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Hard Love

Page 12

by Meredith Wild

  I loved her that way, inch by inch. Thrust by thrust. So steady and measured, I nearly lost my damn mind.

  Our hands clasped tightly. She clung to me, holding on through the orgasm that I could feel building with every helpless whimper, every shuddery clench. Flushed skin, my name on her lips… she was close. I could have gone with her, but somehow through the blur of my desire, I held back. I wanted to give her a night of pleasure, not a quick high.

  I lifted her hips, meeting her movements, hitting that hidden spot inside her over and over. Her pussy rippled with spasms that matched her cries.

  “Let go, Erica,” I said, so intent on her climb that I nearly forgot about my own.

  “I want to come with you.”

  My chest constricted and my aching cock reminded me how badly I wanted to let go too. Too much time had passed between us. Too many emotions had ripped through me in her absence that suddenly everything was barreling down on me.


  I strained to rein in the nearly violent need to ram her hard and fast. I could almost taste the promise of release.

  Her walls came down around me. Her nails scored down my chest. Everything went red and the sound that tore from me echoed off the walls, punctuated by Erica’s thready, broken cry.

  * * *


  I woke to Blake’s warmth all around me. I stretched, curving against the line of his body. I turned to find him already dressed. The scent of coffee lingered on him.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  I smiled. He looked better. And I sure as hell felt better. I toyed with his hair, rumpling it just the way I liked.

  “Last night was amazing.”

  A concerned wrinkle formed between his brows. “How do you feel?”

  I mentally cataloged my body’s physical feedback. Every day seemed to be a little different, and now that I knew I was pregnant, I understood why.

  “Other than being epically tired, which seems to be my new reality, I feel great.”

  He rested his hand on my ribs, grazing his fingertips down over my navel. He couldn’t have broadcast his thoughts any more clearly. I stilled his hand.

  “Blake, seriously. I’m fine.”

  “I’m just asking.”

  His tone was innocent but I knew better.

  “Am I going to have to tie you down every time I want to have my wicked way with you?”

  He flashed me a dark look. “I’m sure that won’t be necessary.”

  I smirked, a tiny idea forming in my mind.

  “I don’t know. If you’re so worried about hurting me, maybe the only choice is to let me take the reins until you aren’t.”

  “Funny,” he muttered dryly.

  “I wasn’t trying to be funny.” I pretended to be serious, but he was doing so well for the both of us.

  “I think you know I can’t do that.” His tone was deceivingly calm, the words unmistakably clear.

  “You can’t or you won’t,” I challenged.

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Both. I’m pretty sure we’ve established that restraints are a hard limit for me.”

  I rolled to my side and slid my hand under his shirt, appreciating the toned ridges that led to a slight bulge in his jeans. “Being dominated isn’t so bad, Blake. It could be fun, in small doses.”

  “All my instincts scream ‘no’ when you say things like that. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.”

  I smiled, clucking my tongue teasingly. “Whatever are we going to do with you, Blake?”

  He pursed his lips and hoisted me on top of him possessively. “I could think of a few things.”

  I warmed under his heated gaze. “Me too. Now it’s just a matter of convincing you.” I peppered tiny kisses along his jaw, tugging his earlobe into my mouth with a soft bite. He groaned, lifting his hips so his growing erection connected with my clit just so. I was still bare and extremely sensitive. If he wasn’t careful, he’d need a new pair of jeans.

  Heat bloomed across my skin, and memories of last night slowly seduced me. Maybe convincing him he didn’t need to hold back wouldn’t be so difficult. We were already seconds from tearing each other’s clothes off.

  Except the last time I’d gotten bold in the bedroom, Blake had undeniably been rattled. Then again, he hadn’t expected me to tie him up in the middle of night.

  “I blindsided you last time. Give me another chance.”

  He dismissed me with a short laugh, which only made me want to make my case stronger.

  “Listen, you’re always controlling my pleasure.”

  “And you love it,” he said bluntly.

  “I do. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about giving that to you too. It’s not all about being on a power trip, you know. The things we do… You give more than you take.”

  “So what? Are you saying you want to switch?”

  I sat straighter and shrugged. “Maybe.”

  The directness of his question sent heat to my cheeks. I liked the sound of taking control more than I’d expected to.

  “And what would this… domination… entail?” He brought his arms behind his head with a disarming smile.

  A little thrill fluttered through me. “Well, you’re not exactly what I would call obedient. So we’d have to undergo some vigorous training for you to learn your place.”

  “And where is that?” His tone was low, his voice vibrating through me.

  I hummed and lowered over him again. “Under me.” I whispered against his lips, sliding my hand over his now very hard cock. “Unless I want you someplace else, that is.”

  He groaned and lifted his hips into my eager grasp. “I’m under you right now. Seems like a reward is in order.”

  “Don’t be greedy.”

  I smiled to myself, knowing how many times he’d accused me of the same thing. He was patient only when it came to teasing me. When his own desire was on the line, his position might very well change.

  He narrowed his eyes. “I’ve created a monster.”

  “You can call me Master,” I joked with a coy smile.

