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Fury (New Adult Romance) - #1.5 Fierce Series

Page 5

by Clarissa Wild

  I feel responsible for him being in here, so I have to help him. If I have to go through the gang to make it happen, I will. This is my burden. I’ll fight with every last drop of my blood.

  Chapter 5

  Deal with the Devil

  I’m angry. So angry, I just want to knock out everyone in my path. I kick the door on my way out of the visitation room, determined to achieve my goal. The next time I come here, I will take my brother with me.

  “Hunter Bane?” someone says.

  I turn my head and notice a police officer standing behind a desk. I didn’t even realize there was someone in this room. I’ve been oblivious to my surroundings since the moment I walked out the door.

  “What do you want?” I snap.

  “I was hoping we could talk.”

  I freeze. My jaw muscles tense. I smash my lips together, trying to keep the screams from bursting out.

  “Unless you’re gonna tell me you’ll keep my brother out of that hellhole, I’m not interested.”

  “That’s exactly what I wanted to talk about,” he says.

  Squinting, I stare him straight in the eye, my fingers curling up into a fist. He’d better not be kidding right now, because I’m like a ticking time-bomb ready to go off.

  “Come with me, please,” he says, signaling me. He walks away from the desk and goes into a room, pointing inside. I walk up to him and look down at him. I can see him swallow. He holds out his hand, and says, “Agent Williams.”

  I just gaze at him, frowning.

  “All right.” Clearing his throat, he lowers his hand again. As we walk inside, he shuts the door behind us.

  There’s just a chair and a table in the room, and the man sits down with a cup of coffee. I stay put, leaning against the wall, eyeing him from a distance.

  “Please, sit down,” he says, giving me a little smile as if that’s going to make me want to sit down.


  I grab the chair, scoot it back, and flop down, almost breaking it.

  “As I said, I’d like to talk to you about your brother.”


  Taking his time to respond, he takes a sip from his coffee. Dammit, I don’t want to sit here all day.

  “Your brother’s facing charges of drug trafficking, possession, motor vehicle theft, and resisting arrest.”

  I swallow at those statements, feeling like a ton of bricks just fell down on top of me. That’s a lot of things he’s done wrong for me.

  “He’s looking at seven to ten years in prison. Maybe more.”

  “What?” I shout.

  If he’s in for ten years, who knows what they’ll do to him. Prison’s not a safe place. Is he going to have to stay there for the rest of his life? … No, he can’t. He won’t. I’ll make sure of that.

  “No!” I say, slamming my fists on the table.

  “Whoa, settle down, kid,” Agent Williams says. “You’re spilling my coffee.”

  “Fuck your coffee! My brother is in jail and he doesn’t deserve it. He got used.”

  “Yes, your brother has a lesser role in the gang. Believe me, I know. I’ve been after this group of thugs for a while now. Regardless, your brother still committed these crimes.”

  “I know that, goddammit,” I say, my nostrils flaring.

  “However …”

  My heart rate shoots up like crazy.

  Agent Williams looks up at me with his eyebrows raised, an imminent proposal lying on his tongue. I can feel it. The amount of ‘what ifs’ hidden in that one statement ‘however.’ It has so many implications. It’s hard not to get excited.

  “His sentence can be lowered by a significant amount.”

  “How?” I interrupt.

  “If you let me finish, I will explain.” He licks his lips, his eyebrows drawing together like he’s concentrating.

  “I’ve been observing this ‘gang’ for a few years now, and I’ve got my suspicions that they’re very active at your college. Furthermore, I believe this organization might actually be run from one of the dorms.”

  “Are you serious?” I say. “I mean, I knew they were active at college, but I never actually figured that’s where it’s all happening.”

  “I’ve got a lead, and my guts tell me this is the place I have to be. The only problem is that I can’t prove anything. This is where you come into play.”

  I lean back, crossing my arms. “And why would I help you?”

  “Because I’m offering you a chance to get your brother back quicker.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Since your brother is just a workhorse, one of the lower ranking ones, he’s not much of a threat. I know he’s just in it because he has no other options. I realize with the history you and your brother have that it was a misstep. An unfortunate one nonetheless.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? What do you know about me and my brother?”

  “I know what happened with your mom. I’ve been looking into the case since your brother was arrested.”

  My eyes widen for a second. It’s been a long time since I last heard someone talk about my mother. I don’t want to hear any of it. I crack my knuckles, ready to strike if I have to.

  “If you don’t shut up now, I swear to God I’ll—”

  “Relax, you don’t want to start making threats,” he says with a condescending tone. “You asked a question, I merely answered. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

  “Shut up about my mother,” I growl.

  “All right, all right.” He holds up his hands in defeat. “I get it. You don’t want to talk about it. No problem. I completely understand.”

  “It has nothing to do with why we’re here.”

  “Maybe in your book it doesn’t, but the way I see it, your mother is part of all of this. It’s all cause and effect.”

  “Stop talking about our fucked-up lives as if we’re goddamn research subjects! Just shut the fuck up!”

