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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

Page 7

by Tony Corden

  “I agree. I think it is a good gesture on your part and likely to help them take the last step and return your relationship to the state of goodwill that existed previously.”

  “And if it doesn’t?”

  “Then you’ll have to decide if you really need them to change their mind or if you’ll meet them halfway.”

  Leah nodded. She understood that sometimes for there to be peace you had to step back from achieving everything you believe needed to be achieved—if it meant getting most of it.

  After several more minutes discussing the previous events and content that she knew everything she could about the Elfauns from the disc, she made her way to the Dunyanin portal and stepped through.

  Leah arrived in the Dryad’s circle and took Mìng out to release her when there was a flash of light, and the woman caseworker from Dunyanin appeared. She stepped toward Leah and said, “Ms Carroll, I regret that during our last meeting we seemed to get off to a poor beginning. On behalf of …”

  Leah interrupted and said, “Lady, why do people always include me in their fake apologies? We didn’t ‘seem to’ get off to a bad beginning. You got off to a bad beginning. You were interrupting my play. I understood from my lawyer that Dunyanin had decided to be reasonable about making good on their errors and mismanagement. But he was obviously mistaken as you continue to interrupt my play and you accuse me of being a party to our dispute. Now beat it and let me get on with my game.”

  “Or what, Ms Carroll? Or what? I know, just as surely as you do, that you want to succeed in the challenge to Merkize. So get down off your high horse and discuss this reasonably. You won’t be able to pull together another media storm like yesterday a second time. Your arrival here shows that you need us as much, if not more, than we need you. I know you need whatever benefit you got from my inadvertent comment. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose from pushing the issue.”

  Leah spoke audibly, “Gèng.” She turned to the lady and said, “That is the name of my AI.”

  “Gèng, please send a copy of the last five minutes of gameplay from the previous session to every contestant involved in the Merkize challenge. Add the last comment made today. Please tell Stephen to go ahead and sue Dunyanin for breach of contract, get him to check with the other contestants if they would like him to add their names to the suit.”

  The lady looked at Leah in horror and faded from view.

  Once the woman had gone, Leah let Mìng out and said, “Good morning! Can you sense the closest Dryad larva?”

  Mìng said, “Yes, it is close.”

  “All right, let’s go. You direct, and I’ll go first. If you sense any possible threats, then let me know.”

  With the small game trail to move along, Leah found the travel slow going. I took her almost an hour to travel the half league to where Mìng sensed the Dryad Larva. Once again she found herself in a cleared circle. Lying near the edge was a huge emaciated Larva. It was more than twice the size of the previous one. Its scars covered almost every inch, and it had been hurt recently. Leah could see several large gashes on its body.

  She stepped closer and could almost feel the pain of the poor creature. Within her she could feel the rage grow, she was literally shaking with the emotion. It was only with an immense effort of will that she spoke quietly into the glade, “My name is Atherleah. If you wish it, I would like to heal you, and then Mìng, daughter of Y’sam Ejderhasi, is willing to help you enter the pupal stage. Do you wish our help?”

  The Dryad Larva attempted to say something, but Leah could see it was a struggle. She said, “Don’t talk. Move an arm if you wish our help.”

  One of the arms moved slowly. Leah stepped forward and placed her hands on the Larva’s head. She was about to cast Heal when Mìng said, “Atherleah, let go of the rage. Rage leads to fire. Compassion leads to life. Heal her with the compassion that fuels your fire, not with the fire itself.”

  Leah took several deep breaths, nodded at Mìng, and put her anger aside. As she did, tears formed, and as they fell Leah double-cast Heal and pushed all her Mana into the spell. Just as when Merdivan healed V’fali, a bar of emerald mana shot from her hands and covered the Larva with a green crystalline coating. With her Ki and Mana both empty, Leah stood trembling and swallowed two restore potions as she waited to see the results of her spell.

  She didn’t have long to wait and several minutes later the crystal split and dissolved into mist. The larva within slowly stood and said, “Atherleah, I thank you. As the eldest of my sisters, I name you Lady of the Circle. Your act of kindness to Y’nil Enme has spread through the earth and given us courage. Through her, we can communicate with our sisters. You have given us hope when all was lost.”