  He laughed again. “I think Mistress is more appropriate in these matters.”

  “I might like the ring of that.”

  A part of me couldn’t believe we were having this conversation, even if he was only humoring me. Then again, I’d been home less than twenty-four hours after my hormone-fueled mission to speak to Michael and teach Blake what would become a painful lesson. Who knew what he was really thinking right now?

  His wandering gaze betrayed him though. “I’m intrigued. When’s the first lesson?”

  “Maybe tonight, but only if you’re on your best behavior,” I said in a light voice. I had no idea what I was doing, but this could be fun if he let it go anywhere.

  He released his hands and stroked up and then down to my thighs lazily. “You mean you’re going to send me to work with visions in my head of you riding me all night?”

  I frowned. “You’re working today?”

  We’d had a successful track record of keeping the weekends for ourselves. Especially after the insane week we’d had, I figured we deserved some downtime now more than ever.

  “I was going to meet with Gove and discuss the Trevor situation.”

  “Oh,” I said quietly. I couldn’t argue with that. Any lingering stress started to melt off when I felt like we were moving in the right direction. Finally.

  Reluctantly, I lifted off Blake and got ready for my day. We meandered downstairs, and I started to make myself a cup of tea. Blake came up behind me and kissed my neck before taking over the task.

  “I’ve got this. Go sit.”

  “You’re spoiling me,” I muttered and took a seat at the island.

  “You should get used to that. What do you want for breakfast?”

  I wrinkled my nose. My stomach was still on the fritz. “Not hungry.”

  He pressed his lips together in a way that told me he wasn’t thrilled with that answer.

>   He cleared his throat, went through the fridge, and pulled out some already diced fruit and a tub of yogurt. “While you were sleeping, I scheduled a doctor’s appointment for you.”

  “You picked a doctor without me?”

  “Dr. Henneman is the best obstetrician in the city, and you’ll have only the best when it comes to this. There’ll be no arguing that.”

  Any vulnerability I’d seen in his eyes before had been swiftly replaced. I wasn’t quite sure when the shift in power had occurred, but it definitely had.

  I rolled my eyes. “I see you’re right back in the driver’s seat.”

  “When it comes to your health, I always will be. With everything your body has been through, I want you and the baby to have the best care.”

  The baby. The way he said it sounded so certain. With the odds stacked against us, I’d had a hard time convincing myself that somehow in nine months, I’d have a baby in my arms. Still, I reached for that faith I’d promised Blake back on the islands. I’d believe it, until someone told us otherwise.


  “The appointment is Monday. I had her after-hours staff call her to confirm it.”

  I took a sip of my tea. “Are you coming with me?”

  “I’m going to be with you every step of the way. I promise you that.” He placed a small bowl of sliced berries and melon topped with a dollop of yogurt in front of me. “Now try to eat a little, please.”



  I was contemplating how I would spend the morning without Blake when Alli called.

  “Hey. I wanted to check in and make sure everything was okay.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, we’re good.”

  She released a sigh. “Thank goodness. I can’t handle it when you two are on the outs.”

  I registered renewed guilt now that I was on the other side of it and had seen how upset Blake was. I can’t imagine what he put Heath through not knowing where I was.

  “I’m sorry, Alli. I shouldn’t have pulled you into it.”

  “It’s okay. You needed my support, and that’s what I’m here for. I’m just glad that things worked out.”

  “They did. We’re better.”

  “Good. Well, I’ll let you get back to your making up.”

  “Actually Blake’s in the city meeting with the attorney. I’m just killing time.”

  She hummed. “Are you up for a little retail therapy? I need to replenish my closet now that it’s getting chilly.”

  “Sure,” I said, liking the sound of that.

  An hour later I was on Newbury Street, perusing the shops with Alli. We talked and laughed, consulting each other on what to buy when we couldn’t decide between two things. I bought more than I expected to, considering we’d gone out to replenish Alli’s wardrobe, not mine. But after a month abroad with Blake sparing no expense along the way, I was slowly acclimating to Blake’s much higher standard of living. Knowing that I was spending my own money and not Blake’s helped in my current situation, however. The payoff from the Clozpin sale afforded me as much financial freedom as I could hope for without dipping into our joint account for anything outside of necessities. Blake could argue about it, but I’d argue right back. I still valued my financial independence and the fact that I’d earned it.

  After Alli and I had wasted a few hours shopping, we ducked into a little Mediterranean restaurant for lunch. My earlier queasiness had subsided and now my appetite was back with a vengeance. We tore through a couple appetizers that took the edge off.

  Alli sipped her wine. The light danced off the liquid and caught on a sparkling red gem that dangled from the short thick chain around her neck.

  “That’s pretty. Is it new?”

  She feathered her fingertips over it. “Thanks. Heath gave it to me a little while ago. I feel like it’s too fancy to wear to work though, which is why you probably haven’t seen it before.”

