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Choices Page 8

by Sara Marion

  He walked out the front door not even looking back to see if she was following or not. He heard the familiar click on her heels behind him and he was comforted that he didn’t have to waste any time explaining to her. She just followed and didn’t ask questions.

  He sped down the road towards the hospital on Main Street. He gripped the steering wheel. He was worried about his father even though his father was the strongest man he knew. Though they had a strained relationship, Jack still loved him. The thought of him not being here was not something Jack wanted to think about.

  “He’ll be okay,” Kenleigh broke the silence. “He’s a strong man, very stubborn just like you at times.”

  Jack felt the warmth of her hand on his. He was grateful he didn’t have to face this alone. He picked his hand up and looked over at Kenleigh. He brought her hand to his mouth and laid a kiss on her hand.

  “Thanks.” That was all he could manage.

  She smiled and peered out the window as their hands stayed clasped together. Jack turned into the parking lot fifteen minutes later and found a place relatively close. The silence continued as they made their way to the elevator bank. Jack gripped her hand as they waited by the elevators. This is not how he imagined Christmas day going. He expected a few irritations as expected with family gatherings, not a trip to the hospital. They arrived in the ICU floor. He had to check in at the nurse’s station.

  “I’m here to see my father, Jacob Mercier.”

  “He’s in room 3121, its immediate family only,” she eyed Kenleigh.

  “This is my fiancée, is she clear to go back?” Jack quickly said.

  The nurse looked back and forth between them. Jack brought her against his hip before she finally spoke, “I suppose that’s fine.”

  Jack squeezed Kenleigh’s side as they walked back there. Kenleigh walked beside him, they were back to holding hands. It was the one thing that kept him from falling apart.

  They entered the room. His mother was sitting beside the bed holding his hand. She ran to Jack as soon as she saw him. He broke contact with Kenleigh and held his mother in his arms. She seemed so fragile and broken. Nothing like the woman he knew. The strong, full of life woman.

  “How is he?”

  “I haven’t seen the doctors in a while. They put a stent in and said he’s doing fine right now but they will see how the next twenty-four hours go.”

  Jack squeezed his mother, “I’m sure he’ll pull through. He’s strong and stubborn.” He repeated the words that Kenleigh told him.

  Jack offered a small smile in Kenleigh’s direction. She had sunk into a corner, letting them have their moment. He knew he lied to get her in the room but she still gave them their space they needed.

  “Do the Bailyns know?” Jack asked. He knew Kenleigh would be wondering the same thing.

  “Yes, I called and told them on my way here. They should be in the waiting room if you want to go down there Kenleigh.” His mother was dismissing her. He saw Kenleigh take notice of the underlying hint towards her.

  “Sure thing. Is there anything I can get you Nancy?”

  “Not right now. I have my boy here,” Nancy cupped his face.

  Kenleigh nodded and headed down to the waiting room. Jack watched her go. When she was clear of the room he turned back towards his mother.

  “How did you get her back here?”

  “I told them that she was my fiancée.”

  “Jack! You mustn’t lie! Rumors will fly!”

  “Mom, I needed her. I couldn’t let her wait there alone,” he explained. His mother was back to herself for a moment.

  “I suppose. Just be careful. As much as I hate it, I know Paxton is still on your mind. I see the uncertainty in your eyes when it comes to Kenleigh. You have a choice to make but right now, let’s focus on you father.”

  Jack was surprised at his mother’s comment. Despite everything going on, she almost seemed motherly which is not what he expected right now. He watched his mother sit back down and grab his father’s hand.

  He sat in another chair that he pulled up to his father’s bedside and stared at him. His father looked weak, tired, and older than he was. He sat there thinking that if Paxton were here, she could explain more. Paxton could push for more info or tell them what to expect and his chances. He assumed his father’s doctor would hold back some things, giving them hope, but Paxton would tell them what they weren’t saying. She believed in preparing the families if the prognosis wasn’t good, not sugar-coating it.


  Jack saw his mother drift off in her chair by his father’s bedside. He didn’t know how long he had been in there but he moved his chair back by the window. The sun was still shining so it was still Christmas day, probably getting to the middle of the afternoon. The nurses had been in and out since he arrived, checking vitals and drawing blood. They just rolled a cot in the room for his mother. He picked her up and set her in the bed. He covered her with the blanket they provided. He scribbled a note to his mother that he was needing to check on Oasis, Kenleigh and a few things at the house. He told her to call him if he woke up. Jack squeezed his father’s hand.

  “I’ll be back, don’t do anything crazy while I’m gone,” Jack knew that was the only way he could phrase ‘don’t die on me’ without causing tears to form.

  He looked back at his parents as he snuck out of the room. He headed to the nurses station. He gave them his cell phone number to call if anything changed while he was gone. Jack stopped by the waiting room. Only Kenleigh was in there.

