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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

Page 28

by Tony Corden

  “Good. At the same time, we would like to gift you with a mark to show the world the position you hold in our hearts. It is something which all those who perceive you as their Empress will both recognise and acknowledge.”

  “What form will this ‘Mark’ take?”

  “It is a tattoo similar to the way you were marked by the Elves. We mages can faintly see the pattern of tattoos under your skin. We have devised a spell that will give you a similar tattoo, this will be golden and change its form depending on the one who sees it. As such, it will be visible to any, and all, who acknowledge your position. We believe it will aid you on your journey.”

  In the end Leah agreed, although she asked for the ability to mute the tattoo if it suited her purpose. They arranged to have everything prepared for later that day.

  The Zor said, “The second matter concerns the Imperial Vault and the Imperial levy. It seems prudent to present you with the key at this time that you might have access to the funds as needed.”

  With that, Zor handed Leah a large bronze key and offered to take her to visit the vault at the end of the meeting. As soon as Zor had made the offer, a message appeared.

  Atherleah, as Empress you have access to the Imperial Vault

  All the NPC Social Entities who acknowledge you as Empress are required to help meet the financial needs of the Empire.

  Each NPC Social Entity that is part of the Empire will have access via a portal to the Imperial Vault. As Empress, you may enter and exit the vault via any of the portals to which you have a key. Inside the vault is a control panel where you can modify various settings concerning the administration of the Empire. As Empress you are responsible for paying all appropriate taxes to the Developers of Dunyanin.* You are permitted to set a tax on those who live on your lands, those who mine, and those who harvest its bounty. Any Travellers on the Land will be expected to pay a tax on all material, money and experience achieved. The Administrators of Dunyanin will administer this tax on your behalf for a percentage**.

  * Your tax is set at 10% of all income raised from NPC Social Entities. The annual NPC entity levy has a default value of 5% of the entity's national budget. You can change this value in the Vault.

  ** Developers will receive 20% of all money and material collected from Travellers and will deduct one gold for every 10,000 EP earned from the taxation. The default tax on EP for travellers is set at 0.5%. The default tax on material and money is set at 0.5%.

  Leah took the key, and after finalising several details concerning the events later in the day, she followed Zor to the Vault. Once inside she reviewed the settings but left them unchanged until she had more time to think through her responsibilities and what she would need to achieve as Empress. As she locked the Vault behind her, she asked Zor about the funeral rites observed by the Elfauns. She was told that the practice was to lay the body in the home for a day to allow time for people to come and share their memories of the person. When this time was finished, the bodies were recycled.

  Although Leah didn’t have time to visit each home, she did spend several minutes with the families of those who had died guarding her rooms. She then sat with the family of Lady Yar Dimci for a time. Her final stop was to sit in the room set aside for Zarif. She had no family, but there were several young Elfauns from the streets who had made the effort to consider her young life and what she meant to them. Leah sat with them, and she shared the impact that Zarif had made on her in the short time Leah had known her. As Leah was rising to leave, Mirasçi entered and began to speak of what he remembered of the small Elfaun. When he had finished, he rose to leave, and Leah followed him out.

  She said, “Mirasçi, can I have a few moments of your time?”

  “Of course, Empress, how may I serve?”

  “Talk with me as we walk. I wished to speak with you because I need to leave the canyon soon. I have other responsibilities to meet, and I cannot stay. I need to leave the Elfauns with competent and responsible leadership. The ruling Council and I met this morning, and we believe the best thing for the Elfauns is that their rightful King takes his place at the head of the Council and be the ruler of all Elfauns.”

  Mirasçi had stopped walking and was staring at Leah. She stopped and met his gaze firmly until he dropped his eyes and said, “Empress, I grew up on the streets. What do I know of ruling a nation?”

