, 253, 254, 256, 259

  Madagascar, 125, 179, 181, 318, 326


  bombing in (2004), 522, 527

  Peninsular War and, 84–85, 87–90

  Mae Enga, 11

  magazines, 115, 209, 451, 531

  Maggiore, Lake, 112, 116

  Maginot, André, 372

  Maginot Line, 348, 372

  magneto, 364

  Magsaysay, Ramón, 402–6, 421, 449, 494

  Magyars, 17, 30

  Mahdi, 483

  Mahdist Army, see Jaish al Mahdi

  Mahdist uprising, 182

  Maiwand, Battle of (1878), 170

  Maiwand district, 176

  Maji-Maji, 193

  Makhno, Nestor, 233

  Malakand Field Force, 174, 175

  Malakand Pass, 174

  malaria, 100, 114, 279, 298, 300, 350, 444, 495

  Malawi, 392

  Malaya, xxv, 70, 196, 307, 319, 324, 377–93, 404, 416, 449, 540, 543–46, 562

  civic action in, 384, 389

  Huk Rebellion compared with, 403, 404

  New Villages in, 382, 386, 417

  suppression of communism in, 322, 325, 379–88, 399, 406, 419–20

  see also Malaysia

  Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army, 379

  Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA), 379–80, 391–92

  Malaysia, 387

  Maliki, Nouri al-, 416, 544, 545

  malnutrition, 300, 322

  Mamluks, 42, 208

  Manchu dynasty, 39, 40, 329, 330

  Manchuria, 319, 343–46

  Manchus, 17, 53

  Mangin, Charles, 181–82

  Manila, 395, 401, 404, 525

  Manishtushu, 14

  Maoists, 441, 447, 457, 477

  Mao Zedong, xxi, xxiv, 329–38, 340–46, 393, 410, 476, 494, 566

  bumpkin origins of, 329–30

  Castro compared with, 429, 431, 436, 438, 440

  cult of personality of, 115, 333

  death of, 340, 476

  education of, 330–31

  Giap compared with, 352, 353

  Guevara compared with, 434

  Ho Chi Minh compared with, 349, 350, 352

  as inspiration, xxv, 327, 346, 353, 380, 449, 489

  Long March of, 114, 319, 335–40, 345

  “luring the enemy in deep” strategy of, 334

  marriages and womanizing of, 339–40

  Nasrallah compared with, 508

  outside assistance and, 343

  as rebel from childhood on, 330

  Tito compared with, 312, 340

  triumph of, 322, 327, 346, 355, 558–59

  Vietminh supported by, 363

  warfare style of, 31, 32

  writings of, 110, 340–43, 413, 431, 489, 524

  “Mao Zedong Thought,” 338

  maquis (French Resistance), 309, 312, 343, 348

  Marathas, 129–30

  March, Aleida, 435, 442

  Marcos, Ferdinand, 405

  Marcuse, Herbert, 456

  Marighella, Carlos, 447–48, 524

  Marine Corps, U.S., xviii, 79, 199–200, 216, 399, 482

  counterinsurgency and, 540–41

  in Lebanon, 484, 501–4, 506

  in Marjah, 551–54

  Raider operations of, 290, 291

  in Vietnam War, 419

  Marine Force Reconnaissance, xxviii

  Marion, Francis, 72–74, 188, 290

  Marjah meeting (Oct. 23, 2011), 551–55

  Marlborough, 285

  maroons, 63, 100

  Marrakech, 124, 182

  Marsala, 116

  Marshall, George, 345

  Marshall Plan, 323

  Martí, José, 428, 431, 436

  Marx, Karl, 110, 228, 229, 244

  Marxism, 201, 232, 234, 323, 332, 437, 452

  bankruptcy of, 476–77, 564

  Castro and, 431

  Guevara and, 441

  personalism and, 416

  Marxism-Leninism, 338, 443, 493

  Marxist National Liberation Front, 391

  Masada, 154

  Mason-Dixon Line, 213

  Massachusetts, 230

  colonial, 10, 11, 122, 137

  Massagetae, 17

  mass media, 115, 209, 216–17, 233, 397–98, 469, 539, 559

  Hezbollah and, 508, 511, 512, 513

  Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 487–91, 496–97, 499, 500, 526

