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Realms and Rebels: A Paranormal and Fantasy Reverse Harem Collection

Page 59

by C. M. Stunich

  Memories flooded me, and I felt dizzy, swirling in a vortex where Jeff controlled my every move, my every thought.

  “Hey.” Declan’s voice was calm, his touch gentle when he placed his hand on mine. “Are you okay?”

  I shook my head to clear it, wishing to be rid of the memories once and for all. Fortunately, they had faded with time, but I had a feeling they’d never completely leave me. And maybe that was for the best. I needed to remember what the sick bastard had done so that I would never, ever, allow something like that to happen again.

  Forcing a smile, I said, “A few years ago, my phone and computer were hacked, and I had to change my number and e-mail address.” It was a version of the truth, one I’d often used since most people couldn’t handle the ugly reality of what had really happened. “Still, I should’ve made more of an effort to update my contacts.”

  “Fortunately, our paths crossed again.” His eyes were trained on mine, lips parting in anticipation.

  I shoved a big bite into my mouth before he could close the remaining distance and kiss me. Not that I didn’t want to kiss him. Oh, how I wanted to, but I couldn’t. Shouldn’t. We were friends, roommates, and I didn’t want to jeopardize that. More importantly, for someone like me, kissing was dangerous; the last thing I wanted was to control Declan.

  He leaned back, the corners of his mouth curving into a grin. “I have so many good memories from college, and you were part of all of them—drunken late-night games of hide-and-seek on campus, spending every spring break at Enchanted Lake.”

  “Enchanted Lake,” I said with whispered awe. “Nothing will top our visit senior year.”

  “Oh, you mean the year I nearly broke my neck snowboarding? I don’t know how you convinced me to try it, even though I knew it was a terrible idea.” He paused, appearing contemplative. “Actually, I do. I would’ve done anything you wanted—still would.”

  I didn’t dare meet his eyes, fear and desire coiling in the pit of my stomach like a viper preparing to strike. I tried to think back to that moment, to remember if he’d freely agreed to try the sport, or if my powers were responsible. At the time, I’d barely understood my abilities. Even now, all these years later, I struggled to control them.

  He stood, tossing our trash in the bin before extending his hand. “Dance with me?”

  I hesitated, but then it hit me. We’d been talking and touching this whole time, and he still seemed completely alert. Figuring it was worth a shot, I accepted his hand, and he threaded his fingers through mine. It felt…good, too good.

  We joined the other couples dancing beneath white lights strung between the trees, the band playing in the background. With my hand resting in one of Declan’s and his other on the small of my back, I felt my dress swish about my legs, teasing my bare skin. As he spun me around the dance floor, I smiled at him over my shoulder, realizing how much I’d missed this. For the first time in years, I was living life; I was having fun.

  When the song changed to a slower tune, he pulled me close, our hips touching. His eyes never left mine, and everyone around us faded. Whether Declan realized it or not, he was slowly breaking down all the barriers I’d so carefully constructed. But when his arm started to droop, his hands relaxing their hold, I realized I’d been projecting my powers. I took several steps back to give him some space, bile rising in my throat at my own selfishness. I knew better.

  He closed his eyes, and when he reopened them, it was as if he was seeing me for the first time. His gaze was questioning, but beneath it was raw desire, and his intensity stole my breath. I still didn’t understand what was happening, but I knew it was different, incredible. Unlike most men I encountered, he didn’t look at me like a prize to be won. He treated me like a rare treasure, something to be valued and protected. If he knew the truth, though…there was no way he’d ever look at me the same.

  Before he could push the matter, I backed into the shadows of the trees. I couldn’t put him at further risk. I refused to control him. “I, um, I have to go.”

  “Katerina, wait,” he called, but I didn’t listen.

  I wandered around the city for hours, tempted to hook up with a stranger just to take the edge off. Lust was the perfect cover, and one-night stands were one of the few, if not only, times I gave my powers free rein. Heightened desire, no strings, no questions after the fact. I could be myself without fear of the consequences, and in the act of letting go, I was free.