  I’m fuming, my blood rushing through my veins. Seriously, if this guy doesn’t come to his point quickly, I’m going to fucking flip this table.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I thought you’d like to know, but I don’t want to upset you. I’m not actually here to talk about that. I’m just saying that I’d like to help you out, that’s all.”

  I mull it over a bit, my teeth grinding, as I try to compose myself.

  “My past is none of your business, and I have no interest in talking about that. Get to your point.”

  “Okay,” Agent Williams says, and he takes another sip from his coffee before he continues, probably to ease the tension between us.

  “Well, we could reduce his sentence to a few weeks if, and only if, you agree to help us track down the leader.”

  Damn. My brother could be free. This has to be done. He has to be released as soon as possible. I’d do anything to get him free again. The only problem is I’m not sure I can do what they’re asking of me.

  “How?” I say, observing him from a distance.

  “You’ll join the gang. Pretend you’re one of them. Infiltrate them. It’ll be easier for you than it would be for any of the guys in my squad. We’re not exactly college material anymore, as you can see. You on the other hand …” A content smile quirks his lips. I can see he’s liking his devious plan. Me, on the other hand, I’m not so sure.

  “Your goal will be to find out who the leader is and find substantial evidence so we can bring him in,” Agent Williams says.

  “What about bail?”

  I’m asking just to ensure there are really no other options.

  “Sorry, but I can’t do anything about that. Once your brother has appeared in court, his bail will probably be set way too high for you to even remotely be able to achieve that amount of money within such a small time span. Your best option is to accept my offer. We’ll help you out if you help us out.”

  My eyes flash back and forth between him and the table while I chew on my lip. Shit. This is o
ne heavy deal they’re offering. I don’t know if I can do it, but at the same time I have to. I can’t let this opportunity slip. It’s going to be hard, though.


  “Can I assume that’s a deal then? I’ll need it on paper. I have a few rules, though.”

  “What rules?” I snarl. “If I’m gonna have to do something against everything I ever stood for, it’ll damn well be according to my own rules!”

  “I get it, Hunter,” he says, as if he totally understands. Of course he fucking doesn’t. “But we gotta play it safe. There are risks. This is an undercover operation. Nobody is supposed to know about this. That also means most of the judicial system.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that you can’t get caught. You’ll be undercover so deep you could get arrested if you’re caught with drugs or something, and we won’t be there to save you. I don’t want our operation to be blown because of you.”

  “So you’re basically telling me that you just want to use me, and that I’m on my own if I get caught?”

  “Yes, well, rolling up the drugs gang is more important, I’m sure you understand.”

  Oh, I understand all right. I could go to jail for this. That’s even worse.

  “In return, you’ll get your brother back, as promised.” He smirks, and it’s such a sneaky smile I just want to punch him in the face.

  “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page,” Agent Williams says.

  Fuck. What a dick move. Now I’m the one getting used.

  “So is that a deal?” he says.

  I’m pissed that I have to stoop to this level to get my brother out, but I’ll do it. I have no other options left. This is it. I want my brother, and this is the only way I’m getting him back.

  “Yes,” I say. The moment the word leaves my lips I’m already feeling a huge burden dropping onto my shoulders, but I will carry it. Anything for Jessie.

  “Good,” Agent Williams says. “Then let’s talk about the specifics and get this on paper.”

  Chapter 6

  Breaking Apart

  A day later …

  The bus ride back to campus takes forever, and I’m glad when we finally arrive. I’ve been thinking about what I’m supposed to do the entire trip. Can I really save my brother by joining a gang? And if so, what will I have to do to find out who the leader is? How far will I have to go?

  And what if I fail?

  I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I should start earning money, just like my brother. If I’m going to have to join the gang, I’d better start making some money. At least then I’ll have some back-up. If I can’t get him out by cooperating, then I’ll bail him out. I’ll just do both to ensure his freedom.

  One thing is for sure, though: I can’t fail. I simply can’t let my brother down. He’s done so much for me. This is what I have to do now.

  I’m walking through the shadowy corridors of my dorm. It’s already dark outside, and there’s no one around. There are barely any lights on, and yet it feels comforting in a way. To know that I’m the only one around puts me at ease, because if I were to come into contact with anyone right now, I’m afraid I’ll explode.

  No, I know I’m going to anyway.

  My body is shivering, but I’m not cold. I’m stumbling through the hall, partially leaning against the wall. Each step becomes harder to take the moment it all sinks in. I’m back at my dorm and my brother is gone. My mind has gone blank because of all that has happened. My brother is in jail. I’m alone. I have no one else to turn to.

  Somehow tears just start flowing.

  I’m almost at my room, but I can’t bring myself to open the door. I can’t even take one more step.

  My mind is overflowing with emotions I’ve never felt before. Sorrow. Fury. Despair.

  Everything is coming at me at once, and I can’t control it anymore. The pressure is too much to take.

  Tears are running freely across my cheeks. I feel miserable. Sick to my stomach.

  I lean my head against the door and gasp in shallow breaths, feeling overwhelmed. My fears are taking hold of me, consuming me. I don’t want to give in, but it’s too late.

