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Choices Page 7

by Sara Marion

  Paxton eyed him trying to figure out what was going on. “I thought we were doing no gifts?”

  “I know but this one I think you need.”

  “Where is it at then?” She looked at his empty hands.

  “Outside. Close your eyes and I will bring it in. I couldn’t wrap it.”

  Paxton smirked and closed her eyes. “Just got it then? You were always the get-everything-at-the-last-minute type of guy.”

  She heard the front door open. She should have known he couldn’t do the no gift thing. She should have grabbed him something just in case but she was too wrapped up in her own stuff to even think about it. She heard his truck door slam outside and then Duke’s footsteps coming up the porch. Whatever it was, he didn’t want to leave it on the porch. It must have been something big.

  “Okay, sit on the floor but don’t open your eyes,” Duke instructed.

  Paxton was trying to think of what was around her and slowly lowered herself to the ground. She kept feeling around her then she sat comfortably with her legs crossed in front of her. She heard Duke set the present down in front of her with faint clicking on the hardwood floors.

  She felt a cold, wet thing graze her hand, then a lick. She opened her eyes to see a beautiful white puppy with blue eyes. The puppy jumped in her lap and she saw that he had black splotches on his back and right side. He also had a black patch that covered his left eye and ear.

  “Oh my goodness! Look at this cute little thing!” Paxton exclaimed as she picked the puppy at. “What a handsome little guy!”

  “Why thank you,” Duke teased.

  “I guess you aren’t so bad either,” Paxton chuckled.

  She set the puppy down as it was squirming in her lap as she tried to hold him.

  “So you like him?”

  “Yes! I love him! How did you know I was looking for a dog?” Paxton looked up at him. She had been researching on dogs for the last week or so in her spare time.

  “I came over one night after you fell asleep. I saw your laptop open and found you looking at the shelter and classifieds at dogs. Since you haven’t said anything to me I figured that you hadn’t decided on any particular dog.”

  “Where did you get him?”

  “I found this little guy the other day when I went to the pet store. Somebody was selling a litter outside. He was the last one.”

  “Aww, poor little guy!” Paxton reached over and grabbed the leash. The puppy came scampering over. Paxton giggled as the puppy licked her hand. He was perfect. “What kind of dog is he?”

  “Don’t judge him, but he is a pitbull/Catahoula mix.”

  “Why would I judge him for being a certain breed? I blame their owners. They are the ones giving them a bad rep, so you little puppy have nothing to worry about,” Paxton said picking the puppy up and carrying it into the living room sitting area.

  She sat on the couch and set him in her lap. He had to be about ten to fifteen pounds already. Duke sat right next to her and she felt his arm go around her as he scratched the puppy behind his ear.

  “I also got you a starter kit to take care of him. A 40-pound bag of puppy food, bowls, leash, collar, and a crate to train him.”

  “Oh my goodness Duke, you didn’t have to, he is enough already!” Paxton smiled from ear to ear and her heart loved Duke just a little bit more. “I’m sorry I don’t have anything for you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be happy to watch him while you are away though. I know it was kinda bad timing on my part with the auction thing coming up.”

  “It’s okay, he makes my heart melt,” Paxton smiled. She continued scratching the puppy behind its ears.

  “I hope I do the same thing,” Duke leaned over and kissed her temple.

  Paxton felt butterflies emerge in her stomach. She hadn’t felt those in a long time. She looked up at him in his eyes and felt trapped in his brown eyes, not that it was a bad thing. She couldn’t look away, not even with the squirmy puppy in her lap. She wanted Duke to lean down and kiss her. She wanted both his arms wrapped around her. She remembered the feel of him on top of her. There physical relationship only had a few nights where they were intimate, other nights they just fell asleep wrapped in each other. Since the gallery opening, he had been spending most nights with her. She missed the feeling on his skin on hers, his lips exploring every inch of her body. She quickly looked away from him. Her thoughts were getting out of control.

  Paxton set the puppy on the floor and got up. She straightened her shirt even though it was straight already. She looked over her shoulder and Duke was still sitting there his head hung slightly. He suddenly stood and wrapped his arms around her. Their faces were only inches from each other. She searched his eyes for reasoning as to why they couldn’t be together. She found nothing and decided to take it further, to hell with Jack. She stood on her toes and kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He followed her lead and let one hand travel down her back and the other tangle in her hair. Paxton leaned her body into him and his hand traveled back up her back under her shirt.

