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Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set

Page 25

by D. H. Cameron

  “Yeah, right there is good,” Gage said and looked around for his pants. The man rolled the cart within a few feet of the day bed, his mind on his task and probably not expecting to encounter a plump, naked girl tied up in the middle of the night. Then he saw me. I smiled at him and he smiled back nervously. “Here you go,” Gage said handing the waiter a hundred dollar bill. He walked the man back to the door still naked and said, “Have a nice night.” The man looked back once or twice on the way, probably trying to convince himself he’d really seen what he’d just seen. Gage came back and went right back to untying me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked half angry, half amused and completely puzzled.

  “What?” Gage wondered innocently.

  “I’m naked and tied up. I’m covered in...,” I said not really needing to finish the thought to get my point across. Gage laughed.

  “Who cares, you’ll never see him again. Besides, he’s going to be telling that story for the rest of his life. Maybe his wife or girlfriend will get the shagging of her life because of it,” Gage told me. He finally freed me and I sat up. His orgasm dripped off my face and onto my ample breasts. I punched Gage in the arm, though playfully. “Ouch!” he cried.

  “That’s for leaving me tied up and letting that guy in,” I said and then wrapped my arms around Gage and kissed him, pressing the mess all over me against his chest. “And that’s for everything else. You’re amazing. Thank you,” I said.

  “Glad you liked it,” he said and then got up and started unveiling our dinner, midnight snack, breakfast, whatever. I was hungry before we did...well, whatever you call what we’d just done but now I was famished. Gage made me a plate from the various trays and then sat next to me as we ate. Wow! Not only did I have sex with Gage Tucker, but now we were eating together naked. This was unreal. Tiff probably wouldn’t believe a word of it if she didn’t see me leave with Gage. I couldn’t wait to tell her.


  I woke up and looked at the alarm clock. 10:47? Wow, I’d slept like a rock. I turned over to see if Gage was still sleeping but the bed was empty. I rubbed my eyes and climbed out of bed. I looked for a robe, out of habit, but decided after the previous night it didn’t matter. The bathroom was empty as was the room with the day bed. In fact, after a couple of laps around the suite, it was like Gage had never been there.

  I wasn’t sure how that made me feel. The night before was pretty awesome. I’d done stuff I’d never done before, stuff that was probably illegal in a lot of states. Gage seemed really cool afterwards too. We ate and talked for a while and he invited me to stay. Actually, he insisted. I fell asleep in his arms, I think. So where was he? Waking up alone in a strange hotel suite was kind of weird.

  I grabbed my clothes, got dressed and then left. It felt weird to stay, even to shower. In fact, taking a shower in that big hotel room alone would have been even creepier. I handed the guy my valet ticket and a few minutes later, I was on my way home. I tried really hard not to let my mind go there, you know where, but it was already out the door and on the way. I felt used, like just another fuck in a long line of fucks. Did gage pick me because he thought I was pretty and sexy or because he thought I’d be desperate enough to let him do those things to me?

  I hated thinking that. Not that I was worried about Gage and his reputation. I was worried about what that said about me. It made sense. Tiff didn’t need to do stuff like that. Guys were just happy to get a shot at a girl like her. Even guys like Gage. Me, on the other hand, I was an easier target. A big girl that was all too eager to let some kinky freak have his way with her. I didn’t want to go there either, but I did.

  How could I let him demean me like that? I tried to remind myself that I’d liked all that kinky stuff. I liked it a lot. However, my mind was off on its own and I was only along for the ride. Growing up overweight had taught me to think like this. Too often, it was true. People treated me differently. People made fun. Tiff was an exception. She wasn’t one of the pretty girls that teased me, or worse yet, took pity on me. No, she liked me for who I was.

  My dad leaving when I was six didn’t help. My mom was big too and Joe, as I’d come to refer to him instead of dad, found a thinner woman after years of badgering my mom about her weight. I’d had a whole life of people who showed me that being fat made me less than other people. Other than my mom and Tiff, most people either laughed at me or pitied me. I wasn’t Darcy, I was the fat girl. I thought, to my utter disappointment, that maybe Gage was different. Maybe he was but if that were true, why did he leave? I just couldn’t believe it, however.

