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Tides of Darkness (world of warcraf)

Page 18

by Aaron Rosenberg

  As Doomhammer watched unmoving the figure leaned against one of the rocks, gasping for breath, then straightened and looked around. "Hello?" the cloaked man called softly.

  "I am here," Doomhammer replied, straightening and stepping between the rocks to leave the trail and enter the valley himself. The stranger straightened and gave a small gasp as he approached. Doomhammer could see a longsword at the man's side, well—made and unblemished, and knew this stranger had never used it. Why did he repeatedly find himself dealing with cowards and weaklings and schemers? he wondered. Why not warriors, who were far more direct in their desires and blunt about their intended methods? He had seen the man leading the Alliance armies at Quel'Thalas, and a different man leading them in the Hillsbrad, and had been impressed by both. They would be fighters, following a code of honor and respecting strength and honesty. But of course such men never would have requested a meeting such as this one.

  "Y—you are Lord Doomhammer?" the man stammered, shrinking back from him slightly. "You speak Common?"

  "I am Orgrim Doomhammer, chieftain of the Blackrock clan and warchief of the Horde and I know your tongue," Doomhammer confirmed. "And you, human? You sent me that message?"

  "I am," the man replied, tugging at his hood as if to make sure it still concealed his face. It was of fine cloth, Doomhammer saw, and richly embroidered along the hems. "I thought it might be best if we met before any…unpleasantness occurred." He spoke slowly, as if to a child.

  "Very well." Doomhammer glanced around, making sure the human had not brought assassins, but if so he was unable to scent or hear them. He had to take the risk that this human really had come alone, as his strange message had claimed.

  "I had not expected a human to contact me," Doomhammer admitted quietly, crouching so he could study the man more easily. "Especially in such a manner. Is that how you humans communicate? By use of trained birds?"

  "It is one method, yes," the man replied. "I knew none of my people would be able to get close enough to convey a message to you and was not sure how else to reach you, so I sent the bird. Did you kill it?"

  Doomhammer nodded, unable to hold back the grin that crossed his face. The man started and broke into a sweat at the sight. "We did not realize it was a messenger until we found the parchment tied to its leg. By then it was too late. I hope you did not want it back."

  His companion waved the apology aside with one slender gloved hand. His hand shook but his voice was almost steady. "It was only a bird," he pointed out. "I am more interested in preventing a much larger number of regrettable deaths."

  Doomhammer nodded. "So your message said. What do you want from me?"

  "Assurances," the man replied.

  "Of what sort?"

  "I want your word, as a warrior and a leader, that you will keep your warriors in check," the man answered. "No killing, raiding, razing, or other atrocities here in the mountains. Leave our cities and villages intact and do not hound or hunt our people."

  Doomhammer considered this, idly rubbing his hammer's head with one hand. "And what do we gain in return?"

  Now the man smiled, a cold expression meant no doubt to be friendly but seeming only conniving. "Free passage," he answered slowly, letting the two words hang in the still night air.

  "Oh?" Doomhammer tilted his head, indicating that the man should continue.

  "You and your warriors seek to cross the mountains and invade Lordaeron," the man pointed out. "These peaks are treacherous, and it is easy for those who know them to combat much larger forces. Your Horde might still win through, but only with heavy losses. And then you would be weakened in your battle against Lordaeron and its defenders." He smiled again and leaned back against the rock, clearly pleased with his reading of the situation, and his ability to alter it. "I can make sure this region's defenders stay clear of your army," he said confidently. "I will even show you which paths to take to cross the distance more rapidly. Your Horde can pass through the mountains quickly and unopposed."

  Doomhammer considered this. "You will clear the way for us," he said out loud, "in exchange for our leaving your lands unharmed in return?"

  The man nodded. "That is correct."