  But that freedom came at a price—devastating loneliness.

  My mind flooded with images of Declan, and I couldn’t go through with it, didn’t want to.

  When I finally returned to the apartment, I was relieved to be met with silence. I began to wonder if Declan was even home when he entered the dimly lit hallway. Shirtless and imposing, he was all smooth skin and lean muscles. I darted to my room and locked the door before he could notice me. It was up to me to stay away—for his own protection as much as mine.

  I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning, dreading the moment I would have to face him. Would he push for answers? How much would he even remember?

  When I finally heard the shower running, I sighed with relief. He would leave for work soon, and then I could call Ana. She would know what to do.

  She answered on the first ring. “Hey, sis! How’s it going?”

  “Terrible.” I flopped back on the bed.

  “What? Why?”

  “Declan is driving me crazy.”

  “Wait, I didn’t realize your old friend, and new roommate, was a guy? Are you sure that’s wise, considering…well, you know?”

  “Nothing happened at lunch the other day, so I kind of hoped it would all work out.”

  Ana laughed but quickly fell silent. “Wait, what do you mean ‘nothing happened’?”

  I launched into an explanation of everything that had occurred between Declan and me since lunch that day. How sometimes he would be unpredictably and inexplicably immune to my powers, while other times, like last night, he would fall under my spell. I’d encountered a few men like this—even our former landlord—but it was rare. It made me wonder if that was why I’d always felt more comfortable around Declan in the past, less guarded.

  “Have you tried actively using your powers on him? Just to see what would happen?”

  “No,” I said softly. “I’m too afraid I’d lose control.”

  “That’s ironic,” she said with a laugh. “Why don’t you do what you normally do to offset some of the need to use your powers—pick up a guy at a bar, go back to his place, and then never see him again?”

  “I considered it,” I sighed. “I guess I’m a little gun-shy after the whole FBI incident. And…” I hesitated, not sure I was ready to admit this. “For the past few days, I get the feeling I’m being watched.”

  “You don’t think it’s Jeff, do you?” Hearing my ex’s name made my skin crawl.

  “Gods, I hope not.”

  “Okay, well, stay alert and keep me updated.”

  “Hey, who’s the big sister?” I teased, hating that we ever had to discuss the bastard. That she ever even had to know about my relationship with him. That I’d been in such a warped relationship to begin with.

  “I don’t know that I’d brag about it. You’re almost twenty-six.” She was silent for a moment. “Kati, it’s okay to like Declan. Not every guy is Jeff.”

  “You’re right, he’s nothing like Jeff. But I refuse to be in a relationship with a partner who lacks free will. It’s not fair to him, and I don’t want to always question if his feelings are genuine.”

  “What if it was possible to be with someone without the risk of your powers overtaking them?”

  “Maybe,” I said, not believing it was a realistic possibility. Touch was essential to any relationship, but as soon as I touched someone, I could control their mind simply by speaking.

  “That still doesn’t solve my current problem,” I said.

  “You could move out.”

  I r
olled onto my stomach. “And what, move home? No thank you.

  “Besides, moving out now would only make the situation more awkward. I don’t want to lose Declan again, especially not after we just reconnected.”

  But between Declan’s incredible body and his freaking amazing scent, I was screwed. And not in the good way. Thinking about him had my temperature rising, my imagination shifting into overdrive.

  “I need your help. Can you enchant something to help me control my—”

  “Raging desires?” she interrupted.

  “I was going to say, powers—something to make my magic less potent. Touching him is unavoidable. Believe me, I’ve tried.”

  “What size and color would you like your chastity belt in?” She snickered.

  “Ana! Are you going to help me or not?” I felt the irrational urge to stomp my foot.

  She let out a deep sigh. “Tampering with the balance of powers is risky.”