  Leah struggled for a moment as the tears resumed. Finally, she said, “I cannot find words to share my grief at your plight. Let your sisters know that I will come. May the daughter of Y’sam Ejderhasi share her blood with you?”

  “I would be honoured to feel her kiss, as did my sister. Why do you ask? Surely we would want this?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Either way, you have had no control over your lives for many years. I would not impose even a blessing on you, without your consent. I would not wish you to exchange one master for another, even a benevolent one. The choice is yours.”

  Mìng said, “I name you H’kin Sesi, for you are one who speaks for her people.”

  The larva moved to the centre of the circle, and Mìng again opened a wound on her lip and kissed H’kin Sesi on the head as Leah cast the dragon-spell of Life. When the spell ended Leah and Mìng were once more alone. Leah said, “Thank you for helping me to control my rage.”

  “You are welcome. I hope it is not gone. Rage serves a purpose when it feeds a fire that needs to burn.”

  “Have no fear Mìng; the rage has not gone. It is even now ready to be let loose, to burn. It will now burn with direction and not indiscriminately.”

  “Good! The next larva is in that direction.”

  Before they could move there was a shimmer, and a figure appeared in the circle. Leah recognised the God from her visit to the Pantheon of Heaven. She bowed and said, “Welcome Lord Umut, you honour us.”

  “Nonsense, you bring honour to yourself. I felt the wave of hope from this part of creation and saw you. I realised that you had once more strengthened the weary with a promise of better things to come. I wish a word with you?”

  “Before I hear your words I would like to introduce Shēngmìng Zhī Huǒ. She is the daughter of Y’sam Ejderhasi and A’lev Sevgilisi. Mìng, this is Lord Umut, the God of Hope. Lord Umut, this is Mìng.”

  Mìng bowed her head, and Umut said, “It is an honour to meet you Mìng, I thank you for the strength and wisdom you share with my Champion. Now, Atherleah, I was concerned when Utsal shared how you killed the women and children of a dwarven clan. Your help here today suggests you are not beyond redemption. What caused you to commit such a heinous act?”

  “Lord Umut, please know that I did no such thing. Lady Utsal is mistaken.”

  “Mistaken, Atherleah, the Goddess of Truth and Light? Would you lie even to me? How can a God be mistaken?”

  “Before you also condemn me, Lord Umut, might I at least have leave to present some evidence?”


  “If possible it would be useful for Lady Utsal, Lady Olme and Lord Mantic to be present.”

  “I doubt Utsal will come, but I will ask them to come.”

  Three figures soon appeared, and Umut said, “Utsal, I thank you for coming. It is my wish that you hear the words of Atherleah my Champion. Should she fail in her explanation, then I will join you in her condemnation. Olme, you are welcome and are present at Atherleah’s request. As are you Mantic, though I am not sure why.”

  Mantic, who was the God of Logic, said, “I assume that as Utsal’s word is to be brought into question, that I am a substitute. In fact, many of my followers prefer my way to the way of truth because it gives them several ans
wers rather than a single one. That way they can still choose. Be wary Atherleah; I know that reason can lead to many paths, and that not all of them are either good, or true.”

  Leah said, “I understand Lord Mantic. Still, when the way is uncertain then reason and logic are worthy mapmakers.”

  Umut waved his hand and chairs appeared for each God. He said, “Speak, Atherleah!”

  “Lady Olme, are you aware of the dwarves from Clan Molven who came to your realm two weeks hence?”

  “I am Atherleah. Each one was placed by me into a vessel to carry them down the River Tukenis. Some of them were still infants, Atherleah.”

  “Did they speak of their attackers and lay blame at someone’s feet?”

  “Nay Atherleah, they speak not of such things on the River. They have regret for things undone, more so than any hatred for the living. Those who cannot put aside their hatred stand on my banks until they gain perspective. I, however, do know the method and architect of each death. None were killed by your hand Atherleah.”