  Doomhammer stood and stepped forward, until he was less than two feet from the man. This close he could make out some of the stranger's features beneath the hood, and they were narrow and elegant and calculating despite his obvious fear. The man reminded him of Gul'dan in some ways, clever and out for his own gain, but most likely too cowardly to betray a stronger force. "Very well," he said finally. "I agree. Show me the quickest path through these mountains and I will lead my warriors through at speed, without stopping for plunder. When we conquer this land I will place my protection around these mountains, that none may violate them. You and yours shall be safe."

  "Excellent." The cloaked man smiled and clapped his hands together like a child. "I knew you would be reasonable." He pulled a rolled—up parchment from his belt and handed it to Doomhammer. "Here is a map of this area," he explained. "I have marked this valley to help orient you."

  Doomhammer unrolled the map and studied it. "Yes, this is very clear," he said after a moment.

  "Good." The man watched him a second. "I will return to my own people, then," he said after a pause.

  Doomhammer nodded but did not say anything, and after a moment the man turned and walked quickly away, ducking back between the rocks and carefully working his way down the cliff beyond the valley. For a moment Doomhammer considered going after him. A single quick blow would finish such a man, and he already had the map. But that would be dishonorable. One of the things he hated about his own people, about what they had become, was their lack of honor. Before, on Draenor, they had been a noble race. But Gul'dan's treachery had changed all that, making them little more than bloodthirsty savages. Doomhammer was determined to restore his race's pride and purity, and that meant following a strict code of behavior. The man had treated with him in good faith, and Doomhammer would not betray that. He would follow the path the man had marked, and if it proved quick and the human troops did not block them he would honor his half of the agreement.

  With a shake of his head Doomhammer rerolled the scroll and stuck it in his own belt, then turned back to toward the trail he had used to reach this valley. He would summon his lieutenants once he returned and show them the route they would take.

  "You summoned us, your Majesty?" General Hath, the commander of Alterac's forces, stood at the half—opened door to the map room. Perenolde could see the other army commanders behind the stout general.

  "Yes, come in, General, officers," Perenolde said, trying to keep his voice calm beckoning them in. "I have just received some new information about the Horde and its movements, and wished to share it with you."

  He saw Hath and a few of the others exchange quick glances, but they said nothing as they followed him over to the impressive tapestry—map covering the far wall. It showed Alterac from edge to edge, with towns and forts picked out in silver thread and the castle itself in gold.

  "I have it under good authority," Perenolde began, "that the Horde is indeed heading toward us." Several of the officers gasped. "They apparently plan to invade Lordaeron, and have chosen to cross the mountains and approach Capital City from the north side."

  "How far away are they?" Colonel Kavdan asked urgently. "How many of them are there? What sort of weapons are they carrying?" Several of the others were murmuring behind him.

  Perenolde held up a hand and the officers fell silent. "I do not know how far away they are," he answered, "though I suspect a day, perhaps two, no more. I have no idea of their numbers, but certainly from all reports they are a formidable force." He smiled, though he knew it was weak. "That, however, is no longer our concern."

  General Hath straightened. "Not our concern, your Majesty?" he asked, his breath setting his thick graying mustache aflutter. "But we are part of the Alliance, and have pledged ourselves to battling the Horde together."
br />   "The situation has changed," Perenolde informed him, aware that he was sweating heavily—and that his officers had noticed. "I have reconsidered our options, and have decided to realign ourselves in the conflict. Alterac is no longer a part of the Alliance, effective immediately." He took a deep breath. "Believe me, we are far better off this way."

  The officers all looked surprised. "How do you mean, your Majesty?" Kavdan asked.

  "I have formed a nonaggression treaty with the Horde," Perenolde replied. "We will not hinder their progress through the mountains, and in return they will leave Alterac unharmed and untouched."

  His officers looked troubled, a few of them even angry or ill. "You would have us conspire with the orcs, your Majesty?" Hath asked softly, disgust evident in his tone.

