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Windsor Place

Page 20

by Russell Robertson

  “Appreciate that James. Why?”

  “Seems like the hierarchy is getting edgy about the media and the fact that leads are as rare as hen’s teeth. So bringing in another detective from outside demonstrates to the public that we haven’t gone cold on the case – normal police tactic. The new DCI is extremely capable and will give it his best shot. He has a reputation of clearing up cases that are going cold and sadly that’s what is happening on this one.”

  “What about the Buchanan case?”

  “Ah, well they have left me in charge of that. Look I know that you are running your own investigation into these matters and that’s your prerogative. Just make sure you don’t cross paths with the new DCI or my investigation.”

  “I appreciate the heads-up and hopefully between us we can come up with at least the reasons as to why Carole and the girls had to die.”

  “On another matter. I hear that you might have a new girlfriend?”

  “Hard to keep any secrets in East Lothian. She’s only an acquaintance at this stage. A new neighbour who moved into the apartment complex a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Be careful, Harry. You are at a very weak point in your life. Don’t want to see you getting hurt anymore.”

  “Appreciate your thoughts. I will take care of myself.”

  Harry told him about his recent trip to China except the information on the drug dealers.

  “Give my love to Lily next time you’re talking to her.”

  “Will do. Love to Moira and the kids.”

  James nodded and was the first to get up. “Have to go now. Promised Moira I would cook the chops on the barbecue this afternoon. Don’t want to let her down. Keep in touch and out of trouble.”

  Harry picked up the bill and his meat on the way back to the apartment.

  Chapter 70

  Harry was a little bit nervous about the evening ahead. Supper with the opposite sex generally meant one thing and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for this or indeed was Skye?

  Maybe it would be a bit like the blind leading the tone deaf.

  The doorbell drew him out of his thoughts and into reality.

  Skye was absolutely radiant. “Hi. Brought a nice bottle of red.” It matched her dress.

  She handed him the bottle, pecked his cheek and sexily brushed past him.

  “You picked a good movie I trust?” She plonked herself onto the sofa.

  “Just a classic and one of my all-time favourites. One Flew over The Cuckoo’s Nest.”

  “Cool, I love old Jack Nicholson. Haven’t seen that for donkey’s years.”

  Harry went into the kitchen and collected the nibbles he had his sister prepare earlier, but he wouldn’t tell Skye that. His sister was A1 in cooking and this would no doubt impress Skye of his imaginary culinary skills.

  They shared the food over some more small talk. A mixture of spring rolls, meatballs and miniature savoury sausage rolls, finished off with some luscious blue-vein cheese and a nice glass of Shiraz.

  Harry’s mobile suddenly sprang into life, he checked the screen. It was Alex. “Do you mind if I answer this?”

  “Okay, I’ll go and make a coffee.”

  “Can I call you back tomorrow? I’m just about to go to bed.”

  “On your own I trust?”

  “Sure.” What did she know?

  “It’s not that important, it can wait until tomorrow. Sleep tight.”

  “You as well. Goodnight, Alex, and say g’day to Curtis.”

  As Skye was busy making the coffee, Harry came into the kitchen. Was this the moment he would make his move on her? Christ, she hoped so. Her sensual feelings on fire. But he walked straight past her. “Dressing is over there,” as he handed a bowl of olives to her.

  He poured himself a cold glass of water from the tap and left the room.

  They sat on the sofa watching the movie and sipping their coffee but neither could really concentrate on the story. Both their minds thinking, how do I start this thing?

  “You know if you were half a man you would get me another glass of wine.” She whispered in his ear.

  “If I were half a man I would be in the circus,” he responded

  “You know, deep down I’m a tragic romantic but have difficulty in openly expressing my feelings. So, I do it through music.” He got up, turned off the telly and turned on the music and picked her up from the sofa. “Please dance with me.” Lady in Red was Harry’s favourite ballad and it seemed very appropriate.

  They danced in silence, cheek to cheek, both absorbing the words of the song. As the song came to the end he felt a couple of warm teardrops roll down his neck as Skye whispered in his ear, “You just absolutely know how to eat a woman with music.”

  Harry replied. “You know when you’re close to me, I can sense your heartbeat, your desire and feel your love. We’ve got a special kind of thing between us yet I hardly know this stunner by my side. I’ll never forget the way you look tonight.”

  “C’mon, Skye … show me the way.” He thought.

  “For God’s sake, Harry. Make it happen, please. Pick me up and carry me to the bedroom. I need you.” She wished.

  He grabbed Skye and pulled her towards him kissing her with passion. Moments later they were in the bedroom hastily stripping each other of their clothes.

  Skye took the initiative. Helped him remove his pants, before climbing on top of him.

  Harry was happy to let her lead. He closed his eyes and quickly got into the rhythm of the moment.

  Neither of them got much sleep for the rest of the night and were both surprised to hear the early morning traffic and the cyclists ringing their bells at the unleashed dogs as they rode along the promenade.

  Skye looked at her watch. Oh my God, eight-thirty! She should be at the office now.

