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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

Page 2

by Tony Corden

  “Leah, you need to work harder on your skills as an encourager. And while I’m touched by your heartfelt suggestion, I will have you know that I am not a low-life gang lord: I am a superior gang lord.”

  “That you are Jimmy Loo, that you are. Look, I have to go, but I wanted you to know what was happening and what my plans were.”

  “Thank you! I'll see what I can do to arrange a way for some of the more influential people in the Switch to listen to your interview. They won’t be able to experience it, but I might be able to arrange an audio feed. Be careful.”

  When she had finished the call, she hurried to log in and discuss her options with Sharon and Stephen.

  When Leah arrived in the Tower, she walked through to her garden and sat to meditate for a moment or two. She needed to find a place of calm. She had been there for just under twenty minutes when Gèng said, “Excuse me Leah, Sharon and Stephen will be arriving shortly.”

  Leah nodded and stood. Slowly she walked to the central area and sat on her sofa. She continued to breathe carefully and to stay focused and calm. Moments later the two arrived like a whirlwind, as if to blow her sense of calm away.

  Sharon said, “It’s arranged. I contacted Virtual World Today and DMR Interactions; both are interested. They had media contacts in both the Russian Federation and China. All the groups are interested in sharing an interview with you. Everyone wanted the live coverage, and it was looking brutal until I suggested they could share the interview. It took a bit of wrangling, but finally, all agreed to have a joint interview to be broadcast from the Virtual World Today Studios.”

  “What, all of them?”

  “Yep. They are trying to get several of the other contestants to join in and get feedback on how contestants feel about each other.”

  “Not Merideath?”

  “It’s possible. You need to be calm and get ahead of this. The people I talked with were amazed you had the gumption to take on Dunyanin. They all saw you as a nice sweet girl, someone who was in over her head and likely to be destroyed in the first skirmish. The fact that you are proactive here has already shifted how they see you. You need to do what Stephen said; you need to treat her as irrelevant.”

  Leah nodded and then said, “By the way, I think I can prove I didn’t teleport to Malden in the break. I didn’t have that spell then. I didn’t get it until after I left the Pantheon of Heaven.”

  Sharon smiled, and the three settled down to discuss strategies. Sharon helped Leah with what she should and shouldn’t say on particular issues, and Stephen cautioned her on the legal ramifications of any statements she might make.

  At nine thirty Leah and Sharon entered a portal Gèng had arranged for them to the Virtual World Today Studio World. It was dedicated to providing news and commentary on what was happening in the world-wide multiverse. Within the world were several separate daughter worlds, each one coded to give viewers a front row seat to the news, commentary or interview. When a viewer chose to watch a particular show, their avatar was given front row seats in the audience which was made up of all the other viewers around the world. Each person believed they were in the front row and if they turned around, they could see a whole crowd behind them in row after row of viewers.

  Those on the stage were able to look out at the crowd and get an indication of the audience size. If they focussed on the centre of the first row, then each person in the audience felt as if they were personally being noticed and valued. The technology was widely used and was able to cope easily with audiences of a hundred million or more.

  When Leah and Sharon arrived, they were welcomed by the show’s producer, who apologised that the interviewers were unable to meet and greet due to the hurried nature of the show. She said, “It looks like this’ll be one of the largest shows we have hosted this year. News of the interview was released twenty minutes ago, and we already have over four million viewers who’ve set alarms to be present. We expect the number of live viewers to top two hundred million. It is a coup to have this in our studios even though it is likely the greatest number of viewers will come from China. Yuè_Fēi_Lóng’s comments about you in an interview the other day sparked an interest in you that surged when you claimed the dragon.”

  Sharon asked, “Who else is coming?”

  “We have a representative from Dunyanin who was invited although we haven't warned them of the topic. Yuè_Fēi_Lóng was unable to come due to a prior engagement, but Боевой_молот will be here, as will Gottes_Krieger and Merideath. She rarely responds to an interview request without advance warning, and we are thrilled she accepted. Let’s take you through to pre-production, and we’ll help you get ready.”

