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Transcend (Origin Book 2)

Page 16

by Scarlett Dawn

  “No!” Poppy’s blood-curdling scream would live with me forever. She dropped next to his body and shook his bare shoulder. “Wake up, big man. Wake up.”

  Godric’s bare form was covered in soot.

  He slept peacefully. His eyes closed…forever.

  I sat hard behind Finn and wrapped my arms around his sobbing form. The gentle rocking motion I made us do helped him as much as it did me.

  Theron choked on air.

  Then he tipped his head and bellowed.

  Earth shattering.

  He was a father soon to bury his beloved son.

  Down, down in the earth. No one would know he was there except those who loved him and still lived. And when the time came, and everyone was gone, he would be no more.

  Poppy shook his shoulders again, lying over his body. The wetness from her face streaked the gray to black on his chest. On a sob, she coaxed, “Godric, come back to me. I can’t do this without you. Forever, big man. We are forever, remember?” Her dainty hands shook his shoulders harder. “Please. I’m begging you. Don’t leave me here alone.”

  I tipped my face down on my white tiger’s shoulder and allowed my pain to emerge with everyone else’s. My tears freefell down his skin, sliding over his shoulder.

  Finn turned his torso and grabbed me around the waist, yanking me onto his lap. We held one another. I wouldn’t let go, and he wouldn’t let go. Together, we shed our pain in shuddering sobs.

  We reached out and touched others every so often, letting them into our embrace. No more words were spoken by anyone. The full gravity of Godric’s death pulled us all under into that ugly darkness of despair.

  * * *

  I used Poppy’s key and unlocked then held the door open to her house—only hers now.

  Theron turned to the side and maneuvered into the foyer. His son was in his arms, still warm and breathing but a living corpse. A true monster had stolen his soul.

  The son he carried was only a shell.

  Wolfe sidestepped through the entrance as well, his arms full of an incoherent woman who continued to cut her hand in hopes it would quit healing instantly.

  The men had talked about it.

  Mr. Wood would be staying with her for a time. She may not be able to permanently die, but she would try to kill herself again and again. In her mind, she was facing forever alone.

  Finn took the key from my hand and set it on the floor by the door. My white tiger pulled me outside and hugged me close. He whispered in my ear, “I want to go home. Leave with me.”

  I peered up into his blue eyes. “You don’t want to stay here for a while?”

  “We did that last night on the train. Now, I need my mate in my bed so I know she’s safe in my arms.”

  I pressed my lips against his jaw. “Take me then.”

  We stepped on the golems still piled high and littering the yard. Now, there would be no Mr. King to help clean up the mess. It was now only Ms. Poppy Carvene’s duty.

  “We should come over tomorrow and clean this outside area up,” I murmured.

  “I agree. We’ll do it first thing in the morning.” He cleared his throat pointedly. “Then, if you wish, we can stop by your parents’ house to pick up more of your things?”

  “Are you asking me to live with you?”

  I didn’t have to anymore. The immoral man wasn’t after my soul. He was after the aberrations’. He had one now.

  How many more souls would he steal?

  “Yes. I’m horrible at this, obviously. But I would like you to move in with me.”

  “I will.” I paused. “As long as we can change some of the palettes inside your home. You are a bit obsessive over the color of blood.”

  “We’ll see.” He didn’t deny the blood issue.

  “That’s a yes.” I bumped his hips gently.

  “Nice catch.”

  “Thank you, my white tiger.”


  Finn held my hand up above where his head lay on his pillow. He played with each of my fingers. “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Sky blue,” I whispered.

  Our feet twined together under the covers.

  We were bare under the sheet, but there was no fooling around this evening. Tonight was just for us.

  “Why sky blue?”

  “Because it matches my eyes.”

  He snorted. “Now who’s proud?”

  I shrugged, our shoulders rubbing together.

  He questioned, “What was the name of the first boy you kissed?”

  “I actually kissed a girl first.”

  His gaze flicked from my fingers to my face. “I didn’t know that about you.” His gaze held interest—of the sexual sort.

  “Not like that. I’m straight,” I clarified. “But I was five and had just witnessed my parents kissing. And not the little love pecks they give one another in public. I was curious, so I kissed my best friend, Milly. When I stuck my tongue in her mouth, like my parents had done to one another, she screamed and ran away.”

  Finn snorted. “I’d like to see baby pictures of you. I bet you were adorable.”

  “Mother has plenty,” I assured him.

  He turned his attention back to my fingers and continued playing with them. “What’s your favorite number?”



  “It looks pretty when you write it.”

  “Hairy or smooth chests on men?”


  He didn’t ask me why since his chest is nice and smooth.

  “Favorite season?”


  “Any particular reason?”