  She let out a little moan as she fell into the moment. She was craving his touch, his taste. She broke the kiss and stared up at him. The desire was hard to miss as they stood breathless in front of each other. She smiled and leaned in to kiss his. This time she trailed kisses from his mouth to his cheek, down to his jaw and made a little line of kisses that trailed down his neck to his shoulder. She stopped as she looked down, grabbing the hem of his shirt and tugging it up. Duke ripped it up over his head. Paxton gasped once again as Duke took her breath away. She took a step backwards, admiring the view. He was painstakingly handsome. His abs even more defined than she thought possible. There was a defiant ‘V’ that disappeared into his jeans. Even though summer was long gone, he still had some hint of bronzed skin. She looked back up and saw that he was the perfect specimen and right now he was half-naked in her living room.

  She saw Duke take a step closer to her. “It’s not fair that I’m the only one half-naked here,” he whispered in her ear.

  He lifted her shirt up over her head and tossed it to the side. She stood there in her jeans and bra. Paxton felt herself struggling to breathe as she watched him devour her with his eyes. She could feel her own desires building up fast. It had been too long since she had her fill of Duke. She felt her muscles tighten deep within her. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her tightly against him. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, then slightly pushed her back onto the couch.

  Paxton’s heart thumped wildly in her chest as he began unbuttoning her jeans. She lifted her hips up as he slid the jeans down. He tossed them off to the side just like he did with her shirt. She felt his fingers skim along the line of her thong. She didn’t know why she wore one today, but she was grateful she did. He slowly pulled the fabric down as he trailed small kisses along the now bare skin on her hip. A small moan escaped her and she felt Duke smile as he laid one final kiss before lifting himself up to pull her thong off. She closed her eyes as the tingling sensation his kisses left enveloped her. She heard the unzipping of his jeans and the sound of his boots falling on the floor. She opened her eyes to enjoy the small strip show that was taking place in front of her. Duke smiled as he caught her watching. Duke leaned back down and hovered over Paxton. She was writhing with anticipation. She tried pulling herself up to him but he just chuckled at her attempt.

  “Don’t worry, you will have your fill of me,” then she felt him make good on his word.

  She bit into his shoulder. The pleasure was more than she could stand and they hadn’t even done anything. He started moving within her slowly. She moaned as felt like everything was intensified between them this time. She started matching his movements which caused him to close his eyes. She smiled. She knew that they were going to take their time tonight and explore each other.

  Duke wrapped an arm behind Paxton when she arched her back. He lifted her up and they changed positions. Paxton was ama
zed with his strength. She was now on top of him as he was now in a sitting position. He was giving her control and Paxton smiled knowing that she wanted to drive him wild. She grabbed the back of the couch and found her own rhythm. A little faster than Duke’s but the moan that came out of him as she rode him drove her wild. She reached around and unclasped her bra. She let it fall behind the couch. Duke leaned forward and trailed kisses from her clavicle down to her breasts. She leaned her head back this time and let another moan escape past her lips. Paxton felt her own muscles tighten as she knew her release was coming soon. She wanted him so badly at that moment. She picked up the rhythm and she felt a small growl emerge from Duke as he leaned back and grabbed her hips. He was starting to match her rhythm which only heightened everything. She couldn’t handle it anymore and let out a cry as she released. She froze and Duke thrusted to his release.

  They sat there in silence, their heavy breathing the only sound in the room. Paxton smiled down at Duke. She ran her hand through his hair and down his jawline. There was a slight stubble there. He hadn’t shaved in about a week from how long it was. He leaned into her hand then turned and kissed her palm.

  “You are amazing,” he said as he picked her up. “Now let’s clean up and get your puppy set up.”

  As if right on cue, the puppy started barking as they got up. Paxton was wrapped around Duke as he carried her to her room and into her bathroom, with the puppy following behind them. Duke turned on the water after setting her on the counter. Within minutes, they got into the shower. They faced each other and something definitely changed between them, once more. They washed and rinsed quickly as the puppy had been left unsupervised longer than he should have. Paxton went to her closet and threw on a tank top and a pair of yoga pants when she was finished.

  “Alright little guy, let’s get you outside. Hopefully you didn’t potty in the house already.” Paxton picked up her puppy and headed down as Duke finished up in the shower.

  She went down and noticed their clothes spread out in the living room which made her smile as she walked by. She went out the front door and set the puppy down. Paxton watched him roam within a few feet of her, smelling everything. She heard the door open behind her and she felt warmth against her back. Two arms wrapped around her and she leaned back into him.

  “What are you going to name him?”

  “I don’t know yet. He’s adorable though. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I was actually nervous about getting you the puppy but when I saw him, I knew you would love him.”

  “I was indecisive on puppies. I couldn’t choose one, but he is perfect.”

  She felt Duke kiss the crown of her head and she smiled. This Christmas Eve was perfect. Tomorrow, both Duke and Ryan would be here in the afternoon. They were having Christmas dinner together and Paxton was thankful that she wouldn’t be alone for the holidays. Now she would never be alone with the puppy around. He would keep her company.

  “What about Tucker?” Paxton asked. The name floated through her head.

