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Crossroads 3: Gut Instinct (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Kenneth. Take the time you need. I don’t want to screw this up. I want her to be the one. I want Sonya to stay with me forever, Kenneth. I trust you. I do, so take whatever time you need to ensure that no one can take her away from us, okay?”

  Kenneth nodded. “I will, Nathan, and thank you for trusting me. Don’t you worry. When the time comes, I’ll be ready so I’m sure not to miss the perfect opportunity.”

  * * * *

  Detective Mitch McKay stood over the body that had been found near the shoreline by the woods. Some hikers had found it next to a piece of old wood that looked like part of a row boat. Although the body appeared to have been submerged in water for days, he couldn’t rule out that there were others. The bruising along the body and face appeared to have been violently inflicted by the way the skin was parted, but he wasn’t a medical examiner. A body floating in the lake could get damaged by drifting wood from tree branches and other things. Jethro Shank was on his way from Portland Place just outside of Wellington and the city.

  He looked up at the other officers gathered around and their angry expressions.

  “She’s young.” one officer pointed out.

  They kept their distance, and as soon as the hikers had reported the find, they’d been told to not go any closer.

  She definitely was young, and considering she was completely naked, he got the feeling something wasn’t right.

  He heard the voices and then looked up as Jethro Shank and his team made their way down the embankment toward the water. He gave him a nod and immediately noticed the attractive brunette walking with him and the other three technicians.

  “So what do we have?” Jethro said as he pulled on his gloves. The brunette opened up a case she set on the ground a bit of the way up and pulled out a camera. So she was the new forensics photographer Jethro had recently hired. Nice.

  “Oh, Mitch, meet Mia. Mia, this is Detective Mitch McKay.”

  She gave a nod, and he gave one back. Then she went about carefully taking pictures from various angles. She was very attractive with long brown hair pulled tight into a ponytail and then braid. The special clothing she wore didn’t give him an idea of her body but he could imagine it had to be as attractive as her face. He watched as Jethro did his thing, never saying a word as he would point or nod and Mia knew what to take extra pictures of. Then the technicians took samples, and then the chief, Riley Cummings, arrived.

  “What do you think?” he asked in general to Jethro and to Mitch.

  “Not sure but I’m leaning toward it being suspicious for the obvious reasons,” Mitch said as he stood with his hands on his hips.

  “You mean the fact that she is naked, looks to have been beaten up pretty badly, and some kind of chains were attached to her wrists and ankles?” Jethro said.

  “What?” the chief asked, stepping closer, and Jethro began to point out his findings. Ten one of the other technicians called attention to an area near the edge of the water.

  “If she was on a boat or something, then she may not have been alone. There are chains done here and some sort of spike holding the link. I don’t know what because I can’t see all the way in here. Do people boat off this area?” the technician asked as Jethro walked down the small, difficult hill to the water’s edge and to the right of where the body had been found.

  “How the hell did you come to walk over here, Reed?” Jethro asked as he approached.

  “Well, look that these two sets of boot prints, both large so men kind of big, and then there are these leaves right here matted down and what appear to be the lines of something heavy on it, like chain or something. Just making sure it’s not some foul play of some sort.”

  “Damn, son, you have been paying attention for the last two years. Shit,” Jethro said, and then Mia walked down and began to photograph what they told her to.

  “What do you think?” Riley asked as Mitch got a closer look.

  “It wouldn’t hurt to bring in some divers, see what’s down there and attached to this. No boaters come this way. It’s clear out of the way and too difficult of a terrain to maneuver on foot, never mind carrying a row boat or canoe,” Mitch said.

  “It’s not too often a dead body of a young woman is found in the woods around here by the water. We need to check this out. Call in Freddy and Tom. Right about now they should be finishing up lunch,” the chief said.

  An hour later, Freddie and Tom were diving into the water and taking a look down below.

  “It’s probably nothing,” the chief said to Mitch, but Mitch’s gut was twisting the more he looked at the body, which Jethro’s team had finally bagged up and gotten into the back of the van.

  It was a matter of about thirsty seconds when both divers emerged.

  “Jesus Christ. You’re not going to believe this, Mitch, Chief. There’s a pile of bodies down there.”

  “What? Are you fucking yanking my chain, Tom, because if you are I’ll get in that water and kick your ass myself,” the chief said.

  Mitch knew by Tom’s and Freddie’s facial expressions that he wasn’t lying.

  “There are multiple bodies down there, all chained up and connected to multiple stakes in the ground,” he said to them.

  “To this one over here?” the technician asked about the one he had located.

  “I don’t think so. That could be a separate pile. Someone’s been dumping bodies in here.”

  “Jesus. Mitch call your brother Tiegen. I don’t think we should mess around with this considering we don’t have as much experience with serial killers,” Jethro said as he stood up.

  “Serial killers?” Chief Riley asked.

  “Well, you don’t think that’s what this is leading toward? Multiple bodies chained to a stake in the depths of the lake on a side that rarely is used. A woman, naked, obviously abused and chained up by her wrists and ankles. We need the connections Tiegen has with the government and the state police.”

