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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

Page 26

by Tony Corden

  “Aye Captain! The crew are with you. Based on the terms you described, we will take the Nest. I’ve changed course for the Nest, and we should have it in our sights within the hour.”

  “Excellent, Mr Wilks, I shall leave you to it, but I require a guide to the lower hold where Teddy keeps his tame Aether Worlders.”

  “Are you sure, Captain? We believe they have no soul. No one with a soul would do as they have done. Either that or they must have sold it to the Devil for eternal life.”

  “Not sold, Mr Wilks, it was stolen! The Emersons have control of them, and I believe that each of those below would welcome death to be free of their curse.”

  “Then I recommend you take Mr Jameson with you. He knows the way and is handy should they prove difficult.” He waved over a short, solidly built man and said, “Mr Jameson, please escort the Captain to the Aether Worlders in the hold.”

  “Aye! Aye! Mr Wilks. This way, Captain!”

  Leah followed the man to the ladder and wasn’t at all surprised when Ian joined them. She struggled down the ladders as her thigh began to make its presence known. By the time they reached the lower levels of the ship, she was wondering if a little pain relief might not be a bad idea. Finally, Mr Jameson approached a door and said, “The rest of this deck is set aside for the Aether Worlders. Below is the storage area for the lower sails and then the lower main deck. Usually, only Captain Tedrick comes to visit this deck.”

  Leah reached over and opened the door. Inside were one hundred men and women. They were staring at the space in front of them, and none even reacted to her presence. Leah said, “Captain Tedrick has been disposed of. I am the new Captain, stand!”

  As one, the hundred stood. Leah walked to the first and looked into his eyes, which continued to stare ahead as if she was not there. She said quietly, “What is your name?”

  He blinked and then in a soft voice that Leah suspected had not been used in years said, “Andrew Williams.”

  “Where are you from, Andrew?”

  “Balga in Perth.”

  “How long have you been kept prisoner by Tedrick and his family?”

  Tears began to run down the young man’s face, and he said, “Almost five years real time. Fifteen virtual.”

  “Andrew, look at me.”

  His eyes focussed on Leah who said, “Andrew Williams. Whenever you want to, you can leave. Some people are already on the way to where you’ve been kept a prisoner. You are free to never, ever, log in again, if that is your wish. They will help you clean your space of the code that has controlled you for the last five years. You are free.”

  He fell to his knees and wept. Leah knelt down and held him until he quietened. Finally, he stood and said, “I’m going now, and I don’t think I will ever be back. I’m going to see my mum. Who are you?”

  “Here they call me Captain Charlotte. Out there I have a different name, but you are safer, I think, if you don’t know it. Go and find peace, Andrew.”

  He disappeared from view. Leah spoke to the room. “When you’ve told me your name and your hometown, then you are free to go and live your life as you wish. Everything I said to Andrew I say to you all.”

  She turned to the next person and repeated the process. Most disappeared as soon as they could but after she’d finished the whole room, there were eleven people still standing; seven girls and four boys remained. Leah said, “How can I help?”

  One of the women stepped forward and said, “I’ve been a slave to this family for eleven years. I haven’t spoken to anyone since 2062. If what you say is true then getting help isn’t enough. You have no idea what they made me do—I need to make amends for some of it. You have no idea what they’ve done to me—I need justice. I watched you hug that boy Andrew and saw the tears that fell from your eyes. I will follow you, how can I help?”

  Gèng fed Leah some information as Leah walked over and looked up at the woman who was more than six inches taller than her and said, “Jennifer, there are things you can do to help, but first you need to go see your family. Your mother is frail and she struggles with depression because she blames herself that you never came home. There is more, but it really isn’t any of my business. Look, my AI will send you my contact details. When you’re ready, and only then, we will sit down and talk about our options. That might be tomorrow or it might be in a few years, but you need to get grounded first. Don’t worry, there is time, and I am in this for the long haul. I’ll be difficult to contact for the next few days, but after that, I should be available.”