  Good taste, I thought, but then wondered if he’d given it to her to make up for anything else. Their relationship hadn’t always been on solid ground, but since he’d returned from rehab they’d been incredibly solid. They’d been inseparable at the wedding. I couldn’t mistake the stars in her eyes when they danced, and a little part of me hoped that the magic of our day might inspire Heath to want to take the next step with Alli. I knew she was ready. Maybe he was too.

  “How have things been between you two?”

  “We’re good. Things were a little rocky after you and I left Clozpin, but we’re good now. Better than ever.”

  I looked down at my napkin and wondered if Sophia had anything to do with that. I’d been the one to tip Alli off that Heath had a possibly not-so-innocent history with Sophia. I genuinely hoped that hadn’t caused a rift between them, but after everything Sophia had put us both through, I thought she should know the truth—at least to the extent that I did. Only Heath and Sophia knew the whole truth.

  “Did you two ever talk about Sophia?”

  She nodded, taking a bite of her salad in silence.

  I immediately felt like a jerk for voicing my thoughts out loud. “Sorry, Alli. I didn’t mean to pry. It’s between you two.”

  She shrugged. “It’s okay. I’m not trying to keep it from you really. It’s just… If Blake knew, I think it would make things uncomfortable between them. I don’t want that any more than you do.”

  I was angry at Sophia then, for Alli’s sake. Not only had she lost her job to that evil witch, but she very likely had to face the truth that she’d slept with Heath. If Alli felt anything the way I felt knowing that Sophia had loved Blake, and likely still did, I knew that it hurt like hell.

  “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, but you can trust that I’m done letting Sophia fuck with our lives. She’s caused enough damage. Somehow she always finds a way to get to me, but I’m done letting her. I swore it the day we left Clozpin for the last time.”

  Alli let out a heavy sigh. “Well, the truth is after she booted me from the business, I confronted Heath about her. I hinted—well, maybe I did more than hint—that I knew there might have been more than friendship between them. I told him I wanted to know the truth, even if it would hurt to hear it.” Her brows drew closer as she stared out the window.

  “What did he say?”

  She turned back and met my gaze. “He didn’t deny it. I have to give him credit for that.”

  “They slept together?”

  She nodded, unable to mask the disgust. “Once. They’d been partying with their mutual friends at the time. High, of course. Blake was traveling so he never knew.”

  Suddenly, I hated Sophia all over again. “For all her claiming to love him…”

  “Supposedly their relationship was on the rocks. One thing led to another. Drugs and alcohol. Bad decisions ensued. He never admitted it to Blake because he didn’t want to hurt him, especially after everything Blake had done for him. I guess he always felt like Sophia used their friendship to stay close to Blake.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past her. She’d stop at nothing to have Blake back.” She’d proven as much with her despicable behavior toward me.

  “Even at his lowest, Heath has a tender heart. I think he was too nice to call her on it. But of course he hasn’t heard from her since Blake severed ties from her business. No love lost, I suppose.”

  Thankfully Sophia had been mercifully absent from our lives for months. I could only hope she’d given up trying to get him back. Blake and I were married, with a baby on the way now. I hated that she owned a part of his past, but at least I had his future. Of that I was certain.

  Alli fidgeted with her necklace absently.

  “Do you wish you didn’t know?” I asked.

  “At first I wished I didn’t. I was upset of course. We’ve been through enough. I didn’t want to think about him with other women, especially the one who abruptly fired me. I was furious and just as devastated as you were. But that’s life. There’s no point living
in the past when we have an amazing future to look forward to.”

  I agreed, and a warm feeling floated over me. Their happiness always had that effect on me. Her cheeks flushed and she stared past me.


  “Nothing,” she said.

  A few seconds passed and the secretive smile never left her lips.

  “Alli, what the hell. Spill it.”

  She shook her head. “God, I can’t believe I’m telling you this.” She drew in a deep breath and exhaled in a rush. “We’ve been talking about eloping.”

  My jaw fell. “Are you serious?”

  “I haven’t exactly been making my marriage dreams a secret, you know. We’ve been talking about taking the next step, and that’s kind of how we’re leaning.”

  “I figured you’d talked about it, but I had no idea that you’d take off and do it without telling anyone. That’s crazy!”

  She shrugged with a smile. “I don’t know. The more I thought about it, the more romantic I imagined it would be. Plus I sort of got a lot of my wedding planning out of my system with yours. You were so easygoing, I ended up using half my ideas on you.”

  I pouted a little. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  She laughed. “Don’t be. I had an incredible time. It was a beautiful wedding. I’ll never forget it and I have absolutely no regrets. You deserved an amazing day, and I was thrilled to be a part of it any way I could.”

  She smiled warmly, and I knew that she was being genuine. Blake and I had toyed with the idea of eloping too, but I knew his family wanted the wedding and would be sad to miss it. And when the day came, I was glad for our choice too. Alli and Fiona had done an impressive job planning everything while I was on the mend. No detail was missed, and the day was filled with a hundred special moments and thoughtful touches thanks to them. For all my bemoaning the prospect of a big family wedding in the months prior, a little part of me wanted that for Alli now too. But, ultimately, I wanted what she wanted. My job as her best friend was to support her the same way she supported me, whatever she decided to do.


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