  “”Call it in, Mitch, but ask him to have the responding crew keep it on the down low. We don’t need a bunch of tourists and locals spreading a rumor that a killer is loose in Wellington,” Chief Riley said, and Mitch pulled out his cell phone and called his brother.

  He would know what to do. God help them if there was a killer loose. Nothing like this had ever happened in Wellington. Never.

  * * * *

  “I’m so excited for you. We should go out to celebrate,” Selina said to Sonya as they sat in Selina’s apartment talking about Sonya’s weekend.

  Sonya chuckled. “Celebrate me losing my virginity or having a ménage with three men?”

  “Both. Holy crap, how was it? Was it totally incredible having sex for the first time and with three guys? My God, when you go all out, you really go all out,” Selina teased, and Sonya laughed. She tucked her feet under her butt and took a sip from the glass of wine Selina poured.

  “It was amazing. I’ve never felt such a connection before and to three men at once.”

  “They’re so big. Were you scared that it would hurt?”

  “Yes, definitely, but I guess having such older, experienced men worked out since it didn’t hurt at all. Instead, it was wonderful.”

  “I really am so happy for you. They’re great guys, and they’ll be so protective and caring.”

  “I think so too. I can’t believe how much I miss them already. It’s Wednesday, and I feel like it’s been a week.”

  Selina took a sip from her wine glass. “When are you seeing them again?”

  “Probably not until Friday night. We’re all so busy with work. They were supposed to come over tonight when they got a call they had to go on.”

  “That’s so intense, what they do for a living. I would be worried about them.”

  “I am, believe me, especially after losing a brother who was a cop and died in the line of duty, but I get it. It’s their calling. I mean they were in the service together and were in combat, and they went into the academy together and joined SWAT together. They
have one another’s backs, so that’s a huge plus.”

  “Wow, they really are close and share everything, and now they share you. God, I’m so jealous. I wish I could meet a great set of guys. Hell, I would settle for one great guy.”

  “What happened to that man from Portland Place, the doctor?” Sonya asked.

  “I didn’t feel the same way about him as he said he did about me. I don’t know. Sometimes I think I’m just being picky and over cautious because I really messed up when I had sex for the first time years ago. It was like I allowed the pressure of my friends’ influence to get me to do it, so there really weren’t any true emotions. It sucked too, and I hadn’t realized how much it sucked until college when I had an older boyfriend who was more experienced. When I orgasmed and asked what the hell that was, he laughed at me and explained it. I was mortified.”

  “That’s terrible. Why would he tease you about something like that?”

  “Because he was older and it just gave him a bigger head than he already had. He started treating me like I needed direction for everything, especially during sex. That relationship didn’t last long, and that was the last time I had sex.”

  “Get out. That was like four years ago,” Sonya said to her.

  “I know. Totally sucks, but I’m okay with it. I know I can have sex any time I want to, but I don’t have to. I don’t want it to be meaningless, you know?”

  “Yes I do, and you should consider yourself a new virgin. I mean after so many years of not having sex isn’t it like getting a do-over?” Sonya asked.

  “I like the sound of that,” Selina said, and they clinked glasses. “So, are we going out or what?”

  “Well, Beverly, Joyce, and Felicia are already there, so why not? I’ll only go for one drink. I have to get through work tomorrow, and then I want to be able to spend the weekend with the guys.”

  “Oh boy, I guess we’ll be seeing less and less of you then, huh?” Selina asked as they stood up and prepared to leave for the bar to meet their friends.

  “I guess so. I don’t know. I’m sure the next thing I’ll worry about is being clingy,” Sonya said, and Selina laughed.

  “I doubt with your body and the way those men keep their eyes on you that they’ll ever view you as clingy.”

  Sonya couldn’t help but smile. Friday couldn’t come fast enough.

  * * * *

  Kenneth rubbed his hands together. An opportunity was here. One that could go either way. He could make it another friendly meeting with Sonya because he was meeting some clients at the bar and just finishing up. He had seen her the moment she arrived with one of her friends. She looked so classy and sexy. He lifted his phone and took a picture of her and texted Nathan.

  Look who just showed up at the bar where my meeting is.

  Nathan replied back. It’s fate, brother. Take your time. She is most beautiful and meant to be ours forever.

  Kenneth was struck by his brother’s use of the word ours. He’d never projected the desire to share her. Could this be why she had become so important to Nathan and to him? Could subconsciously he want to share Sonya with Nathan and be a real family?

  Suddenly he was filled with emotions he wasn’t used to feeling. He refocused on the small meeting and finalized some final sales of stocks and investments. All money transfers would be sent to the savings accounts out of the country that were not traceable. Then, when it was time to leave the States, they would head out of here and live wherever Sonya and Nathan wanted to live.

  As they finished up the meeting, it was perfect timing. Sonya and her friend were passing by.

  “Sonya,” he said to her, and she paused and then smiled.

