Book Read Free

In Hot Water

Page 12

by J. J. Cook

  Nay’s remark was something like “Bah.”

  John was already heading out of the garage with Rufus. Stella thanked Nay again and followed them. Her cell phone went off in the quiet of the evening.

  “Chief Griffin? This is Officer Frank Schneider. We’ve located Bob Floyd. It seems there may have been some mistake about what happened earlier at the cabin.”

  Chapter 15

  Stella stopped walking. She could tell by Frank’s voice that something was seriously wrong. “What do you mean? Have you arrested him?”

  “No, ma’am. Can you come to the station? We need to clear up a few things.”

  John and Rufus had waited for her to get off the phone.

  “What’s wrong?” John asked.

  She briefly sketched out what had happened at the cabin. “Now Frank says there may have been some mistake. He wants me to come to the station.”

  “Darn little weasel.” John took out his truck keys. “I can’t see how he can get out of this after that little stunt he pulled yesterday at the cabin.”

  “I don’t know either, but I’ll have to take a look at that boat another time, Rufus.” She shook his hand and thanked him for his help. His warm grasp lingered slightly longer than a friendly handshake.

  John didn’t notice, but Eric did. “Not another admirer.”

  “That’s okay.” Rufus gave her his card. “Call me when you can. We’ll go over everything.”

  “I’ll follow you to town hall,” John said. “I’ve gotta hear this.”

  Stella and Eric got back in the Cherokee. Hero was glad to see them, snuffling them and wagging his tail.

  “Now John and his friend will be fighting over you,” Eric said as they pulled down the long driveway to the main road.

  “Stop it. He shook my hand.”

  “And you felt all tingly, right? I could tell.”

  “Ghostly powers?”

  “I don’t need to be dead to see something like that. Besides, I know you pretty well by now. You better slow down before you run out of eligible men. This is a small town.”

  She laughed at his words. His point of view was odd since she could never keep up with her girlfriends in Chicago. They were always joking about her being a late bloomer.

  In the time she’d been in Sweet Pepper, she and John had kissed a few times and argued a lot more. She’d dated Zane Mullis, who was a helicopter pilot for the forest service. He’d been fun to go out with but had moved to Colorado.

  “You make me sound like one of the loose women Molly Whitehouse is always talking about.”

  “If the floozy fits—”

  “I’m not sure exactly what a ‘floozy’ is, but if it’s what I think it is, you’re lucky I can’t turn one of the hoses on you. I guess I’d have to content myself with dropping your badge into someone’s outhouse.”

  Eric laughed at her. “Kidding. You get hot really easy. Must be that red hair. I can only imagine the conflagration you and Rufus could create. The fire brigade would need bigger hoses to put it out.”

  “Yeah. Whatever. You’re jealous.”

  “You’re right. I wish I’d met someone like you when I was alive.”

  Stella stopped at the traffic light as she reached Sweet Pepper. Main Street was empty of cars and pedestrians. The only light she could see was at town hall.

  “You think we would’ve gotten along?” she asked. “I mean, we’re both bossy types. We both like to have our way.”

  Eric’s hand was solid when he touched her cheek. “I think we could’ve been a major fire together.”

  Stella’s heart raced for a moment. He’s a dead guy, stupid! She kept her eyes glued on the road.

  “I’d like to go with you inside,” he said. “I can’t wait to see Chief Rogers up close.”

  It felt normal between them again after that. Stella’s mind still conjured a few images of her and Eric together. It was impossible. He’d been dead since before she was born. No matter how solid and lifelike he could appear sometimes, he was still a ghost.

  “Looks like the gang’s all here.” Stella parked the Cherokee. “They must’ve decided to call a town council meeting at the same time.”

  “I’m sure Bob has a good story cooked up. Like Officer Schneider said, you better watch your back. I could do it, but you told me to shut my mouth when we’re around other people.”

  Stella got out of the Cherokee and locked it. “Like you’ve paid any attention to me asking you not to speak around anyone else.”