  Jennifer said, “Can I help in the next few days? I owe you so much.”

  Leah said, “Thanks for the offer but the truth is you owe me nothing. I just want you to be free. As for the next few days, I’m sorry but not really. A family just like the ones who enslaved you tried to do the same to me and we’re in a battle of sorts. They’ve kidnapped my mother and the deadline to get her back is Thursday. If you still pray, then I’d appreciate that otherwise there isn’t much you can help with at the moment, sorry.”

  “Your mother is captive, and still you came for us?”

  “I’m looking for the sister of a friend. She’s been in almost as long as you and is in this world working as a Pirate. Taking this ship was a way to get to her, but when I heard of you trapped here, then I had to come. It is serendipity really!”

  They talked a little more, and Leah gave her contact details to the rest who’d stayed and then they all disappeared. Leah then made her way slowly toward the upper decks. Ian said, “What you said to those people, all of it was true?”

  “Yes Ian, they have been abused for so long that I weep even thinking about it.”

  “Are there more of them?”

  “Yes, they are on this world and on hundreds of others. One day, I trust, we will find them all.”

  Gèng said, “Tesfaye has ended the contact. He asked me to pass on his apologies. He said that when you need him all you have to do is call. I’ve postponed your meeting with Leon until three.”

  The rest of the trip was spent in silence.

  As they finally made it back to the quarterdeck, Mr Wilks approached and said, “Captain Charlotte, behold the nest!”

  As Leah turned, she spied a tall mesa with an aircraft base built on the very top. Cannon ringed the base. It looked impregnable from the ground and air. She was about to order their approach when a clockwork raven landed on the rail near Leah and said, “Charlotte, a message for Charlotte.”

  Wilks said, “How extraordinary, A Bidirectional Interlocutionary Relay Device, they are quite expensive. Especially when they use the Real-time Aetheric Vision Encompassing Networking System. Captain, should you wish to accept the call you need to stand in front of it and accept the communication.”

  Leah stood in front of the bird, but at an angle that did not indicate where they were. She said, “I am Charlotte.”

  The beak opened, and an image was projected in front of Leah. From his appearance, she assumed this was Tedrick’s father, Frank Emerson. The image looked her up and down then said, “I am Lord Emerson, and I assume that you are the Charlotte who has now caused me injury on two separate occasions. I had not expected such an unkempt slatternly wench. Somehow both my enforcer and my son described a person of greater stature and breeding.”

  “Then it is with deep regret, Frank that I suggest it is because you surround yourself with those for whom the truth is but a distant acquaintance, long forgotten. Both your enforcer and your unremarkable offspring used the same unimaginative word for me that you have. It is, I suggest, not to be held to their accounts for surely they only replicate your basic lack of integrity and your simplistic vocabulary.”

  “It is Lord Emerson to the likes of you. Do you have no feelings? Do you realise that my son is currently undergoing care in the real world? You threw him off the ship head first while he was alive. He didn’t die until he hit the ground. He is severely traumatised.”

  “I was unaware of that, Lord Emerson. Ne
xt time I see him, I shall be sure to pin his eyes shut to prevent such trauma. I may be forced to use my daggers as I have nothing smaller. Now is that all? I have things to do and your information, while it has brought me some joy, is tempered by the sight of your dyspeptic image.”

  “I was only going to warn you to step back and disappear, but I see harsher measures are necessary. I will see you declared an outlaw in the realm and hunted by every Privateer and Bounty Hunter there is. The bounty will be so large that within days you will be brought before me. I will teach you the meaning of both pain and anguish. If you run I will hunt you throughout the multiverse and even into reality itself. No one takes what is mine without suffering the consequences. Your only chance to survive is to bring the Tempest back to me and to beg for mercy.”

  “Calm down Frank; you’ll have a stroke. Now, how much money are we talking? I’m surrounded by numerous mercenaries, and I’m sure they would like the first chance to claim the bounty.”