  “I feel hopeful during that time of year when everything is beginning to bud.”

  He nodded his head in agreement. “Favorite drink?”

  “Alcoholic or non-alcoholic?”


  “Vodka. Raspberry tea.”

  He turned to face me, holding my hand between our bodies. “Do you think you’ll love me one day?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m falling hard already.”

  “Will you marry me…one day?”

  “I’ll probably need to before I turn twenty-five.” My brows rose. “Unless you think I could make it in the Corporate Army?”

  His shoulders shook. “We should probably focus on working through a contract with your father…one day.”

  “Yes, agreed.” I leaned forward and kissed the tip of his nose—just because I wanted to and he was mine. Then I settled my head back onto my pillow. “Now, ask me something silly.”

  “Have you ever farted in a store, and then walked away really fast so anyone who came in wouldn’t know the stench was from you?”

  My lips trembled. “Ask me something boring.”

  Finn chuckled so hard his eyes crinkled at the edges. “How many times, my precious Mina?”

  My cheeks flushed. “There might have been more, but I just remember this one specific time when I was out with Mother. She was complaining a lot that day, and I was getting frustrated. So in an act of retaliation, I let a silent one go right near one of her friends. Then I blamed it on her. She was mortified for the whole next month. She wouldn’t even go to any parties.”

  He lifted one white brow. “Did you eventually apologize?”

  “I did. I felt horrible forever.”

  Knock, knock.

  Our heads turned to the bedroom door, the soft knock too timid for an intruder. And Finn would have heard this person a long time ago entering his house.

  Finn murmured, “You can come in, Cass.”

  My eyes instantly softened as he came in.

  The seer looked like hell.

  He scratched at his unshaven jaw, his voice quiet. “Just letting you know I’m here. But if anyone asks if I’m here, I’m not.”

  Finn nodded. “Okay. Are you hungry?”

  His features scrunched in revulsion. “No.”

  I sighed and held the blanket close to
my chest and sat up. “Cassander, come get in bed with us.”

  Finn didn’t argue, watching his friend.

  Cassander’s eyes grew wide. “Um…no thanks.”

  I waved a hand in the air. “Not for sex, silly. Just get in bed. Lay on Finn’s other side. There’s plenty of room for you.”

  Cassander hesitated, peering at the white tiger. “Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes. But grab that shirt over there and toss it to Mina.”

  Cassander tossed the shirt to me, and then muttered, “I’ll be back in a second.”

  When he walked outside the bedroom, I dropped the blanket and pulled the t-shirt over my head. The bed hugged my curves as I flopped down. I turned on my side to face him and pressed my feet against his. I ordered, “Ask me short questions.”


  I chuckled. “No, I hate having to bend down.”


  “Not too skinny.”



  My eyes flicked down to the end of the bed when a silver fox jumped on the mattress. I stared. “Oh my, Cassander, however will you fit on such a large bed?”

  The fox bared its tiny teeth at me and then proceeded to walk up Finn’s leg to his hip. There he lowered himself, wiggling his hind legs to get comfortable.

  The fox’s steel gray eyes flicked back and forth between us.

  Finn snorted. “One or two?”

  “Two,” I replied.

  The fox chomped his mouth once.

  My lips twitched. One day, he would heal.


  “Hello, Father,” I smiled in happiness and stepped inside my parents’ home. I hugged him around his neck. “I’ve missed you!”

  The morning had been horrible.

  But the afternoon was perking up.

  We’d burned golem bodies for three hours straight, and there was still a mess in the yard. We would have to go back tomorrow morning. Finn and I weren’t going to work this week, grieving days, but we would be working nonetheless.

  The other corporate kings had taken the same route, and they were there this morning helping to repair Poppy’s house. The stucco was being redone, and the roof was being repaired. All-in-all, everyone was keeping themselves busy.

  Father enfolded me in his embrace, smiling against my hair, whispering in excitement, “I see you brought a friend with you.”

  If only he knew about a shifter’s hearing.

  “I did.” I leaned back and released him, our brief embrace complete. “I hope you don’t mind Finn stopping in with me. I need more clothes than what Mother sent me. And I need another bracelet. You wasted your money on the last one. It doesn’t power up.”

  I held out the box for the faulty bracelet.

  Father accepted it but set it aside on the foyer table. He pushed his hand out, and stated, “Mr. Baker, it’s lovely to see you again.” His brows rose high on his forehead. “Or shall I call you Finn, as my daughter does?”

  “Mr. Baker will do for now.” Finn flicked a finger at the box he had abandoned with ease. “Will you be exchanging that bracelet soon? Or should Mina and I stop by New City Hall and purchase a new one for her?”

