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Crossroads 3: Gut Instinct (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Can I ask you something?” She stopped at the red light and put on her right-hand signal light.

  “Sure thing, baby, anything you want.” He moved his hand a little higher up her thigh.

  “Why do you guys want to share a woman? Was it something you’ve always wanted to do or something you’re used to?” she asked and then exhaled as if it annoyed her to think of them with other women. It touched his heart.

  “I guess it’s because we’ve always done everything together, as far as the big things in life go. We were in the military together, served together in the same platoon. Then we got into the police academy together and all got on SWAT. I guess sharing women was just something we were accustomed to because all of our parents are in ménage relationships.”

  “Really?” She turned to look at him, shocked by that information. He was used to that though. Some people frowned upon it and thought it was some sick cult that would lead to fucked-up kids and battered women. Stupid shit that pissed him off just thinking about it.

  “Yes, really. We each thought we might want to be involved with that, and we have siblings, too, but our lives lead us elsewhere. They led us here, to Wellington.”

  “But you’ve shared women before. So what made you do it?” “Beer. Lots and lots of beer,” he teased, and she gasped and then he started laughing, showing her that he was kidding. She gave his arm a smack, and he moved his hand higher up her thigh and between her legs. She tightened up and swallowed hard while trying to keep her eyes on the road. Thank goodness they were almost to their house.

  She made the turn up the long driveway as Caleb continued talking to her.

  “So were tried it one night when we met a woman the three of us were attracted to, and, well, it felt different. It felt stronger, and it was like each of us could let go because the others were there to catch us and protect us.”

  “Protect you? From what?” She placed her car in park and turned off the engine.

  “From being vulnerable. From letting our minds drift to the bad things we’ve seen in life and to feel a bit free I guess.”

  “So you share often then?” she asked him.

  He shook his head. “Rarely. We figured out that what we ultimately wanted together was that special person, that woman who loved the three of us and could link us together and make us feel complete and make her feel that way to.” He leaned closer and kissed her neck as he pressed his fingers against her panties.

  “Open for me, Sonya. I can feel how got your pussy is. I want to know you’re wet for us.”

  She leaned back and exhaled as she reached up and pressed her hand over his head to run fingers through his hair.

  “You’re so wild, so experienced. I can’t believe I’m here right now.”

  He kissed along her jaw to her lips. “You are because you know you want to see just how powerful this connection is between the four of us, and we do too.”

  He stroked over her panties between her pussy lips, and she moaned as he kissed her.

  When he pulled his fingers from between her legs, he held her gaze.

  “Let’s get inside where it’s warm and we can explore you together.” He tapped her thigh, and she watched him as he got out of the car. Jay Bird opened her door for her.

  * * * *

  Jay Bird was filled with anticipation, and so was Big Guns. They talked about taking it slowly with Sonya and bringing her such pleasure because she was so sweet and shy. They knew this was a big step for her and that she probably didn’t sleep with guys too often. Big Guns was pretty sure this would be her first ménage experience, and he wanted her to enjoy it and feel how strong the bond could be with an attraction this deep, but Jay Bird felt the twinge of anxiety in his gut, warning him this wasn’t like their other ménage encounters. Never before when they had sex and shared a woman had the feelings, the attraction, been this potent. He had to tamp down his excitement in thinking that Sonya could be their one and only. As greatly as the three of them wanted one woman to share, to love and commit to like their friends had their women, he didn’t want to be disappointed or brokenhearted to learn Sonya wouldn’t feel the same way. So he decided to just let things happen, but as he held her hand and walked her into their house, everything changed with the sound of the door closing. The fact that she was in their home and would be in their bed momentarily unfolded, and then she turned and faced him.

  “This is so nice. I love all the woodwork and that fireplace.” She took a step toward the living room, and he gripped her hand hard, keeping her in place. Caleb and Big Guns stood there, too, just watching her. Her lips parted and her gorgeous brown eyes looked hungry, wanton, and he knew she felt it too.