  Leah said, “What do you mean? Get ready?”

  “You need to get into your Dunyanin gear. What were you planning to wear?”

  “What I have on.”

  “Not possible. You can’t just wear slacks and a nice blouse. You aren’t appearing as Atherleah Carroll; here you are Atherleah, the player from Dunyanin. That is who we want to interview.”

  Leah turned to Sharon who nodded and said, “Sorry, my bad. I thought you understood. You need to dress the part. You can choose whatever you want from your Dunyanin clothing.”

  Leah followed them backstage and then equipped the same clothes she wore at the first press conference. The Producer shook her head and said, “Don’t you have anything else? The people have seen that already. Even your armour would be better than that. The others all look heroic and mighty.”

  “Are they wearing the same as before?”

  “No! They all have on a different array of armour. The only one the same is the Paladin, but he always wears the same thing.”

  Leah thought for a moment and then equipped the Emeraldine gown she had worn to the Elven Court of Göksel-Orman. She added the jewellery and Merdiven. The producer stared for a moment and said, “It isn’t heroic or mighty, but it’s different, and it might set a good contrast. It's a good choice.”

  After some last minute advice from Sharon, a member of the production crew came and said, “Please come with me Atherleah. You need to be seated in the next few minutes. The show will begin at 9.55. This gives us fifteen minutes before your feed is due to air.”

  Leah followed the man through a door and onto a stage. She looked out over an empty auditorium which in just minutes would be filled with millions of people as they logged on. On the stage were nine chairs arranged in a semicircle so that everyone could see the others.

  Leah was the last to arrive as Боевой_молот, Gottes_Krieger and Merideath were already seated on large padded armchairs. She was shown to a similar chair positioned next to Боевой_молот (Boyevoy_Molot, Battle Hammer). Across from her were the four interviewers or hosts. Lisa Wilks, Mark Stevens, and two people she didn’t know. Gèng informed her they were 诚实 (Chéng Shí) from the top-rated Chinese show on virtual gaming and Костя Алексеев (Kostya Alekseyev) from the Russian Federation. Lisa Wilks was in the centre chair. At the other end of the half-circle was a man in a suit who Leah recognised as one of the men she had ignored and logged out on earlier in the day. His name, Gèng shared was William Masters.

  The clock counted down to zero and Leah could see the show’s introductory graphics showing on a small display Gèng relayed to her vision. She looked up and could see the seats filling faster than she had a chance to count. The number was displayed in her vision and was already over five million. She swallowed and began to breathe carefully, hoping to remain calm.

  Gèng interrupted her thoughts and said quietly, “Leah, two things have just happened that you need to know. First, Dunyanin has just released a press statement that your account has been suspended awaiting review for inappropriate use and tampering for financial gain. Second, and more importantly, I just received news that your mother was abducted on her way to church.”

  Leah couldn’t help herself, she slumped in shock and looked up and over at Merideath. Meredith looked back, ra
ised an eyebrow and allowed her mouth to show a smug little smile. Leah regained control and said, “Was anyone hurt and did John have time to put our plans into play?”

  “All three of her guards were hurt in the attack. Two have been taken to the hospital and the other, Lacey, is recovering back at the facility. John says that he was able to implement the plans but suggests you keep your head in the game and not get distracted.”

  Leah gave a small nod and tried to focus on what was going on. Lisa Wilks began, “Welcome viewers to this special edition of Virtual World Today. I have invited three colleagues to join me on the show. First is Mark Stevens from DMR Interactions. His insight into the gaming world and in fact the whole of the multiverse is informed by over fifteen years as the main presenter and co-producer of DMRI’s flagship show ‘Dream Time’. Joining us from the top rating Chinese show Xūnǐ Yóuxì is Chéng Shí. We are also pleased to have Kostya Alekseyev from the Russian Federation’s most-watched virtual news show Zhizn’–Igra, or as is most commonly known, ZI.”

