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Celtic Mann: A Historical Viking Scottish Romance (Heart of the Battle Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Lexy Timms

  "Then you need to meet with the council. There hasn't been a voice in the counsel with true firsthand experience of the battles. You should be able to provide some solid proof to back up your desires."

  He picked up a piece of bread and cheese and folded it twice before shoving it into his mouth and chewing quickly. He reached for another as his mother moved closer.

  "This land has changed you. We’ve talked very little since your return, but I'm your mother, Erik. I know something weighs heavily on you. Is it the crown or the war?"

  "Neither." He took the glass of water offered by one of the servant girls and drank the cup empty.

  "Then what? Talk to me. We used to be so close."

  "Childish fantasies have given way to manhood." He shrugged and shoved another round of cheese and bread into his mouth as his stomach growled loudly. He hated how his mother stared at him with that knowing look. “I thought I was in love.” He shrugged.

  "Are you, now? Someone from last night?"

  "You can't fall in love overnight, mother. That only happens in the stories you told me as a child." He smiled, wanting to move away from the subject, but knowing good and well that his mother would only allow that when she was done talking about it.

  "Who is she?"

  He waved his hand, trying to appear dismissive about it. “You’ll never meet her.” He sighed; the drink, the crown, the food, Linzi… everything weighing heavy on him. “You wouldn't accept her and neither would anyone in this kingdom of loud mouths and traditionalized opinions." He grunted and shrugged, turning back to his breakfast and trying not to let the idea that Linzi would be shunned, if not murdered while she slept, bother him.

  "Try to keep an open mind, Erik."

  He felt his temper flare, his duty forcing him to leave the only thing he wanted behind him. He would never touch her again or hold her, wouldn't see their babe grow or make love to her beautiful body. "She's a Highlander’s daughter! He sent his son to fight against us and his daughter saved me from death, and in return I gave the lass my heart."

  "That's not fair." His mother crossed her arms over her chest.

  "What's not?” He was shouting and didn’t care. “That she saved my life and I took hers when I left her in a cloud of duty and honor?" He pinned his mother with his stare. She backed up a step and he let out a long sigh. "I don't want to fight with you. I came back here. That’s all that matters."

  "She would not be welcomed here."

  The condescending tone of his mother drove him to more anger. “Don’t talk down to me! I’m your king! I know she would not be welcome here! Do you see her? Is she in my room? She is not here!” He turned to go and then spun around, pointing his finger at his mother, all his anger focused on her. It wasn’t fair, but he didn’t care. “I find it humorous that there were several people at my coronation that were from Britain. Our enemies got an invitation?"

  "Only those that have pledged their hands and hearts to your crown, son." She stood firm, unphased by his reaction.

  "To the crown of Denmark. It's not more mine than it is yours." He picked up the remaining bread and cheese and walked from the room. Pleading his case with his mother was moot. If the woman that raised him and loved him with all that she was wouldn't accept his red-haired lover, then no one else would either. To speak of the possible child in her womb would only endanger her further. No king would leave an heir to his throne in the world. It was a threat. A boy to rise up and return, killing and laying siege to what was properly his.

  A greater outcome could not exist. Erik smirked at the thought and dreamed one day it might happen.

  "Gentlemen. There is our King. All rise." An elderly advisor spoke from the front of the room as Erik walked into the meeting hall. They used to hold meetings at the castle, but his grandfather had been suspicious of everyone and everything.

  A counsel hall was constructed a few blocks from the palace.

  Erik moved to the front of the group, taking his place and nodding to the speaker. "Continue with what you were discussing. Should I want the floor or your attention, I'll take it."

  His mother stood at the back of the room, a chair brought in for her to sit in. He looked back to catch her warning, but looked away. He wasn't interested in being her puppet or anyone else's. Someone was working to dethrone his family. Erik glanced around the room, betting that that same man sat in a council seat.

  "We were discussing the news that arrived not but a few days ago." The older man nodded as if to show respect.

  "What’s the topic?"

  "We received word that your father's commander, Halfdan, has met his end."

  That was months ago. Had not his men told anyone? "He has."

  Silence sat in the room as Erik's response was very matter-of-fact. He sat back in his chair, his appearance far from what one might imagine for a king. He watched their eyes roam over him, the slight turn of their lips in disdain. It was almost comical, but for the sake of his father's great name, he kept his inner thoughts to himself.

  "Would you, perhaps, like to expand on what happened, your highness?"

  "He and my cousin Marcus planned, plotted and executed my death."

  Gasps rolled over the room, his own mother standing and reaching for her chair. "How do you know this?"

  The room turned toward her, the sound of her voice out of place in the midst of the men that gathered.

  "I rode to the southern point of the Highlands on a scouting mission. The only men behind me were my own. I ended up with three arrows in my back and had it not been for a Scottish man and his family bringing me back to health, I would have died that day."

  "All that shows us is that someone should be tried for your attempted murder. How did you come to the conclusion that Marcus and Halfdan were involved?" Another member of the advisory spoke up. "Should it please the King to continue..."