  “You saw a danger and took the steps necessary to prevent it. You stood between your city and its enemies with no other thought than that it was your responsibility. You took time to remember and honour one of the lowest of your subjects. You’ve just asked the right question instead of automatically wanting the position and power. Besides, the Council has years of experience, and they will help you through the hurdles. Finally, I’m not actually giving you a choice. The council has a celebration planned for later today, and I need you ready to meet your people.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You need to ring the bell with the Sceptre of Ascension, you need to get some new clothes, and you need to meet the Council. How long will it take you retrieve the Sceptre?”

  “I can be back with it in under thirty minutes.”

  “Good, you go and get that while I finish organising some details with the Council, then we will go to the Throne Room.”

  After Mirasçi left, Leah once more headed for the Council chambers. Before she had travelled very far, Zor found her and said, “The guards at the tunnel are prepared for your dragon. They will allow her entry, without contest. Will you meet her in the canyon?”

  “Yes. Let me check how long she thinks she will be.” Leah communicated silently to Mìng, “Mìng, everything is organised. Are you free to come to me?”

  “I am coming. My wings are stronger than before, and I can make short flights. I will be there soon.”

  Turning to Zor, Leah said, “She is on her way. I think it will be best if I go to meet her. I’ll bring her to the throne room if she wants to come inside. She’s still young, and hopefully, she’ll still fit through the hallways. But don’t worry, I’m sure she’s already eaten today and will probably just sleep. I was headed to the council room, do you know if there are any last minute details that need arranging?”

  “I don’t think so. We have a suggestion for a replacement councillor, and they will need either your approval or the approval of the king.”

  “Who is it?”

  “We thought that it would be good to add a Common Elfaun to the Council. After some consideration, and after some extended consultation with the wider Elfaun community we recommend a young Elfaun called Tarilan.”

  “Tarilan, Is that one who led the procession into the canyon last night?”


  “Then I approve. She showed compassion to me, and she obviously has a heart for her community.”

  “Then everything is agreed. We will approach her and offer her the position. She will be present when we officially meet you in the Throne Room later this morning. Although before that, I expect most of us will be on a balcony somewhere, watching you greet your dragon.”

  Leah teleported to the site of the previous days battle and stood quietly looking down the length of the canyon in the direction of the tunnel from the Dryad Valley. As she waited, Gèng said, “Dunyanin has begun showing your feed again. They started from when they stopped broadcasting on Sunday. Spectator has continued from where they left off. They have just shown Mĕi being killed. The number of people watching via Spectator is over fifteen million, and the take-up of Spectator Membership is over sixty percent. Sharon wanted me to let you know that she has previewed the material up until just after the fight yesterday and suggests you be prepared to give an interview later today when they start showing your Imperial claim. She wants permission to preempt the requests and prearrange another interview.”

  “I was planning on visiting the space you and Akia have set up after I finish here. Give Sharon my schedule and if you, and her, can fit it in then yes. If not, th
en no. Let her know that if my mum is found, then everything will take second place to that.”

  “And finally, I have a message from Thad. Do you want to see it now?”

  “Yes please.”

  Thad’s message was projected onto her vision. She could see what she presumed was his apartment behind him. He gave a tentative smile and said, “Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t respond earlier, but I was angry. Both Amy and Wisp sent short messages to tell me what a jerk I was to respond like a teenage boy before getting any facts. They said that if they were you, they’d dump me. I also got a message from John who told me to ‘man-up, suck-it-up or I’d mess-it-up’. He actually ended that differently, but you get the general vibe. I just wanted to say that even before these messages I was going to answer you. I’d love to have a talk at my place, and I will be free whenever you can make it. Also, I’d like to warn you that my parents are hosting this year’s International Christmas Season Opening Gala this Saturday night. It’s a big thing in the circles they mix in and to be honest, I hadn’t planned on going. My mum, however, has laid down the law and I am ordered to attend. If you’re free, I’d love you to come. Just let me know when we can talk, and I’ll be here. I miss you. Bye.”

  “Please pass the message that I’d love to see him, and we can discuss the gala then. I’ll see him after I meet with you and Akia.”

  “I suggest you see him first. You will not benefit from any distraction when you experience our world.”

  “Are you suggesting that seeing him is a distraction?”