  "Yes, I would have us conspire with them!" Perenolde snapped, losing his composure. "Because I would have us survive!" He let his anger, and his terror, boil over into his words. "Do you have any idea what we are facing? The Horde, the entire Horde, is planning to sweep through these mountains! Through our home! Do you have any idea how many of them there are? Thousands! Tens of thousands!" Hath nodded grudgingly, as did a few of the others—they had seen the same reports he had. "And do you have any idea what these orcs are like? I have seen one of them, no farther away from me than you are now. They are enormous! Nearly as tall as trolls, and twice as wide! Massively muscled, with tusks and fangs—this one carried a hammer it would take three men to lift, and he waved it about as if it were a child's toy! No man could stand against that! They'll kill us all, don't you understand? They've already destroyed Stormwind, and Alterac will be next!"

  "But the Alliance — " Hath began. Perenolde laughed bitterly.

  "The Alliance what?" he demanded. "Where are they now? Not here, I'll tell you that! We formed the Alliance to protect our kingdoms against exactly this sort of attack, but here we are with the Horde breathing down our necks and the precious Alliance is nowhere in sight. They've abandoned us, don't you see?" He could hear his voice rising to near—hysteria, and sought to rein it back in. "It is every kingdom for itself now," he told them as calmly as he could manage. "I have to think about Alterac first. The other kings would do the same."

  "Yes, but these brutes—" another officer, Trand, started.

  "— are monstrous and deadly, yes," Perenolde cut him off. "But they are not incapable of reason. I met with their leader. He spoke Common! He listened, and he agreed to leave us in peace if we do not hinder their passage."

  "Can we—can we trust them?" A junior officer named Verand asked, and Perenolde let out a small sigh as he saw a few others nod. If they were asking that, they had already accepted that such a treaty might be necessary—now they were only worried about whether it would be upheld.

  "We have no choice," he replied slowly. "They can crush us with barely a thought. If they betray us, we are finished. But if they hold to their word—and I think they will—Alterac will survive. No matter the cost."

  "I still do not like this," Hath said stubbornly. "We gave our word to the other nations." He looked uncertain, however, and Perenolde knew the general was considering the situation and realizing that this might in fact be their only hope for survival.

  "You do not have to like it," Perenolde replied sharply. "You only have to obey. I am king here, and I have made my decision. You have sworn oaths to me, and you will abide by them." He knew that would not stop them if they disagreed, but he hoped he had managed to convince them, at least enough to let their fealty sway them the rest of the way.

  Hath studied him for a moment. "As you say, your Majesty," he stated finally. "I will obey." The others nodded as well.

  Perenolde smiled. "Good. And as for the Alliance, I will accept any and all consequences personally." He turned back toward the map. "Now then, the Horde will come through here, here, and here," he said, indicating the southern passes on the map. He was annoyed to discover that his hand was shaking. "We have merely to leave these passes unmanned and the Horde will pass by without our ever encountering a single orc."

  Hath was studying the locations. "They must be planning to strike Lordaeron from the north," he mused, tracing a line across the edge of the tapestry to where the city would lay if the image continued. "I would not have taken that approach myself, but then I don't have their numbers—or their arrogance." He turned back to Perenolde, his expression dubious. "The men may object, your Majesty," he stated coldly. "They may feel this is a betrayal of our oaths, or worse." His tone left little doubt that he agreed with them. "If they revolt, we will be unable to stop them."

  Perenolde considered that. "Very well," he said after a moment. "Tell the soldiers that the Horde is planning to use only the three northernmost passes. If any ask how you acquired this information, hint that we had scouts and spies discover it at the cost of their own lives." He nodded, pleased with his own cleverness. "That should keep everyone occupied and safely out of the way."

  Hath nodded brusquely. "I will station our men there at once, your Majesty," he promised crisply.

  "That's fine." Perenolde favored the general with the warmest smile he could manage, to show that all was forgiven. "Now you'd best get them moving. We don't want to risk the orcs arriving while our troops are still moving into position."

  The officers saluted and filed out of the map room—all except Hath.

  "What is it, General?" Perenolde asked, not having to fake the weariness in his voice.

