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Crossroads 3: Gut Instinct (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He heard the roar of anger then the scream and finally some banging around before complete silence.

  Kenneth heard the footsteps. Hard, loud, indicating the size and stature of the individual causing them. The door to the basement swung open and hit the wall.

  He locked gazes with his brother, standing at six feet four and looking like a professional wrestler with muscles, tattoos, and an angry expression. He was naked, splattered with drops of blood on him. He paused, held Kenneth’s gaze, and then slowly pulled the door away from the wall.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bang it,” he said in a soft, calming voice that was in complete opposition to his look and size.

  “And the dirty plate and disheveled dishtowel?” Kenneth asked as he crossed his arms and stared up into his brother’s dark eyes.

  “I was going to come clean that up. Did you see her?” he asked.

  Kenneth knew he was referring to Sonya. He had shown Nathan a picture of her that he’d snapped with his cell phone at the party where he’d spotted her. He tried getting multiple so Nathan could see that she had everything he requested. Big ass, big breasts, her body petite and muscular, with long brown hair and gorgeous eyes. A dainty thing that would need his protection and devotion. He was done with the sluts, the easy lays, and the easy kills. He wanted one woman to have and to hold forever.

  “I did.”

  Nathan smiled softly.

  “Where? Did you talk to her? Did you tell her about me?”

  “At the park after her long jog through the woods.”

  He squinted at Kenneth. “In the woods alone? Anyone could grab her, hurt her, fuck her when she’s mine,” he said angrily.

  His brother was already becoming obsessed with Sonya, and they’d never even met. Kenneth had to take things slow and be very careful, or he could fuck this all up for Nathan, and he didn’t want that to happen.

  “I was there, watching, and it was a busy Saturday.”

  “What did she say to you?” he asked.

  Kenneth looked at him. “Why don’t you shower and get some clothes on?”

  Nathan looked down toward the stairs. “I need to clean up the mess. We’ll need the bag and the chains and the van for tonight.”

  Kenneth nodded. They had to get rid of another body. They were becoming so good at this. Despite the worry of getting caught, it had its adrenaline-rush moments.

  “It will be nice to not have to do this anymore and to just have you be happy with Sonya.”

  “I will be happy. You found her. You found the woman of my dreams, my fantasy, my wife. I want to see her in person. I want to touch her and smell her, Kenneth. What did she say? When can I have her to hold?”

  “It’s going to take some time, Nathan. We don’t want to screw this up. We need her to come willingly and she is so very shy. I told you, I think she is a virgin. She lives alone, I never see her with men, and she has all girls as friends. Her body language indicates she is inexperienced.”

  Nathan smiled. “I’ve learned to be patient. I’ll take my time with her because she’ll be mine forever.”

  Kenneth smiled. “Yes she will be, and I’ll make sure of that, brother.”

  Nathan became quiet, and he looked sad suddenly.

  “Nathan?” Kenneth asked as he stepped closer.

  “Kenneth, will she love me? Will she like my body, my large size and my desires to inflict pain?”

  He gave a soft smile and caressed his arm.

  “As long as you are patient and take your time with her. Remember, there is no rush. No one will know where she went or who she is with once we take her. They will never find her, and if they do come looking, let them search. With the locked doors and stone fireplace with the secret entrance, no one will look in there during a search. I’ll protect both of you. I promised I would make you happy and that you didn’t belong in that psychiatric hospital.”

  Nathan shook his head and then covered his ears with his hands as he shook and started to panic.

  “No. No hospitals, no, Kenneth. No.”

  “Shh…you aren’t going anywhere, brother. They don’t know you like I do. Everything is going to be just fine.”

  Nathan looked down at Kenneth, and he nodded.

  “We clean up the mess now?”

  “Yes. I’ll help you. Remember, I always have your back.”