  Eric passed through the doors into town hall as Stella opened one. Sandy Selvy was there to take her jacket and offer her a cup of coffee. John came in after her.

  “They’re in the conference room,” Sandy whispered with a nervous eye on the group of men waiting in the hall. “Bob Floyd is there with his lawyer. Officer Schneider arrested him earlier. Mayor Wando is here too, along with Chief Rogers. Good luck, Stella.”

  “Maybe you could get some pepper recipes from this group,” Eric said.

  “I called Frank on the way here.” John took her arm as they walked to the conference room. It was odd because he was almost exactly where Eric was beside her.

  After a minute, Eric shook himself and moved to the other side of her. “That’s kind of creepy.”

  “He gave me a heads-up,” John continued, having no idea that he’d walked through a ghost. “Bob is claiming he was never at the cabin. Mayor Wando is backing him up. Chief Rogers is threatening to take Frank’s badge for arresting Bob.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t have told me,” Stella muttered before they reached the group of men.

  “Happy to do my job as police/fire department liaison.”

  “Ms. Griffin.” Don Rogers greeted her with a big grin and a hearty handshake. “I’m glad you could make it. As you can see, everyone else is already here. Let’s step inside the conference room.”

  The terrible part was that he was always at his most pleasant when he thought she’d done something wrong. She wondered, as she took her seat, if he’d ever accept her.

  Everyone around the table was introduced. Bob was there with his lawyer. John sat beside Chief Rogers. Mayor Wando was biting his fingernails. Hugh Morton, the town attorney, was there with him.

  Stella was the only one there alone—at least as far as anyone could tell. Eric was there beside her. It didn’t make her feel much better.

  “Let’s get started,” Don Rogers said.

  The door to the conference room opened, and Stella’s grandfather walked in. He sat next to her, as though he knew Eric was in the chair on her other side.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Ben Carson said. “I almost didn’t find out about this meeting. Has something happened to the town notification system?”

  Everyone around the table drew a deep breath. Ben Carson didn’t look like much—tall and thin, his shoulders stooped with age—yet they all knew this man held a great deal of power and influence.

  “Sorry about that, Ben.” Chief Rogers cleared his throat and glanced away. “I guess I didn’t think to call you because I didn’t think you’d be interested.”

  Ben folded his long hands on the table before him. He was seventy-five and his gray hair was thinning, but his brown eyes were as sharp as ever.

  “You mean you didn’t think I’d be interested in you calling my granddaughter—the fire chief for this town that her great-great-grandfather built—a liar?”

  There was more foot shuffling and throat clearing. Both lawyers took that moment to peruse the contents of their folders with more interest than they probably warranted.

  “Come on.” Mayor Wando smiled and tried to smooth things over. “No one is here to call Chief Griffin a liar.”

  “Then suppose you tell me, Erskine, exactly why we’re here.” Ben cast his steely gaze in his direction.

  Stella didn’t like the way this was headed. While she appreciated her grandfather trying to run interference for her, she could take care of herself.

we could allow Chief Rogers to continue,” Stella said to the group. “I think he was about to explain why we’re all here.”

  With Ben’s angry glare directed at his face, Chief Rogers thanked her for giving him the floor again. “As I was saying, we have a situation here that requires immediate attention. My officer, Frank Schneider, has a complaint against councilman Bob Floyd that he received from our fire chief. Councilman Floyd has told me that this is a misunderstanding. He wasn’t at Chief Griffin’s cabin at the specified time that she is charging him with assault.”

  Ben tapped his fingers impatiently on the highly polished wood table. “So? Is that a reason to drag all of us out here tonight?”

  Bob’s lawyer cleared his throat and organized his papers. “Because this charge would do terrible harm to my client’s reputation, Chief Rogers offered us the opportunity to present the facts here before the charges are permanently filed.”

  “You mean the charges against Bob haven’t been filed yet?” Ben’s voice sounded like the knell of doom. “I think I should call my attorney. It might be worth his while to fly in tonight and correct this problem.”

