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Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set

Page 23

by D. H. Cameron

  “As long as you’re by my side, I feel like I can do anything,” I said.

  “You don’t need me. You can do anything all by yourself. But I’m glad you want me around,” Margo replied.

  “I think we make a good team,” I told her.

  “I think we make a good couple,” she clarified.

  “Yeah, a couple. I like that. Lovers. Partners?” I reiterated, almost asking.

  “Partners,” Margo affirmed. She wrapped me into her arms. Suddenly, I wasn’t thinking about whether or not this relationship might work. I was thinking about long term. Maybe I was a lesbian but I didn’t think so. Not like Margo, anyway. Bisexual, yes...probably. Whatever I was, the labels didn’t matter. Margo made me feel special in a way I’d never felt before. She made me want to be brave and courageous. She made me want to live life to the fullest. But best of all, I think I fulfilled some need in her. That’s what made me feel better than anything else.

  “I love you, Margo,” I said and kissed the sexy lesbian. “Tell me I’m not dreaming,” I urged after we parted.

  “I love you too, Emily. You’re not dreaming. In fact, I think this is only the beginning of something special,” she said giving words to what I was feeling.

  “Me too,” was all I said. You never know when love is going to find you or what form it might take. I certainly couldn’t have predicted this but that’s part of what made it so satisfying. My life had been turned upside down, and for the better, but I couldn’t begin to imagine how this might turn out. I suspected it would shock me as deeply as falling for another woman had. I couldn’t wait to find out.


  Back to the Beginning

  Rock & Roll Curves

  I’ve always loved rock and roll. From the Stones to Boston to Guns N Roses to Metallica, I love it all. I love the men too. There’s nothing sexier than a rock star. The look, the attitude and the presence all drive me wild. I guess that’s why I do what I do. I promise you, my mom wouldn’t have chosen this for me. She would much rather I finished college and got a respectable job but that wasn’t me.

  After my second year, I left college and went to school to learn to tend bar. Look, it’s a great job. The world needs people who can tend bar. It’s recession proof. Most of all, however, it allows me to work around what I love, rock music and the men that make it. That’s how I found myself at the Razor’s Edge, a seedy but popular rock and roll club just beyond the glitz and glamour of downtown Reno.

  “Darcy, you got any Jack down there?” Tiff called out to me. I could barely hear her above the music and the crowd.

  “Um...yeah, here you go,” I yelled back and tossed her a bottle of Jack Daniel’s whiskey. It was probably the most popular booze we served and it wasn’t uncommon to have to stock the bar with it several times a night.

  “Thanks!” Tiff shouted back as I went back to work. Saturday’s were always crazy but tonight even more so. Dark Fire Love was playing tonight to a packed house. Prancer, an eighties style, glam rock cover band was warming up the crowd while Tiff and I tried to keep up with the crowd that stood three deep at the bar. I’d have been overwhelmed anywhere else but here it was mostly beer, whiskey mixed with something and shots.

  Prancer, who styled themselves after Poison, always finished with their own version of “Talk Dirty to Me” on steroids. The crowd loved it, singing along on the chorus and waving their hands in the air. Even Tiff and I joined in. Our dancing and singing behind the bar was part of the show. Prancer was a regular at the Razor’s Edge and we knew all their songs by heart. Tiff and I stopped serving drinks for a moment and bumped hips as we sang the chorus showing the first-timers at the club how it was done. I shook my auburn hair and my big ass like I just didn’t care.

  I loved this part of the job but I could never quite get over the way it made me feel. Tiff was a hottie, your typical blonde rock diva with big boobs, a tight body and big hair. I was anything but. As she bumped my lush hips with her own hard body, I couldn’t help but be reminded that I was a big girl in a world that usually demanded skinny and hot. Plus size girls like me just didn’t fit the mold. I mean how many fat girls have you seen in a rock video?

  Still, I tried not to let it bother me, even when Tiff would catch the eye of one band or another’s lead singer and I’d have to listen to her go on about how good he was in the sack the following night. I settled for torrid fantasies instead of reality most of the time. Heck, I’d give up my fantasies for one mediocre night with one of the sexy guys that rocked the Razor’s Edge. In the three years I’d been here, however, I had yet to attract even one millionth of the attention Tiff had.

