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Forming the Company (Alpha World Book 2)

Page 7

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Dropping the gold on the desk, Alburet picked up the paperwork, “Where can I fill this out?”

  “The side boards have pens,” the man pointed before picking up the gold. “Bring it back as quickly as you can, please.”

  The group wandered over to the side of the room to find a long counter with pens on it. Alburet handed off the emblem paperwork to Fluff as he quickly filled out the rest of it. Ten minutes later he was done and Fluff had the emblem finished.

  “Here you go, Al,” Fluffball said, handing over the art.

  It showed a stylized A and C interlocked with each other with flames coming off the top while shadows pooled around the base. “Wow,” he said, showing the others. “That is awesome, Fluff.”

  Fluff blushed, looking away, “It's nothing big.”

  “No, he’s right. That is great work, more so for only ten minutes of work, Fluffball,” Karen enthused and gave the Lunari a hug. “I’m going to have to ask you to design my next tattoo for me now.”

  Fluff went still when she got hugged but a smile crept over her face as Karen spoke. “Okay,” the single word was soft but filled with happiness.

  “Well, we have it, so let's go see the clerk again,” Alburet said, leading them back to the desk. Once there he smiled as the portly man looked up, “Here you go, sir.”

  The man leafed through the paperwork, a smile growing on his face, “Very well done. First time today someone actually did what they were supposed to, on the first try.” He placed the paperwork onto a stack of others before handing Alburet a large bronze disk. “Take that to the information desk and you are ready to go.”

  Thanking him, the group went back to the main desk. “We are back, sir,” Alburet said placing the bronze disk on the desk.

  “Very well,” the clerk said. “How many are in your guild currently?”

  “Us four,” Alburet replied.

  The clerk pulled out four stones, setting them on the desk. “These are Guildstones. They work a lot like Mindstones. Once you pick one up it will ask you to bind to it. Your paperwork should be processed in an hour, at which point they will begin to work. If you want to add anyone else to your guild, just give them a letter and send them to us.”

  They each picked one up, agreeing to Soul Bind it to them. “Many thanks sir, I hope the rest of your night is pleasant.” The women echoed Alburet as they turned and left the building.

  “So how does the crest thing work?” Karen asked. “Is it going to appear with our names or something?”

  Alburet shrugged, as did Stacia. Fluff spoke up a moment later. “Once the guild is formed you will be given the option to have the crest appear on the left breast of whatever clothing or armor you have equipped. You can turn it off or on via the options menu.”

  Alburet opened up his menu, finding the toggle switched on by default and left it there. “Well then ladies, shall we go celebrate our new guild?”

  Karen whooped, “Party. Where do we want to go?”

  Alburet chuckled, “I know a place that Fluff showed me a bit ago. It isn't so much a party place but I loved the atmosphere.”

  Fluff went crimson, her eyes wide as she tried to protest, but no words came from her mouth. Karen upon seeing Fluff like that chuckled, “That sounds perfect. Let's do that.” Karen linked her arm in Fluff's, “I shall escort her, if you escort Stacia.”

  Alburet nodded, taking Stacia's arm, “Let us away then, to celebrate.”

  Fluff was still stammering and red as she let herself be towed along by Karen. “But... but...”

  Karen stroked Fluff's arm where it came through hers. “Shh, it will be fine. I won't let anything happen to you, Fluffball. Can I call you Fluff by the way?”

  Fluff seemed in a state of mild confusion as she nodded, grooming her ear with her free hand, “Okay.”

  A few minutes later they arrived at Heaven Maid. Alburet opened the door for the women before following them in. The women all paused just inside, being greeted by two maids and three butlers.

  Alburet grinned and signaled the elven butler, “If you can take care us while we are here?”

  The butler replied easily as he stood up from his bow, his words like silk as he spoke. “It would be my great honor, Master. Welcome home Mistresses and Master. If you will follow me, please.”

  Alburet motioned the women to follow as he brought up the rear. Once they were seated, the butler left them with menus. As he looked over the menu he noticed Karen staring at him with a raised brow, “Yes?”

  “Seriously, an anime cafe? How is this even here?” Karen asked, her voice filled with incredulity.

  Alburet chuckled, “I like it myself. I always had a good laugh with maid cafes in anime.”

  “I like it as well, master, though it be odd being called mistress.” Stacia said as she snuggled up to his side in the booth. “What do ya think I should get?”

  Fluff spoke slowly, her words soft, “You don't like it, Karen?”

  Shaking her head Karen replied, “No, no, it’s fine actually. I’m just thrown for a loop. I mean, who would have thought this would be here? As soon as news of this hits the web this place is going to get swamped by anime lovers I’m sure, am I right?”

  A small smile crept onto Alburet's face as he studied the menu. He was sure Karen was right. “I had a crepe last time. I'm thinking I’ll go for the omelet this time.”

  “I am going to get a chocolate crepe,” Stacia supplied.

  “Just like Alburet did,” Fluff mumbled, glancing at the duo across from her and Karen.