  “Hey,” she said jumping up and heading towards him. She pulled him into a hug.


  “I sent my parents away. I told them I would call with any news.”

  “You should have gone too. You shouldn’t have to wait around here,” Jack released her.

  “There is nowhere else I need to be right now.”

  Jack smiled. “I need a distraction. I was going to head to Oasis, home, and then come back. I figured I might stop by and let Chelsea know. She cares for my parents, so she is probably worried.”

  “Yeah, want some company?”

  “No, I think I just need time by myself. See you at the house? You should really go rest.”

  He saw Kenleigh look at him skeptically. “Okay.”

  “I’ll drop you off on my way to Oasis.”

  They walked out of the hospital in silence. Jack was wondering what was going through Kenleigh’s head. He hated when she was silent. She was usually talking to herself, singing, humming. She was just always cheerful. When she was silent, that’s when Jack worried. He figured she must just be trying to give him what he wants. She doesn’t want to be a distraction to him. He squeezed her hand again and she smiled over to him.


  Jack got to Oasis and sat in the office. He knew he had nothing to do here but he wanted some privacy, he needed to be alone for what he was about to do. He pulled out his phone and dialed Duke’s number. He needed his best friend right now.

  The line rang and rang. No answer. His voicemail finally picked up. He stumbled through his message but told Duke about Jacob. He said that he didn’t know how bad it really was he didn’t have a chance to talk to doctors but he just needed a friend. Jack put the phone down and just sat there in the office. He debated on what he should do. All the books were already done. Jack looked at the clock and saw that it was about four o’clock in the afternoon. It felt like it should be much later than that. He looked at his computer. No emails today. He knew nothing would be going on because of the holiday. He struggled to find his next distraction.

  His phone filled the silence in the club. Duke’s name flashed across the screen.


  “Hey man, I’m so sorry to hear about you dad.”


  “How’s he doing?”

  “I’m not sure. I haven’t been able to really talk to his doctors.”

  “How are you holding up then?”
/>   “Honestly?”

  Duke didn’t reply. Jack knew that of course he would want the honest answer. “I’m holding it together. I figured if Paxton was here she could ease my fears.”

  Silence on the other end. “Should I tell her?” Duke asked.

  “No, I made my decision remember? I don’t need to lead her on.”

  “I think that you are second-guessing your decision by the tone in your voice.”

  Jack was surprised that Duke heard that. He figured after all this time, Duke wouldn’t know him as well. Jack didn’t know how to respond to him.

  “Jack, come on man. I think you need your friends in your corner right now. I know Paxton would want to be there for you right now.”

  “Don’t tell her. I’ll be fine. My dad will be fine.”

  “I know Jacob is a fighter, but you never know. I’m not going to lie to you Jack. It doesn’t sound like he is doing well.”

  Jack rubbed his face, “I know.”

  “I can’t fly out to see you but you keep me updated. I need to get back to the family before they come looking for me. Text or call if you need to talk and make sure you keep me updated,” Duke reiterated.

  “I will. Thanks Duke. I know I haven’t been the best friend since Ella’s passing.”

  “Like I said when I was there, I will be here if you need me man. I’m glad you reached out to me.”


  “Later.” Duke hung up.

  Jack sighed. Duke was a good friend, he just wished that he could return the favor to Duke. Jack stuck Duke in a hard place, choosing between his friends. He shouldn’t ask him to keep things from Paxton but he didn’t want to give Paxton false hope, especially after what Duke told him. Jack decided it was time to go back to the hospital. He texted Kenleigh letting her know but first he wanted to stop by the house to see if Chelsea was still there. Jack climbed into his car and noticed the chill in the air. The temperature was steadily dropping. He turned the heater up in his car. He headed out towards his parents’ house. Jack hope that Chelsea took the day off to be with her parents after he left for the hospital. She was in her early twenties and she applied for the maid position his mother posted about a year ago. She had become part of the family over the last six months. His mother adored her, so he could see her hanging around to find out a status update.

  He arrived at his parent’s house and it looked oddly cold and empty. Jack walked in and heard the echo of his footsteps in the foyer. He walked back to the kitchen where he usually found Chelsea cleaning something. She wasn’t there. He headed up the stairs to the second floor. Jack figured she may be cleaning up there since the house was empty. He checked each of the rooms on the second floor and knew that she must have gone home for the day.

  Jack went back down to the office at the end of the hallway on the second floor. He found his mother’s contact book and found Chelsea’s number nestled in there at the bottom. He gave her a quick call to update her. He told her to take tomorrow off as well and he would keep in touch as they got updates. She sent her well wishes to him and with that Jack hung up the phone. He decided to head back to the hospital now. There wasn’t anything left for him to do except be with his family now.

