Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4) Page 20

by Tony Corden

  The change in the runes again became evident in the second stage for when she heated the sword the runes turned silver as expected, but the runes now had a contrasting fine-outline or border, this time in a dark cyan. Leah placed the sword on the Anvil of Truth and began the long process of adding the scales. The anvil kept the temperature constant, and Leah was able to complete the scales in just under three hours. She took a short break and looked around; every Elfin Smith was watching the sword and taking notes.

  She smiled at them and then looked back to the sword. She took two Restore-potions to replenish her Ki and Mana. She motioned everyone to stand at a safe distance, and after checking the dragon spell one last time, as she began the spell she thrust the sword once more into the water. Steam exploded from the barrel, and Leah almost stopped her casting but regained her concentration just in time. She almost lost it a second time when the steam didn’t dissipate but began to take on the appearance of a dragon. As the amount of steam given off began to lessen, the dragon-shaped cloud began to coalesce and slowly formed into a long slender, translucent dragon made from the spelled water. As the last bubbles were released by the cooling sword, the dragon dove into the barrel and covered the sword.

  Leah slowly removed the sword, which was now translucent and looked to be made of red amber. She could discern each scale and distinguish each of the runes running down the length of each side of the sword. The steam dragon looked to be encased in the amber, its tail starting in the hilt and its nose almost touching the tip. Flame ran along the blade. She grasped the hilt where the enchanted scales had been designed to preclude any additional windings or covering. Gèng interrupted and said, “While you were working some messages were sent. Do you wish to see them?”


  For Completing the World Quest: Restore a Lost Race

  Atherleah (Level 268) You and your companion have healed and helped to plant the remaining Dryad Larvae in the Dryad valley and ensured their survival by removing the threat of valley’s apex predators, the Elfauns. Both you and your companion will receive the experience.

  Reward 1. 58 x 10,000 EP (+236%) for the Dryad’s planted

  Reward 2. World Achievement

  World Achievement: First 10 (3, Diamond)

  Restore a Lost Race

  Atherleah (Level 283) you are one of the first ten Players to Restore a Lost Race. This is your third World Achievement: 'First 10 (Diamond)’.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 283 = 4754400 (236%) Experience Points (2800000/2800000) …(1461260/2900000)

  Reward 2: + 5% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 3 x 1 Diamond = 3 Diamond

  Fame: 7500 Fame Points (219760)

  You have achieved the title: Saviour of the Dragonblood Dryads

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. (Delayed publication due to media ban on information regarding the player Atherleah)

  World Achievement: First 10 (4, Diamond)

  Become Ruler of NPC Social Entity - Queen of the Dragonblood Dryads

  Atherleah (Level 285) you are one of the first Players to be acknowledged Ruler of an NPC Social Entity. This is your fourth World Achievement: 'First 10 (Diamond)’.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 285 = 4859250 (241%) Experience Points (2900000/2900000) …(470510/3000000)

  Reward 2: + 5% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 4 x 1 Diamond =4 Diamond

  Fame: 7500 Fame Points (197260)

  You have achieved the title: Queen of the Dragonblood Dryads

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. (Delayed publication due to media ban on information regarding the player Atherleah)

  Claimant to Imperial Throne

  The Dragon-Blood Dryads of the Hidden Valley have upheld your claim to the Imperial Throne. Should your claim be upheld by another two separate and independent NPC Social Entities then you will be awarded the World Achievement: First 1 (1, Celestial) Imperial Ruler.

  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Create an Enchanter’s Potion - First 1000 (4, Emerald)

  Reward 1: 500 EP x 287 = 496510 (+246%) (967020/3000000)

  Reward 2: 10 Gold x 4 = 40 Gold

  Reward 3: +1 % to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 50 Fame Points (227310 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. (Delayed publication due to media ban on information regarding the player Atherleah)

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Create an Artefact - First 100 (1, Ruby)

  You have completed the Achievement Create an Artefact. You are one of the first 100 players to gain this achievement. This is your first Level 5 NPA ‘First 100.’

  Reward 1: 1000 x 287 = 995890 (+247%) Experience Points (1962910/3000000)

  Reward 2: 1 Platinum x 1 = 1 Platinum

  Reward 3: +2% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 100 Fame Points (227410 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Master Crafter (Smith, Enchanter, Mage) Your Skill Level in all three areas is considered to be at the Master level, although you may need to acquire certain additional skills to be able to perform consistently at that level.

  It is suggested that you give a name to your artefact before someone else takes the opportunity to name it for you.

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. (Delayed publication due to media ban on information regarding the player Atherleah)

  Leah looked at the sword closely

  ??? - Named Sword of Atherleah

  Atherleah forged ‘???’ from Adamantine, Dragon Steel, and Dragon Scales. Numerous enchantments were worked into the sword at each stage in its creation. The enchantments give the sword the following properties:

  1. Each cut absorbs 10% Mana, a death blow harvests all available Mana.

  2. Transfers inflicted HP loss to the wielder.

  3. Sword is self-repairing and self-sharpening.

  4. Sword cannot be used to inflict damage to its soul-bound wilder

  5. Magnifies life, fire, poison and divine spells when used as a wand or staff

  6. When charged the sword can be used to cast a variety of preprogrammed fire spells, including Dragon fire, Poisoned fire, and Divine fire.

