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Promised: True Mates Book 1 (BBW Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance) (A Craggstone Paranormal Romance)

Page 2

by Olivia Arran

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that the man was falling behind, his larger physique not able to dodge and weave as easily as my slightly more agile one. Feinting to the right in front of a small crowd of tourists I immediately hunched my shoulders and bent my knees, squeezing into the center of the group.

  My heart thundered in my chest, the sound echoing like a runaway train in my ears. Slowly, he passed by me and turned, following my false trail down the side street, pausing to check alleys as he passed.

  Mustering courage, I took a chance and broke free of my cover. Backtracking my steps, I crossed the road and took off down another street. Slowing to a walk, my heat thundering in my chest and my skin hot and sweaty, I heard a tinny sound shouting what seemed to be my name.

  Lisa! The phone! Trembling I raised the speaker back to my ear, and the screech rattled my eardrums and vibrated through my skull. Holding the phone away I shouted at Lisa to stop shouting, and slowly brought it back to my ringing ear.

  “What the hell is happening? Kara, are you okay?” Lisa sounded hoarse and panicky.

  “I’m okay, I’m okay,” I reassured her. “He’s found me though.” I shuddered, remembering my panic. “I don’t know how, but he knows I’m here, in the town.”

  “Shit, Kara,” concern colored Lisa’s words, “Okay, meet me in the usual place like we said. We’ll think of something — don’t worry.”

  Glancing around, I zigzagged across the street and ducked in through an open door. “I’m here,” I said in as normal a voice as I could manage. “See you soon.”

  Shuffling up to the counter, I plastered a smile on my face for the young counter girl. “Large flat white, please.” It must have come out a grimace as she flashed me a look of alarm and hurried to make my order. Or it could have been the hot, sweaty, and sticky look I was trying to pull off — pretty unsuccessfully. Trying to fluff my hair out and peel my bangs off my forehead, I eyed the muffins behind the glass counter thoughtfully. I must have worked off at least one of those, I tried to convince myself, nearly drooling.

  “One of the banana-choc-chips as well, please,” I called to the girl and walked around to pick up my order. Swiping my card, Lisa’s card really, since I didn’t have a cent to my name, I grabbed my cup and treat and eyeing a table in the back corner of the coffee shop, made my way over.

  Settling myself so I could see out of the large shop window, I started to pick at a corner of the muffin. How had he found me? The trail would have gone dead long ago. I had been off the grid for so long, why was he looking for me now? Unless he had picked up my scent somewhere around the town, but I had been so careful since returning to civilization, barely leaving Lisa’s flat. My thoughts wandered as I chewed and, when my fingers met thin air, I looked down, seeing that the muffin was gone. Eating is good for the soul, I told myself, and brushed away the guilt of my indulgent treat.

  The last bite of muffin lodged in my throat. His lackey had found me, which meant he wasn’t far behind. The frigid air conditioning quickly dried my sweat-soaked skin, and soon I started to shiver in my clammy clothes.

  “Kara!” Lisa’s voice called across the room.

  Looking up, I saw my friend weaving her way through the tables. Petite and curvaceous, her mocha colored curls corkscrewed out from her head as if driven by electricity. Concern poured out of her dark, almond shaped eyes as she threw herself into the seat opposite me. Always bursting with energy, Lisa barely kept still, and even now she was tapping her foot while simultaneously tearing up a paper napkin. Her shifter lived very close to the surface, and I could see her Jaguar peeking out at me, ferocious and protective.

  “So what’s the deal, chickie?” she asked, taking a sip of her frothy cappuccino. White foam coated her full upper lip and she swiped at it with her tongue. “Who found you? Eric? Or one of his fool goons?” Holding her hand up, she continued. “I’m gonna show those big wolves just what it’s like to mess with a big cat’s bestie!” Shaking her head and setting a riot of curls bouncing, she pointed her finger at me accusingly. “You need to stand up for yourself, girl. You’re not some bottom wolf! If you’re good enough to be promised to that soon-to-be-Alpha-Shithead,” her finger jabbed the table, “then you are strong enough to tell that Shithead where to go!” Finishing her speech, she crossed her arms, leaned back in her chair, and fixed me with a ‘go-on-I-dare-ya’ stare.