  “Lady Utsal, please hear my words and judge their worth. At the time of the murders at Clan Molven I was visiting another realm and could not have been present. Further, for the days before and for those after I was not near Molven but involved in a quest from which I could not leave. I have never been to the lands of Clan Molven. Are my words true?”

  Utsal looked stunned, and her complexion paled as she said, “Your words are true.”

  Umut said, “In which realm were you during the deaths?”

  “I gave my word not to speak of it, Lord Umut. I suggest that Lady Olme is aware of the identity of those I sent her way during that time. I suggest she could make a reasoned guess.”

  Olme said, “Indeed! Lord Iskense, please attend us.”

  Another member of the Pantheon arrived and said, “You do realise that this ground will soon be considered hallowed if any more Gods arrive.”

  Olme said, “Iskense, was Atherleah our Counsellor a visitor to your realm two weeks hence?”

  “Indeed she was, she pilfered a goodly number of artefacts. She's one of the best thieves I’ve ever seen. She attacks with subtlety and deception. For a moment, several minutes ago, I thought she might be moved to my side. Her rage and anger were delightful. Then she almost destroyed me with her tears.”

  Atherleah bowed and said, “Thank you for your honesty, Lord Iskense, I wonder what you hope to gain? Truth for truth’s sake does not interest you.”

  “I sow a seed, Atherleah, a small seed of doubt in each word. They will not know which of my words are true and which are false. Even you are unsure of where my deceit lies hidden in the words I spoke.”

  “Not so Lord Iskense, I know your deceitful words from the truth. Mìng was here, and we both know that the rage I felt was not pleasing to you for it was powered by compassion, not hate.”

  He smiled and said, “If that makes you comfortable then believe what you will. In the end, I am usually able to find some deception in every beating heart.”

  Iskense disappeared, and Mantic said, “I have heard enough. The weight of argument, Utsal, Olme and Iskense all agree that Atherleah was not present at the time of the massacre, neither is it in her character. Atherleah’s guilt is proclaimed by a known blaggard and liar, the dwarf, Son_of_Aulë. The other witness is Utsal. Her word, however, is shown to be compromised. Therefore, it is logical to assume that Atherleah tells the truth. Logic also suggests that someone has found a way to influence and change the very foundation of the Gods themselves, our unchanging nature. The offending soul must be found and stopped. Or else, I suggest, we will fade and disappear. I will go and call a conclave.”

  As Mantic disappeared, Olme turned to Utsal and said, “I agree with Mantic. Atherleah is innocent of the charge. You have been tricked, Utsal, tricked into condemning your friend.” Turning to Leah, she said, “I hope to see many Elfauns on the banks of the River Tukenis in the next few days.”

  Leah nodded, and Olme faded from view. Umut said, “Atherleah, I too am satisfied. I will join Mantic and bolster the others with hope that we will find the culprit and end this attack upon the Pantheon.”

  Utsal was left in the glade with Atherleah and Mìng. She stared at her hands and said, “You must hate me for failing you in your time of need.”

  Atherleah walked over and took Utsal’s hands in hers. She said, “Lady Utsal, please hear my words and judge their worth. I do not, nor have I ever, hated you. I knew from the first moment that you had been deceived. My only regret is that those who wished me harm have brought you low by their actions.”

  Utsal looked at Leah and said, “Your words are true. It is strange, I have never been touched by a mortal before. Shot yes, but not held. You have courage to hold me so. How do I undo the damage I have done, albeit unwittingly?”

  “You cannot, my friend. Words, once spoken, will go where they will and achieve a myriad of things both intended and unintended. All I ask is that you speak the truth as you know it. My actions will change opinions far more than any words. This has always been the case.”

  Utsal nodded and said, “For your kindness and to express my confidence in you I have five gifts. First, I add ten percent to any future experience you gain. Next, I gift you an Anvil for I perceive you have need of one. I will provide the mana to power it. Whatever you place on it, will not cool until you have finished its reshaping, and it will aid in finding the true shape of the metal. To assist you in your journey I gift you the Spell of True Images. That you might not be deceived, I give you the Ring of Utsal. Finally, please accept this vial — it contains my blood. Know that you are my friend.”