  Chapter 1

  Sonya arrived at the police department and couldn’t believe the turnout. There were so many people, including some guys she worked with at the business center outside of town. It was a large office facility with multiple advertising, accounting, financial services firms, and other small companies that were stationed there as headquarters for the area. She worked as a secretary for one of the major accounting firms. It had started as a temp job and turned into a full-time job after she impressed the bosses with her with work ethic and capability of getting tasks done in a timely manner. She loved it because she didn’t have to go to any big meetings or speak publically. She just sat in her little cubicle and got all her work and research done for her bosses.

  “Sonya.” She heard her name and turned around to see Brice, one of the guys she worked with.

  “Hey, Brice, how are you? I didn’t know you would be here.”

  “I was going to say the same about you. I came here with some friends.” He paused and then stepped closer, very slowly as to not be too obvious. “Cass is here. She’s why I came.”

  Sonya was surprised and immediately smiled. She reached out and touched Brice’s arm.

  “Oh my God, that is so great. Have you spoken with her?”

  “I’m working on it. My brothers are around, too, so wish us luck. She’s almost as shy as you are.” He winked.

  She smiled and then looked behind her and caught sight of the young blonde. She was cute, and Sonya already knew what she looked like because Brice had showed her a picture and had been talking about asking her out for months. Turns out he and his brothers were just as shy.

  “Well, I’d better get going. There are so many events. Where are you starting? Oh, are you alone? Do you want to join us?” He was so kind to ask.

  “Oh, I’m meetings my friends. They signed us up for the self-defense training and the workshops. I’m headed to the first workshop now.”

  “Awesome. Good luck. I’m sure it will be educational.” He walked away, and she headed into the building and toward the main entrance. That was where her friends would meet her, and they would attend the first class together.

  * * * *

  “Hey, where are the lists of the people attending our training session? The other guys got theirs,” Caleb said to Jay Bird as he entered the gym. There were numerous mats set up and multiple officers who knew how to teach self-defense. Caleb and Jay Bird had signed up together, and Big Guns was helping to run one of the workshops.

  “I just got a hold of it,” Jay Bird said as he set up some things around the mat. They had a plan of what to teach first.

  “Did you look at the names and see how many we have?”

  “Not many. We only have three people.”

  “Do we know them?”

  Jay Bird handed him the paper. Caleb opened it up, and he immediately felt his chest pounding. No wonder Jay Bird was being so short with his verbal responses. He was in a state right now. Sonya was in their group, with Joyce and Beverly.

  “Does Big Guns know Sonya is in our group?” he asked, feeling the excitement. Knowing that he was going to have the opportunity to touch her and show her moves, letting him inhale her perfume, the lovely smell of her shampoo, and, God damn, place his hands on that sexy body of hers. Shit.

  “I don’t think so. He’s too busy running the workshops.”

  Caleb was going to ask Jay Bird how he felt, but then women started coming into the gym looking for their spots. Each mat was numbered, making it easy for them to tell where to go. Caleb watched that doorway like a hawk. Sonya was going to be with them on the mat. Holy shit, there was a Go
d, and he’d just made his day.

  * * * *

  “What do you mean you’re not going to the mat we’re assigned to?” Sonya asked Joyce and Beverly.

  “Please don’t be mad, but we heard that Les and Brian are running the mat next to that one. They are so freaking hot. We have to go to that one, and there are only two spots left. We changed it right away,” Joyce said, and Sonya laughed and shook her head.

  “Great. I know how badly you two like those guys. Fine, whatever, but are you going to the next workshop after this?”

  “No, we are signed up for the other class. It got switched somehow. I think because there aren’t a lot of people doing this today,” Beverly said.

  “It’s a shame because there has been so much useful information already. Women should take advantage of things like this,” Sonya told them.

  “Oh, we are so taking advantage of this session with them.” Beverly winked then grabbed onto Joyce’s arm and hugged it.

  “Good luck and we’ll meet up after three for the barbecue,” Joyce said.

