Book Read Free

Crush Alert

Page 10

by Annie Bryant

  “Yeah! Okay, Saturday at seven, right?” Isabel insisted. Kevin had asked her about a month ago if she could help him out teaching art to little kids at the homeless shelter. But what did that have to do with the dance?

  “It’s not on Saturday. It’s tomorrow, Friday, at seven.” Kevin sounded annoyed. He kept pulling her eraser apart and squishing it back together while his drawing lay on the table, untouched.

  “What? You never said Friday!” Isabel’s face grew hot. She could have sworn it was Saturday! She never would have promised to do something the night of the Valentine’s dance.

  “It was always Friday,” Kevin answered, his voice rising. “You said you could come, and I promised we’d be there.”

  Betsy looked over from a table across the room where she was trying to measure something with one of the art room’s less-than-perfect rulers. Isabel ignored her. “I’m almost done with these hearts!” Betsy said, and turned away when she saw Isabel’s expression.

  “But everyone’s going to the dance!” Isabel protested. “Everyone!”

  “I’m not going,” Kevin answered in a firm voice. “I made a promise, and those kids are expecting us!”

  Isabel felt her stomach lurch. What about her posters? And her decorations? And the shopping trip with Elena Maria and the BSG this afternoon? All she’d been thinking about for a week was this dance, and in just five minutes—poof—she wasn’t going?

  “I…I…have to get going,” she said, backing toward the door. “My sister’s waiting for me.”

  “Isabel, you promised,” Kevin called after her.


  Sometimes a Girl Needs a New Dress

  When Avery reached the front porch of her house, her breath was coming in quick gasps. And it wasn’t just because she had been moving fast enough to outrun a cheetah. Dillon was cool—he gave her noogies, talked about the Patriots, and raced her to the cafeteria after science class. But suddenly things had changed. Dillon had asked her to the dance. He wanted to go with her—Avery Koh Madden—who never thought about going to the dance with anyone. But then again, he seemed okay about taking Maeve to the dance too!

  What a crazy, mixed-up situation, Avery thought. She fished the house key out of her backpack, opened the door, and charged into the front hallway, dropping her backpack on the floor with a thud. She knew her mom would make her pick it up as soon as she saw it, but for now, Avery just couldn’t be bothered.

  Then she heard her mom’s music. Oh no, not the Cyndi Lauper CD again. Avery groaned to herself. All her mom’s favorite singers from the 80s and 90s sounded like they needed looser clothing and a serious reality check.

  Avery ran upstairs toward her mother’s bedroom and knocked on the door. Maybe Mom can give me some advice on the Dillon situation, she thought.

  “Come in,” her mom’s voice rang out above the synthesizers and drum machines.

  “Is that a new dress?” Avery asked, her eyes widening. Her mom looked drop-dead gorgeous—like one of those ladies on TV advertising hair products.

  Mrs. Madden flashed Avery a huge smile. “Yes, it’s new.” She turned back toward the full-length mirror and primped in the glass. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s all right,” Avery admitted grudgingly. “But why did you buy it?”

  “Sometimes a girl just needs a new dress!” Mrs. Madden announced, like her daughter understood this feeling exactly. “I saw it in the store and couldn’t pass it up. It’s a perfect dinner dress, don’t you think?”

  Dinner! Avery remembered. The secret date with Mr. Ramsey! That’s why her mom bought that dress. That’s why she was posing like a model in front of the mirror in teetering high heels.

  “Sure, Mom. It looks good,” Avery said, backing out of the room. She mentally scratched her mom off the list of people she could talk to about the whole Dillon-Maeve thing. It looked like her mom had her own romantic business to worry about…which Avery didn’t really want to think about yet. Thinking about her mother and Mr. Ramsey gave her a headache!

  “Don’t forget, sweetie!” her mom called down the hall. “Isabel’s sister is coming by in half an hour so you can all go to the mall to shop for your big dance! We should take a picture together when you get back. Two beautiful Madden women!”