  Base Damage: 10000 HP

  Mana Level: (0/100,000)MP

  Ki Level: (0/100,000)KP

  Soul Bound to Atherleah

  You are responsible for charging ‘???’. You can transfer a percentage to be shared with ‘???’ when you are at full MP and KP. ‘???’ must be equipped to share Mana and Ki. Do you want to share Mana and Ki with ‘???’? [Y] [N]


  What percentage of MP and KP do you want to share with ‘???’?

  Recommend 5% [Y] [N]


  She looked up as the Head Smith stepped forward. He said, “Empress Atherleah, you have honoured us this day. We have watched the making of an Artefact. How will you sheath the Empress’ Amber Dragon?”

  Before she could respond a message appeared:

  The Named Sword created by Atherleah has been named ‘Amber Dragon’.

  She couldn’t help but grimace and said, “I have not yet planned the sheath. I will give need to give the matter some thought. I thank you for the use of your forge.”

  Leah put the anvil in her bag and turning to Yar, said, “I apologise that I lost track of time. How long before I must appear in the throne room?”

  “Respectfully, I suspect we will not make the appointed time. The court presentation is due to begin in just a few minutes.”

  “Thank you. Please let me know when I have
ten seconds remaining. I will transport myself to the throne but I apologise I am unable to carry you as well.”

  Yar looked a little dubious but said nothing and walked with Leah quietly before saying, “Empress, you have ten seconds.”

  Leah visualised the throne and cast Teleport.

  It was the first time Leah had imagined herself sitting during a Teleport, and she was pleased when it worked as she’d envisioned. She appeared on her throne with the Amber Dragon lying across her knees. The room was full of Lord and Lady Elfauns as well as fifty or more Mages. They were crowded in along the sides of the room. They left a broad avenue down the centre and under the Bell of Ascension. The nine chairs used by the ruling Mages had been removed, and only the five Royal thrones remained. No Elfauns stood near the thrones and none at Leah’s end of the room where the Imperial Throne sat high on a dais overlooking the crowd.

  One of the guards at the far end of the room noticed her first and she watched as he stepped outside, presumably to let Zor Kimse, the High Mage know that Leah had arrived. Leah unequipped the sword and equipped Merdiven. Moments later the High Mage entered the room, her horns swirling with Mana as she amplified her voice and said, “Mages, Lords and Ladies. I present to you Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Atherleah.”

  As she finished speaking, Leah teleported to stand just in front of the High Mage and facing the room. Everyone went to one knee until she’d walked slowly past them until she was once more standing on the dais in front of her throne. She very carefully amplified her voice and said, “Mages, Lords and Ladies of Dag Tarafind, I greet you. Over the next few days, I hope to speak with each of you. I have asked the leader of my Council, High Mage Zor Kimse, to arrange smaller gatherings where my comments might be more focused on those gathered. Representatives of the Council will resume the Court of Petition tomorrow. Before you leave, I want you to witness as I accept the oaths of allegiance from the High Lords of Dag Tarafind.”

  Leah had arranged the day before that only the High Lords needed to offer statements of loyalty. Not only did it limit the time spent, but it was practical. All the other Lords and Ladies were subordinate and would follow their High Lord’s vow. Each of them had been prepared by Zor on what to say.

  One after the another, the High Lords approached her throne and offered Leah their allegiance. Everything was going well until the eighth High Lord, who said, “My name is High Lord Onu Yapmay. I know the prophecies, and I heard the bell ring. I do not accept you as my Empress, or as my Queen; I will not submit to your rule.”

  “Why not, High Lord Onu Yapmay?”

  “I have heard of your new laws. We may not eat of the Dryad Larvae. Common Elfauns are to be treated as equal citizens. You command us to release the lower life forms which we have enslaved. You deny us our right to use these creatures and the Common Elfauns as we wish. You deny me my heritage and privilege as a High Lord. Feed the hungry, care for the orphan, what foolishness is this? These creatures exist for me and those like me. We are the True, and Highest, creatures in existence. I shall do as I like, when I like and with whom I like, even to your throne. Atherleah, Empress of Fools.”

  Leah was about to respond when a message appeared:

  Do you wish to change your title to Empress of Fools? [Y] [N]

  She grimaced and subvocalised a quick “No” before saying aloud. “Does your family stand with you in this?”

  “I am High Lord; they will do and believe as I say.”

  Leah stood and said, “I was warned some of you would feel this way. I invite those who agree with the High Lord to stand with him. Such attitudes will not be accepted in my Empire, so you will need to leave the Canyon and your positions. If you stand with him, I will give you two choices. First, you may leave the Canyon alive and make your way out into the larger world. If you choose this, then stand with him but keep your hands from your swords. You will only be permitted to take that which you can carry on your backs. Your second option is to be carried to the reclamation pits for recycling. To choose this, then stand with him and draw your swords. This judgement is final, and I will carry out the sentence myself. You have until I hold my unsheathed sword to decide.”