  She leapt out of the bed but not before she kissed her lover gently on the forehead and stroked his hair as he pretended to be asleep. He watched her from behind, naked, rush to the shower. Christ, she was gorgeous.

  Harry must have fallen back to sleep as the next thing he knew was the door banging shut and he assumed that was Skye going to work. The shower helped wake him up and he made a cup of coffee and stretched out along the sofa reading the recently delivered newspaper.

  Soon he had a decision to make. Did he lie around like a lounge room lizard thinking about Skye or did he get up and go for a walk. He hadn’t felt this emotional since he watched the end of the Sunshine on Leith movie.

  He strolled towards the balcony to look out and decide if the weather was suitable for a stroll. He donned his coat, beanie and a pair of mitten gloves and ventured out for his daily exercise. His thoughts on the walk were only about last night. He couldn’t wait to catch up with Skye again. But there was also a feeling of guilt as his thoughts sprang back to Carole. He had never laid his heart out on the table like this. What was going on? He couldn’t possibly be falling in love with someone he had only known for less than a fortnight.

  Chapter 71

  Skye had popped in unannounced for a coffee on Sunday morning and she sat on the apartment balcony alone, soaking up the weak winter sun. Harry had nipped out for an hour to pick up some letters from his sister.

  She had noticed two locks on the second bedroom in the apartment the other day and wondered what was behind there. Maybe he would tell her if she asked. Maybe she shouldn’t; not her business.

  Skye knew that she was falling in love with him. Should she tell him how she felt when he returned or was it too early?

  Skye was born and raised in the Trinity district in the centre of Edinburgh. Her parents were doctors working in the much-maligned national health system and she was determined not to follow in their footsteps. She attended Leith Academy High School before entering university in Edinburgh undertaking a double degree in economics and business studies.

  Skye had been heavily involved in student union activities during her time at university which allowed her to make many acquaintances that became us
eful as she climbed the corporate ladder.

  After finishing university and taking the usual sabbatical year off to travel around Europe she started her first job in the Bank of Scotland as a financial analyst where she stayed for over five years before moving to her current position.

  She enjoyed her work but not the travelling that went with it. Not much fun in the evenings with only room service and the TV set as your companion. Easy for a guy to walk into the local pub on their own. It didn’t come with the same issues encountered by a female trying to do something similar.

  She felt content with her life now. A new apartment, good health and a good-looking gentle boyfriend.

  She hardly noticed Harry arriving back carrying a bottle of Irn Bru and some fish and chips. They sat quietly on the balcony eating their lunch and watching the world go by.

  Harry cleared up the dishes and glasses and returned outside. “Skye, how do you feel about moving in with me? I mean it seems silly occupying two apartments.”

  She studied the horizon as she thought about his question. '”Harry, I think that we need to spend more time together getting to know one another before we leap into anything more permanent. Perhaps we both need to know there is no baggage or surprises about to spring out the locker. If you get my drift.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself.”

  Both Skye and Harry knew how each other felt.

  Skye went on. “I recently had a hard time with my ex-fiancé. We were engaged to be married a couple of years ago then I found out he was playing up. To be honest, you’re the first boyfriend I've had since then. I've really put all my efforts into my job at the Scottish Government since then and haven’t had any time or inclination for romance until I met you.”

  Harry blew her a kiss. “Okay that’s settled. Feel like a walk along the beach?”

  “Later darling. I’d love another coffee and maybe we just laze around for the afternoon.”

  Harry was proud of his effort in producing two cappuccinos and sat on the balcony like an excited child waiting on his parent’s response on his first school report.

  Skye took a sip of coffee and licked her lips, “Mmm … very good. I’m impressed.”

  So was Harry. They talked for hours before Harry pulled out an envelope and handed it to Skye.

  “I was thinking. As you are going to be away in London on Valentine’s Day I thought of this.”

  Skye curiously opened the envelope and read the card.

  “Flowers don’t fly so I bought two tickets for next weekend in Paris.”

  The bedroom was a better option than the walk they had talked about earlier. The best was yet to come.

  Chapter 72

  Harry knew that cigarettes were no good to Sandy now, so he thought a box of chocolates and the mandatory bottle of Lucozade might go down well as he drove over the Castle Brae on the way to the infirmary.

  He had walked over the Brae many times as a kid and as a teenager and could never imagined that one day the open spaces and corn fields that he often played in and used as a short cut to Portobello would one day make way for a large city hospital.

  His last phone call to the hospital had Sandy sitting up and doing well, although damage from the stroke appeared permanent and he would be in hospital for a couple of more weeks before returning to the nursing home. Christ what an existence. It was so true what his father had once told him. “If you haven’t got your health you've got nothing.”

  How true was that?

  There were only three patients in the ward when he arrived. The same people when he visited previously. He assumed that Sandy was either at the toilet or having some physio.

  “Sandy off having a pint?” He asked “Glaekit” Gordon, the patient in the next bed.

  “Bet he wish he was, didn’t the nurse tell you on the way in?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Sandy left for the hotel in the sky this morning, poor sod. Aye, but considering his health or lack of, maybe it was a blessing in disguise.”

