Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4) Page 21

by Tony Corden

  “I watched him a few times and can remember some of it.”

  “Will you come into the Bell room and show me?”

  “No. But if you come alone to the Great Cavern of Fools then I will show you.”

  “I’m not a fool though Mirasçi, why there?”

  “It is away from the city and near the worms. At least then you will be far from my people.”

  “How long will it be before they arrive?”

  “I don’t know, but my grandfather used to say this poem all the time:

  ‘The Bell has rung, beware the worm,

  Now those who fight, be strong, stand firm.

  Strong hearts you need, but watch your feet,

  They come with speed, one pace each beat.’”

  Leah thought for a moment and then checked the angles with Gèng before saying, “If I understand him and if he is right then I have less than four hours before the worms will be under my feet. How far is this Great Cavern of Fools?”

  “Almost two thousand paces into the mountain, and it is deep.”

  “It will be three hours from now then. I agree to meet you for a lesson on the Dance-of-Knives in two hours at the Great Cavern of Fools. Thank you for your help Mirasçi. If what you say is true then you have saved many lives.”

  He nodded but then said quietly, “If only I was sure they were worth it.” He turned and disappeared down a worm-hole.

  Zarif said, “He didn’t wait for me. I hope you know the way out? I don’t.”

  Leah said, “Let’s go back to the hole, and I’ll get you through the roof.”

  “Where the long-horns are? I can’t, they scare me.”

  “It will be all right, I promise. Now make your way back towards the hole until I say stop.”

  When they were about five paces from the hole, Leah said, “Stop! Now, wait here while I make the hole bigger.”

  Leah Misted to the throne room floor where the Mages and guards were still waiting. As she un-Misted, she stalled the questions by holding up a hand and then quickly cast Changing Attraction on the part of the roof around the hole. Some of it began to crumble, and she carefully imagined a blast of compressed air and with only a small amount of mana sent this to the roof. The result was anticlimactic as only a few pebbles were dislodged. She increased her mana use by ten and this time a large section of the roof fell to the floor. Now she could see the tunnel. After equipping her Spider Hands, she teleported to the roof and hanging by one hand, called Zarif to come to the edge. When she arrived, Leah helped Zarif climb onto her back and then Leah scuttled down the wall with Zarif clinging to her.

  When they reached the ground, Zarif refused to let go of Leah. Leah finally worked Zarif around to the front and then sat on the floor while holding her. The standing Elfauns had no idea how to respond to their Empress sitting on the ground and gently holding a Common Elfaun child. Leah looked up at them and in a few terse sentences explained the information she’d been given.

  When she’d finished Haf Izlarin said, “What this boy told you matches the little I know from the history scrolls. I’d come to believe them fables similar to the fable of the hoof-less Empress. There is a description of the Dance-of-Knives, and some of the guards practice it. What will you do?”

  “I will retire to my quarters for one hour, and then I want to be taken to this Great Cavern of Fools. Is it easier to go from here or from the Forge I visited this morning?”

  Haf said, “The Forge is on the way. It is maybe half an hour beyond.”

  “Then send those guards who know the Dance-of-Knives and someone to guide me to the forge. I'll meet them there in just over one hour's time.”

  Picking up Zarif, Leah made her way to her rooms, and after convincing Zarif that she was safe, Leah lay down on the bed and said, “I’m going to have a short sleep. Just like yesterday. I will be back in an hour.”

  Then she logged out.


  December 11, 2073 - Part 5

  Back in the Tower Leah said, “Gèng, is there anything at all on this Büyük or worms anywhere?”