  Erik would have continued had the dumbass not interrupted him. "Halfdan was a bastard long before me, and had begun to collect a following. As a captain on the battlefield we often had to disassemble his delusions of coming back to Denmark and becoming a King. He was quick to allow the men to pledge their loyalty to him and not the crown my brother wore. He wanted the Britains for himself. At any cost."

  More murmurs rushed around the room as Erik waited for silence to resume.

  When it did he continued, “After healing, I met Marcus on the battlefield, my cousin's guilt written all over him." He paused for a moment and shifted his gaze to his mother. "Halfdan confessed to treachery against my family before I cut him down. He thought the only way to win was to get rid of me."

  "And Marcus? Did Charlotte's boy confess, as well?" His mother moved to stand beside the large counsel table, tears in her eyes.

  "He ran, Queen Mother."

  "Then perhaps..."

  "I came across him the day we boarded the ship for home. He brought several of my soldiers with him. Viking soldiers." Erik stopped to look around the room. Every eye was on him, every breath held. "He meant to take my life again as he did at the edge of that field before I was slain in the back."

  "Where is he now? He must be tried in our courts." His mother took another step toward him as the white-haired men spoke up in agreement.

  "He's not going to be tried. He's dead."

  Discussion broke out, the sound of twenty voices raising to gain attention grating at Erik's nerves. Marcus was the next in line to take the throne, his father being the middle child in the family and having passed from food poising years before. With Nathaniel gone and Erik no children, Marcus stood a chance. Erik had his concerns about his uncle's death, but kept it to himself, finding no reason to press the issue. Now it made sense.

  "Did you take his life?" someone asked, the sound of the male’s voice pinched, as if he were looking to convict Erik.

  "No, but I would have if one of my soldiers hadn't stepped up."

  "We will need to look into this," another spoke up.

  "Please do." Erik sto
od and moved toward the door. "Oh, and prepare the ships. We're pulling out of the Britains. We're done with this war until you can provide me with rulers to send to these foreign lands. They sit empty and the people will pull back together and become stronger under the delusion of slavery."

  He walked out as the room erupted into chaos.



  The ceremony had been simple. Only the preacher, her and Luke at the front of the tiny white walled church. An older man who could barely walk was brought in off the street to be the witness they needed should the vows be questioned. Linzi glanced back at him as the preacher began speaking of God’s goodness and grace. She didn't know this God, but if he needed to be part of the moment for Luke to help secure her future - so be it.

  Her mother had faith in God and spoke of him quite often. Linzi had tried as a young girl to seek him out and find him for herself, but when the illness took her mother, there was no longer a point. She didn't need to know anything other than how to survive that day.

  "Girl. Do you have a ring?" The pastor spoke loudly, his voice far too high-pitched for a man.

  "No, Sir."

  "It's all right. Let's just do the vows and I'll give her my ring. I'd like to get her home before the darkness sets, so move along."

  Linzi glanced at Luke as she slid her hands into his. Never had she heard him impatient. Angry, yes, but impatient, no. He was worried, and it was apparent by the shifting of his eyes to the door. The Vikings had left everyone on edge. The fact that they milled about, raising their voices and arms against anyone who defied them was reason enough to be consumed with fear. That, or he wanted her alone in the bedroom. How long before she could use the babe in her womb as an excuse for safety? She felt terrible for having those thoughts.

  "Of course."

  The preacher rushed through the already simple service, not that Linzi minded much. Her mind slipped to her fantasies as she repeated phrases and nodded where appropriate. Erik was married to a blond tart, but her heart still belonged to him.

  She imagined his wedding would have been something to behold. A large castle and people running about in excitement. What would it have been like, had she been his bride?

  "The King’s getting married today!!"

  Linzi turned to face him before the ceremony, both of them shut up in a small room where Sara had worked to help her into the elaborate wedding dress that hugged her tightly.

  "Damn, woman. I don't think I've ever wanted to rip lace from someone more than I do right now." Erik leaned in, kissing her roughly as he moved toward her, backing her up until she bumped against the wall behind her.

  He leaned down and dragged his lips along her throat, his tongue licking over the top of her breasts as she arched against him, wanting so badly to once again feel his skin on hers.

  "I need you," she whispered, reaching for him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  "Have me, lass. Have me forever after today." He moved back up, the love in his eyes burning her. He reached out and brushed his thumb over her lips. "I love you more than life. Forever... we, my love... we're forever.

  "Linzi?" Luke touched her face, leaning toward her as she blinked a few times, having slipped deep into her desires rather than her reality.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just tired." She smiled and lifted to her toes, pulling Luke down for a long kiss.

  "I pronounce you man and wife."

  Luke kissed her again before they walked from the small church, hands held and tears racing down Linzi's cheeks.

  "I love you. We're going to have a great life together. I promise it."

  "I know. I can't wait." She tugged at him to walk faster and wiped her tears with her other hand. She didn't love anyone but Erik and had told a few too many lies already that day.