  Harry was stunned. At that precise moment, he couldn’t care less about any information that he may have got from Sandy. No one deserved to die alone, no one.

  He had another massive stroke and there was nothing the medical staff could do.

  Harry was convinced that in cases like this the doctors took the necessary steps to end life, but could not or would not admit to it.

  He was okay with that.

  Chapter 73

  The three Chinese representatives of the drug company from Shanghai were playing mah-jong as they sat in their hotel room waiting to meet Nugget Reid.

  Lui Wang was very proficient in English and would conduct the meeting. The other two men, Leo Yin and Ho Lei Chit would speak only Chinese at any official meeting pretending not to understand English.

  The prestigious Balmoral Hotel in Princes Street was the venue selected by Nugget as it was very unlikely that anyone there would know who he was. Dressed in a sharp pin-striped business suit, Burberry raincoat, with his usual gold jewellery and carrying an expensive briefcase, he looked like any of the distinguished guests milling around the hotel lobby.

  As he waited for the elevator to take him up to the third floor and the pre-arranged meeting he reminded himself to speak slowly and precisely. Otherwise, the Chinese would have no chance of understanding his Scottish accent, even though it was quite refined. His boarding days at Fettes School had ironed out his accent and given him an education that would have eluded most if not all the local criminals in Scotland.

  Mr. Wang welcomed him to the meeting and the two other men sat at the circular desk situated next to the windows overlooking the newly opened Apple Store in Princes Street. Nugget had decided that they were probably there mainly for Mr. Wang’s protection.

  Mr. Wang explained to Nugget that the other two people did not speak English so he would have to translate to them and this would extend the duration of the meeting. Nugget nodded his understanding. Once the formalities were dispensed with they got down to business.

  “Mr. Reid, we are interested in understanding what has happened to Mr. Hunter and why we should be doing business with you in the future. Our organisation does not, as you Westerners say, Like changing sides at half time.”

  Nugget reminded himself to speak slowly and explained to them over the next twenty minutes what had happened and why he was the best person to lead the organisation here. He was also very aware of the importance of face to the Chinese and was careful that he did not expose them to that. He had learnt over the years that the culture of face in China meant that an answer of ‘yes’ was given when they thought they would lose face. The outcome of that meant it was difficult to ascertain what was factual. It was crucial that any question was asked in a way that the person didn’t lose face in their answer.

  After he finished his presentation, tea was poured and the inevitable questions followed. Nugget answered all the questions he felt, to the approval of his audience.

  At the completion of the successful meeting Mr. Wang suggested that they adjourn to the Golden Dragon restaurant only a few minutes’ walk from the hotel to enjoy the cuisine and meet with some local Chinese business people and maybe later seek out a karaoke bar.

  Nugget knew that the Chinese would not give him a decision tonight.

  What the Chinese people didn’t know was that Nugget was totally proficient in Mandarin.

  Chapter 74

  Kevin Wilson looked at his lottery numbers again and again. This can’t be happening. He had six out of the seven numbers required. He checked them for a fifth time. He checked them once again, same result. Second division results could pay out big time.

  He rang his brother who he had shared the ticket with. He was more excited than Kevin. He drove over to his brother’s house in Wallyford. They sat around contemplating how much they may have won and what they would do with the winnings once it was all confirmed tomorrow. Their estimate of five hundred thousan
d quid each would go a long way to making their lives easier.

  Kevin knew then that he had carried out his last unlawful act. This win would allow him to start a new life, maybe Australia. Far away from all this shite here.

  He was so glad that he had decided not to fix the brakes on Sam Cropley’s car as requested. He wasn’t that bad a cop and in a way, he looked after him as his snitch over the years. Sure, he was on the take, but what cop wasn’t? From the somewhat innocent free pint after hours to the acceptance of large amounts of cash. They were all the same, unlawful and really no different to what he did on the side.

  In a city of two football teams, you either supported Dundee or their bitter rivals Dundee United, but the United defeat at the weekend derby generally wasn’t enough reason to take your own life.

  So when both the Mason brothers were found dead from a drug overdose in their flat on Monday morning, the underworld was on edge and the police were on alert.

  Scully took the call from DI Ramsay from the Tayside Police. “James, its Brian here. Haven’t spoken to you since the regional meeting last year in Perth. You sobered up yet?”

  “I’d be a lot better if I didn’t have to talk to you.”

  They had a good relationship over the years. Brian had a wicked sense of humour, a massive work ethic and loved to mix it with the boys at the regional meetings that inevitably ended up in late-night bonding sessions and large hangovers the next day.

  “Suppose you want the run down on the Mason brothers’ deaths?”

  “That would be a good start, Brian.”

  “Well, there won’t be many mourners apart from direct family and we’re not sure if even they will be grieving. These guys were vicious, didn’t care about anyone and unfortunately were the best in the trade as professional hit-men. We suspected them of around three hits in the last couple of years but we couldn’t get near them for a conviction. As I said, too many people were terrified of them. I know you guys are trying to link them to that triple murder in Portobello. They were found this morning by their cleaner around six fifteen and pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital at six fifty-eight am.”


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