  Each of the hosts introduced themselves, and then Mark said, “We also welcome four of the contestants chosen to fight for the privilege of opening a new continent in the Virtual World of Dunyanin. Before we introduce them to you, let me welcome Dr William Masters, who as one of Dunyanin’s Vice Presidents, is responsible for the Merkize Odyssey.”

  “Thank you for the welcome. I am pleased to be here to represent the amazing world of Dunyanin.”

  Mark continued, “Four contestants are here, but only three of them are well known. First, I’d like to introduce the highest ranking player in Dunyanin, someone who needs no introduction as she is one of the multiverses most successful inhabitants, Merideath.”

  Merideath smiled and gave a small nod to the crowd then said, “Thank you, Mark, it is a pleasure to be here once again. Thank you for the invitation.”

  Lisa said, “From the Republic of Germany, please welcome the Paladin, Gottes_Krieger.”

  The Paladin gave a similar bow of his head and said, “Thank you! I am honoured by the invitation.” He spoke in German, but each person's AI was able to give a seamless translation into the language of their host.

  Kostya introduced Боевой_молот who again thanked everyone and asked that they call him Ivan.

  Finally, Chéng Shí said, “It is my pleasure to introduce one of the multiverse’s newest stars. A player who although new to the gaming universe is pitting herself against players who seem light years ahead of her in skill and resources. Please welcome, the enigmatic Atherleah.”

  Atherleah decided to respond in Mandarin and said, “Thank you for the privilege of being here in such esteemed company.”

  Lisa said, “Before we start let me remind you of our format. We’ll begin looking into a particular issue but you viewers have the right to move us on. If you think we’ve gone as deep as you want us to then just press the stop sign icon, and if you want us to go deeper, press the shovel icon. Viewers can submit and vote for questions through our viewer interface. If any question receives more than 200,000 votes, we will ask it if time permits. If any question receives over a million votes, we will ask it at the next break of conversation. Any question receiving over five-million votes, we’ll stop everything and ask it. Now, Atherleah, let me start with you, exactly how long have you been playing in the virtual universe?”

  “Not long really, I had my chip embedded just over three weeks ago.”

  Chéng Shí said, “Three weeks. You’ve come a long way in only three weeks. You must have played almost continually to reach Level 270?”

  “I have spent most of the Dunyanin daylight hours in-game, but I’ve also begun my studies at University as well as enjoying several other games.”

  Kostya asked, “Which university do you attend?”

  “I’m enrolled at the Brisbane Community College as well as at MIT.”

  The four interviewers glanced at each other and Lisa said, “I’m hearing that you’re smart, driven and skilful. What do you think your chances are against the virtual powerhouses you face in this challenge?”

  All through the questioning, Gèng had been relaying information and instructions from Sharon and Stephen, so Leah softly shrugged and said, “I doubt I’ll get a chance to find out. It appears that the Dunyanin Administrators have decided to suspend my account. I have no idea why they would do that. Previously they have been fair to me, so I expect it is a glitch somewhere and will be sorted out soon. If not then I guess I’ll be watching from the sidelines. If I am, then I expect it will be a battle between my two favourites, Yuè_Fēi_Lóng and Боевой_молот.”

  Each of the hosts appeared shocked although Gèng assured her they had already been informed. Боевой_молот pursed his lips and looked angry while both Gottes_Krieger and Merideath had small smiles. Chéng Shí turned to William Masters and said, “This is unexpected and unprecedented news. Why have you suspended Atherleah’s account?”

  “Firstly, let me apologise on behalf of the Dunyanin administrators, it is with regret that we have had to take this extreme measure. There appear to be several irregularities in the account, and like you, we are amazed by Atherleah’s meteoric rise. We thought it best to suspend the account and do a full review before showing more of Atherleah’s feed. Primarily, we have done this for her sake and the sake of her many followers.”

  Боевой_молот sat forward and said in English, “Bah, I think you care about yourself and not the little cookie maker.”