  I had to tell Tiff but my triumphant tale had turned sour. I tried to put a happy face on it, pretend it didn’t bother me that I woke up alone but Tiff could tell something wasn’t right. I definitely took no pleasure from my telling her. All day Sunday, my day off, I pondered the situation. I kept coming back to the same conclusion. If Gage really liked me, he would have been there. You didn’t do that to a girl you liked. You didn’t leave her without so much as a goodbye or even a note. However, why he did it was the real question. Was it because I was an easy mark or was it because he came to his senses and realized I wasn’t as pretty as he thought in the harsh light of day? Tiff had a different take on the situation, however.

  “You don’t seem very excited,” she observed after I’d filled her in when we showed up for work the next day. Mondays were always slow but the club was a bar as well as a music venue and in Reno, people wanted a place to drink every day of the week and at all hours of the day.

  “I’m a little upset that I woke up alone,” I told her hinting at why the night had been tainted.

  “Why?” Tiff asked and scrunched her face up.

  “Why? It made me feel...used,” I told her.

  “Used? Didn’t you get a fabulous night of kinky sex with an up and coming rock star? How did you get used?” she asked. I’d already thought about that. Honestly, I was tip-toeing around the truth. I didn’t want to tell Tiff that it was my weight that was really bothering me.

  “I’m not you. I don’t do one night stands very well, especially when the guy is just looking for an easy target,” I said.

  “Being an easy target is what gets me a lot of...oh, I get it now. This isn’t about a one-nighter. You feel used because you think Gage Tucker picked you because you’re big and, therefore, easy. Geez, Darcy, when are you going to get over it? So you’re big. You’re pretty and funny and sexy, or you would be if you’d just stop worrying about your weight all the time,” Tiff said zeroing in on the truth.

  “Says the girl with the perfect body,” I countered. Tiff shot me a look that reminded me of the one my mom gave me when I used to get in trouble.

  “You just don’t get it. It’s not my body. I can show you a thousand girls with so-called perfect bodies that aren’t pretty or sexy and a thousand girls with so-called imperfect bodies that can steal guys right from under my nose. It’s not about my body or yours. It’s how you present it and your attitude. I get guys because I shake my tits, smile a lot and show them I’m interested in them,” Tiff said but she wasn’t done lecturing me. I continued to clean and organize the bar as she did.

  “You always dress the part. Your ass looks great in your tight jeans and you always show a lot of cleavage. You’re a buxom little firecracker. But when a guy approaches, you hide. You go away. You don’t engage them even if they seem interested. As soon as a guy shows you a little attention, you shrink away and start worrying about how you look and comparing yourself to me. Fine, I’m blessed with a so-called perfect body but Gage all but ignored me last night and went right for you. Doesn’t that tell you something?” she reasoned. I wasn’t buying it, however, and I told her everything.

  “Look, he took me back to his suite, tied me up and fucked me. It was fantastic, but you can’t stand there and tell me he picked me instead of you because he thought I was sexier. He picked me because I’m fat and easier to sweet talk into handcuffs. The fact he was gone like he
’d never even been there proves it,” I told Tiff, no longer cleaning but instead facing her and wringing the life out of a poor dishtowel. Tiff grabbed my arm and we moved off to the side. One of the tech guys was trying to appear as if he hadn’t heard the whole thing. I blushed, but whatever.

  “OK, fine. Say you’re right and I’m wrong, Darcy. Let’s just pretend Gage saw you and thought you’d be an easy mark. So what? You had a night of wild, satisfying sex, even you admit that, and now you’re upset. Did you think he was going to ask you to marry him? It was sex. You’re so lucky and you don’t even know it,” Tiff reasoned but more quietly than before.

  “Like I said, I don’t do the casual sex thing like you. I’m not good at it. And in any case, I don’t like the idea of some guy picking me up just because I’m fat,” I reiterated.