  Jack arrived at the hospital. It was quiet in the halls due to the holidays. He went to the third floor and walked down the hallway to his father’s room. Something was wrong as people were flying up and down the hallway. Some patient must be critical for that kind of commotion. Then he noticed that they were running in and out of his father’s room. As he got closer he saw his mother standing outside of the room looking in. Tears were falling down her face but she wasn’t making a scene.

  “Mom?” Jack’s voice was filled will concern as he looked at his mother and pulled her into his arms. He turned his head and looked into the room. The fluttering around slowed down and machines were being turned off.

  “He’s gone,” was all his mother could manage.

  Jack held her tight. This was not how he envisioned his father going out. A tear formed in his eye. He couldn’t believe his father passed.

  “What happened?” Jack turned his attention to the doctor that just walked out of the room.

  “His heart gave out on him. There was too much damage to the heart muscle. It was something we couldn’t see in the operating room. Due to the weakened muscle, his heart ruptured.”

  Jack didn’t know how that was possible. His father was not weak. Jack had just started getting into a good place with this father and now that he’s gone, he didn’t know how he felt about it. He used to hate his father and everything he stood for but now that he felt guilty for hating him all those years.

  “I’m sorry for your loss. Let me know if you have any other questions.” His doctor turned and walked away.

  Jack consoled his mother still pondering over how he felt that his father was gone. He needed to call Kenleigh. Jack needed her right now because they would need to start notifying people.


  Duke awoke and found that Paxton was not in bed. He had stayed over last night after they had a small Christmas celebration with Ryan. He was glad that Paxton didn’t have to spend Christmas alone. She had cooked a wonderful ham dinner that she fussed over. It was delicious. She and Ryan also declared a no-gift rule, which he abided by. Duke felt guilty as they celebrated knowing that Jack’s father was in the hospital. He wanted so badly to tell Paxton but he granted Jack’s wishes. He wondered how Jacob was doing as he hadn’t heard anything from Jack since their brief phone call yesterday.

  Duke’s phone buzzed on the night stand. It was a reminder for a voicemail that he received. He listened as Jack’s voice filled his ear. Jack had called last night around midnight stating his father passed earlier that day. Duke called him back quickly.

  “Hey man, I just got your message. What happened?”

  “His heart gave out and ruptured.” Jack’s voice was horse and Duke knew he wasn’t doing well.

  “I’m so sorry. I just wanted to call you although I don’t have much time right now. I don’t know where Paxton is. Should I let her know?”

  “No, she doesn’t need a reason to run to me.”

  “I think we should tell her Jack. She would want to be there for you.”

  “No. Please don’t.”

  “I don’t like this. I should come up there at least. It’s hard enough to keep this from her.”

  Duke heard a creak outside the door. He wasn’t sure what it was but he decided to wrap up the call.

  “No, Duke. Do not tell her. I can handle this without her.”

  “Listen I got to go. Keep me updated and I will see when I can visit.” Duke hung up and set his phone down.

  “Oh, you’re up,” Paxton said.

  Duke turned to face her trying to hide the emotions he felt. He couldn’t believe Jack’s father died.

  “Yeah, just wondering where you went.”

  He tried to put on a smile. He knew he was failing by the flicker of concern that flashed across Paxton’s face.

  “I just fed Link and put him out,” she paused studying his face. “I figured that maybe we can go out to eat today because I don’t feel like cooking or doing any dishes.”

  “Yeah, sounds great.”

  “Okay.” Duke saw the look of concern on her face. She was struggling to decide if everything was really okay.

  Duke felt guilty for keeping the news from her. This is something that he should tell her but he didn’t want to push her away and have her running straight into Jack’s arms. He didn’t want to lose her quite yet. It was selfish of him but he knew that once this news broke, she would be gone.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower, want to join me?” Duke got up and stretched.

  “Not if we are going to get breakfast, we will be in there all day. Let me take one first so I can do my hair while you shower.”

  “Fine, I guess that will have to do.”

  Duke waited as Paxton headed off to the sh
ower. He decided to unpack his overnight bag. He didn’t have the energy to do it last night. He pulled out his jeans and a button down black shirt. He pulled out his fresh boxer briefs and socks. He laid out the outfit on the bed hoping to get some of the wrinkles out. He heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Duke got up and headed in there to get his shower in.

  He turned on the shower and turned the water up. He knew he wouldn’t have a lot of hot water but he would stay in there for a few minutes to grieve. He wasn’t close to Jack’s father but he couldn’t imagine losing his own father.

  He quickly cleaned himself then stepped out. He dried off and wrapped a towel around his hips. He looked at the mirror and it was fogged over. He took a hand towel and wiped a section of it. He looked at himself and saw the tension in his shoulders. He saw the grief in his face and knew that he needed to pull himself together and relax. He was supposed to be happy. He spent the night with the woman he was falling in love with. He was given a second chance but he knew that it would only be temporary if he kept lying to her. He knew that she would never keep a secret that big from him.


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