  Prancer finished their set and as usual, after they cleared the stage they came over to get their free drinks. Of course, the attention I did get was from Randy, Prancer’s drummer. Don’t get me wrong, these guys rocked, but they were all closer to forty than thirty and Randy had taken to wearing a backwards ball cap to hide his thinning hair. Unfortunately, he couldn’t hide that spare tire or the wedding ring.

  “Hey, Darc. What’s shaken?” Randy asked as he walked around behind the bar as if he owned the place. As usual, he was undressing me with his eyes. Why did the only member of a band that seemed to acknowledge I existed for anything beyond serving booze have to be a guy that made my skin crawl?

  “Hi, Randy. The usual?” I asked trying to avoid engaging him.

  “I was thinking of trying something different, babe. How about a Darcy on the rocks?” Randy said. I caught Tiff rolling her eyes and retching dramatically. Randy was feeling his oats tonight.

  “How about a cold shower?” I replied as I mixed up his usual, cranberry with a splash of vodka.

  “C’mon, babe. You know you want some of this,” Randy said as he spread his arms, wiggled his fingers and pumped his hips inviting me to partake. Ugh! Thankfully, Tiff came to my rescue. Even though she was stunningly sexy, she was a real sweetheart and my best friend. Tiff took the cranberry and vodka from my hand and walked over to Randy.

  “If Darc doesn’t want a piece of you then maybe...,” Tiff said suggestively as she handed Randy the drink. She bit her lower lip and flashed her big baby blues at Randy, “ should go home to your wife and kids.” Randy’s hopeful smile turned to an embarrassed frown. Tiff shook her head and walked away. I had to give it to Randy. He thought he was pretty hot stuff but he never had a chance with Tiff. Even I wasn’t desperate enough to take Randy up on his offer.

  “Fine, maybe I will,” Randy said as if that was some kind of threat.

  “Good, Randy. You do that,” Tiff replied dismissively. I felt bad for Gertrude, Randy’s wife. She was a nice woman, though a little plain. OK, a lot plain and with body of a ten year old boy and the face of an old Russian peasant woman. And that unibrow. Still, she deserved better than Randy and his attempted philandering. Lucky for Gertrude, no one else would have him.

  “Night, Randy!” I said and went back to work. He sulked away and was forgotten completely as the stage went black. I filled a few last orders and then I stood back away from the bar. I’d been waiting for this moment since I saw Dark Fire Love was scheduled and I wasn’t going to miss it serving drinks. The band had just signed a big recording contract but they were still playing these smaller venues as they worked on their first album. But it wasn’t only their music I was interested in.

  Suddenly, the stage lit up and Dark Fire Love broke into their cover of Guns N Roses’ “Welcome the Jungle”. They had plenty of original stuff but this was one of those songs that got the crowd pumped up and ready for more. I looked all over but I didn’t see him. Then, just when I thought it was too late and he’d miss the first lines of the song, Gage dashed on stage, grabbed the microphone stand and skid to a stop on his knees at the edge of the stage.

  Gage Tucker was everything a rock star should be. He was tall and athletic, dark hair cropped close to his head with dark eyes to match. He wore faded jeans, an open button down shirt showing off his muscular ches
t and abs and snakeskin cowboy boots. I’d had a crush on Gage since Dark Fire Love broke onto the rock scene a few months back but this was the first time I’d seen him in person. I could feel a pleasant, tingling warmth grow between my thighs as I watched him perform.

  Gage and the rest of Dark Fire Love rocked the house mixing covers in with their own music, all of it hard, grinding rock and roll. I was swept up in the show, as was Tiff, and could barely concentrate on my job. Fortunately, the crowd was into the show as much as we were and few of them were looking for drinks. Good thing because Gage had my full attention as he rocked out on stage. I couldn’t help but imagine him looming over me as he made love to me.

  Before I knew it and long before I wanted, the show was over. My heart was pumping and I felt a pang of desperation as Gage left the stage, now only in his jeans and boots, his shirt long since torn off. He sported a barbed wire heart tattoo on one arm and some kind of symbol on his chest. I wished I had Tiff’s body. I’d have a shot at a guy like Gage if I looked like my best friend, However, being big like I was probably meant there was no way Gage would give me a second look, especially standing next to Tiff. I’d have to settle for fantasies.