  “Even if he did it because he loves girls like you? What if Gage just gets off on curvy girls instead of skinny girls? You ever think of that?” Tiff asked. I had. I kind of dismissed that idea. If that were true, why did he leave without so much as a goodbye? I wish I was more like Tiff. Yeah, I’d kill for her body but it was more her attitude that I envied. As much as I hated to admit it, I really liked Gage. He did things to me no guy ever had. He did seem to like my body. He said as much too.

  I guess I was hoping for something more. I was probably being silly and naive but I could get laid if I wanted. I didn’t want random sex though. I wanted more. I wanted to feel loved. Yeah, it was my childhood. Joe, my dad, leaving my mom and me was part of it. Always feeling the outcast because of my weight was too. I just wanted a guy to look past all that and love me for who I was but part of me didn’t really believe that would ever happen. Waking up alone in Gage’s hotel room alone just reinforced it.

  “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. You’re probably right and it was fun. He’s gone now and I’ll get over it. I just wish I could be more like you and separate the physical and the emotional,” I said.

  “It’s a learned behavior. Look, I get hooked on a guy now and then too. I just figure that when he doesn’t return my affection, it wasn’t meant to be. You know, I love you, right?” Tiff told me.

  “Yeah, I love you too. Even if you are a skinny bitch,” I joked. Tiff laughed and hugged me. The tech was still eyeing us. Tiff grabbed my ass and pretended to kiss my neck suddenly. I giggled. What was she doing?

  “Why don’t you take a picture, Alex? It’ll last longer,” Tiff shouted. Alex looked away and pretended he wasn’t watching us at all. Tiff let me go and we got back to work. I felt better and even a little silly. She was right. Gage, no matter why he picked me, gave me a night I’ll never forget. I shouldn’t let the fact he wasn’t there in the morning taint that. It was what it was. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder.

  It was stupid and juvenile but part of me pined for Gage. Sure he was hot and sexy but it was more than that. I liked the way he treated me. He actually did seem to be into me. He did, in fact, rock my world. I knew part of it was the emotions that came along with that. I shouldn’t expect a guy like Gage to fall for a girl like me, not when he was just beginning his own rock and roll dreams. But the idea tugged at me and colored my memory of our night together.

  Whatever. I had to let it go. Gage wasn’t coming back like some Prince Charming to carry me off in his carriage and profess his undying love. That was a silly fairytale and I was a silly girl for even thinking it. Tiff was right, though. If I ever wanted to find that, I needed to stop being afraid of myself. I needed to stop being afraid of rejection. I needed to be more like Tiff.


  That next Saturday night, I decided to see what a little sex appeal and attitude could do for me. I showed up to work in black patent pumps, fishnets, a tiny little black skirt, a red bustier and a whole lot of makeup and lip-gloss. I teased my hair up more than usual and even wore studded leather bracelets and plenty of jewelry. Tiff’s eyes lit up when she saw me.

  “Holy shit, girl! You’re smokin’!” she exclaimed. I tried not to feel self-conscience. I was supposed to be confident and sexy.

  “You like?” I said and twirled around to show her the whole thing.

  “Hot!” Tiff said. She was in torn jeans that rode low on her hips, a halter top that showed off her tight and tanned belly and sequined purple pumps. We were quite the pair.

  “I decided to take your advice. I’m going to look and act sexy instead of worrying about my weight,” I told her.

  “Good for you! You are so going to get laid in that outfit,” she said. That was my plan. I decided to be more like her. Besides, maybe another guy might drive Gage out of my head since he refused to get out on his own. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and our night together. I kept telling myself it was the torrid sex that generated these emotions but I wasn’t so sure. It didn’t matter though. Gage was gone and I had to move on.

  Prancer was up again tonight, but they were the headliner. Opening for them was a new band at the Razor’s Edge. They were a local garage band called Opulent. They were supposed to be more punk and grunge but I liked it all. The crowd wasn’t as big as the previous weekend when Dark Fire Love was on the bill but Reno had a decent rock scene and weekends were always busy.

  Opulent wasn’t half bad. They weren’t as polished as a lot of other bands but all their stuff was original. They were pretty wild too. The lead guitarist had a mohawk two feet tall and the singer was in nothing but old combat boots and his white Fruit of the Looms. What they lacked in showmanship, however, they made up for with their energy and raw talent.