  Atherleah smiled and said, “Chocolate chips if I remember correctly, Ivan. But seriously, Dr Masters, I am quite comfortable with my feed to be shown. In fact, Ms Wilks, please accept my personal recording of what happened today. I have nothing to hide, and I’m sure that your viewers are savvy enough to see what is happening in the feed.”

  “Thank you Atherleah. I appreciate your transparency.”

  Dr Masters interjected and said, “I must protest. One of the legalities included in the waiver signed by Ms Carroll specifically gave Dunyanin exclusive access to her feeds. Those feeds are currently the property of the Dunyanin Administrators, and we do not permit their release.”

  Atherleah sat a little straighter and said, “Excuse me Dr Masters, but as a newcomer to the virtual worlds I was a little uncertain of the phraseology in the contract and had my advocate make an addendum to that clause. I’m absolutely sure that, if you check, you’ll find my contract allows me full rights, without restrictions, to all my feed. Ms Wilks, I’ve sent you a copy of the contract so you and your staff can check that yourselves. I wouldn’t want you to break any laws.”

  Merideath interjected, “We are a little off track I think. Whether or not Atherleah is suspended, the rest of us are not. I suggest we leave such matters to the lawyers and talk about the game; this is what the viewers want.”

  Atherleah said, “I’m sure you’re right Mrs Kodoman. I’d love to hear more about you because I don’t know very much about the gaming world. People say you’ve been around for years and years. I was wondering the other day how you keep your interest in the game when you get old? Not that you’re old, of course. Older is a better word, maybe. Well, you know what I mean, someone like you who’s well into her fifties.”

  Merideath's face became rigid but before she could answer Mark interrupted, “It’s clear from the viewer interface that we should dig deeper into this issue rather than move on. So, William, I expect you’ve checked with your lawyers just as we have, do you have any other objections to showing the feed?”

  Dr Masters shook his head and the feed from Atherleah’s morning began. Sharon had edited it, so it progressed smoothly through the first confrontation with Kandirma.

  Kostya said, “I was wondering, Merideath, what Atherleah has stolen from you that would warrant such a threat.”

  Merideath stared at him for a moment and had just begun to open her mouth when Atherleah interjected, “Oh that’s easy to answer. I’ve also been playing in Cosmos Onlin
e, and as you know, that is a game where you have to be careful of your resources, or they can get swiped. Mrs Kodoman wasn’t watching carefully enough, and I managed to pilfer a couple of FTL capable starships from under her nose. I’m surprised it’s such a big deal though when she has a whole fleet of them.”

  Боевой_молот burst into laughter and then looked contrite. He said, “I’m sorry, but that was funny. I might learn to play this Cosmos Online if it’s that easy to get a starship.”

  Gottes_Krieger said, “Be quiet Ivan, it is wrong to steal. This young half-breed should know better than to take from her betters.”

  Atherleah said, “Mr Kreiger, I am sure you are right about stealing. And I assure you, I would never take anything from my betters.”

  There was a moment’s silence before Merideath said, “Before I was interrupted Kostya, I was about to answer your question. I would like to assure you and everyone here that whatever this man said he was not speaking for me. He was a member of my clan, but I had to expel him recently. I suggest he has taken this avenue to try and ruin my reputation with this threat. He was aware, as we all are that Atherleah’s feed was likely to go public. I shall ask my lawyers to seek redress from him for this attack on my reputation.”

  Leah leant forward and said, “Oh that is a relief, I was worried for a moment. I am sure, though, that whatever this man said he could never lower your true reputation, the reputation you have with those who know you. He couldn’t make that go lower. Take comfort in that.”

  Боевой_молот said, “I’m glad I came. Normally these shows are boring, but this is exciting. It is like watching two titans fight. What happened next?”

  Merideath started to speak but had to stop when they played Kandirma’s accusation and Utsal’s condemnation. When the segment finished, Gottes_Krieger said, “So that is the truth. You use the game to kill innocents. Be assured that should you be allowed to be in the Challenge, then I shall defeat you, Queen of Lies.”


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