  “Each and every one of that crew will be hunted down and killed. Then I’ll start on their families.”

  “Frank, be reasonable, you don’t even know their names. And what good is a life lesson if you kill the person before you kill their families? That’s an empty threat. Let me give an example of what I consider a valid threat: ‘Frank, I’m going to continue destroying everything you have on Pneumatica, and then I will hound you through the multiverse until you are Lord of nowhere and nothing, Then, and only then, will I come for you. Feel free to explain that to John when you see him next.”

  “I will, but I warn you, you are better to deal with me than with my brother. I might have mercy at the end. He won’t. End Communication.”

  The Raven’s beak closed, and it tucked its head under its wing.

  Wilks said, “It rewinds as the sunlight heats small steam turbines under its wings. It will return to the RAVEN central offices when fully rewound. Captain, are you certain that taking the Nest is a good idea?”

  “No, but it is the best one I have so let us get on with it. Bring us in, Mr Wilks.”

  The Nest was quickly taken. There was little fuss and no loss of life as the crew on the Tempest were the most capable of Tedrick's men. When everything was calm Leah had the slaves brought before her. Altogether there were over two hundred people of all ages who Tedrick had kept at the Nest to cater to his whims. Twenty-three were from the Aether Worlds, and Leah had Gèng contact Tesfaye, and they repeated the process of identification and release.

  When the Ather Worlders were gone, Leah stood before the remaining slaves and said, “My name is Captain Charlotte. Captain Tedrick has met a most timely end. In celebration of this event, and because slavery is a curse on any civilisation, I extend to you an offer of freedom. Over the next few weeks, I will arrange transportation for you to Aeolipile and provide you with the resources to make your way home. Should you wish to remain here, then you will receive remuneration for your work. You may not stay and become idle or indolent. Such a person will be conveyed to Aeolipile regardless of their desire. I understand Tedrick amassed a small fortune in goods here at the Nest. For the moment at least, these are to be considered as mine and their removal, without permission, will be treated as theft. One of my associates will hear your stories over the next few days and make recommendations on the possible dispersal of these goods. I would like to see those who have been working in the kitchens straightway. The rest of you are dismissed.”

  As the former slaves began to disperse, rejoice, weep and chatter, six women headed in Leah’s direction. When they were close Ian stepped forward, held out his hand, and said, “That’s close enough good ladies, the Captain is already wounded and though you are almost certainly of good character, I would be remiss if I allowed you too close.”

  Leah talked with the women, and they all agreed to continue providing food for the compound with the understanding that they would be paid. After Leah dismissed them, one remained, an older woman with white hair tied in a bun. She said, “If I might be so bold Captain, there is a guest room for friends of the ex-Captain Tedrick. It is clean, and it might be a suitable place for you to find rest.”

  Leah nodded and soon she was shown into a small but luxurious bedroom. Mr Wilks posted two guards, and after Leah informed them she would be absent for almost a day, she locked the door and logged out.


  December 12, 2073 - Part 2

  It was already after half past two and Leah knew she was already behind schedule to get to Dunyanin but she needed to get the financial issues sorted out before she found herself involved in something she couldn’t get out, of or even worse, something she couldn’t approve of. She hurried out of her room for a snack and was surprised to see her father sitting in the kitchen just staring at the wall.

  “Dad, are you all right?”

  He shook his head and blinked in surprise. “Yeah! Sorry, I was just chatting with the AI. Is that what you do all the time? Carry on conversations inside your head?”

  “Not all the time dad, most of the time Gèng and I talk in my virtual world. How long have you been awake?”

  “All night, I was just lying there waiting for the AI to do something. It was weird when it came online. I could see when it tested the colours. My eyes were closed, and I could still see. I’ve been discussing things with it. I’ve listened to everything you said to the kids when they arrive here, and I wanted to talk with it before I went into the Pod. I plan to do that next, and I wondered if you had any idea where I should start? What I should do?”