  “I can’t wait. You’re too beautiful, too sexy, to not want to possess in every way, baby.” He pulled her close and kissed her as he lifted her up into his arms. Her fingers ran through his hair, and she rose up higher as he pressed her dress to her hips and she straddled him. Despite the layer of clothing, he felt her heat as he deepened the kiss and devoured her moans. He walked her toward the stairs blindly but was so used to his home he could manipulate the stairs and the hallway with no sight, just his other senses.

  He got her to the bedroom and lowered her to the bed. He pressed between her legs and continued to kiss her. She ran her hands up under his shirt, and they were hot against his skin.

  He pulled from her lips and stared down at her lying on the king-sized bed. Her long brown hair cascaded along the comforter, and her ass and legs were wrapped against him and over the edge of the bed.

  “You’re perfect, Sonya. I’ve watched this body from afar and fantasized about exploring it every night.” He ran his palms up along her thighs to her panties. He pulled them down, and she gripped his wrists as Big Guns and Caleb pulled off their shirts and took position on either side of her on the bed.

  She started to sound as though she was panicking as her eyes widened while he undid his shirt. He yanked it off, and she saw his muscles, and he hoped she loved what she saw.

  He pulled her hands up palm forward and placed them against his chest as he eased her panties down and off of her.

  He covered her hands and brought them from his chest to his cock, which was hard and begging to be released from confinement. She gasped and then shivered as Big Guns and Caleb inhaled against her thighs and both licked her pussy lips on either side.

  “Oh God.” She moaned, and Jay Bird could see her cunt glistening with cream. He pressed his thighs open wider.

  “So sweet and sexy. You smell delicious. I’m going to get a taste.” He began to lower down.

  “Then us next,” Caleb said as he cupped her breast and leaned over to kiss her.

  Jay Bird knelt down on the floor between her legs and looked at her glistening cunt. He inhaled her scent and then plunged his tongue deeply for a taste. Sonya wiggled and moaned then pressed her ass and pussy down over his mouth. He licked her some more, from pussy to anus, back and forth, and the rhythm affected her as she moaned and then came. He suckled and ate at her cream as his buddies cheered her on.

  “That’s right, baby. You see how your body knows you belong to us? We’re going to give you lots of orgasms like that. Lots.” Caleb undid the front of her dress and began to feast on one breast. On the other side, Big Guns was cupping her mound and feasting on her nipple.

  “Oh God. Oh!” She moaned as Jay Bird replaced his tongue with his finger and began to slowly push up into her very tight cunt, but Sonya shoved his hand down and away before he could press halfway in.

  She jumped up, and he gripped her hips so she wouldn’t fall.

  “Sonya?” he asked as Caleb and Big Guns stood up.

  She covered her mouth with her hand and held his gaze.

  He ran his palms up and down her thighs as he knelt in front of her.

  “Slow down, take it easy. What happened? Did I hurt you?” She shook her head, and then she looked at Caleb and Big Guns. She uncovered her mouth, and he could see the blush ag
ainst her cheeks and chest.

  She ran her fingers through her hair and caught her breath.

  “What’s wrong, baby? Please talk to us and explain why you stopped us,” Big Guns said to her as he caressed her back.

  “I need to tell you something. Something that no one knows. I hope that you’ll understand, and God, I want this to be perfect.”

  Caleb took her hands and covered them with his. She tilted her head to the right, and he smiled. “It is perfect because we’re together. If you’re not ready for us, then we can wait.”

  “It’s not that. Not at all. I want you, all three of you. I’ve just never done this before, and I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to expect.”

  “That’s understandable, and we’re willing to go slowly so that you’re not overwhelmed. A ménage is different than regular sex for the obvious reasons and for the immense pleasure you’ll feel with three cocks inside of you,” Jay Bird told her.

  “Oh God.”

  “We’re going to go slow, Sonya. I take it you’ve never had anal sex before?” Jay Bird asked as he continued to caress her thighs.