  The walk home was hurried. They avoided going through the market in town and walked as quick as they could back to the countryside. Luke repeated several times that they should have brought the horse, but Linzi brushed his concerns aside each time, saying she was fine. No one met them on the road and she was thankful for the quiet of just the two of them.

  "There's the married couple!" Sara stood and greeted Linzi with a big hug as they walked into the house. “I bet that long walk back was arduous.”

  "Everything go okay?" Her father stepped up, a smile on his aging face.

  "It did. We are wed and exhausted." Linzi smiled before moving to the kitchen. "Have you two had dinner?"

  "Yes, and we're about to retire for the night. We’ve left bread and a bit of meat. Thought it was a special occasion to cook a rabbit." Sara ambled toward Luke and pulled him into a quick hug.

  "I'll make us something if you want to wash up?" Linzi glanced to Luke as her father and Sara moved down the hall toward their room. When had they started sleeping together? She hadn’t noticed it before.

  "Actually... Let's eat quickly and then we can wash up together if you would allow it?" His cheeks colored, and where it was sweet, there was something to be said about a man who didn't blush each time he spoke of sensual things.

  "Bread and rabbit then?" Linzi swallowed hard, nervousness rising inside of her. Would she be able to let another man touch her? Make love to her?

  She had no choice at this point. Luke was her husband and part of the vow was that her body was as much his as it was hers. She would never deny him that closeness. The thought caused her stomach to turn. Anyone but Erik pressed against her seemed like a grievous sin.

  "If you're not ready, I'll wait, Linzi. I don't want to force you." He moved to the kitchen, wrapping her in a hug from behind and pressing a kiss to the top of her shoulder as the dress slipped off again.

  "No, I want us to be one." She turned in his grasp and looked up at him. "I'm not sure my body will be what you want, simply because of the babe inside of me."

  "You're everything I want. Don't doubt that." He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. "Get the food and let's eat. I'm tired and in need of energy."

  She nodded, moving to her room – their room now – to set the nightgown on the bed. Reaching up, she plucked the small flowers from her hair and let them fall on the dirt floor of the house. They were pretty and she would sweep them up later in the week, but for tonight, they would be a nice accessory to guide them from the kitchen to their marriage bed.

  Linzi moved back to the kitchen, Luke slicing the bread and handing her a piece as she approached. She took it and smiled before moving behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist. "I thought I was supposed to get dinner ready."

  "I figured there was no reason to stand here looking like an oaf." He laughed and the sound caused her to relax against him. He wasn't Erik. He never would be. No one would. He was her best friend and their marriage and sex would be an extension of that. They would care for each other and have a good life. She would just fight back the demons of her desires, the hot poke of need that forced her to her knees where the dangerous Viking that tore her heart from her chest was concerned. She had seen the last of him. She was a married woman and from the words of the stranger today, the King of Denmark was also a married man. She would simply have to let him go. She would remember him less and less each day until one day, he would be but a whiff of a memory. Nothing more.

  "Do you want me to turn while you take your dress off?" Luke asked, stopping beside the lake and dropping the towels they brought with them.

  "Could you undo the ties on the back of it for me?" she whispered, walking toward him as the moonlight cast a blue light over everything. His blond hair was shorter now, but left him looking angelic and sweet, nothing like the type of man she would want taking advantage of her body. She turned her back to him as tears filled her eyes. She didn't want this and yet... it didn't matter.

  His fingers brushed by her back and she stiffened, letting out a soft laugh and trying like hell to relax. "Sorry. I'm nervous."

  "I am, too." Luke pulled the small strings down her back, each tou
ch so soft... too soft. "No rush on any of this, Linzi. I'm going to be your man for the rest of our lives. I'm good with..."

  She turned and lifted her fingers to his lips. "Stop talking like that. You're a man and I'm your girl. Your needs are mine."

  Taking a step back from him she reached up and let the dress pull from her arms, falling in a heap before her. She reached back and undid her bra, pulling it from her as well. Luke's eyes widened as his breath caught. He stared at her for a long moment. She waited, unsure if she should say something or move. Finally, he pulled his shirt off before moving toward her, stilling her hand as she started to slip her panties off.

  "Not yet." He slid his hands over her upper back, his chest pressed to hers tightly. His muscles were visible and strong, but not well-defined like Erik's. He leaned down and kissed her softly, his actions tentative and questioning. She reached up and deepened the kiss.

  Luke groaned and pulled back, laughing in nervousness and nodding toward the water. "Go ahead and get in. I'll be there in just a minute."

  Linzi stood in confusion for a minute before shrugging and walking to the edge of the water. The cool liquid lapped up and covered her toes as she paused and looked over her shoulder. Luke had turned from her and was working to get his pants off. She wanted to watch him in hopes of discovering lust that had to surely be lying under the surface of this silly encounter.

  Lust didn't just belong to her and Erik. Certainly she had desires as a woman that the sight of any man of any worth would stoke. She walked into the water and turned to face him, sinking back into the relaxing welcome of the small waves. He moved toward her, his underwear still on. His arms crossed over his chest as if trying to hide from her.


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