  The crowd thinned considerably after the show but some patrons chose to hang out at the club. Tiff and I began to get ready to close while we mixed drinks now and then for the stragglers. I looked up as I was washing glasses, noticing someone was waiting at the bar, and I found myself face to face with Gage Tucker. He had tossed on a t-shirt but he still looked good. “Can we get a round, sweetheart?” he asked. My heart skipped a beat and my jeans suddenly felt hot and moist.

  “Um...yeah, sure,” I replied as I dried my hands.

  “Fantastic, how about a round of Sierra Nevada’s and some shots of Jack,” Gage said. I just stared at him, captivated by his dark eyes, not quite believing I was actually serving Gage Tucker drinks. “Is there a problem?” he asked after a moment as I gazed dumbfounded.

  “Sorry, no. I’ll get that going for you,” I said shocked back to reality.

  “Good girl,” Gage replied and smiled warmly. I felt my knees wobble as I went to retrieve the beers.

  “Tiff, you want to pour some shots of Jack?” I asked Tiff but she was already on it.

  “Got it,” she replied. We came back to the bar opposite the band at about the same moment. Tiff had that look in her eye. Her already considerable chest was puffed out and she flashed her pearly white’s as she shook her blonde tresses. “You guys rocked it tonight,” she said casually. I wished I had her confidence, not to mention her slim figure.

  “Thanks, doll,” Gage replied and then downed his shot. The rest of the band took seats at a nearby table but Gage seemed content to hang out at the bar. I wanted to talk with him, hell, I wanted to climb over the bar and jump his bones, but I couldn’t get myself to do it. Instead went back to washing glasses. Tiff had this one. She had all of them.

  “You know, I love your music. It really speaks to me,” Tiff told Gage. I rolled my eyes as I concentrated on my task. I’d heard that one before. A lot of these guys lapped up her compliments like a kitten laps up milk, especially when she was shaking her tits in their face. Now Tiff was working on the guy I had a major crush on and after she fucked him silly, I’d get to hear all about it. Wonderful!

  “Yeah, thanks,” Gage said dismissively. He didn’t sound as if he was going to fall for Tiff’s moves. Dark Fire Love was going big time. Gage had probably seen girls like Tiff all over the west coast. Hell, he’d probably bedded a thousand girls like her. He’d probably heard it all. Gage wasn’t fronting some garage band desperate to get discovered. He probably wasn’t as easily swayed by Tiff’s flattery as most of the struggling rockers were that played the Razor’s Edge.

  “So, sexy. What are you doing when you get off work?” Gage asked. Maybe I was wrong. Tiff didn’t respond, however. I figured she’d jump on an offer like that right away. Then she bumped me with her hip and cleared her throat. I looked up at her and she nodded towards Gage. I turned my attention to him and found Gage staring at me expectantly. “So, what are you doing?” he asked again.

  “Me?” I wondered aloud.

  “Yeah,” Gage replied. I realized my mouth had fallen open. I closed it and swallowed hard.

  “Um...nothing. Why?” I asked.

  “You want to go out, get a bite to eat or whatever?” Gage asked. Was he serious? I looked over at Tiff. She had a big goofy smile on her face and she elbowed me subtly as she watched the show. She was so hot, so pretty. Why was Gage asking me out?

  “Yes, she’d love to go out. She’s kind of quiet,” Tiff announced on my behalf. It wasn’t true. I might not have been good with the guys but I wasn’t shy or quiet. I’m glad she did it though. “In fact, I’ll close up for her. You can take her right now if you want,” Tiff added. I looked at Gage and then back at Tiff.

  “Yeah? Thanks, blondie,” Gage told my best friend and then looked at me, “Shall we?”

  What the hell? Was I in the freakin’ Twilight Zone? Was I on Candid Camera? “Yeah, OK,” I said as I found my wits again. I untied my little apron folded it up and turned to get my purse and keys but Tiff already had them. She handed them to me and leaned close.

  “Oh my God, Darcy. I want to hear all about this. Every juicy detail. Good luck. You took your birth control this morning, didn’t you?” Tiff whispered. I rolled my eyes at that comment.