  “Not really, I’m not sure what you want to do. There are skills you can learn, games you can play, places you can visit, what do you want?”

  “To find the bastards who took my Lin and give them a taste of my particular brand of Celtic-Australian justice. And get Lin back of course.”

  “Well, I’m active on three worlds, and they are in all of them. I’ve only briefly visited another, and it’s that world has me intrigued. It is the only one that Nathan Kodoman plays in. His wife plays also, but she plays on lots of worlds. I met them there, and I really want to learn more about the world. It is called Runes of Destiny, and something about it interests both of them. I don’t have the time to investigate at the moment. I’ve asked a couple of my friends to check it out, but you might see something they don’t.”

  “Like magic and stuff?”

  “Yes, just like that.”

  “But how do I know what to do?”

  “Strange as it seems, I think you’d be best just to turn up and be Michael Carroll. Treat the people you meet like you would anyone you meet here. Treat them with respect and kindness unless they are rude, disrespectful or violent and then just do the whole Celtic Australian justice thing. For me, I’ve done that with the addition of mum’s Chinese-respect thing. Some things worked for me that I don’t think will work for you. It's better just being yourself.”

  “So just rock up and be me? Now, that I can do. What about the magic stuff?”

  “The world is set up to teach you. I suggest you just go with the flow. The only other suggestion would be to follow your gut. Most worlds throw clues in front of you all the time, quests, people, small animal trails. They actually want to lead you to the fun stuff. I think most people walk around with their focus on some big prize and they walk past all the other prizes on the way. Some of the ones they miss are bigger than the ones they want.”

  “So it’s just like life then?”


  “I’m still a bit concerned about the cost, Leah. You’re not supposed to be paying my way at this stage in life.”

  “Not important, dad! Getting mum back is. Family is. Doing the right thing is. Money isn’t. Pride isn’t.”

  “Harsh my girl, very harsh. True, but harsh. What are you going to do next?”

  “I’m going to go and talk about the unimportant aforementioned money. I’ve just started another company and need someone to manage it. Then I’m back to Dunyanin.
Are you going to be all right?”

  “Yep. I’m going to go spend a while setting up the room like you told the others and then I’ll head for this Runes of Destiny place. After that, John said he wants me to get some martial arts training. I’ll be fine.”

  Leah kissed her dad’s bald head and hurried back to the Pod. She had no idea how he would do but had to trust him, just like he trusted her.

  Leah arrived back just minutes before Susan arrived with Leon and she had to hurry a little to be waiting at the podium. Leon looked similar to his brother, tall and thin, but his hair had thinned a little more than Peter’s and his taste in clothing was more highly developed. He looked around with interest at the scene and said, “Amazing! Whoever developed this has an amazing eye for detail. It’s like one of the smaller worlds. How much of it is accessible and how much is simply an amazing visual?”

  Leah said, “I’ll have to ask, but I’ve been assured that the snow on those mountains is almost ready for skiing. I’m not sure how I’ll get there, but I can’t wait to try it out.”

  “I’ll have to talk with Peter. He’s been holding out on us, he never mentioned how detailed your world was.”

  “I imagine he’ll just tell you that I am a private person and that I would have been disappointed if he had shared anything. Confidentiality is part of the deal when you work with me.”

  Leon’s tone changed, and he was now much more focused. He said, “Point taken. Every aspect of your life is to be considered private. I have no trouble with that.”

  “Good, feel free to ask him what my response was when he asked what would happen if he broke that trust. Susan, is it better to talk here or in the Tower?”

  “The Tower will be best.”

  A few minutes later they were comfortably seated on the main level. Leah started, “So Leon, what has Susan told you about the job opportunity?”

  “Not much really, she asked if I would be interested in taking on a new client and manage a growing and diverse portfolio. She mentioned your name, and that’s about it. As I said, I know Peter is working for you, and I am curious.”


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