  Massu, Jacques, 370, 371, 373

  Masters, John, 175, 305

  Matthews, Herbert L., 436–37

  Mau Mau (1952–60), 93, 318, 367, 375, 390, 391, 392, 404

  Maurice, Byzantine emperor, 54

  Maximalists, 241

  Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 122

  Mazower, Mark, 308, 312

  Mazzini, Giuseppe, 12, 110, 112, 113, 115, 122, 342, 475

  McChrystal, Stanley, 539

  McDonnell, James, 248

  McKee, Dick, 252, 253

  McKinley, William, 230

  McMaster, H. R., 542

  McNamara, Robert, 420, 534

  Mecca, 276, 478, 483

  Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 109

  Medes, 20

  Medina, 277, 279, 280

  Mediterranean Sea, xxxii, 106, 124, 203, 266, 276, 318, 478

  Algerian War and, 371, 373

  Megiddo, 9

  Mehmet Ali, 106–7

  Meinhof, Ulrike, 458

, Golda, 465, 466

  Mekong Delta, 319, 354, 418, 424

  Mendes-France, Pierre, 363

  Mengele, Josef, 453

  Mensheviks, 242

  Meo, 353

  Merrill, Lewis M., 222–24

  Merrill’s Marauders, 304, 306

  Mesopotamia, xxxii, 8, 9, 12–16, 27, 72, 137, 140, 308, 392, 555

  Metacom (King Philip), 138, 139

  Metternich, Prince, 110

  Mexico, 51, 122, 148–49, 157, 570

  civil war in, 273

  political exile in, 427, 433, 434–35

  Mexico City, 434–35

  Mezentsov, Nikolai, 236

  Middle Ages, 44–46, 59, 62, 138, 247, 260, 264

  torture in, 364

  middle class, 235, 241, 264, 523

  Middle East, xxv, 6, 7, 9, 102, 274–87, 524

  spread of Islam in, 42

  Sykes-Picot Agreement and, 281

  Mihailović, Dragoljub “Draža,” xxiii, 311, 312

  Mikhailov, Alexander, 238

  Milan, 112

  Miles, Nelson A., 149, 151–52

  Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, U.S., 418–21

  militias, 220, 372, 419

  in Afghanistan, 489, 499

  black, 221–22

  of Boers, 186–87

  in Indochina, 356

  in Iraq, 532, 533

  in Lebanon, 283, 467, 501

  in Northwest Frontier, 173

  Red Guards, 341

  of U.S. settlers, 146

  Milner, Alfred, 196

  Milorg, 307

  Mina y Larrea, Martin Javier, 86

  Ming dynasty, 40

  Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla (Marighella), 447

  Ministry of Public Works, Kuwaiti, 461

  “minutemen,” 66, 122

  Min Yuen, 380

  Miot de Melito, Count, xv

  Mississippi River, 140

  Missolonghi, 106

  Missouri, 212, 222

  Mitterrand, François, 368

  Mobile Field Brothels, 359

  Mobutu, Joseph, 443, 444

  Mockaitis, Thomas R., 390

  Modern Warfare (Trinquier), 369

  Modoc Indians, 12

  Modun, Xiongnu Chanyu, 36, 54

  Mogadishu, 65, 395, 452, 458, 521

  Moguls, 53, 169

  Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 481–82

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 21, 524–25, 526

  Mohawk Indians, 135–36, 139

  Moloney, Ed, 257

  Moltke, Helmuth von, the Elder, 109

  Moncada army barracks, 432, 439, 440

  Mongolia, 34, 319, 335

  Mongols, 17, 20, 30, 40, 41, 208, 353

  army of, 40, 42

  tsarist Russia’s relations with, 157

  Western (Zunghars), 39

  Monongahela, massacre at the (1755), 132, 150

  Montagnards, 353, 419

  Montana, 150

  Montefiore, Simon Sebag, 263

  Montgomery, Bernard Law, 381, 462

  Montoneros, 447

  Morant, Harry, 197

  Moravia, 57, 61

  Morgan, Edward S., 136

  Morice Line, 15, 372

  Moro, Aldo, 458

  Morocco, xxv, 124, 127, 199, 318, 368, 390, 513


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