  “There is nothing on specifically on worms recorded in this region. A Büyük is mentioned as one of the primordial entities who seeded parts the world with life on behalf of the Gods. Once the Gods had finished with the various entities, they just left them here. All of those that remain are considered to be demigods. Not much is recorded about Büyük though. It has no gender and apparently seeded life using some form of fragmentation. Small parts of it dropped off and formed the different creatures and plants. Apparently, it was involved in making many of the creatures that burrow or live in the earth. Dwarves, goblins, orcs, intelligent slime and various others have a range of curse words relating to it. Most fear it because although it stopped seeding new life it apparently still considers the earth its domain. ”

  “Can you put together a list of the curse words? Maybe it will shed some light on some of the characteristics. And if it does turn up then I’ll have something up my sleeve to put it off balance. I came back for a quick break because I think this may take longer than the hour I have left.”

  Leah logged out for some food and a bathroom break. Her dad was still sitting in the kitchen. She said, “I’m just ducking through. Something has come up, and it might take longer than I think.”

  “Well, fill me in. If it turns out that I start playing, then I’ll need to learn stuff. What’s happening?”

  “Well, I’ve chosen to claim an Imperial throne. One of the independent states that honours that claim is about to be attacked by numerous giant worms who are currently burrowing through solid rock to get at me. It’s possible one of the demigods left behind at the creation of the world will join them. On my side are some palace guards and a teenage boy about Conner’s age who wants to show me a dance.”

  “Okay. Now see, that helps. Instead of just thinking I knew nothing at all about the virtual worlds, now I know I know nothing. It’s always good to have realistic expectations. Do you think you can take the demigod?”

  “Only if I’m sneaky. I did kill a goddess once, but I was really sneaky that time and caught her by surprise. But honestly, I don’t know. My dad always used to tell me that all he expected was my best, nothing more, and nothing less.”

  “Then go do your best, and be sure to listen to your dad. He sounds like one of the smartest people you’ll ever meet. I bet he is handsome too?”

  “Nah, he’s lost all his hair, and his head looks like a polished rock.”

  “Must be where you got your looks from then, I’d guess.”

  They chatted a bit more, then Leah hurried back to the Pod and then hurried into Dunyanin.

  She had been away for less than an hour virtual time. She spent the next five minutes convincing Zarif that she needed to stay in the room while Leah went to meet Mirasçi. When Leah opened the door to leave her, she found Lady Yar Dimci, her assistant, waiting. Leah said, “Yar, just who I wanted to see. This is Zarif, and she is staying with me for a bit. Can you get her something to eat and then make sure she doesn’t steal too much before I get back?”

  Yar looked a little confused but said, “Of course, Empress. Where will you be?”

  “I wish I could stay and talk but I can’t. Bye.”

  At that, Leah teleported to the Forge she had left only a few hours before. Haf was there with ten Warrior Elfauns; all were older than the ones she’d seen around the Throne Room and her suites. With them were five mages, including Zor. Haf saw her first and said, “Welcome Empress, these are the Elfauns I was telling you about. They all used to practice with the worm-hunters before they rebelled several years ago.”

  While he talked, she watched the faces of the Warriors and said, “I don't think have the whole story, Haf. As we walk, talk to your Warriors, I think you will find out some truths that have been hidden from you. But we must hurry, who is the guide?”

  One of the Common Elfauns who was standing nearby said, “That would be me, Miss Empre
ss. My name is Lagimci, and I worked on that foolish project when I was young. They wanted to excavate the biggest Cavern in the world but didn’t ask those of us who do the work if it would work. We tried to tell the Uppity Lords that the area was unstable but they wouldn’t listen to us Common Elfauns. When the roof collapsed, it killed eighty-five brave Elfauns and five idiots. Of course, they named it after the idiots. I hope you don’t plan on restarting the project.”

  “Don’t worry, Lagimci, I don’t have such plans. Now lead the way, for time is short.”

  Lagimci started off and led them back the way she’d come that morning. Five minutes later he turned into a side tunnel which angled down into the earth and away from the city. Lagimci turned and said, “This path leads almost straight to the Great Cavern of Fools. There are no side paths between here and there. This path isn’t lit so its best if the one in front can see in the dark or takes one of the lights. I’ll take you all the way, but you’ll have to put up with my speed as I’m getting older and I don’t see as well these days.”