  It was hard to do anything in the world without a bracelet, including buying food. The fact I had gone without for a few days was ridiculous. “I brought it back so you could exchange it. But if you really don’t have the time, we can stop by New City Hall. I can pay Finn back once I have a bracelet.”

  Father’s lashes fluttered. “Oh, no. It’s not due to time or financial issues—”

  “Then what is it about?” Finn asked quietly. He cocked his head. “Is there an issue your daughter needs to be informed of?”

  My lips pinched.

  The businessman had come out to play. The one who ruled over everyone. But this was my father.

  I nudged his leg with mine, the subtlest of motions.

  Father cleared his throat, clearly intimidated. “No, she already knows this. This is one of the original dwellings of New City. The power outlets are different than a newer home, which yours is. The bracelet we bought her—before you called—is specific to our home’s power outlet.”

  I chuckled. “Oh, I forgot about that.”

  “I did too,” he hushed. “And your mother. It didn’t dawn on us until before bed last night—when your Mother started fretting about you not calling. We remembered then.”

  Finn grunted.

  Father pulled his shoulders up, the same impressive height as the shifter next to me. “I don’t appreciate you breathing down my neck.”

  My eyes widened in shock.

  Father tilted his head toward our front door. “I don’t care who you are, Mr. Baker. No one speaks to me as you did in my own home. This space, it’s my domain. So why don’t you step outside, and once Mina has her bags packed, she’ll meet you at the end of the street.”

  My mouth snapped shut.

  This was his home.

  Finn’s lips started to curl at the edges, in a too pleased expression. “That didn’t take long.” He lifted his left hand and pounded my father’s shoulder a few times. “I can see where Mina gets it from.”

  I cleared my throat when no one moved. “I believe he still wants you to leave, Finn.”

  “I was only playing,” Finn muttered, his blues aligning with my father’s. “You have my apologies if I offended you.”

  “I don’t like to be played with.” He huffed. “But you may stay if Mina’s says it’s okay.”

  “Of course,” I mumbled. “And where’s Mother? I have a surprise for her.”

  Mother peeked her head around the corner. “A surprise?”

  My lips trembled. “Mother…”

  She waved a dismissive hand as she walked toward us. “I had no idea you were here.” She wiggled her fingers at me, showing the dried blue paint on them. “I just came out from my art room to get a drink.”

  Finn nodded his head the tiniest smidge.

  She was honest this time.

  I dug into my pockets and Finn’s back right pocket. Then I held up the items for her. “I found these.”

  Mother started repeatedly blinking until a tear slid down her cheek.

  “Odette?” Father grabbed her elbow and pulled her closer to him. He tipped her face up so he could stare down at her at the perfect angle for both of them. “Are you not well?”

  “I’m fine,” Mother whispered and then directed her attention to the items I had. “Those are the things that were stolen from me.”

  She pointed at the hairbrush. “My mother gave that to me when I was little.” A flick to the earrings. “Those were my grandmother’s.” A last flick to the necklace. “That is the ‘something old’ I wore on our wedding day. Except for the picture that’s new in it.”

  He rubbed Mother’s arms. “I’m happy Mina found them then.”

  Mother wiggled her blue fingers at me again. “Put those on the table for me, so I don’t have to clean them later.”

  I placed them there carefully, never understanding the meaning behind her mementos.

  “Mother, I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Finn leaned down, and murmured, “We should probably start packing your items soon. It’ll probably take a little while.”

  I nodded. “I agree.”

  Mother stared straight at me. “You’re still fine?”

  “I am.” I smirked. “Better than fine, actually.”

  Her blink was slow. “That’s good to hear.”

  I nodded and pulled Finn up the stairs with me, my parents watching us as we walked away. “So what do you think?”

  “I think I like your father. I think your father likes certain aspects of me. I think your mother still hates me. I really like your mother—a great role model and parent.”

  I snorted. “Did you miss anything?”

  “Yes. Your father is down there right now saying extremely inappropriate t
hings to your mother about their evening plans tonight.”

  My chest heaved with my laughter. “I told you about them.”

  “I hadn’t quite believed it.”

  I leaned toward him, and whispered, “Do you know what I want?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Tell me.”

  I stopped in front of my bedroom door and placed my hand on the doorknob. “I want you to fuck me on my bed in here for a final goodbye to this house. Since I’m officially all yours.”

  He pressed his muscled chest against mine, his blue eyes dilating with need. “Whatever you want, my precious Mina. I’m yours.”




  New York Times bestselling author and award-winner, Scarlett Dawn, is the author of the Forever Evermore new adult fantasy series, the Origin paranormal dystopian stories, the Mark new adult science fiction saga, and the Lion Security contemporary series.



  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six


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