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Changing Lanes (Bounty County Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Maren Lee

  Is this even real life? How is this my life in Montana of all places?

  Lane sighed and tried to clear her mind for the next 30 minutes. It didn’t happen, but she sure tried. As she walked out of the room, she felt even more tense. Sitting through more girl talk while they all got pedicures, she just couldn’t let it go. She smiled and went through the motions. When Chloe announced to everyone her big news, Lane hugged and laughed with them all and wiped away Sierra’s happy tears for her cousin. But she still couldn’t shake that awful feeling.

  Lane was thankful when they were done. She was numb.

  On her drive home from the Lodge, she tried to process everything Chloe told her. Was she making it too big of a deal? Were her feelings of anger and confusion justified? Ugh. Lane wanted to scream, cry, and punch Jake for being such a manwhore. And then suddenly it hit her. Nausea. She pulled over on the side of the highway and threw open her door. It was mere seconds before she vomited up the cucumber sandwiches and champagne onto the dusty asphalt. Lane finished and took a deep breath. The cool mountain air filled her lungs. Shit.

  It wasn’t the first time a panic attack had induced vomiting, but it was the first time it ever happened while she was driving. Lane walked shakily to the back of her white Land Cruiser, pulled out a bottle of water and took a pull on it. Much better. She took a few more deep breaths, and climbed back into the driver’s seat. Thank God she didn't lose her lunch in the cab. Other than her house, her Land Cruiser was her favorite addition to her life after moving out West. It was nice having all that money saved up.

  Lane put the car in drive and headed home. She needed to lay down and she needed time to process this new information.


  Jake hadn’t heard from Lane all day. He knew she was at the spa with her girlfriends, but he thought he would have heard from her by now. He didn't have to work, so he’d spent the day getting shit done around his house, running some errands, and picking up groceries for dinner (and breakfast and lunch - yeah, he was basically making himself at home) at Lane’s. But it was 6:00 in the evening already. She hadn’t answered his calls and she wasn’t responding to his texts. Jake was starting to worry.

  Fuck it. He'd go looking himself. Jake grabbed the groceries, grabbed his keys, and hopped in his truck. He sped across town like an asshole. Just in case something was wrong, he wasn’t going to take his chances driving the speed limit. Not that anyone would ever pulled him over. There was “cop bro code” for cases like this. Just as he had that thought though, red and blue lights appeared in the rear view mirror. The fuck? Who the hell is this? I don’t have time to be fucked with today. He was expecting it to be a county patrol vehicle - probably Wesson - they'd been at odds lately, giving him reason to fuck with him. Wrong.

  It was a city cop. Mother fucker. Richard Dirk walked up on Jake’s vehicle. Who names their kid Dick Dirk? “Sergeant Hamilton. Driving mighty fast through town. I figured you must be on duty. You county pokes driving your own rigs now?” The fat bastard let out a hearty laugh. Fucking schmuck.

  “No, Dick. I'm headed to my girlfriend’s house. She’s not answering the phone, so I figured rather than pace and worry, I'd go check on her.”

  “Ha. Pussy whipped. Running over there like a desperate puppy dog. I’m sure Ms. Bennett is fine.”

  How would Dick know that Lane was his girlfriend? They weren’t even public yet.

  “Never told you who my girlfriend was, Dick. Where’d you hear that?”

  “Oh, you know. Small town. I hope she’s ok. Be a shame if something happened to her. Always getting herself into some mess of sorts.”

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about, Dick?” Lane wasn't a trouble seeker. She barely left her house on the weekends. This asshole was starting to piss him off.

  “I'm not saying anything. Cool your jets, boy.”

  Boy? This mother fucker knew how to get under his skin. “You gonna write me a ticket so I can get on my way, old man?”

  “Nope. Just slow down. This is my jurisdiction, Hamilton.”

  “Actually it’s both of our jurisdictions. That’s how this whole thing works. But I’ll have a care and slow down. Thanks, Dick.” Emphasis on the “Dick.”

  “Good luck.” Dick laughed and shook his head as he walked away.

  Jake pulled away, bothered by the confrontation. He didn't like the way that asshole spoke about Lane, like she was a troublemaker in town. Add it to the list of shit going on in this town that didn't feel right to Jake. He was now even more anxious to find her and make sure she was all right.

  When he pulled into her driveway, he was relieved to see her lights on. But it didn’t explain why she wasn’t answering her phone or responding to texts. He jumped out of his truck and ran to the front door, pounding furiously.

  “Lane, babe?” He continued his assault on the door.

  He heard footsteps inside moving around. Thank, God. The door opened and there stood his beautiful angel her silky green robe. Her long red hair was braided to the side. His relief was quickly replaced by concern. Lane’s eyes weren't the same glowing emerald green they were when he'd left this morning. They were almost empty of emotion; puffy with dark circles beneath. And her skin was much more pale than normal. Was she sick? Why did she look like she’d been crying?

  “Lane, baby. Jesus Christ, woman. I’ve been worried as shit. Why the fuck haven’t you returned my calls or responded to my texts? Have you been crying?”

  “I’m fine, Jake. I just need some alone time,” she sounded rehearsed. Fake.

  What the hell? When they’d parted ways this morning things were good. Better than good. The best he’d ever felt in his life. He felt like his missing puzzle piece had fallen into place. The empty feeling he'd had all these years was gone. He was so god damned happy. She seemed to be feeling it too. So what the fuck changed for her? Connor?

  “What’s going on with you, Lane?” Jake demanded.

  “Nothing. I just need some time-”

  “Bullshit. Fucking time? For what?” Jake stated, firmly. Lane's neighbor opened her front door, peering their way. There was no need to make this any more public than it had apparently already become, so he stepped around her and moved into the living room. Lane closed the door and folded her arms.