  Slowly, I let out the breath I had been holding. Curling myself over my still-warm coffee, I blinked my watery eyes. No one in the world cared what I wanted, except Lisa. Lisa was a true packmate. Even though our bloodlines were obviously different, she just got me.

  “You’re right,” I whispered.

  “I know I am, chickie,” she declared, laughing dryly. “You need to tell that stinking pack of yours that you aren’t somebody who can just be given away, especially not to an obnoxious prick like Eric! He doesn’t want a mate for heaven’s sake. He just wants a plaything to fuck, wash his clothes, and cook his meals.” Shrugging, she continued her rant. “He’s not even your true mate anyway, so he has no claim.”

  That was the second time the phrase ‘true mate’ had come up in conversation today. What was I not getting? An obnoxious male chose you for his mate, you screwed, hopefully you had some pups for the trouble, done. It didn’t matter, anyway. I didn’t want to be anyone’s mate — true or not. I just wanted to stop running and be free.

  “Anyway, totally changing the subject ‘cause talking about Eric makes my skin crawl,” she said with an exaggerated shudder. “How did your meeting with Mr. Alpha-Hotness go today? Did you go? What’s he like? Did he agree to protect you? Is he hot?” Her face took on a dreamy look, her eyes lighting up at the thought of male hotness. Unreservedly always horny, and completely unapologetic about it, that was Lisa.

  Remembering James’s toned, muscular body, his sultry chocolate-brown eyes, and the kiss that had curled my toes, I grinned, pushing my troubles to one side for the moment.

  “He is like, whoa! Yummy-Alpha-Super-Hotness all rolled into one,” I wiggled my eyebrows in emphasis. “He was really nice, concerned about me. Really approachable. He thinks I might be his true mate, but I have so much fucked up shit going on with Eric, and do I really want to be free of one idiotic male to end up with possibly another?” My unvoiced fears spilled from my lips in a rush.

  “Chickie, you just need to understand that when true mates—”

  “Well, hello, hello, who have I found here?” a voice interrupted, oozing insincerity and contempt.

  My head snapped up. Eric nonchalantly stood by the table, arms crossed, glaring at me. Tall, blond and brawny, Eric looked like he had been pumped full of steroids and left in a 24 hour gym for two years. His eyes were mean little pinpricks in his round face, centered a little too close together to be attractive, and they were locked on me.

  “Well, look, it’s Shithead,” Lisa drawled. “We were just talking about you and your pack of losers.”

  “This has nothing to do with you, feline,” Eric snapped, his tone high pitched and derogatory. “Kara, your little game has been fun, but it’s time to come home and face up to your responsibilities.” He grabbed my arm and tried to pick me up from the chair.

  Hissing, I tried to jerk my arm out of his sweaty grip. “Get off me!”

  His eyes narrowed, his expression thunderous. “Do not make a scene,” his whiny voice cut through the chugging of the espresso machine and the clinking of cups. He gave my arm another jerk, nearly pulling me onto the floor.

  Arrogantly satisfied that he had me cornered, he turned to bark orders to his goons, his extended claws digging deep into the tender skin of my arm.

  With a cry, Lisa launched herself out of her chair and landed on his back, hissing like a wild cat and raking her extended claws, sharp as needles, down his arms, chest, and his unprotected face.

  Pulling and twisting I tried to break free of his grip. Mother of All, please don’t let him take me back, I couldn’t stand it again! But I
was tossed around like a rag doll as Eric tried to dislodge Lisa from his back, his grip on me steady and unrelenting.

  His two goons moved, trying to grab her, but she kicked out like she was part mule, sending them crashing into surrounding tables. Shouts and screams filled the air as people tried to move out of our path. We ricocheted around like bowling balls around the small shop, smashing into walls and into the counter.

  Desperately, I pulled back my arm and slammed my fist into Eric’s jaw, which was oozing blood and spittle from Lisa’s attack. The pain of the impact radiated up my arm, pooling in my shoulder. Eric’s head snapped back for a second before he turned, piercing me with his savage gaze. His eyes, glazed with a manic look, trapped me, promising retribution and pain.