  Leah thought for a moment and then discussed the situation with Zor and Haf. Zor said the mages would not be able to go much faster and Haf thought they should move as fast as they could. Finally, Leah said, “Here’s what we will do. Lagimci, please lead High Mage Zor and the other mages to the Cavern. Guard Captain Haf will leave two warriors with you. Everyone else is to come with me. I will increase the pace slowly but if it becomes too fast then let me know, and I’ll slow down a bit.”

  Everyone nodded except one of the warriors who said, “Don’t you worry about slowing down, Empress, we can keep up, especially in the dark.”

  “Good. Now let’s go.”

  Leah calmed her breathing and then considered light and how it was reflected off mirrors to shine in a set direction. She pictured two lights, one on each shoulder. They should shine the light ahead of her without letting any shine behind. She wanted them to stay a fixed distance above the floor but to keep pace with her body. When she thought she had the idea firmly set in her mind, she cast the spell. Two spotlights shone down the tunnel, illuminating everything for over a hundred metres. Leah said, “Let’s go then, try and keep up.”

  Leah slowly increased the pace until she was almost running down the path. It wasn’t long until she could make out the heavy breathing from behind. With a small grin, she increased the pace even more. Slowly she began to draw away from the Warriors until she heard Haf’s weak cry from behind, “You win Atherleah, you win. Slow down a bit.”

  She didn’t say anything but did slow down to a fast jog. With the speed Leah maintained, it was only twenty minutes before she saw the tunnel widening ahead. She slowed and cancelled the spotlight spell. She stood for a few minutes until her eyes became used to the darkness again. Inside the cavern she could see a flickering light. Carefully she stepped from the tunnel and into a cavern at least four times larger than the one the Kraken had lived in. She could just make out the shape from lichen which grew on the roof, walls, and floor, gently illuminating the space. In the centre was a large pile of rock and she could make out where it had fallen from the roof. The flickering light was a candle which rested beside the seated Mirasçi.

  Leah said, “These guards and some Mages have offered to help me. If you show me the dance, then you can go.”

  Mirasçi said, “Maybe, and maybe I’ll stay and see what happens. Are you ready?”

  One of the guards said, “Mirasçi, is that you? I thought they’d killed you along with your grandfather. Where have you been?”

  “Here and there, just trying to stay alive. Have you all kept up your dancing?”

  “Most weeks we practice. There have been no worms, so we’re not as regular as we used to be when Azmet was alive.”

  Mirasçi said, “Empress, these men know the dance. Let us show you. We will dance it together.”

  Mirasçi and the Warriors stood a distance apart, and each had a sword in their right hand and a knife in their left. Mirasçi began to tap his feet and then said, “Three, two, one!”

  On the next tap of his feet the men began to swing their swords in an ever-changing pattern. They sliced and thrust, ducked and wove, jumped and stabbed. Leah struggled to make sense of it but none of the movements were repeated. After two minutes of strenuous weaving, ducking, and stabbing, they all stopped in sync with a downward stab of the sword. Mirasçi said, “That is the Dance-of Knives. Every worm begins the attack the same way. If those moves are made then the one who dances can avoid every attack by the worm and will wear the worm down enough to kill it with the final thrust.”

  Leah nodded and said, “How many worms have attacked in the past?”

  Mirasçi said, “When they are close to the city by happenstance then it is almost always one. I heard that depending on the sound which came from the bell, some kings of old have had to face as many as four. I think you rang the bell more than any other in history. How many can you feel?”

  Leah faced the direction she had worked out would be where the worms came from and then sat on the floor and took the Lotus position. She closed her eyes and tried to feel the vibrations, to see if she could distinguish any sense of the number of worms involved. Her hand began to vibrate, and she said to Gèng, “Can you isolate the wave pattern and then compare it to the sound from yesterday? See if you can see how many individual waveforms are represented. I imagine each worm will have the same frequency, but they might be out of phase.”