  "There's been a messenger, sire," the general answered. "From the Alliance. He arrived while you were…resting." Hath gave a pointed glance at the cloak that lay tossed on a chair in the corner, his look saying clearly that he knew Perenolde had been outside the castle, and why. "He's waiting outside, sire."

  "Show him in at once," Perenolde replied, striding over to the chair and scooping up his cloak. "Did you speak with him?"

  "Only to ascertain who sent him," Hath assured him. "I knew you would want to hear his news first." The general was already at the map room door when he said this, and he beckoned to someone waiting outside. A young man in travel—stained leathers entered, looking down at the floor nervously.

  "Your Majesty," the young man said, glancing up briefly and then away again. "I bring you greetings and a message from Lord Anduin Lothar, Commander of the Alliance."

  Perenolde nodded and crossed to stand near the youth, tugging his cloak around him as he moved. "Thank you, General, that will be all for now," he told Hath, who looked relieved as he obediently left the room, shutting the door behind him. "Now, young man," Perenolde continued, turning back to the messenger, "what is this message you carry?"

  "Lord Lothar says you are to bring your troops to Lordaeron," the young man replied nervously. "The Horde is likely to attack the city there, and your forces must aid in its defense."

  "I see." Perenolde nodded, rubbing at his chin with the fingers of one hand. He reached out and laid the other arm across the youth's shoulder. "And does he expect you to report back on our progress?" he asked.

  The messenger nodded.

  "I see," Perenolde said again. "That is a shame." He turned toward the youth, his arm tightening to tug him closer, and stabbed with the dagger in his other hand. The blade passed up below the ribs and into the young man's heart, and he jerked, blood spilling from his mouth, before collapsing. Perenolde caught him before he could hit the floor, and eased him down.

  "It would have been far better if the message had been a written one," Perenolde said softly to the corpse, wiping his dagger on the body before resheathing it. Then he dragged the body across the room and to the garderobe in the corner, tipping it in and listening to the dull thuds as it bumped the walls on the way down. As an afterthought he removed his cloak, now blood—spattered beyond any hope of cleaning, and tossed it in as well. A shame—he'd quite liked the embroidery.

  After waiting a minute, Perenolde closed the curtain over the garderobe and walked back across the room. If Hath was waiting outside he w
ould tell the general that the messenger had needed to leave so urgently he had allowed the use of his private exit. Otherwise he would simply tell Hath next time they met that the young man had returned to the Alliance. And of course his message had been simply to hold fast against the Horde. Perenolde smiled. He could all but guarantee that no orc would force its way past their defenses. The other mountain paths were another matter entirely.

  Bradok clutched to the reins but not out of fear. He had forgotten all that the first time his dragon had taken wing, carrying him high into the sky. It was amazing, soaring among the clouds, and Bradok, who had always been a dutiful warrior but never more than content, had suddenly discovered true happiness. He was meant for this, meant to sail the skies, his massive red dragon beating its wings, the wind rushing through the crest of his hair. He still remembered the thrill of seeing flames spew from his dragon's mouth, and watching the trees burst from the sudden heat that incinerated them as soon as it touched them.

  Glancing down, Bradok saw a stretch of silver amid the greens and browns of this rich world. That was the sea, he knew, the same one they had crossed after sacking that other kingdom not long ago.

  Tapping his dragon with his heels, Bradok urged his mount lower and the dragon responded, furling its wings and diving down in a steep, exhilarating rush. The sea swelled in Bradok's vision, stretching almost to the horizon, and now he could see the dark shapes strung out where the sea met the shore. Those would be their ships, the ones that had carried the Horde from the other continent to this one. Bradok hated ships. He wasn't overly fond of water, either. But the air, that was a wonderful thing.

  Pulling his dragon out of the dive, Bradok coasted over the ships, seeing the poor orcs seated in the benches all down their lengths, pulling on the long oars that kept the boat moving. An ogre stood near the center of each ship, beating time on a massive drum, and the orcs pulled in time, their steady strokes sending the dark ships sliding back into the water.


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