  She shook her head. He couldn’t help but feel excited about that fact.

  “A virgin ass, that’s fucking great. We don’t have to do that tonight. We can work on that, okay?”

  “She’s got a sexy mouth and full lips that will look incredible wrapped around my cock.” Caleb traced his finger along her lips and then to her chin, giving it a tap as he smiled.

  “I haven’t done that ever either,” she admitted, and Jay Bird’s chest tightened.

  “Suck cock?” Caleb asked her, and she nodded.

  “Jesus, that is sexy as damn hell. A virgin mouth. I’ll be in heaven, Sonya,” Caleb told her, as if trying to infuse more confidence in her.

  “You really are so sweet, baby. Don’t be scared of that. We can make love however you feel safe, and the more we get to know one another, the more relaxed you’ll feel. If you’re used to traditional sex, then so be it. All that matters is being together. We want you, and you want us. This isn’t some one-night stand. This is the beginning of something special.” Big Guns then kissed her cheek. Jay Bird wanted her to close her eyes, and then she stood up and he stepped back.

  She looked as though she was going to leave and then she looked at the three of them.

  “I need to know a few things, and then I have something to tell you.”

  Jay Bird looked at Caleb and Big Guns. “Okay, whatever you need,” Caleb said to her.

  “What’s your real name, Jay Bird?”

  “Jay. My nickname is Jay Bird because in the field, in the military during missions, I would be the one to make certain bird-like whistles to inform my troops of incoming enemies approaching or to give direction and commands. I have a little knack for it.”

  She smiled. “Really? You can make a bunch of bird sounds?”

  Jay Bird whistled out a few, and she seemed impressed. At least he hoped she was. He couldn’t believe they weren’t already buried deep inside of her by now. With other women they took to bed, there had been no small talk, but he understood she was fearful and not so experienced. Plus, he really cared for her already, so this didn’t bother him any. It just made him realize how much more he wanted with Sonya.

  “Big Guns.”

  “Leonard. You remember when Suzette blurted it out at the bar? She still calls me by my given name here and there,” he said, sounding embarrassed. Jay Bird chuckled.

  “Buddy, no one would even think of making fun of your name as they take in the size of you,” he said, and Big Guns smirked.

  “Is that why they call you Big Guns because your muscles are so big?” Sonya asked.

  “Well, that, and initially in the service, I was the one who used the biggest guns and handled ammunition and explosives.”

  “Wow, I’m impressed,” she whispered, and she seemed a little shy.

  “I’m the one with the normal name sweetheart, but my role in the military was of a secret nature. I couldn’t tell you, or I would have to kill you.” Caleb winked.

  “You’re such a dork,” Jay Bird said, and Big Guns tossed a pillow at Caleb’s head. Caleb laughed, and so did Sonya.

  “I like learning more about each of you. It makes me feel more comfortable and a part of you.”

  Jay Bird sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her. “What about you, Sonya. What would you like us to know about you?”

  She was silent a moment as she reached back behind her and unzipped her dress. He felt his chest tighten as she held the front of the material against her chest.

  “Unlike you guys, or what Jay Bird made it sound like, I didn’t come from a big family or a loving one for that matter. In fact, my mother, who had lots of issues, put me down a lot and was very negative. I grew up thinking I was ugly, that my body was imperfect because of my large breasts and big rear.” She chuckled.

  “No fucking way. Your ass is mighty sexy, and those breasts, definitely a positive in my book.” Caleb winked. Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red, and Jay Bird smiled.

  “Were you an only child?” he asked her.

  “No, I had a brother, Devan. He was older by six years. He was a cop.”

  “Really?” Jay Bird asked.

  “Do you still talk to him?” Big Guns asked her.

  She shook her head. “He died in the line of duty while I was in high school.”

  They were silent a moment.

  “Damn, baby, we’re so sorry to hear that. It must have been hell.” Caleb said to her.