  “Tiff, I’m pretty sure he’s not going to take me to bed. Please,” I replied. Tiff looked at me with a stern glare.

  “Not with that attitude. This is your chance. I know you like him. Go get him, sexy,” Tiff said. I rolled my eyes again. She was always telling me how pretty I was and how sometimes she wished she had my curves. That was nice but I never took it seriously. I mean, look at her. Tiff was gorgeous. Why would she want to look like me? Still, I appreciated her encouragement.

  “All right, I’ll try,” I replied. Tiff hugged me and then pushed me away.

  “She’s all yours, Gage,” Tiff announced as she spun me around to face the sexy rock star. My stomach was full of butterflies and I felt as if I might get sick or maybe pass out. Damn, he was so sexy. I couldn’t help imagining him naked suddenly. If he looked half as good in real life as he did in my head...

  “All right. Let’s go,” Gage said as he walked to the side of the bar and lifted the hinged section for me. This was all so...unusual. I wasn’t a virgin and I’d had a few boyfriends here and there. Working at a rock club meant there were plenty of drunk and horny guys but I wasn’t getting picked up like this very often. I wanted to believe Gage was interested in me but something told me that wasn’t his intention. However, I couldn’t figure out what his real intentions might be.

  “Thanks,” I said as I ducked under his arm and out from behind the bar. Gage let the hinged section back down and then his hand slipped behind me. I know I stiffened at his touch but damn it felt nice.

  “Darcy, that’s a nice name. I’m Gage but I bet you know that already,” Gage said without a hint of arrogance.

  “Yeah, hi,” I replied. We walked out of the club and then Gage stopped.

  “I feel like a schmuck asking but do you mind driving? I’ve just got the van we rented and I can’t leave the rest of the band stranded,” Gage asked. Gage Tucker, in my car? Holy shit!

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” I replied and then asked, “What are you hungry for?” We found my car and got in. I started it and pulled out of my parking space and then stopped at the approach and waited for traffic to clear.

  “Honestly, you,” he said. I didn’t get it at first. I saw an opening in the traffic and took it.

  “Huh?” I asked as we pulled out of the parking lot. Once I was on the road, I looked over at Gage. He wore a devilish grin. “Oh,” I remarked as I finally took his meaning.

  “Sorry, I don’t believe in playing games. You’re making me hard, Darc,” Gage told me. I blushed deeply at that. I didn’t know what to say. Thankfully,
Gage didn’t leave me hanging. “Sorry, didn’t mean to embarrass you. You’re really hot, that’s all. I’m having all sorts of naughty thoughts about you. Why don’t you just take me back to the Pioneer and I’ll show you what I’m thinking,” Gage said and I just stared at him.

  I didn’t think he’d want anything to do with me, especially with Tiff around. I certainly didn’t think he was interested in anything more than dinner with me. Maybe I was naive but I just figured if Gage was looking for a night of hot sex, he’d have chosen Tiff.

  “Are you serious?” I asked half scared he wasn’t and half scared he was.

  “Yeah, sorry. I know I’m coming on strong but when I see something I want, I go for it. It’s just how I live. Look, if you want to get some food and talk, fine. I’d rather just get you naked and rock your world,” Gage explained. I wasn’t expecting to have this choice before me but now that I did, I wasn’t going to pass it up. A night with Gage Tucker, are you kidding? I didn’t understand why but I wasn’t stupid. I had an opening in the traffic so I down-shifted and flipped a U-turn.

  “I know a shortcut,” I said. Gage smiled devilishly at me while I grinned like a fool. I stole a look at him and there was a thick ridge in his tight jeans.

  “That’s a good girl,” he said. I had no idea what I was in for. I wouldn’t have changed my mind if I did but I wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen. I valet parked my car at the Pioneer, one of the big casinos downtown, and then Gage hustled me upstairs. He seemed eager. Honestly, so was I. Nevertheless, I was still trying to wrap my head around my good fortune. We rode the elevator past the last floor on the panel to the exclusive suites beyond.

  “Compliments of the record company,” Gage explained as we entered his suite. It was as big as my mom’s house, maybe bigger, with European decor, modern furniture and a wall of windows overlooking Reno.


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