  “He doesn’t look like a Tucker.”


  “No, that’s not original.”


  “Boring!” Duke teased. “What about Link?”



  Paxton thought about it. She looked up at Duke and then back at the puppy. “I like that. Link.”

  She watched Link roam the yard. She noticed that he seemed to stay close to them. If he got too far away he ran back towards them.

  “Come on Link! Let’s go inside, it’s cold out here.”

  Paxton saw Link perk his head up and look over at them after yelling out to him. They obviously distracted him from smelling everything in the area. “Come on! Come here!” She patted her leg.

  Link came running. Paxton squatted down as Link approached. She picked him up and walked inside as Duke held the door for her. She smiled knowing this night couldn’t get any better.


  Jack was roaming the house in the early hours of Christmas morning. He and Kenleigh were heading over to his parents’ house. Kenleigh’s parents were meeting them there as well. He paced in the hallway as Kenleigh emerged from the room in a pair of slacks and a red turtleneck. Her hair was held back by a red headband. It curled loosely around her shoulders and she looked amazing. He watched her bend down to put on her shoes. He noticed she decided to wear heels even though they weren’t going anywhere special.

  “Enjoying your view?” Kenleigh asked.

  “Most definitely.”

  Jack smirked. After his panic attack during his run he decided to focus on Kenleigh. He needed to give her a chance. It wasn’t fair if he didn’t. So far, he was enjoying the simplicity of their relationship. They had been physical several times, nothing Jack should complain about but she didn’t fit against him like Paxton did. He shook his head banning any thoughts of Paxton. He needed to get over her.

  “Let’s go,” Kenleigh said walking past him.

  “I feel so underdressed standing next to you.” Jack noticed that his nice pair of jeans and button up didn’t look well with Kenleigh’s outfit.

  “It’s fine. Don’t get girly on me now Mr. Mercier,” she giggled as she went down a few steps and turned towards him flashing her million-dollar smile.

  Jack shook his head and started towards the stairs. He noticed how easy everything was with Kenleigh. She was his best friend and now she was becoming more. He heard a faint chirp come from his room a few feet away from him. His head jerked up and stared at his door. He knew that chirp was from the phone he had hidden in his closet.


  He turned and looked at Kenleigh. She was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Her brow furrowed slightly.

  Jack didn’t say anything and headed into his room. He stared at his closet door. Another chirp sounded. He didn’t know if he imagined it or not. He opened the door and grabbed the box. He looked at the phone and he had two new text messages, a couple missed calls.

  “I thought you got rid of that phone?”

  Jack looked over at Kenleigh who was standing in the doorway of the room. He could see a bit of disappointment show in her face. She crossed her arms protectively in front of her. Jack set the phone back down without looking at the messages.

  “I’ll get rid of it first thing in the morning. I don’t know why I still have it.”

  “You are waiting for her. She’s who you really want.”

  “No Kitten,” Jack scrambled towards Kenleigh. He wrapped her in his arms.

  “I’m not stupid Jack. I know how this is going to end for us. I just want to enjoy you while I have you.”

  “No, no, no Kitten,” He kissed her forehead but she remained still. “I want this, I want you.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Jack wasn’t sure what she meant but she walked off before he asked. He left it alone. It was Christmas and they shouldn’t spend it fighting. He followed her down in silence.

  They arrived at his parent’s in complete silence. Not a word was spoken between them but they looked at each other, linked hands and put on their happy faces. Jack was nervous as they entered the house. He was ready for the onslaught of his mother’s over-the-top nonsense but the house was semi-quiet when he walked in. He half expected his mother to greet them at the door.

  “Mom? Dad?” he yelled as they walked towards the living room.

  He received no answer. He let go of Kenleigh’s hand and headed towards the kitchen.

  “Mom?” He poked his head inside the kitchen but only Chelsea, the maid was there.

  “Jack, I’m sorry but they aren’t here. It’s best if you call your mother’s cell.”

  “Thanks,” Jack gave her a worried look. Chelsea was awfully quiet and a knot formed in the pit of his stomach. Something was wrong.

  “Jack?” Kenleigh gave him a look like she knew something was go
ing on.

  “I need to call my mother,” Jack’s voice cracked. He dialed his mother’s cell. He waited for her to pick up. He heard the fumbling of the phone as she picked up and a faint beep in the background. “Mom?”

  “Sweetheart,” Nancy’s voice cracked. She sniffled. Another beep in the background.

  “Where are you?”

  “Bridge Regional. It’s your father. He’s had a heart attack. It’s bad Jack, real bad.”

  “On my way, what room?”

  “3rd floor, Room 3121.”

  “See you soon,” Jack hung up the phone and immediately started walking back to the front of the house. “Let’s go Kitten. My dad is in the hospital.”


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