  “So, you have an idea?” I asked, trying to rein in my excitement.

  “I do, but it will take a few hours. And…” She paused, waiting until she had my full attention. “Don’t ever ask me to do this again.”

  “Okay,” I agreed eagerly.

  As promised, Ana texted me that afternoon to inform me that my “chastity belt” was ready. I suggested we meet at a coffee shop near campus, not wanting to chance Declan coming home and overhearing us. I hadn’t seen or talked to him since last night, and my anxiety grew with every passing hour.

  “Did you bring it?” I joined Ana at the table with our coffees.

  “Hello to you too, sis,” she joked. “Thanks for the coffee, by the way.”

  I waved a hand through the air. “Anytime. Sorry, I’m just…on edge.”

  She glanced surreptitiously around the room before leaning across the table and speaking in a hushed voice. “Do you think you were followed?” If I weren’t legitimately concerned by the idea, I would have mocked her theatrics.

  “No, not today anyway.”

  “Good.” She straightened and pulled a box from her tote bag, placing it on the table before us. “This was the best I could come up with on such short notice.” She opened it to reveal a beautiful antique necklace I recognized as once belonging to our late grandmother. Its long chain glinted in the light, a pale blue stone hanging from the end.

  I reached for it, but she closed the box, waiting until she had my full attention. “Are you sure you want to do this? Your powers are a gift, not a curse.”

  “Easy for you to say. You can kiss a guy without effectively drugging him or risking discovery of your abilities. You can have sex without eliminating his free will.”

  “You have the power to control minds, not a deadly disease. It doesn’t mean you won’t find someone who will accept you for who and what you are.”

  “A freak.”

  Anger flared in her black eyes. “No, Katerina, you are not a freak.”

  “Tell that to the countless women burned at the stake for their powers, real or imagined. Just because we live in a progressive society filled with technology, it doesn’t mean people will ever understand, much less accept, us.”

  “You don’t think anyone ever said the same about five men in a relationship with one woman? At one time, that wasn’t the norm either, yet we live in a world where it’s now an expectation. A woman with less than two committed partners is an oddity. A single woman is nearly unheard of. Opinions change, people adapt.”

  “Or they’re forced to adapt after a curse drastically reduces the number of female children born, not that most people are aware of it.” Thank the gods.

  According to legend, a powerful sorceress implemented the curse after being scorned by the man she loved. Now, several generations later, the spell had yet to be broken.

  “Magic has been around for centuries,” I continued. “Never once in that history has it been anything but feared.”

  “Maybe by society as a whole, but there have been those who have encouraged, even cultivated, magic.” She waved a hand through the air. “Look, we could debate this all day, but it’s not why we’re here, and I have class soon.”

  “Don’t be mad,” I said, knowing this was an argument we’d had before and would likely have again.

  “I’m not. I just wish you would open your eyes and see that not everyone is out to get you. It’s okay to trust people. It’s okay to let them in.” I no longer believed she was referring solely to my powers.

  “Tell me about the necklace,” I said, more than ready to change the subject.

  Her gaze was shrewd as she sipped her drink, setting the cup daintily on the table. “You have to wear it for the enchantment to be effective—being in the same vicinity isn’t enough. Don’t get it wet or it’s useless, at least for anything besides accessorizing.”

  “And it will work?” I tried not to get my hopes up as I fingered the chain, gently lifting it from the box to admire the archaic workmanship.

  She crossed her arms with a self-assured grin. “Put it on and take it for a test run.”

  I lifted the necklace over my head and immediately felt a difference. Although the jewelry itself was light, I had the sensation of being weighted down, of being…bound. I surveyed the coffee shop, and my eyes settled on a guy across the room. Seated behind a laptop, he was immersed in a task, but he lifted his head briefly and caught my eye. Perfect.

  I stood and edged closer before fumbling with my purse, dropping it on the floor beside his table. He leaned over to help me retrieve it, our hands touching in the process.