  Sonya waved them goodbye as they went toward one side of the room in the gym. She thought the mats were together, but as she looked for her number, it appeared that it was the one mat way in the corner, alone. The big black eight stood out from where she was, but then her eyes locked onto the backs of two very large men in black, sporting muscles galore. No other people headed that way. In fact, it appeared as if a lot of people hadn’t signed up for the self-defense classes after all.

  As she got closer, she had a funny sensation in her gut, and then she immediately recognized the men in charge. Holy God, Caleb and Jay Bird.

  She paused just as Caleb turned around and spotted her.

  The man was huge. Like six feet four, with bulging muscles, exceptional physical condition, and serious looking with that mean expression. He was dominant, sexy, and every woman’s fantasy guy. What made it hard for her to not walk faster toward them was that Jay Bird was just as big, fierce, and sexy. How the hell was she going to get through this?

  “Hey, Sonya, you found us,” Big Jay said as he greeted her with a kiss to her cheek. Even as his large hands landed on her arms, she felt the intimidation and his strength and power. He was a force.

  Caleb stepped closer, eyeing her over, and she wondered if she would have to take off her hoodie she had on over her tank top and leggings. She hoped not.

  “It’s so good to see you, honey. Are you alone?” Caleb asked then looked over her shoulder after he kissed her cheek. Standing here in front of the two monstrosities and trying to act natural and unaffected by them was not an easy task.

  “I believe they switched spots and headed to work out with Les and Brian. Are there other people coming over here?” she asked, and Caleb looked at the paper.

  “Nope. Looks like we have you all to ourselves.” Caleb looked down into her eyes, holding her gaze with a slight grin.

  She had to look away, but she knew he saw her reddened cheeks. She felt her face flush, and she couldn’t stop it. These men affected her like no others ever had.

  “Shall we get started?” Jay Bird asked, and she nodded.

  “Okay. What are we learning first?” she asked, and Caleb smiled.

  “Well, let’s go over some basic things. Like how to avoid becoming a victim. Keeping aware of your surroundings. You know, like not staring down at your cell phone while you’re walking,” Caleb said.

  “Or looking straight ahead and not noticing things going on around you. Like if you’re walking to your car at night from work and notice someone sitting in the driver’s side of a vehicle next to yours. You walk quickly, make eye contact so they know you see them, and you get into your car, lock the doors, and start the engine,” Jay Bird told her next.

  She nodded. She was guilty of not always paying attention when she was walking.

  “I do that a lot. After work, when I’m leaving, I see all the messages I missed, and I’m panicked to think it was something important. I try to read through them as I’m walking.”

  “Well, don’t do that anymore. Keep your cell phone in your hand, or even your keys, so that you can use them as a weapon if need be.”

  “What do you mean, Jay Bird?”

  “Place the biggest key between your fingers and if someone tries to grab you, strike them in defense. Like this.” Jay Bird pretended there was a key between his fingers, and he told her what body parts to go for, like the eyes and the throat.”

  “If someone was to attack you, and they’re bigger and stronger than you, you try to hit them in the places that will bring a man of any size down. Like his eyes, his knees, his scrotum,” Caleb said to her.

  “Let’s try some things. First of all, I want to show you a few arm motions to do to get you into the right position to counter an attack. First and foremost, you scream bloody murder. I mean as loudly as you can, and if you have keys with an alarm, squeeze that button as you use the key to strike your attacker,” Caleb continued explaining.

  “Oh God, this is so scary,” she whispered as Caleb gave a soft smile and Jay Bird crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked her over.

  “You’ll be fine. Knowledge is power, and being prepared in case of attack is key,” Caleb said to her.

  They started to show her a few moves. She absolutely sucked at first, but they were patient. It was she who was shaking in her sneakers every time they were close or touched her. When Caleb placed his arms around her waist and then out her arms in the right position to counter a strike from Jay Bird, she felt overly aroused. Especially when his arm brushed against her breast.