  “Uh…okay.” Avery had completely forgotten about the mall. Elena Maria had offered to take them all on Monday. A dress is the last thing in the world I need right now. She retreated into her room and closed the door, then cranked up her own music—loud enough to drown out her mom’s tunes from the age of the dinosaurs, and then took Walter, her snake, out of his terrarium. Walter always made her laugh.

  All Alone

  Charlotte dragged her feet the whole walk home from school. Nick had tried to talk to her again, more than once, but she didn’t want to hear his apologies or excuses. They would only make it all worse.

  A gust of wind swept up her new Kgirl hairdo and slapped the neatly curled ends against her nose and chin. The warm weather spell seemed to be ending, and a slight chill in the air made her think of snow. Maybe it will be a blizzard, and they’ll cancel school tomorrow, Charlotte thought, picking up the pace a little. No school, no dance!

  She climbed up to the Tower to check her e-mail before taking Marty out. Sure enough, there was a message from Sophie.

  To: Charlotte

  From: Sophie

  Subject: Bisous

  Charlotte, my darling friend!

  Please, do not cry. Perhaps there is some mistake? This whole year you have told me Nick, Nick, Nick, and I feel I know this boy would not hurting you without good reason. I am joking when I say to find more handsome boy. You must talk to this girl Chelsea. Find the truth. She is trying to steal him or no? My mama always says to, how do you say it in America? “Keep your cool.” You are a cool girl, very strong and confident!

  I found these dresses online. Every one will make all boys to fall in love with you!

  I regret to say I have not seen that bad cat. Perhaps he traveled somewhere else. He is so tricky. I hope he will write a book about his travels! Or you can write for him?

  Beaucoup de bisous,


  Charlotte hit reply and stared at the empty text box. But there was nothing she really wanted to say. I’ll think of something on Marty’s walk, she told herself, and went down to her bedroom to find the little dude.

  “Come on, Marty,” Charlotte sang in her happiest voice. “It’s time for your walk!”

  Marty was still curled up under her bed. To get him to eat, she had to slide his bowls into the dust-strewn darkness. It looked like a nice place to be: in a cave, alone, where no one could find him, except those he loved most.

  Marty stuck his nose out from beneath the bed skirt and whined a little.

  “I know, I promise we’ll come right back.” Charlotte grabbed his leash and held out a treat from her pocket. Marty followed her out the door into the gusty street.

  “I thought Nick liked me,” she told Marty as they walked toward the park. “Sophie says he still does, but she’s in Paris.”

  They passed a gate where remnants of snow still hung to the metal bars. Marty trotted along, head down, not at all interested in sniffing the gate. Charlotte sighed. “What’s wrong with us, Marty?”

  You Can’t Always Get What You Want

  “Yum! I just love Montoya’s hot chocolate! It’s just the absolute best in the world.” Maeve took a sip of her favorite drink from her favorite bakery and grinned at Riley, who sat across the tiny table with a sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

  Maeve watched him drum his fingers on the smooth surface. Was he tapping out the rhythm to a new song?

  “Hot chocolate, hot chocolate, what would I do, without you?” Riley sang to his finger drum beat.

  Maeve laughed and inhaled the heavenly scents of brewing coffee, fresh-baked pastries, and, of course, hot chocolate. She could almost forget that the dance was tomorrow night and not a single boy had
asked her. Or that the rest of the BSG were going to the mall this afternoon to shop for dresses, but she had dance class…the one activity in her hectic life that she didn’t want to miss, even for shopping!

  It was amazing what a ginormous chocolate chip cookie and a hot chocolate could do for a girl with a lot on her mind. Maeve pictured the dress she’d seen at Think Pink, the one with a flared skirt in a daring color only the boldest redhead would ever wear….

  “Maeve?” Riley finished the last bite of one of the bakery’s special ham and pickle sandwiches.

  “Hmmm?” She leaned forward, hoping he would make up another funny song, or something. Or maybe they could talk about that cool new indie band he had mentioned at school. I mean, that was why he suggested she come hang out with him, right? But as soon as she looked at him, Riley started looking everywhere in the bakery except at her.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Maeve demanded, noticing that Riley’s face had suddenly paled. “You’re not sick or something, are you?”