  I’m afraid. So afraid. Afraid of the gang and what they’ll do to me. Afraid that I’ll screw up. That somehow my brother will never be freed and that I won’t get to see him for another ten years except behind bars.

  Suddenly I hear shuffling behind me. There’s someone here.

  I sniff and wipe away the tears. Nobody can see me like this. No one. I can’t afford to be seen as weak right now. Not when I’m about to join a fucking drug-dealing gang to save my brother. Nobody can know that I’m in this mess. Otherwise the operation might fail … I can’t let that happen.

  But the person is coming closer, approaching me.

  “Leave me alone,” I say, my voice broken with distress.

  I’m trying to sound dangerous so they won’t come near, but it’s no use. Every word comes out like a hiccup. I can barely breathe.

  I don’t know who it is, but he or she isn’t heeding my warning. Shit.

  “Stay away,” I say.


  I recognize her voice instantly. It’s her, the girl that I can’t seem to forget about, even now.

  “Leafy?” I say.

  I lift my head and look up at her bright blue eyes, which are filled with confusion and fear.

  Of course she’s confused. I probably look like shit right now. Pathetic.

  I drop my hands from the door, feeling totally exhausted. I know I won’t be able to sleep tonight, though.

  Her head cocks sideways, and she tries to look at my face. My eyes sting from the salty tears, so I close them for a second, throwing swearwords at myself in my head.

  Dammit. I don’t want her to see my misery. I swallow away the rest of my tears.

  Fuck. Why does it have to be her that found me like this? Her of all people.

  I turn around, but hide my face in the shadows of the light.

  “What’s wrong?” she says, squinting.

  Shit, she’s really trying to take a good look at me.

  I don’t want to tell her. I can’t tell anyone what happened. What if word gets around school? It would make me look weak, and nothing would get me thrown out of a gang faster than looking weak. And I really need to be accepted into the gang.

  “Please just go,” I groan, and I point at her door.

  She really has to go. I can’t keep it together otherwise.

  “Are you okay?” she says, and she leans in some more.

  The moment her beautiful eyes make contact with mine again I’m lost. It’s so hard to remain in control of my emotions. I just want to burst out in screams of anger and frustration and hold her tight, just because I need someone right now. But I barely know her.


  I turn my head away so I can calm down, and so she can’t see how terrible I look. How much I need her right now. Anyone, for that matter.

  I tell myself I don’t, but I know I’m lying. I just don’t want to need anyone. Nobody will understand anyway.

  Not this.

  “Don’t come closer,” I say. My voice is breaking as much as I am.

  “Wait here,” she says, and she shuffles past me into her room. I look up, trying to peer inside. I can’t see what she’s doing, and I’m not sure I should even stay here. I’m afraid waiting will only make it worse.

  Surprisingly, she comes back with a bottle of water. She opens the cap and holds it up. “Here, drink some.”

  All I do is stare at her.

  Water? She brings me water? Now?

  I’ve been crying, acting like an ass, and she comes back to give me water?

  She sucks on her lip while I gaze at her, wondering what the hell this is all supposed to mean. It looks so goddamn innocent and strangely attractive at the same time. But I feel guilty for thinking about things like that right now. Shit. I should be dealing with th
is on my own. Instead I’m leaning toward a girl I don’t even know. Maybe it’s just the pain speaking, but I feel like I want to hug her tight. I barely know her, and yet I feel she is the only thing that’s keeping me standing right now.

  “You look like you could use some help,” she says hesitantly.

  I don’t understand this girl at all. I’ve been treating her like shit, and still she cares enough to want to help me.

  However, her offering me help frightens me. Not because it’s her, but because I apparently look so awful that I seem in need of help. It’s only a confirmation of looking like shit, and I don’t want anyone to know that I really feel that way. I can’t risk having anyone care about me. Not now. Not knowing that I’m about to join a gang.

  I don’t want to put her in the middle of this too.

  I turn around and walk toward her, trying to look as menacing as possible. My burden is weighing down upon me, every step I take feeling heavier. I don’t want to scare her, but I want her to know that she should be wary of me. That she shouldn’t even want to get close to me. I don’t want her to get involved, and I can’t use the distraction. It’s the best thing for us both.

  The only problem is, I’m just telling myself that.

  In reality, I want nothing more than closeness. But what I want isn’t always the right thing.

  I place both my hands on the wall beside her, trapping her between me and the wall. She can’t go anywhere without me getting ahold of her. The thought alone is exciting.

  My blood is pumping to my cock. If this was any other day, and any other girl, I’d grab her and put my hands all over that tiny body of hers, kissing my way to her soft spots. I bet she has plenty of unexplored, luscious skin. I’d love to put my lips on her.

  Mindless sex wouldn’t be something I’d refuse right now. I could use the momentary escape from reality with all that’s been happening.

  But I don’t want that with her. She’s too innocent, too sweet. Too reluctant. Not like the girls I usually go for. Not the type that would give me a fun night without wanting more. Although I do love the fight.

  Strangely, I don’t even want all of that from her. What I want right now is to hold her tight, to bury my head in her pine-scented neck and drift away into a long, endless sleep.


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