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Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Debt, Taxes, and Default in the Age of Philip II (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World)

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by Mauricio Drelichman

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  Pages followed by “f” refer to figures; pages followed by “t” refer to tables.

  Aalst, 159. See also mutinies in Flanders

  absolutism: “bargaining for,” 260n21; Castile/Spain and, 41n79, 103, 246, 253–51, 263, 269, 272, 276–80; and compromise with elites, 26n57; definition of, 26n57, 74; effects of on market integration and taxation, 253n18, 257–60; French model of, 74, 257, 272; and jurisdictional fragmentation, 253–54; and Louis XIV, 74, 257; and Richelieu’s policies, 257, 259; as theater, 29, 74; theory of, 26, 272. See also state capacity

  Acapulco, 68

  Acemoglu, Daron, 25, 41n79, 50n13, 74n1, 280

  Act of Abjuration (1581), 63

  Act of Union (1707), 30, 257

  adelantados, 67. See also conquistadores

  Aguiar, Mark, 138–39

  Aizenman, Joshua, 120

  Alava, 258

Alba, Duke of, 62, 70, 128, 152n26, 253. See also Dutch Rebellion/Revolt/War (Eighty Years’ War); mutinies in Flanders; Portugal

  alcabala (tax), 76–77, 83–84, 87–88, 268. See also sales taxes

  Alesina measure of ethnic fragmentation, 261

  Alfonso X the Learned, 83

  Almadén, mines of, 53, 95, 182, 255

  Almagro, Diego de, 55

  Almojarifazgo Mayor de Sevilla, 67, 85. See also customs: internal

  Alphonse V, 45–46

  Alvarez Nogal, Carlos, 7, 101, 111–12, 123–24, 123t, 161n35, 280

  America. See Indies

  Andalusia, 19, 50, 244, 260

  Anglo-Spanish War, 12, 70, 232. See also Armada, Invincible; Dutch Rebellion/Revolt/War (Eighty Years’ War)

  annuities. See juros

  Antwerp, Sack of, 37, 63, 151, 155–56, 156f, 159. See also mutinies in Flanders

  Aragon, 19, 45–50; conspiracy in, 244, 260; council of, 76; oath of allegiance in, 258; and Portuguese succession, 46, 69; relationship between Castile and, 47–49; taxation in, 280. See also Catalonia; Decretos de Nueva Planta; Ferdinand II (the Catholic) of Aragon; Isabella of Castile

  arbitrage, 69, 97, 98, 196

  Archive of Simancas, 22, 94f, 100, 152n25, 170, 203, 272

  Argentina, 2, 136, 137, 209f, 213

  Armada, Invincible, 64–66, 126–27; as “black swan” event, 127; chances of success of, 64, 72, 126–27; cost of, 66, 84, 103, 108; counterfactual involving victory of, 128–29; defeat of, 19, 65; and Duke of Parma’s army, 64; and Dutch Revolt, 57n29, 61–64; effect of on debt, 66, 117–18, 125, 128; effect of on negotiation between king and Cortes, 268–69; as extraordinary expenditure, 229n19, 252; no payment stop from defeat of, 232; planning of, 13, 64, 231–32, 231f; and Portugal, 70. See also Bazán, Alvaro de; Dutch Rebellion/Revolt/War (Eighty Years’ War); Medina-Sidonia, Duke of

  Army of Flanders. See Dutch Rebellion/Revolt/War (Eighty Years’ War); mutinies in Flanders

  arrendamiento, 83. See also taxes, farming of

  Asea, Patrick, 264

  asientos, 20; cash flows of, 37, 100, 109, 125, 173–80, 193, 197–98, 200–204, 218–21, 225, 234; and Castilian sovereign finance, 18–20; of Charles V, 93–95; contractual clauses of, 93, 101, 109, 225, 273; correlates of returns of, 186–190, 190t; measuring returns of, 173–78; new annual data on, 99–103, 102f, 144–48, 146t, 147f, 148t; place of delivery of, 94, 100, 148t; profitability of, by family, 183–86, 184–85t; profitability of, overall, 180–83; returns of in alternative states of the world, 178–80; shares in, 11–12, 96–98. See also contingent lending to Philip II; debt instruments of Crown; disbursement of loans; lending to Philip II; MIRR (modified internal rate of return); profitability of lending to Philip II; rate of return; transfer stop


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