  Once he’d returned my purse, I placed a hand on his forearm and peered into his eyes. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” His eyes were clear and his movements sharp, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. So I remained there a moment, waiting, watching, hoping.

  “Is there something else I can help you with?” he finally asked in a clipped tone. “Because I have a paper to finish.”

  “Nope.” I grinned and backed away. “You’ve been more than kind.”

  It was encouraging, but he could be a fluke, someone immune to my charms. I wanted more proof before I would place my trust in the necklace.

  I headed for the restrooms and attempted to use my powers on a man standing in the hallway, but this time, I didn’t hold back. There was a brief moment where I thought he would succumb to my powers, and then it passed. He seemed mildly perplexed, while I fought the urge to do a happy dance.

  I’d still have to be careful while I got used to wearing the charm, but this was a vast improvement. For the first time since I’d recognized my powers for what they were, I could interact with a member of the opposite sex without fear of putting him in a trance or bending him to my will.

  Who would’ve guessed that being chained could feel so…liberating?


  Armed with an explanation about my disappearing act the night before, I opened the door to the apartment and froze. Declan sat on the couch, but he wasn’t alone. Adrian’s eyes met mine from across the room, and I clutched the necklace, seeking reassurance that my powers were under control.

  Whatever reason Adrian had for being here, it wasn’t good. I only hoped it didn’t concern me.

  They stood to greet me, and Declan spoke first, “Kati.” He kissed my cheek. “This is FBI Special Agent Adrian Stone. Adrian, this is Katerina Marea. She lives with me.”

  Adrian raised an eyebrow, the movement almost imperceptible. “Yes, we’ve met.” His tone was so stiff, so formal, nothing like the playful man I’d seen glimpses of the other night.

  Declan glanced curiously between us, and when there was a knock at the door, I rushed to answer it. A tall man with thick, black hair and intense eyes the color of jade stared at me from behind dark-rimmed glasses.

  “Elias St. James. And you are?” He held out his hand, but I ignored it, my manner equally brusque.

  “Just leaving.”

  “Actually, you should probably stay,” Adrian said f
rom behind me. “With your permission, Declan.”

  “Absolutely. Anything you need to say can be said in front of Katerina,” I overheard Declan respond. Elias brushed past me, and I followed him to the living room.

  “Declan, Katerina, this is Elias St. James, a criminal consultant for the FBI. We are investigating a series of comic and animation art thefts, and we believe Ashworth Auctions may be the next target.”

  Initially, my relief was palpable—I wasn’t the reason they were here. That said, when I glanced at Declan and noticed his uneasy expression, I wished I could take it all back. But the longer I watched him, the more I realized Elias was the source of his displeasure. Jaws clenched, their eyes were locked as a silent battle transpired between them.

  “I thought your company auctioned books and historical manuscripts?” I asked, hoping to break the tension.

  “They do.” Declan turned to me. “But that’s my sister’s specialty. I oversee the comic department.”

  “How did I not know that?” I asked, more to myself.

  Declan shrugged, but Adrian grumbled, “Do you ever know anything about the men you sleep with?”

  “Not if I can help it,” I shot back, and my eyes went wide when I realized what I’d said. The three of them stared at me, their expressions a mix of curiosity, amusement, and anger.

  Adrian pinned me with his laser-like focus a moment longer before returning his attention to his tablet. “As I was saying…the culprit has infiltrated a number of high-end auction houses, replacing authentic works with forgeries.”

  “I can assure you that our security is top-notch. We spare no expense, and we have multiple layers of protection in place,” Declan said.

  “Be that as it may, someone has managed to find a way through equally stringent protocols at some of your competitors’ offices.”

  Declan frowned. “Why have I not heard of this before now? None of my business associates have mentioned it.”

  “Would you want it to be common knowledge that your auction house was selling forgeries for five figures or more?”


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