  Leah began to walk slowly and purposefully down the steps toward the main level. She’d already made Zor and Haf Izlarin, Captain of the Guards, promise to stay out of the conflict unless others joined in after it began. One other High Lord and several Lesser Lords stepped behind Onu Yapmay and drew their swords. Leah said, “Do any of the Lady Elfauns wish to join their Lords?”

  Onu Yapmay said, “The female is not made either to fight nor to rule. Her purpose is but to please her Lord and bear his young.”

  Leah grimaced and said, “This is your last chance, Common Elfaun Yapmay. You may leave and live, or stay and die. I've got to be honest though, after that last comment, I don't actually want you to leave.”

  Two mages stepped behind Yapmay, who, with a flourish, drew his sword and said, “I give you no such choice. Either way, you will die. However, if you step down from the throne willingly, you shall die quickly.”

  Leah reached the lowest step and equipped her new sword. She said, “Nine of you. So be it. At least Ivan will be happy I am getting some practice in.”

  She cast Chain Lightning and teleported behind the two Mages and sliced horizontally through their bodies. Their accumulated Mana rushed into the Amber Dragon and flames ignited along its length. Leah Misted an arm to avoid a descending sword and brought her sword upward at a forty-five-degree angle. She caught the Elfaun just below the ribs, and her sword slid through tissue and bone with the same ease with which it moved through the air. Both pieces of the dead Lord fell to the floor, cauterised by the flames. Moments later, all except Yapmay were dead. She looked at him for a moment, then cast a low powered spell of Dragon Fire through the sword toward him. The Amber Dragon multiplied her spell, and Yapmay disappeared in a blaze of fire; not even ash remained. Leah swept her gaze around the room then teleported to her throne.

  Taking a seat, she said, “I believe there is one more High Lord to give their oath. I expect the new High Lords, those who ascend to fill the two vacant positions in the Assembly of High Lords, to be more aligned to the positions of my Empire.”v

  The final High Lord offered his oath and the room quickly emptied. When only Zor, the Council, and her guards remained, Leah descended to the main floor to discuss the next steps.

  Before she reached them a voice from above called out, “Atherleah, I need to talk with you. Can you hear me?”

  “Zarif? Where are you?”

  “At the hole in the wall? I’m the lightest, so they made me come, but it’s alright as I wanted to come. The big boy, the one who led you here, he wants to talk with you. He says it’s really important. He gave me a whole silver to come. Why are you talking with the Long-horns? They are mean. Did you kill all those dead ones?”

  Several guards had rushed from the room, and more than one of the Mages had Mana moving along their horns. Leah turned to Haf and said, “Please ask your guards to stand down. I will go and talk with my young friend.” She turned to the mages and said, “I assure you, Zarif is no danger and she didn’t mean to offend. She is only a young Common Elfaun, and she has good reason to fear you.”

  Zor nodded and said, “As you wish. Please bring the young one here though. I wish her to learn that the world is changing and she has nothing to fear from us in the future.”

  Leah misted from view and made her way into the worm-hole. She whispered in Zarif’s ear, “I’m here. You lead the way, and I will follow.”

  Zarif slowly made her way down the hole to where Mirasçi was waiting. Leah said, “I am here Mirasçi, what do you want to say?”

  “Is it true? Are you the promised Empress? Did you ring the Bell?”

  “I rang the Bell and I sit on the Imperial throne.”

  “Then the worms, they are coming for you. Can you feel them?”

  “I’m sorry Mirasçi, I don’t unders

  “My grandfather was a worm-hunter, one of the last. He told many stories about the worms and how they acted. One of the oldest stories was that each time the Bell of Ascension rang it would wake the worms. He said that they could sense the one who rang it and one would come to test them to decide who had dominion of the mountain. He used to say the reason there were so few worms these days was because the Bell had not rung for over a thousand years. He had many stories of the Bell and the worms. The louder the Bell, the stronger the worm, or worms, who came, and the greater their number. If his stories were true, then you may have even awakened the father of worms, the mythical Büyük.”

  “I have felt a vibration all day; it comes from inside the mountain.”

  “Then they will come for you. You are in the centre of the city. To get to you, they will need to pass through the homes of many Elfauns. I came to ask that you move away from the city, or at least to the inside, close to the worms.”

  Leah nodded, “Thank you for your warning. Is there anything else you know that could help?”

  Mirasçi thought for a moment then said, “The hunters, the ones who faced the stray worms that stumbled into the city. The hunters had a dance, it was called the Dance-of-Knives. My grandfather would say that each worm he’d ever faced always moved in the same way. If you knew the Dance-of-Knives, then you could predict every move to be made and you would be successful.”

  “Are there any worm-hunters alive who know the dance?”

  “There are none alive that I know of. The last of them were purged six years ago by a coalition of High Lords.”

  “Do you know your grandfather’s dance?”


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