  “I shall try. Please focus on your hand and let it vibrate freely.”

  Leah relaxed her hands and began to meditate. She sought to separate this instant of time and to look at it objectively. She felt her hands move and tried to distinguish the answer herself. It was several minutes before Gèng said, “The data is difficult to compile, have you any further constraints?”

  “Yes. I doubt they are all at the same distance, nor are they all making their own holes. I thought I could sense eight different positions where the amplitude spiked a little and then a ninth with a much larger spike. If you separate out the eight and then recalculate possible numbers by considering that any other worms are moving along the same path, one behind another? If they are all vibrating in time, then the out of phase feeling will be because of the different distances. The ninth was a pure vibration, and I think it represents this Büyük. If the others are all vibrating in time with it, that should give enough to make an educated guess. Of course, they will all affect each other as well.”

  “I’m sorry Leah, there still isn’t enough data. Best guess would be at least forty and an upper limit of one hundred and eighty. But these are guesses, none of the numbers has a probability greater than 0.7648.”

  Leah nodded, then stood. She said, “Best guess is more than forty and less than two hundred. Followed closely by Büyük itself, come to play.”

  Each of the Warriors looked at each other soberly, but before they could say anything Lagimci and the mages arrived. After they had been brought up to date, Haf said, “So Empress, how do you want us to deploy?”

  Leah looked around and then up at the ceiling. She said, “Lagimci, how stable is the roof?”

  “It’s better now the main weak central section has fallen, but any more excavation and other weakened areas will be put under too much strain. It could all come down.”

  “Where would I need to excavate to bring it all crashing down?”

  He stared at her as if she was mad until Zor repeated the question and he said, “I’ll show you. But if you are going to play miner in here I want to go home.”

  Leah turned to Haf, “Deploy around the edges.” Then turning back to Lagimci she said, “Okay, now show me.”

  After walking around with Lagimci, Leah sat in the middle of the room and pondered her position. She checked her statistics and was shocked to find that she’d not allocated any points for almost forty levels. She’d always meant to sit and work out a strategy but just hadn’t got around to it. She hadn’t used her skill points e
ither. She checked the details on her various spells and then added a point here or there to increase the level or change it from Apprentice to Expert, or Expert to Master. Finally, she allocated half her remaining points into the True Images spell given her by Utsal. She had wanted to keep this until the competition, but as she controlled the content of her public feed at the moment, she’d just have to have it cut out. Finally, she used all her characteristic points except ten. Altogether her Mana was just shy of 300,000 MP, and her Ki was just over 240,000 KP.

  When she’d finished, she checked her calculations and then walked over to Mirasçi and said, “Thank you for helping today. But it’s time you left; the worms will be here within ten minutes.”

  “Part of me wishes I could, for if the truth is told, then I’m terrified of what I know is coming. But the rest of me believes that I should stay and help to fight for my people, and for my Empress.”

  “Mirasçi, ignore the Empress bit. I do. I’m just a few years older than you, but I’m what is known as a Traveller. If I die then I will have another tomorrow, I will come back. You won’t. So go and live your life.”

  “Empress Atherleah, this is my life. If I run now, then my life truly is a lie. I am your servant, and these warriors and mages, these are my people.”

  “All right Mirasçi, I believe in letting people make their own choices as long as they don’t hurt others in the process. But if I let you stay, and believe me when I say, ‘I could make you leave’ then you need to tell me the truth. Who are you?”

  Mirasçi said nothing for a minute and just stared at Leah, and then when he spoke it was in a soft voice that only she could hear. Although it was soft it was said with so much emotion it was hard for Leah to begin to separate out all the different feelings. He said, “My Empress, I am Bey Gercek Mirasçi, son of Asa Tahtial Asalet. I am the last of my line, I am the heir to the Throne of Cet Veller Çizgisi, Ruler of Dag Tarafind, and I am your faithful subject.”


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