  As she finished speaking the Goddess disappeared. Leah was pleased to have cleared her name and that she was once more on speaking terms with Utsal. She looked at her gifts.

  Atherleah, the Goddess Utsal, Goddess of Light and Truth gifts you with + 10% to all future Experience

  The Anvil of Truth

  Created by the Goddess Utsal for her Friend Atherleah. This anvil is powered by mana from the Goddess. It maintains the best temperature for working the metal and helps mould the metal to its true shape.

  Minimum: NA

  Skill Level: NA

  Soul bound to Atherleah

  The Spell of True Images - Novice Level 1 (max Level 20)

  This is a Divine Spell of Word and Intent. At the novice level, the spell will create a true copy of the caster. Once directed it will carry out the caster’s intent with the full level and skill of the caster. At higher levels, the caster will be able to increase the number of images created, and also make copies of others.

  Minimum Requirements for use:

  1. Only given to the Highest Rank Paladin of a God - Note: Utsal has removed this condition for you.

  2. 200W, 200I

  3. At least 10 spells at Level 10

  4. Already has the skills of Dual Wield and Dual Cast

  5. L500 - Note: Utsal has removed this condition for you.

  Cost: [(1000/Spell Level) x Player Level] MP

  Duration: 10000 MP per image per minute (max of 20 minutes or MP is exhausted)

  Preset Activation: When you know yourself hold the image in your mind and say the following phrase with the correct intonation “Create a copy true and strong,” while looking at the place, you desire the copy to appear.

  Effect: A true copy of you will be created. Give them a direction, and they will carry it out as if they were you. (Note: Dunyanin achieves this by mapping your gameplay and using it as a template for the clone’s actions.)

  Cool Down Period: At novice level the cool-down is 24 hours

  Ring of Utsal

  Created by the Goddess Utsal for her Friend Atherleah. This ring is a direct link to the aura of the Goddess thus it shines with a clear blue. When brought into contact with another any falsehood will corrupt the aura and the stone will turn clear as Utsal’s aura fades. Those who speak the truth will receive Utsal’s blessing.

  Level 14,
218 Blood of the Gods (23, 1):

  This restores all your Characteristics to their maximum and provides a two-hour buff where their rate of regeneration is multiplied by 100.

  Leah smiled and said, “Well now, that changes things just a little. I need to test these somewhere I can’t be seen. But first, we have several more Larvae to help. Where to, Mìng?”

  Mìng led Leah out of the glade towards the next Larvae. Three hours later they had just helped the sixth Larvae to take the next step toward becoming a Dragonblood Dryad when Gèng said, “Leah, you have received messages from all the contestants except Merideath and the Paladin. None are urgent. Stephen has served the Dunyanin administrators with a claim for damages. None of the other challengers took up your offer to use Stephen, but he said the word is that all of them have already brought legal action against Dunyanin for breach of contract. I am relaying this now because one of the detector units near the Luggage Point Treatment Plant registered one of your mother’s trackers. John is moving people carefully to cover the areas serviced by that plant. John said there is no need for you to get involved at this time but he promised to tell you immediately.”

  “Thank you Gèng. Please thank John and make sure my father knows.”

  With a lighter step, Leah moved forward with Mìng toward the next Larvae. They had travelled almost half a league when Mìng said, “I sense others moving toward the Larvae. They travel in a single line and move quickly.”

  “How many are there?”

  “I can sense ten. They will reach the larvae before we do.”

  “I can move faster if I Mist.”

  “Then go. Although I too can move faster, I believe they would hear me coming. I still have much to learn of Dragon Stealth. Carry me in the statue form.”

  Leah changed Mìng into a statue. Then she Misted and moved through the foliage like the wind. Before long she could feel blood up ahead. As she neared the sense of blood, she was able to see ten Elfauns. They were not all like the two scouts she had seen previously. Five were similar scouts but with them were four Elfauns at least her size.


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