  “You will pay for that later. Lucky me — I like some violence in the bedroom.” He licked his lips and drew his arm back, forming a meaty fist.

  He had me pinned, unable to escape.

  I closed my eyes.

  Chapter Three


  Smack! I heard the sound of fist meeting flesh. But no pain? I opened my eyes, wary of trickery.

  Eric’s arm was caught and held mid-swing, and his face was contorted in pain. James stood mere inches away, his face a picture of controlled anger, his eyes fully changed.

  “Let go of her arm,” he said, his voice carrying power that demanded obedience.

  Muscles bunched under his t-shirt, sleek compared to Eric’s bulk, yet he held Eric easily.

  Sliding down off Eric’s back, Lisa turned to me and cocked a single eyebrow in question. I nodded briefly in reply; yup, this was super-hot-stud-muffin-Alpha-man, and her face broke out in a wide grin.

  “Chickie…” she drawled, looking him up and down, still grinning from ear to ear.

  Eric appeared to be losing the silent battle. Sweat was pouring off him, running into his eyes and mixing with the bloody scratches Lisa had left. I felt his grip start to loosen, then tremble. He flicked his eyes desperately toward his two goons where they stood watching the exchange.

  One took a step forward.

  “Don’t even think about it,” James ordered, his concentration still fully on Eric, the weight of his power spilling through the room, thick and heavy.

  Shrugging his shoulders at Eric, the guy stepped back to lean against the wall, followed by his friend.

  With a strangled cry, Eric released my poor, throbbing arm and with a growl of defiance he took a step back.

  “Kara is leaving your pack. She has applied to join the Colstone Pack, and her application has been granted. By attacking her, you have wronged my pack and, in doing so, wronged me.” James took a step toward the retreating Eric, his voice thundering through the now empty shop.

  “I have rights! She is promised to me, to be my mate!” Eric said, his voice determined.

  “Kara is my true mate, you have no claim to her.”

  “You can’t have her, I have prior claim, and I will have her!”

  “I call challenge then, before the Shifter Council. Recompense for injury to a pack member and mating rights.” Electricity sparked the air as James’s power spread through the shop. My eyes shifted and my wolf howled beneath my skin, desperate to be free, to play and chase the power that was calling to it.

  Without thinking, my feet moved until I was pressed against James’s side, molding my soft curves to his hard muscles. A growl rumbled up through my throat as I pulled aside his collar and licked the side of his neck. Baring my teeth—

  “No!” Eric said with a roar, breaking me free of my wolf’s control. “You will not mark him. Not until the Council has made a ruling.” He turned to James. “I will counter-challenge before the Council that she is returned to my pack, and ultimately will be my mate — true or not it does not matter — she is mine!”

  Spittle flew from his mouth and his hands shook in anger. “She will come with me.”

  James shook his head. “No, she has chosen my pack, therefore she will reside there until the challenge.”

  Eric looked at me, his body shaking with barely controlled rage. “You cannot mate with this man until the Challenge has been heard and the Council has decided. Then you will be given to the victor, to do with as he pleases.”

  My stomach flip-flopped and churned. I was a person! I had choices! I just wanted to be free.

  Signaling his men, Eric turned and strode from the shop, flanked by his goons on both sides.

  Still plastered to James’ side, I felt the tension leave his body gradually. I started to peel myself away, even though I craved his warmth, but he placed his hand on my arm, stopping me.

  He traced the emerging bruise tenderly, his face a mask of concern. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, not meeting my eyes.

  “Sorry? Why are you sorry?” Astonished, I stilled his hand with mine.

  Regret and remorse colored his eyes. “I should have been here. I should have stopped him. He should never have been allowed to hurt you.” His voice grew louder, angry, “I should have protected you!”

  “Well, you did, didn’t you?” Lisa piped up. “He’s gone, with his tail between his legs and no prize,” she drawled, picking at her nails.

  Shuddering, I refused to think about what she was picking at. Nope. Not thinking about it. Urgh, I was definitely not cut out for this fighting thing.

  Visibly collecting himself, James straightened and held out his hand to Lisa. “I don’t think we have been properly introduced, I’m James Colstone of the Colstone Pack…”

  “Lisa, of the godforsaken-who-cares-glad-I-got-out-of-there Clan, and this one’s bestie,” she said, and winked coyly.