  “It was, but what do they say? What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? That’s me I guess.” She shrugged.

  “Because of what happened to Devan, does it make you scared to get involved with us?” Big Guns asked.

  “It did before, but I think the attraction is so strong I kind of moved past that. It’s other things.”

  “Like what? Like the way you were treated by your mother?” Jay Bird asked.

  “Yes, it’s had lasting effects on me. I basically raised myself because my mom was miserable. I moved out of the house after I graduated from high school.”

  “What? Damn, baby, what did you do for money? Where did you live?” Big Guns asked her.

  “I stayed with friends, bounced around a bit as their parents got annoyed or they moved on to college. I started working at bars and restaurants and saved my money until I had enough for a small apartment or to rent bedroom space. It was rough, but eventually, I saved enough to start taking some college classes. Anyway, there’s no need to get into it. The point is that I’ve taught myself to depend on only me. To keep the most vulnerable parts, the accessible parts, close to me and to not open them up fully. The three of you have such charismatic personalities, and I’m so shy, and I guess not confident in a lot of things.”

  “Baby, you’re gorgeous and have an amazing body, a perfectly sweet, classy personality. Those things your mom had told you were lies. You know that, right?” Big Guns asked her.

  “I know. It took me years to forget her insults and hurtful comments, but I guess I still feel like I’m lacking in certain areas.”

  “No, sweetheart. You’re amazing,” Caleb said.

  “Oh God, I’m ruining this moment. A deep, soul-searching session of therapy and hanging my vulnerability out on the line was not my intention. I’m trying to tell the three of you something, and it’s important.”

  Jay Bird squinted at her. “Then just say it. Whatever it is we’ll work through it.”

  She smiled. “I want this. I want the three of you, and not just for tonight. Yet if that’s all you’re willing to give me, then I guess I will learn to accept it because I need to feel more of what you make me feel. I want more. I want to give something to the three of you that no one has ever had or taken from me or forced from me. I’m the one giving it.”

  They were silent, and it was so hard not to reach out and pull her into his arms and hug her, kiss her, and tell her t
hat she was perfect and her mom was some freaked-out, fucked-up bitch with mental issues.

  “I’ve never done anything with any man before. The most I’ve ever done, I have with the three of you.”

  He had to process her words, but then Big Guns stood up from the bed.

  “Baby, are you saying that you’ve never had sex before? Never been with a man ever?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, and she looked so beautiful, like an angel, like a gift from some higher power brought to them, for them, especially because he didn’t know if he should feel unworthy or deserving for witnessing all the bad, evil shit from people throughout his life and to now be blessed with someone untouched in the most intimate way.

  “A virgin in every way? No wonder you pulled back. God, Sonya, you’re more perfect than I even thought. You waited to give yourself to a man. That’s so special.” Caleb walked to her and pulled her into his arms, hugging her. She hugged him back as she looked at Jay Bird and Big Guns.

  “I want to give it to the three of you. I want you to possess all of me and in every way, and I know it’s a lot to ask, and I’m not asking for you to make some life-long commitment to me. I’m just asking that you understand how important this is to me. That I’ve waited so long for the right man, the right men, to come along for me to want to give it to, and I choose the three of you.”

  Caleb cupped her cheeks and tilted her head up toward him.

  “We’re honored, and we’re taking this seriously because you already mean so much to us. Come, let us love you, Sonya. Together.” He then he kissed her gingerly before he stepped back, taking her hand and leading her to the bed. She stopped him and let her dress fall from her body. Jay Bird inhaled. She was voluptuous, sexy as damn hell, and she was going to belong to only the three of them always.

  That deep possessive, protective feeling consumed him as she stepped from the dress that pooled at her feet and Caleb brought her to the bed. She lay down on her back next to Jay Bird, and they all began to touch her, caress her, take their time kissing and exploring her skin until Jay Bird spread her thighs, lowered to the floor at the edge of the bed, and suckled her clit until she was climaxing once again.


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