  “Your heart rate has increased, and I don’t have to explain the increased levels of Adrenaline, Dopamine and Serotonin.”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll see him first.”

  Mìng’s voice intruded into the conversation, “I come. I’m through the tunnel, and I’m flying toward you.”

  Soon Leah could make out Mìng. Mìng appeared decidedly serpentine with her wings fully extended and her legs tucked in close to her body. Her long body seemed to undulate as it moved through the air. She was now almost twenty paces in length and had a wingspan of over twenty-five paces. As she approached Leah, Mìng flared her wings and gently landed only a body length away; even so, the rush of wind caused Leah to take some steps backwards. Each of Mìng’s four sturdy legs was as at least as long as Leah. Mìng took several steps and then lowered her head to Leah’s level. Leah stepped forward and hugged Mìng’s neck. Leah said, “You have grown a lot in the last few days. Do you need any minerals?”

  “Soon! I’ve been consuming my scales. Most dragons do this because of the scarce resources.”

  “I thought you would be able to enter the city, but you’ve grown too big.”

  “Would I fit in the throne room? You could reduce me to a statue and then release me once we are in the room.”

  Leah transformed Mìng into a statue and teleported to the throne room. When she arrived, she transformed Mìng back to her dragon form. Mìng lay down in front of Leah’s throne and took up most of the area on either side. Within minutes the Council members had gathered at the foot of the dais. They had brought Tarilan with them. Leah introduced each member of the Council to Mìng and then teleported to the first step to talk with Tarilan.

  Leah thanked Tarilan for her compassion the night before and then spent time finding out Tarilan’s history and explaining the new protocols she had discussed with the other council members—protocols she expected the Elfauns to operate under. As she was finishing up, she saw Mirasçi enter the room, guarded by two Warrior Elfauns, and carrying what she assumed was the sceptre. It was wrapped in a piece of old cloth, but he was holding it with great care and reverence.

  Leah quickly finished the conversation and catching Zor’s attention, gave her a small nod. Leah then teleported next to Mirasçi. She said, “Come with me, Mirasçi. I’ve arranged for a valet and tailor to make you more presentable. You have one hour, and then I will present you to the court. In that time Zor will have the nobles assembled in the throne room. Don’t think you’re the only one having to dress up. I also have to get into some nicer clothes.”

  Leah handed Mirasçi over to a valet Zor had arranged and made her way to her new room. She spent most of the time thinking through what she would say to Thad and then considering what might happen if she attended the party. Then, after dressing in one of the gowns she had bought in Ticareti she made her way to the entrance of the Throne room. She had timed it just right and was there just before Mircasçi arrived. He’d been scrubbed and was now dressed in dark green silk breeches and waistcoat, together with a light-grey linen-shirt.

  The Throne Room was filled with Elven High Lords, Mages and several senior Arbiters. She had yet to meet the Arbiters and had asked Zor to invite them to the announcement. As she entered the room, Haf Izlarin, Captain of the Guards, came to attention and Zor said, “Her Imperial Majesty, Atherleah, and Mircasçi, a claimant to the throne of Dag Tarafind.”

  Everyone bowed their head while Leah led Mirasçi to the bell. She stepped forward and said to the assembled Elfauns, “I, Atherleah, present to you the one born to be King of all Elfauns. He is Bey Gercek Mirasçi, the son of Asa Tahtial Asalet, and he is the last of his line. He is the heir to the Throne of Cet Veller Çizgisi. He is my faithful subject. That you might know he is the rightful heir and ruler of Dag Tarafind, he holds the Sceptre of Ascension and will ring the Royal Bell of Ascension.”

  Mirasçi stepped forward, unwrapping the Sceptre. He looked around the room and found himself scrutinised by hundreds of Elfaun eyes. Each was trying to discover the measure of the young King-to-be. He met their gazes without confrontation, and in return sought to discern the quality of those he would lead, of those who would share the leadership with him. Finally, he moved toward the bell, and in a firm, sharp, motion brought the sceptre around to strike the bell on its sound bow.