  Riley looked up, startled. “What? Huh? No! I’m not sick…I’m just…just…thinking.”

  “Good. We don’t want anyone getting sick before the big dance,” Maeve said as she took another long sip of her perfectly delicious hot chocolate. She had to admit, Riley always seemed a little bit nervous whenever she talked to him. Maybe that was just the way he was.

  “What were you thinking about?” she asked. Studying Riley over the brim of her mug, she couldn’t help but notice how he was looking really cute that afternoon. His dark green T-shirt accentuated the color of his eyes.

  Riley leaned forward, his elbows on the table. “Maeve, uh…I’d like…”

  Before he could finish, she sprang from her seat, her face alight with barely contained excitement. “OMG! It’s Dillon!” She tucked some hair behind one ear and ran the tip of her tongue over her lips. It wouldn’t do for her to approach him with chocolate smeared across her mouth. Definitely not cool. “I’m going to ask him to sit with us.”

  After all, Maeve thought, what is it my dad always says: “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Maybe I still have a chance…for a date to the dance! She giggled at her rhyme.

  “Maeve, wait!” Riley said as she bounded away, but in her excitement, she didn’t hear him call out. Rushing through the bakery doors, she practically tackled Dillon, who stumbled backward as she dragged him inside Montoya’s.

  “Dillon!” she gushed, her blue eyes twinkling. “What a surprise! Why don’t you join Riley and me for some…light refreshments?” Maeve loved the sound of “light refreshments.” It sounded like something Audrey Hepburn, her favorite old-time movie star, would say.

  “Huh?” asked Dillon as he allowed himself to be ushered into a chair next to Maeve’s.

  Riley mumbled, “What’s up, man?” and knocked fists with Dillon in greeting.

  Maeve didn’t even notice how flustered both boys looked. She sat down gracefully, rested her chin in her hands, and gazed at Dillon with a dazzled expression on her face. “It’s so good to see you again, Dillon.”

  “Uh, we just saw each other a few hours ago at school,” Dillon said as he scooted his chair a little farther away from hers.

  Maeve laughed, her best sparkling, actress-y laughter, making quite a few customers turn in their seats to see what was going on. She tried to quiet the thudding of her heart. Okay, Maeve. Play it cool, she told herself. Pretend you’re Audrey in Sabrina—sophisticated, clever, mysterious.

  “So…Dillon…what brings you here?” she asked as she tossed her red curls over her shoulder.

  “Well, I was just passing by…” Dillon paused, glancing around. Riley was glowering. Both Maeve and Dillon noticed. What was up with that? They both shrugged at the same time.

  “Uhhh…” Dillon continued, “you pulled me in here…so…you want to go to the Valentine’s Day Dance with me?”

  Maeve squealed with delight and bounced in her seat. “Oh, my gosh, Dillon. I’d absolutely adore going with you to the dance. How kind of you to ask me!”

  “Great!” Dillon stood up. “I’ll be going, then—”

  Riley suddenly slammed his glass down on the table. Both Maeve and Dillon jumped.

  “You okay?” Maeve asked. “You really aren’t acting like yourself, Riley.”

  “Yeah, dude.” Dillon agreed. “You look kind of weird.”

  “I’m fine,” Riley mumbled tensely, once again looking everywhere except at Maeve.

  “Anyway,” Maeve said, and without missing a beat, went on. “Dillon! I need to go shopping for a dress and we’ll have to color-coordinate our outfits so that we don’t clash and you know I’m a redhead so we have to be very careful as to what color we choose to go with…”

  Dillon looked around like a squirrel trapped in a cage while Maeve rattled on. Fa la la la, she was singing to herself in her head. Everything is turning out just like I imagined!

  “Well, I gotta go, Maeve,” Dillon announced, and jumped up.

  “Me too! I think my mom’s out there waiting to take me to dance class. Feel better, Riley,” she called out as she tagged after Dillon.

  “I’m not sick,” he mumbled, then slumped down in his chair and opened up a battered notebook. He took out a pen and began to write.

  New Lyrics for Mustard Monkey

  Valentine Song

  by Riley Lee

  I want to go to the dance with you.