  She could have sworn she heard Caleb inhale as though he was sniffing her shampoo. She was glad she had just showered and spent the time doing her hair, but now she was getting overheated, and it wasn’t just because of the moves they were teaching her.

  She stepped back to take a breather. Both men watched her.

  “Do have any questions so far?” Jay Bird asked.

  She reached for the hem of her hoodie and slowly began to pull it off. As she tossed it to the side, both men watched her, and she felt self-conscious.

  “What about a surprise attack like from behind? Or what if someone has a weapon, a knife or gun or something? Then what do I do?”

  Both men reached for her, and this time, Caleb stayed back. It was as though the both couldn’t wait to touch her, and she hid her smile. All she needed now was for Big Guns to show up.

  Jay Bird gave her the scenario. One after the next, a gun to the back, a knife against her side, and then he told her what to do.

  “So you cooperate, and you patiently wait for your opportunity to move. They’ll get relaxed because you automatically saw the weapon, froze, and were submissive. You wait, and when they lower that weapon or seem like they’re not paying attention, you strike. Like this.”

  Her heart was racing, her breathing rapid as Jay Bird held position behind her, his body wedged up against hers, pretending he was holding a weapon to her side. In front of her, Caleb pressed close, took her hands, and taught her the motion to do powerful strikes to get out of the attacker’s hold and ultimately away from the weapon.

  She felt every sensation, every touch, every ounce of their skin, their body pressed to hers. Then, when Caleb stopped to explain another counter move, Jay Bird kept his arm wrapped around her mid-section and rested his palm against her hip. She’d never felt so protected and affected by a man’s touch.

  As she tilted her head sideways, his lips hit her cheek, and she pulled from his hold.

  “Well, that was a lot to take in. I hope I remember it all.”

  “Practice it,” Jay Bird told her.

  “We can always help you go over things again. Any time, Sonya.” Caleb flirted, and she couldn’t help but take the opportunity to flirt back.

  “You’d do that for me, or do you offer that to all your students?” she asked.

  Caleb looked her body over with hunger in his eyes.

nbsp; “Sweetie, you’re the only one. In fact, what are you doing this weekend? Any plans?” he asked her, and she felt excited.

  “I have the fall kickoff party. Aren’t you guys going to that?”

  “We have to work, but we’ll be at Stone and his brother’s party on Sunday. I assume you’ll be there.” He knew that she was close with Lacey.

  “Of course. That’s the plan.”

  “Then we’ll see you then and maybe we can make some plans for next week to get together?” he pushed.

  She felt the hand on her shoulder, and then Jay Bird pressed up behind her.

  “Sounds like a plan to me. I can’t wait to spend more time with you,” he whispered, and she turned to look up at him, and he looked at her lips. She really wanted to feel his lips against hers, but then she panicked and, thank goodness, Beverly and Joyce arrived.

  “Hey, we’re all done. How about you guys?” Beverly asked.

  Sonya stepped from between Caleb and Jay Bird. “Thank you for the instruction. I hope I never need to use any of it.”

  “So do we. See you on Sunday,” Caleb said.

  She looked back over her shoulder just as they were heading out the door, and sure enough, both men were still watching her go. She headed out, her friends talking a mile a minute about Les and Brian, and all the while she daydreamed about Jay Bird, Caleb, and the possibilities of letting her guard down and taking a chance with them. That was if they wanted to. She wondered what Big Guns would think of it all.

  As soon as she separated from her friends again and entered one of the small classrooms, she spotted Big Guns. He was on his cell phone. She stopped midway through the door, noticing only a few people in the room. She thought she read his lips saying she’d just walked in, but she could have been wrong. Was he on the phone with Caleb and Jay Bird? Were they talking about them rolling around on the mats with her and suggesting getting together this week? Her heart raced, and the anticipation of Big Guns’s reaction was killing her.


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