  Again, Stella stepped in. “I didn’t want to file charges against Mr. Floyd for what happened yesterday at the cabin. He left me no choice when he came to my home again today, this time waving a shotgun at me.”

  “I think I sense a pattern developing,” Ben drawled. “He’s obsessed with the cabin.”

  “Hey, for once, I agree with the old man,” Eric said.

  Stella ignored him and focused on the living group around her.

  “I was with Erskine the whole time Chief Griffin says I was at the cabin.” Bob was sweating profusely, despite the coolness of the room. He kept fiddling with his tie and glancing at Ben. “Ask him. He’ll tell you.”

  “I was with Bob at my house during that time.” Mayor Wando’s voice was stiff and rehearsed.

  “Was there anyone else with you?” Ben asked.

  “You don’t have to answer that.” Bob’s lawyer scowled at Mayor Wando. “I’m sure the town attorney would tell you the same thing if he weren’t scared of Ben Carson.”

  “You can tell he’s not from around here,” Eric added.

  Stella frowned at him.

  “What? You know it’s true.”

  “I’m not afraid of Ben,” Hugh Morton said. “There hasn’t been an arrest as yet. You can say whatever you want.”

  “Look,” Stella said. “I was there. So was Bob. Officer Schneider and I found the snowmobile tracks that were left behind. I don’t want to press charges, but I will if that’s my only recourse. We can let a jury figure out where the truth lies.”

  “I want to caution Chief Griffin,” Bob’s lawyer threatened. “There could be a forthcoming lawsuit from this accusation.”

  Eric and Ben shouted, “What?” at the same time. Ben stood up and pounded his fist on the table. Eric hovered above it.

  “I’ll make sure you never practice law again in Tennessee,” Ben promised.

  Bob’s lawyer began to appear unsure too. The two lawyers exchanged glances. They bent their heads close together and whispered a few words.

  “My client would be willing to guarantee that nothing of this sort will ever happen again, if you don’t press charges, Chief Griffin,” Bob’s lawyer said carefully. “Not that he’s admitting to any wrongdoing in this matter. We simply want to make sure that his reputation in the community is not tarnished.”

  Everyone looked at Stella.

  It was a club—a boy’s club. She’d never be part of it. While it was appealing to try to fit in with them, Stella couldn’t let it go.

  “Ms. Griffin?” Chief Rogers verbally nudged her.

  She stood next to her grandfather. “I’m willing to give a little on this, gentlemen.”

  “Stella!” Ben tried to stop her.

  “But Mr. Floyd will have to meet my terms for me to drop the charges.”

  Bob’s lawyer raised his head, pencil in hand. “Yes?”

  “Mr. Floyd admits that he came to the cabin with the shotgun. He promises not to come to the cabin again, ever, for any reason, and he apologizes right now, in front of all of you. Afterward, you will all be my witnesses that this happened should the need arise.”

  “Go get ’em.” Eric soundlessly applauded.

  “My client will not admit to guilt in this matter,” Bob’s lawyer began.

  Bob tugged on the man’s jacket and whispered something to him.

  “My client has agreed to these terms.” The lawyer changed his tone quickly.

  Stella sat down and waited.

  “I apologize for losing my temper and coming up there today.” Bob sniffled as he spoke, tears running down his cheeks. “I was scared. I wanted to get rid of the cabin right away. Madam Emery said Chief Gamlyn will haunt me until I do. That’s why I bought the land.”

  Mayor Wando patted Bob’s arm and convinced him to stop speaking.

  “My client’s last words are not to be spoken outside this room,” Bob’s lawyer said.

  “My granddaughter isn’t interested in your mewling apologies,” Ben countered.

  “That was the deal.” Stella looked into each man’s face. “You’re my witnesses. You’re legally bound by his confession. I won’t press charges this time. If anything even remotely like this happens again, I’ll call on each of you to testify against Bob Floyd in court.”