  Grinning at Lisa, James chuckled. “Well, I am glad she has a friend like you. Regular wildcat aren’t you? If you’re in need of a pack, we are not all-wolf exclusive…”

  “Thanks, but I’m doin’ alright with just little old me. I don’t like to answer to anyone.”

  “Well, if you change your mind,” James said, glancing down at me, “you could be pack-mates properly.” He pulled out his cell and tapped out a quick message.

  Shrugging, Lisa grinned and turned her attention back to her nails. “Aw, for the Mother’s sake, I need a manicure stat! That stupid good-for-nothing-ass-wipe!”

  A smile tugged my lips. That was Lisa, too much of a free-spirit to be tied down, too much energy to be controlled.

  “Well, ladies, until this matter is resolved and the Council has made their ruling, it would probably be best if you both stayed with me, at the pack house.” He held up his hand to ward off any arguments. “As guests of course, although Kara, I hope you will become much more than a guest.” He lightly stroked my arm, sending shivers rippling through me, clouding my judgment, silencing my arguments.

  I desperately needed a way out, away from Eric. James could do that for me, I’d just have to explain to him that this ‘true mate’ thing wasn’t gonna happen. As long as I could fight both my hormones and my wolf I would be fine. I could do that — couldn’t I?

  James continued, oblivious to my inner monologue. “Lisa, Kara needs a friend, someone she knows to stay with her through all of this. You are welcome at my home. Will you please come?”

  Worry clouded Lisa’s eyes, and her forehead scrunched up while she nervously chewed at her lips. She avoided clans and packs like the plague, claiming she preferred to be a lone cat, free to do whatever she wanted and screw the politics.

  “Stupid-ass Eric,” she said, sighing heavily. Glancing at me, she nodded sharply. “Just for you, bestie. But I want to claim indemnity or immunity or whatever the hell it is while I’m with your pack — no claims, no challenges, no political bullshit,” she said quickly, foot tapping a staccato rhythm on the old wooden floor.

  Relief hit me – Lisa would back me up. She understood what it was like to want your freedom more than anything else.

  “I’ll make sure everyone knows you’re off limits.” James peered at her in concern. “You okay with this?”

; “Yup, sure am, now let’s blow this joint before Eric and his flea-bitten crew return.” With a toss of her shiny curls, Lisa swiveled on her heels and smacked straight into Sean.

  “Well, hello, handsome!” she purred, eyes raking up and down his body. “The immunity claim doesn’t include recreational, y’know,” she called over her shoulder. “Recreational is juuust fine,” she said while fluttering her long, painted lashes.

  Appreciation shone in Sean’s eyes as he took in Lisa’s petite and beautifully curvaceous figure. Cocking an eyebrow, he smiled, revealing straight white teeth. “Well, hello, gorgeous,” he drawled, shifting even closer to her, “and who are—” His eyes widened as he took a deep breath. His mouth fell open even as his eyes flashed to show his inner wolf, “—but, but, no! You’re a cat!” he growled, clenching his fists at his sides.

  Lisa tilted her head quizzically, then ran her fingernail down his sternum, ending at his crotch. “Yes, I am sugar, and I’m a wildcat in bed, too.” She licked her lips seductively. “Maybe, if you’re a good boy, you might find out.”

  Sean stumbled backwards as if burned by her touch. His expression tortured, he turned to James. “I take it from your message we are all going back to the pack-house? Even…?” he cocked his head at Lisa, a look of pain passing over his face.

  I glanced at the two of them, thoroughly confused and wondering what the hell was going on with Sean. Did he not like my friend? He had seemed to like her enough when he first saw her. It better not be some elitist wolf shifter bullshit!

  James touched my arm, interrupting my inner rant.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking, Kara,” he murmured into my ear. “I’ll explain later, just…not now, okay?” Turning to Sean, he quickly brought him up to speed. “So, we need to protect the ladies, at least until the Challenge is brought before the Council.”

  Sean nodded briskly, all business but his eyes skated around Lisa warily. “Of course, let’s go then.”

  Chapter Four


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