  “Oh, he got a crepe eh?” Karen smirked at Alburet. “Did he happen to get some on his cheek?”

  Fluff went crimson as she looked away, “Not really.” She quickly groomer her ear.

  Karen glanced at her and giggled, “Oh, you did eh?”

  Fluff turned her face away as the blush spread down her neck. Fluffball didn't answer and Alburet caught Karen's eye and shook his head slightly. Karen sighed slightly and gently touched Fluff's shoulder. “Hey, Fluff. I'm sorry, okay? Sometimes I get a little carried away with my jokes.”

  Fluff looked over at Karen. Seeing the honesty, she nodded. “I forgive you. I'm just not used to people and sometimes it is hard.”

  Karen smiled gently and put her arm around Fluff, “I understand. When I was younger, I was awkward and nervous around people. It can get better. I do like you and want to be able to keep calling you a friend, okay?”

  A bright smile bloomed on Fluffball's face, “Thank you, Karen. I will try harder to accept things as well.”

  “We should both totally get crepes,” Karen replied. “I'll get the banana crepe if you get the strawberry one, deal?”

  “Deal,” Fluff said, feeling some of her natural nervousness slide away.

  Alburet watched the interaction over the top of his menu while squeezing Stacia's hand under the table. “Well, if you are all going to get crepes I should as well. The caramel sounds intriguing to me.”

  Chuckling, Karen winked at him, “Caramel for dessert eh? I can think of things that go well with that.”

  A wicked grin came over Stacia's lips, “Oh, I like tha' idea.”

  Sighing, Alburet was about to reply when the butler came back to the table. They gave him their food orders, along with getting coffee for the table. Once the coffee was brought to them Alburet cleared his throat gently.

  “Ladies, as the leader of our newly formed guild I think I should lay out some ground rules. Firstly, the most important rule: Have fun. Secondly: Enjoy your friends.”

  Alburet was cut off by Karen before he could continue, “I like enjoying my friends. Don't you, Stacia?”

  Stacia giggled, nodding her head in agreement but didn't get a chance to reply as Alburet continued as if he hadn't been cut off. “Thirdly: Respect your fellow Alpha Company members. Fourth, but not least: Accept each other, even the flaws we all have.”

  He paused as Karen rolled her eyes, a smirk twitching his lips. “This deserves a toast. T
o Alpha Company, may we explore, fight monsters and find happiness together.”

  The women all toasted and sipped their coffee along with him. Conversation shifted to different things they’d each found and enjoyed so far until the food came. They each sampled bites from the others crepes, enjoying each flavor. This time no crème ended up on anyone's cheeks. An hour later they departed the cafe, thanking the butler for his service.

  Once out in the street, Fluffball spoke up. “I need to get to bed. I'll be around tomorrow in the late morning until about dinner if you want to group.”

  “Wish I could, but I need to see about getting some of my paperwork in order. I’ll be on maybe a little after noon, so maybe then.” Karen added, “I'm sure Alburet will be around if nothing else.”

  “I will be, feel free to let me know when you’re on.” Alburet replied to the half question with a shrug. “Anyway, I'm going to take Stacia home now. See you two later.”

  Karen chuckled, “I can take her home if you would rather not.”

  Alburet made a shooing gesture, “Away, mynx, tonight she is mine.”

  “I will always be with ya, master,” Stacia said as she hugged his arm that she held.

  “Why don't you walk Fluff home?” Alburet suggested.

  Fluffball shook her head, “No, it’s okay. I will be fine.”

  Karen glanced at her with a small smile, “You sure, Fluff? I kind of like the idea of taking you home.”

  Her face went crimson as Fluff looked at Karen, stammering. “Err... umm...”

  Karen linked arms with her before saying goodbye to the other two. “See you later, alligator. I'm taking the soft one home.”

  Alburet laughed as he waved goodbye before leading Stacia home for the night. As they walked he voiced an opinion, “I’m a little unsure of Karen at times. She is brash, impulse and aggressive most of the time. I wonder if she might not have set her sights on Fluff as an option for romance.”

  “She does like them pliable, master,” Stacia supplied.

  “True enough, I guess, and Fluff is certainly submissive enough to suit her tastes. Enough of them, tonight I am thinking a bath then some quality time with you and possibly with two of you.”

  Stacia shivered at the thought, snuggling his arm tighter, “As master wishes.”

  Chapter Six

  Alburet escorted Stacia into the inn, both of them chuckling at the joke Stacia had just finished, only to be hailed by Alistern at the bar. Alburet slapped Stacia on the ass and told her to go to the room and he would catch up to her there, then made his way over to the bar.

  “Alburet, I have a message scroll for ya from Vladimir Dracon, the Royal Auctioneer.” Alistern held out a scroll sealed with an elaborate wax seal. “Why would he be sendin' ya messages?”

  “I did business with him my first day in the city,” Alburet replied, taking the scroll. “My thanks for keeping it for me.” He dropped a gold onto the counter before weaving his way through the crowd to head upstairs to his room.