  Chief Rogers nodded as Bob broke down into anguished sobs. “I think that concludes our business tonight. Thank you all for coming out so late.”

  As everyone began leaving, Stella thanked her grandfather. “I hope we can do something about the cabin. Bob’s not in his right mind. I don’t know if he’ll remember what happened if he starts thinking about coming up there again to get rid of the ghost.”

  Ben took her hand as they walked out of the conference room. Outside, in the empty room of makeshift walls and telephones used by the Sweet Pepper police, he said, “You shouldn’t have let him off so easy.”

  “Why? Now they owe me. Isn’t that the way it works?”

  He smiled, a devil lurking in his dark eyes. “I believe it is.”

  Chapter 16

  They watched Bob Floyd limping through the building to the front door with his lawyer.

  Ben chuckled. “How’d you know to pick his bad knee?”

  Stella put her hands into her pockets. Eric grinned at her.

  “Lucky guess.” She yawned. “I’m going home. I have to be up early tomorrow.”

  “That’s right. You’re starting the arson investigation.” He took her elbow as they walked out together. “If it’s any perspective for you, Stella, I don’t think that fire was an accident. Like me, Barney was reviled and feared—unless people needed him to take care of their problems.”

  She studied his face as they went outside, the cold air biting into them. “Are you afraid you might end up the same way?”

  He laughed. “No. That’s why I have security. Barney believed all that blather about people around here loving him. He didn’t understand.”

  Stella shook her head, too tired for any more politics. Bernard, her grandfather’s driver, waited in his big black Lincoln. “Thanks for coming, Ben. It was nice to have someone on my side.”

  He hugged her carefully, as though she might break. “Get some rest. I love you. Watch your back.”

  She got in the Cherokee. Eric was already in the passenger seat. Hero whined and barked at them, glad it was time to go home.

  “Well? I know you have plenty to say about this. Thanks for keeping most of it to yourself during the meeting.”

  “I hope you don’t trust him any more than you do the rest of those good old boys in there.”

  Stella started the engine and pulled out into the empty street. “I try not to trust anyone too much. You never know where that will get you.”

  “The only people I ever trusted were the men on the fire brigade when I was chief.”

  “And look
where that got you.” The words were out. She couldn’t call them back.

  For years, everyone had thought that Eric was killed in the line of duty. Now they knew the truth. A man he’d trusted had been partially responsible for his death.

  Eric was silent the rest of the way home. When they reached the cabin, he let Hero out for a while. Stella brought in a few pieces of junk mail and made sure the bear-proof trash cans were closed and locked down.

  “I’m going to bed,” she said. “Make sure you turn the sound down on whatever electrical device you’re planning to use tonight, please.”

  “Goodnight.” He didn’t look up from the fire he was lighting in the hearth. The firelight played through him as though he were only made of colorful mist.

  “Okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to take that the wrong way about trusting people.”

  He smiled sadly at her. “Goodnight, Stella.”


  The next morning dawned bright and clear. Stella had slept badly. Probably a guilty conscience for reminding Eric about his death.

  She stared bleary-eyed out the bedroom window. Hero was outside again, chasing birds and squirrels.

  After getting dressed in warm clothes, Stella pulled on her black work coveralls with the Sweet Pepper Fire Brigade insignia. The town had purchased twenty pairs of them at discount from a retailer in Nashville. All of the members of the group wouldn’t go out to an arson investigation at the same time, so there were plenty for now.

  This morning none of the group was going with her. Working with a real arson investigator would be challenging enough for Stella. She didn’t want to make it a training exercise for her volunteers. The fire brigade went out with her on smaller fires to help discover their causes.

  “Eric?” she called when she’d finished putting her hair up and walked out into the living area. She didn’t see him until she checked out on the deck in back. He was standing at the rail, staring down at the half-frozen Little Pigeon River.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Not really,” she admitted, standing next to him. The cold wind blasted the high deck, sprinkling snow and ice from the trees above them. “Go ahead. Say it. I didn’t sleep because I said that to you last night.”


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