  This time the bell produced a pure baritone note which brought everyone in the room to their knees; everyone that is, except Leah, Mirasçi, and Mìng. It echoed through the city and along the valley. Without the additional power of both Merdiven and Leah’s spell, the note soon began to fade, and after several minutes all that was left was a clear, pure, silence. Leah nodded once to Mirasçi and teleported to her throne at the rear of the room. Zor and Leah had planned the next stage of the proceedings to provide an additional brace to support Mirasçi’s claim.

  As she had directed him, Mirasçi slowly walked toward Leah. He ascended the steps and was only slightly hesitant at his proximity to Mìng. When he reached the dais, he stopped and went to one knee. Leah stepped forward, and Mirasçi took her hand and said, “I, Bey Gercek Mirasçi do promise that I will be faithful to Atherleah, irrespective of her title. I swear to obey her reasonable commands and to inform her immediately when I cannot. I will counsel and advise her to the best of my ability. Before others, I will steadfastly, in good faith, and without deceit, show and observe all respect toward her. These words stand unless formally withdrawn. You have my word and oath.”

  Leah replied, “I, Atherleah, promise to observe my duties to serve and protect the Elfaun city of Dag Tarafind. I will consider and weigh the council of Bey Gercek Mirasçi, King of the Elfauns and will look to reward his service. Before others, I will steadfastly, in good faith, and without deceit, show and observe all respect toward him. These words stand unless formally withdrawn. You have my word and oath.”

  Before he could stand, Mìng leant over, breathed on him and cast a spell of Life. She said, “King Mirasçi, my gift to you is the restoration of your antlers and the healing of your body. Be strong and faithful, both to Atherleah your Empress and to your people.”

  Mirasçi’s horns, which Leah hadn’t really taken note of, began to extend from the shorter shape of the Common Elfin and extended and grew until they resembled the antlers of an elk. The edges of the antlers were tinged with green from Mìng’s spell. Mirasçi lost the slight stoop he had and grew maybe a handsbreadth in height. Leah stepped forward, and helping
him rise, turned him toward the crowd. She said, “Welcome your King.”

  All the Elfauns in the large room gave a loud cheer, and Leah indicated that Mirasçi should take his place on the large centre throne reserved for the King. Once he was seated, the council, beginning with High Mage Zor, pledged their loyalty to their new King. They were followed by the High Lords. While this was happening Leah sat quietly, observing. Occasionally, she would discuss her thoughts silently with both Mìng and Gèng.

  When everyone had been introduced to the King, Zor faced the crowd and said, “The Council has arranged to present both King Mirasçi and Empress Atherleah to their subjects. Places have been assigned to mages, nobles, arbiters, and senior warriors. I suggest you make your way onto the valley floor and take your seats. The Council will lead the Empress and King onto the valley floor in fifteen minutes.”

  Leah reduced Mìng to a statue and then followed The Council and Mirasçi through the palace, through the city and down onto the plain.

  It looked as if the entire Elfaun population had come to see the presentation and they began to cheer as they caught sight of Mirasçi’s horns. When they saw Leah, their cheers became louder still, if that was possible. A large circular and tiered dais had been constructed in the centre of the valley. It was near the location of the previous day’s battle.

  Surrounding the dais where several rows of seats that had been prepared for members of the court. The court stood to receive the Council, Mirasçi and Leah. The Council took their station on the lowest tier and faced the crowd. Zor led Mirasçi to the next level and in a magically enhanced voice introduced him to the Elfauns. She spent some time reciting his ancestry and various elements of his history. Finally, she led Leah to the uppermost tier and related the events of the last few days to the continuing cheers of the crowd.

  Finally, Zor said, “In recognition of Empress Atherleah and all she has done for the Elfaun nation, with the full support of King Mirasçi, the Council, and the Conclave of Mages, it is my task to crown Atherleah, Empress. We desire that she be known by all her people, not only Elfauns, but all who acknowledge her rule. Also, we have two gifts to aid her as she leaves our valley. She leaves to carry out her responsibilities and to perform tasks throughout all Vatan and even on the other continents.”


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