  Prancer, as usual, was a lot of fun. Their brand of eighties rock always got the crowd fired up. Even though they were all older guys, they had a ton of energy and more importantly they knew how to get the crowd going. By the end of the show, the crowd was all on their feet and dancing. Tiff and I served up drinks and neither of us had time to tempt the male patrons.

  But as the crowd filtered out of the club, Opulent came out of the back. The lead singer was still mostly naked and I couldn’t ignore his body. He was muscled up, covered in tattoos and his briefs failed to hide his considerable manhood. Tiff caught me looking.

  “Go for it!” she said. I looked at her and she nodded towards the half-naked singer.

  “Yeah?” I wondered.

  “Why not? You’re hall of fame material if you can bed two lead singers in a week,” she observed. I rolled my eyes as he wandered up to the bar, cocky and full of himself. Tiff thrust her chest out and flashed her big smile but not at Opulent’s lead singer. She was reminding me what to do. I went over to him and made sure I leaned over almost far enough to let my breasts escape the bustier and smiled at him.

  “What can I get you?” I asked.

  “How about a Jack and Coke, sweets,” he said. He had already been drinking, but that wasn’t unusual. Most of these guys drank a lot. I poured his drink and brought it to him. I took a deep breath and got ready to emulate Tiff and stroke this guy’s ego.

  “I’m Darcy,” I told him.

  “Quentin. Nice to meet you,” he said staring at my tits.

  “You were fantastic tonight. Your music really speaks to me. It’s so exciting and the way you sing it makes me weak in the knees,” I said. That was probably overboard but what the hell.

  “Yeah? Thanks,” he replied even more puffed up now.

  “I’d love to show you how much I loved it,” I said. Quentin looked me up and down.

  “Is that so? What did you have in mind?” he asked obviously interested. This was easy. I guess I always knew that as a female of the species getting laid wasn’t a problem, even you were plus sized. However, I’d never really tried this aggressively.

  “Why don’t we get out of here and I’ll show you,” I replied.

  “I’m all over that,” he said. I turned to look at Tiff and she gave me a big thumbs up. She could handle things. Hell, I’d done it enough times for her. Quentin joined me at the side of the bar as I opened the hinged section and we headed for the d
oor. Maybe Tiff knew what she was talking about. Quentin was sexy as hell and a rock star, sort of. It was easy and he couldn’t take his eyes off me. I had a feeling Gage was going to be history.


  Twenty minutes later, Quentin wiggled from under me. I’d barely sucked his cock for two minutes. He was hung and hard as iron. I wanted him inside me but I could take a little more time. He apparently couldn’t. He climbed behind me and grabbed my hips. Without a word, he pulled me to him and slammed his cock into me. I was aroused but still. Whatever. I guess I could deal with it. If he wanted to fuck me all night instead of messing around first, that was fine by me.

  “Oh yeah, Darcy. Your ass is so fucking big. Shit!” Quentin said as he thrust away like a horny rabbit. I tried to get into it and his fat shaft was beginning to do the trick. I’d prefer it if he slowed down a little but this would work, eventually. I couldn’t help compare this to Gage and it wasn’t much of a comparison. This wasn’t the same but I wasn’t giving up on Quentin just yet.

  “Slow down, baby. Enjoy it. You’re cock feels so good. I want to come all over that big thing,” I said hoping to get Quentin to ease up just a little.

  “Oh fuck! Oh Fuck! OH FUCK!” Quentin shouted as he pulled out of me and blew his load all over my back. I looked back as he jerked his cock. Really? Was he kidding? “Fuck, Darcy! That was some good shit. Wow!” he said as he wiped his cock on my ass and then pulled up his briefs. He crawled next to me, kissed me and thanked me. Then he left.

  What the fuck? I was still on my hands and knees. I’d been home for like ten minutes. I hadn’t even had an orgasm. I wasn’t really even close. To top it all off, my back was covered in his orgasm. What a fucking jerk! If this was what Tiff was into, count me out. I thought I felt used when I woke up alone in Gage’s apartment. This was ridiculous. I wasn’t hurt as much as I was angry.


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