  I can’t help it…no other girl will do.

  I will be the guy you want me to be,

  Just come to the dance with me.

  Yeah, come to the dance with me.

  We’ll share hot chocolate, me and you.

  No one else will be forever true.

  I won’t go with any, any other girl.

  You are my whole world!

  I want to go to the dance with you.

  I can’t help it…no other girl will do.

  You’ll be the one that I’ll always adore.

  Dance with me forever more.

  Yes, dance with me forever more!

  In the car on the way to dance class from the bakery, Maeve opened up her laptop. “Mom,” she announced. “Dillon Johnson has asked me to the Valentine’s Day Dance! There is so much to do, I just have to get it all down before I forget!”

  * * *

  Maeve’s Notes to Self

  1. Buy fantabulous Valentine’s Day Dance dress at Think Pink.

  2. Find perfect shoes for my fabbity-fab-pink Valentine’s Day Dance dress. Should I go with silver? Or my personal fave…pink! Too matchy-matchy???

  3. Find perfect accessories. Make sure to buy a necklace and earrings.

  4. Take Dillon shopping with me so we can match our outfits.

  5. Study for Pre-Algebra quiz. Help!

  6. Ask Riley about his new songs.

  7. Rename the guinea pigs. Napoleon and Josephine? So royal!

  * * *


  Words of Wisdom

  Avery lay on her bed, studying the ceiling, Walter wrapped around her arm. There was a tiny spidery crack in the plaster, a reminder of the time she and her brothers were playing basketball in her room and Scott threw the ball too high. It cracked some of the ceiling, and her mom had grounded them all for a month.

  As if psychic, Scott popped his head inside her room. His messy hair flopped into his eyes.

  “Hey, Bean Head. Nice tunes. Who is it? Let me guess…a baby-face teen pop sensation?”

  Avery let Walter slither back into his cage, then turned down her iPod speakers and threw a pillow at her brother. “How many times have I told you to knock before you come in here, Goober!”

  Scott caught the airborne pillow and tossed it back at her. “I did knock. You just didn’t hear me.”

  Avery shrugged, holding the pillow on her knees. “So what’s up?”

  “Nothing,” Scott said, leaning on the door frame. “What’s up with you?”

  “You don’t want to know. Too much drama.” A
s soon as Avery said the words, the scene with Dillon came flooding back. Had she done the right thing?

  Scott sauntered into her room and perched on the edge of her bed. “You’re only in seventh grade—how bad can it be?” Scott saw the look on his sister’s face and turned suddenly serious. “You know, if someone’s giving you a hard time, I can take him out for you.”

  Avery laughed and shook her head. “No, no.” She looked down at the floor and noticed she had a hole in the toe of her left sock. Her big toe poked out of the opening.

  Scott grabbed the pillow and bopped his sister lightly on the head. Instead of fighting back, Avery just pushed the pillow away and sighed again. “Come on, Scott. Not now.”

  “What is with you?” He sat down next to her, and Avery looked up, expecting to see a teasing glint his eyes. But he really looked concerned. She’d always been able to talk to him before, so after taking a deep breath, she told him everything. About Dillon and Maeve and the Valentine’s Day Dance.

  “Wow! That bites,” her brother commented after she had finished the whole story.

  “I didn’t even care about going with anybody!” Avery exclaimed. “Why did Dillon have to ask me?”

  “He likes you, Ave, obviously.” Scott ruffled his sister’s hair and grinned. “Everyone likes you!”

  Avery felt blood rushing to her face. “Was it a total loser move to say no?”

  “He’ll get over it. This is just one dance and you’re going to have an awesome time. My sister is not a loser.”

  “Thanks,” Avery said with a watery smile.

  “A goofball, maybe,” he continued with a smirk, “but not a loser.”

  Scott picked up a neon green super ball off Avery’s desk and started tossing and catching it. “So who’s this Dillon? Do I know the dude?”

  “He’s pretty cool, I guess. You’ve probably seen him at my games. He has some killer moves on the soccer field…he thinks he’s Beckham,” she snorted.


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