  Stacia was putting her daggers away as he entered the room. He smiled at her, then examined the seal on the scroll. It depicted the head of a dragon with its mouth open as if roaring, with a full moon behind it. Alburet cracked the wax open with a thumbnail so he could read the message.


  I request your presence at my office at your earliest possible convenience. If you are unable to attend within four days, please send a message indicating your soonest availability.

  It was signed at the bottom with the name Vladimir Dracon, with another imprinted wax seal next to the signature.

  Alburet put the scroll down, wondering what Vladimir could want. He would be free of obligations until late morning when Fluffball would be on, so he figured that would be a good time to go see the man. He tensed briefly as Stacia hugged him from behind, before relaxing into her embrace.

  “Is everythin' okay, master?”

  “Yes, Kitten. Let me drop my gear off then we can go bathe.”

  While they bathed, he told Stacia about the letter. He noticed her apprehension as he finished speaking. “What is the matter, Kitten?”

  “I have nothin' tha' would be good enough to wear for the royal auction house. I do nay wish to diminish ya stature by showin' up in me leathers.”

  Shaking his head, he pulled her to him, embracing her tightly. “Silly Kitten, you will never diminish me in any way. I am proud to have you on my arm and in my life. If anyone dares to speak down to you, we will simply leave. After all, they asked for this meeting, not me. We can also see about getting you a gown equal to the outfit that I had made by Margret.”

  Stacia leaned into him, pillowing her head onto his chest as he held her, “As ya wish it, master.”

  The rest of the night was spent having wild sex, experimenting with two Stacias. Eventually they fell asleep with Alburet between the two women.

  Alburet woke the next morning to Stacia expertly performing fellatio on him. He shuddered as his orgasm quickly followed his waking. Panting heavily, he glanced down at Stacia as she grinned up at him once she released his softening member.

  “Mornin', master,” she said softly as she slid up his body to cuddle him. “I will be here with food in just a moment.”

  Alburet chuckled, “Now that is multitasking.” He kissed her before getting them both out of bed and dressed. They had just taken their seats when the second Stacia came in the door with a tray of food. “There is part of the woman I love.”

  Stacia set the tray on the table and collected a kiss. “Breakfast is served, even iffin I already had a good shot of protein.”

  Laughing, Alburet shook his head as he dismissed the double. “Okay, if I let you do that too often I might not be able to make it out the door.”

  The real Stacia half pouted at him, “But it be so much fun, master. Me sister had no idea that ya was filling me mouth while I spoke with her.”

  Alburet coughed at the mental image, “I'm sure, Kitten. We’re going to go see Vladimir this morning, so let's eat up.”

  Breakfast was eaten in comfortable silence. Once the food was done and they were dressed, they headed out. As they reached the taproom Erin looked up, her eyes widening as she saw Alburet in his expensive outfit.

  Alburet chuckled at her expression as he tipped an imaginary hat at her, leading Stacia out the door. Glancing back at Erin, he saw her still staring and winked before shutting the door. Chuckling, he escorted Stacia around the corner where they could flag down a carriage.

  When he got one to stop he tossed the man a silver and asked to be taken to the royal auction house. The trip was uneventful and soon the carriage came to a stop. He got out before helping Stacia out, taking her arm as he led her to the door.

  Stacia gasped at how richly appointed the building was, looking around the main room. They were met by the same man Alburet encountered the first time. “Hello again,” Alburet said as he held out the scroll. “I was asked to come and speak with Vladimir.”

  The curator gave a small bow, but his eyes narrowed slightly at Stacia's outfit. “Of course, sir. If you will follow me please.”

  They were led to the same office Alburet had visited before. Vladimir looked up, a smile coming to his lips as they were ushered in. “Ah, Alburet. Glad you could make it.” He looked at Stacia, coming to his feet and giving her a small bow. “I don't believe I have had the pleasure, madam. I am Vladimir Dracon, the Royal Auctioneer.”

  Alburet chuckled as he held a seat for Stacia. “This is Stacia Crowley. She is a friend of mine as well as soon to be my wife.”

  Vladimir blinked slowly once, the only sign of his surprise. “Ah, a double pleasure then. Wonderful to see that even the two-souled can find love.” He took his seat again after Stacia was seated, “Renful, bring some tea for my guests, please.”

  The curator bowed, “As you wish, sir.” Renful exited the room, closing the door softly.

  “Well then Alburet, would you like to spend some time on pleasantrie
s or get right to business?” Vladimir asked with a slight smirk.

  “I have a feeling you know more about me than many in the city, Vladimir. While I don't mind the general pleasantries, I would rather hear why you requested my presence.”

  “Indeed,” the smirk became slightly more pronounced. “Last week during the ball held at the castle I gifted a book and a letter opener to the King. He didn't understand the significance right away, though once Ioaniss got a hold of them the King was soon informed of their provenance. The King then requested to have the person who found the items informed that he is requested at the castle to speak with Ioaniss Jones about the location of where the items were found.”


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