  “Hi, Kenneth. What are you doing here?” she asked, and he stepped forward and kissed her cheek as he greeted her. When she didn’t pull away, he saw it as a positive step in the right direction.

  “Just having a small business meeting. Marcus, Jerry, Ned, meet Sonya Brothers. Oh, I’m sorry and her friend.”

  “Selina,” the young woman said, and he noticed how Marcus Clay smiled at Selina and looked her over with interest.

  “What about you? What brings you ladies out on a Thursday evening?”

  “We’re meeting some friends for some drinks,” Sonya said, and Selina smiled.

  “Yes, celebrating too,” she added, and Sonya gave her an elbow.

  “Celebrating what?” Marcus asked Selina.

  “Oh, being women and all the benefits of it.” She laughed, and then someone called out Sonya’s and Selina’s names. They waved to a group of women, and Selina looked back at Marcus.

  “Well, they’re waiting on us. It was nice seeing you,” Sonya said.

  “How about we join you and buy a round to help you celebrate being women?” Marcus asked, and Kenneth hid his excitement. He couldn’t have planned this if he had tried.

  Sonya looked at Selina. “Yes, join us. And tell me, Marcus, what do you do for a living?” Selina asked as they all began heading toward her friends.

  Sonya was greeted by the other women with hugs and kisses to her cheek. He noticed the other men around there take notice of her, and it stirred something primitive within him. In fact, even his own business associates were trying to get close to her. He kept his cool and remained patient, even when the men flirted with her and then put an arm around her chair. She was quick to move out of the way and direct conversation away from her. She was shy, trainable in so many ways, a true submissive woman and one that would be begging for Nathan’s approval as well as his cock.

  * * * *

  Sonya was getting tired, but every time she nudged Selina to ask her if she was ready to head out, Selina would give her that look that begged her to stay. She obviously liked the guy Marcus, who seemed very nice and was very attractive. The others slowly began to head out, and Sonya leaned back and looked toward the windows and the moonlight cascading through.

  “It’s a gorgeous night tonight. I heard there’s going to be a full moon by Monday,” Kenneth told her as he looked at her and smiled.

  “I didn’t know that. I love this time of year. It’s so festive, and all the leaves on the trees are changing too.”

  “It is a great time of year. I do some photography and usually end up in the woods along the lake taking pictures that show the landscape and then the shimmering of the sun across the water.”

  “Really? That is so cool. I know what type of pictures you’re taking about. It’s funny though. I always see ones like that, but there’s nothing like the real thing. Like running through the woods along the trails and inhaling the scent of changing leaves, the wet dew. It’s awesome.”

  He smiled wide. She was charismatic, beautiful, and full of life. He wanted to take her home tonight, but was it the right timing?

  “You really love to run. Have you competed at all?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, it’s been more of a hobby for me and a form of exercise.”

  He looked at her body in the tightfitting jeans she wore and the slim-fitting brown sweater over what appeared to be a cream-colored tank top.

  “Well, you look great.” He saw her expression change, and she seemed uncomfortable. He needed to be careful. He couldn’t let on to how hot he thought she was or how hard she made his cock.

  “Lidia thinks I could lose a few pounds too.”

  She swung her head to look at him, shocked at his statement.

  “Damn, she told you that?”

  “Yep.” He then took another sip from his glass of beer.

  “You look great, Kenneth. If you feel good, then no one can tell you what you should or shouldn’t look like.”

  “Oh, don’t get me wrong. She’s a nice woman, and she really has a big heart, but I think she’s too into herself and worried about what other people think. I guess it’s because I have money, and when we go places, she feels inferior to other women.”

  “Really? She seemed so confident and was very affectionate to you.”

o she’d noticed. She’d been watching him that night at the fall celebration. She liked him. She’d like Nathan even better.

  “That’s sweet. I don’t know if we’re meant to be together though. We’ll see. She’s going away with her friends this weekend when she was supposed to come with me to shoot some scenes in the woods by the lake.”

  “That’s too bad. Maybe she’ll make it another time.”

  “I guess, but it changes things for me. I like knowing I have someone to assist me if I need help with the tripod or to set the area right and hold my anti-reflector fan. Anyway, not sure if I’ll do it anyway.”

  “You should, especially since the weekend is supposed to be so nice.”

  “Maybe you would be interested in helping me for about an hour Sunday?”

  “Me? I don’t think so. I usually go for my run.”

  “Maybe we could meet up on the trail. I found a good spot a few weeks ago by the water and that large boulder at the beginning of the trail. Do you know the spot?”

  “I think I do.”

  “Then maybe we could meet up? It won’t take long,” he said, smiling. She was thinking about it.

  “You could bring one of your friends.” He then wanted to kick himself.

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ll have to see if I can. I guess if I catch you while I’m running I could stop to help for a bit.”

  “Great. That would be wonderful. I would hate to miss out on a gorgeous day. Then, when I get the pictures developed, I’ll give you copies for helping, and I can rub it into Felicia’s face about how she missed the perfect opportunity to capture nature in the fall in Wellington.”


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