  “Jake, you can’t keep barging into my house like this.” Once again, no emotion.

  “The fuck I can’t. Tell me what’s going on, Lane? And none of this fake robot emotionless voice. Be real with me. Is it Connor? Did he talk to you again?” The thought of her going back to that fucking dickless cowboy made him sick.

  “What? No, Jake.” Her voice sounded more realistic.

  “Then what is it? Because...when we left this house this morning, we were great. We were perfect! What happened since then that's got you so upset and acting this way?!” Jake was fuming. “I was worried sick about you, Lane!” Jake was starting to lose his cool. Fear, anger, and frustration at the unknown was making him feel out of control with his emotions. Her nonchalant attitude and lack of consideration for his feelings just pissed him off even more.

  Lane snapped back at him, finger pointed in his direction. “Well let me make it easy on you, Jake. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m a grown ass woman and I can take care of my own damn self! I don't need you as my protector!”

  Lane bit her lower lip, her eyes welled with tears. Fuck me. Jake felt like an ass. His yelling wasn’t helping anything and only made her more upset.

  “Whoa whoa whoa. Lane, baby. We decided to be exclusive this morning. Maybe I wasn’t clear, but to me, that means you’re my woman. And I’m your man. We're supposed to talk through things. I'm trying to keep my cool, but I was worried sick about you. I'm pissed because I didn't hear back from you.”

  “You only think with your dick, Jake!” Lane shouted.

  Am I in the fucking Twilight Zone right now?

  “My dick has nothing to do with why I came over here, Lane. My worrying about you for EIG
HT GOD DAMNED HOURS is why I’m here!” He couldn't contain his frustration. His dick? She had no problem with it last night. Or this morning.

  “Fuck you, Jake! This is over. We’re done!” she yelled, turning her face away to avoid eye contact.

  “Done? We’re done? Just like that? No explanation? No. Fuck that, Lane. You’re being completely irrational. I need a reason!” he bellowed.

  “A reason? You want a reason?!” Lane shouted, tears slowly starting to stream down her face.

  “You're damn right I do! This isn't high school, Lane. Hit me with it!” Jake prepared himself for her verbal assault of nonsense as an attempt to push him away.

  “Is fucking my best friend and not telling me reason enough?!” Lane shrieked. She immediately started sobbing and dropped to her knees on the floor.

  Oh shit. Chloe. Jake had been sworn to secrecy, so he assumed Lane would never know. He never thought that this would come up and cause her pain. In fact, he hadn’t actually thought about it at all. But knowing that she knew about it, he felt sick to his stomach. He'd hurt her with his past, and in the worst way.

  Jake rushed over to Lane and gathered her up in his arms. “Lane, honey. I'm so damn sorry. Please don't cry. That wasn't planned. It was a spur of the moment thing. Justin asked me and I said yes. It meant nothing to me. It was long before there was even an ‘us.’ I was sworn to secrecy. I swear to God, honey. I would have told you if I thought it was a big deal.”

  “A big deal? Seriously? How many threesomes have you had? Fuck, Jake. I can’t do this, I'm not that girl.” Lane was practically gasping for air.

  “Calm down, Lane. Deep breaths. Look at me. Focus on your breathing.” Jake rubbed her back lightly. After a few minutes her breathing calmed down.

  Lane quickly shrugged off Jake’s embrace. “I think I'm gonna be sick.” She jumped up and ran for the master bedroom. What the….? Jake followed her and heard dry heaving from her bathroom. Oh no. He hated that he made Lane feel this way.

  Opening the bathroom door slowly, he made his way in. He knelt down beside her and rubbed her back.

  “Honey, you okay?” He continued to rub her back as she looked up. Lane wiped her mouth and took a deep breath. She shook her head.

  “No. I’ve been feeling pretty shitty all day, to be honest.” She got up and grabbed her purple toothbrush. She brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth out. Jake sighed as Lane finished.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” He grabbed her and and pulled her into the bedroom and onto the bed. He snuggled up beside her and pulled her tiny frame into his large body, her face burrowed into his chest.

  He gave her a minute to relax into him before he spoke, “Lane, listen. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well because of me. I'll be the first to admit that I am an idiot. But I need you to understand something,” Jake paused. “I’m only going to say this one time and one time only. I'm going to tell you about my past. It will be the last time I want to discuss any of this, okay?” He felt her nod. “I want this to work between us. But a man can only take so much shit, Lane. Do you understand? I can't change the past. I can only be here in the present and work toward the future with you.”

  Lane tensed, but nodded again.

  “I have slept with sixteen women in my thirty-seven years, including you.”

  Lane was surprised the number wasn’t higher given all the shit that she’d heard people talking about Jake. But she believed him. That wasn’t really a number anyone would ever lie about.

  “Jake, stop. I don't want to talk about it. We don't need-.”

  “Clearly we do, Lane. So let’s talk about it and get it over with. You can make your choice about us when I'm done. Okay?” He waited for her. She hesitated.

  “Okay, Jake.”

  “When someone tells you I have slept with the entire town, they are misinformed. I may not have done anything to correct my reputation, but I assure you, there are very few women in this town I have had sex with. I had a friend with benefits in Billings for years. She understands my...proclivities. So it’s just been easier to stick with her. However, since Justin and Chloe’s wedding I have cut ties and am no longer receiving any benefits from her. It's been over 4 months since I've been with her.”

  Jealously snaked through Lane’s body. Bitch better be gone.

  “Seriously, Jake. We don’t have to do this.” Lane attempted to protest. She really didn’t want to hear all of this.

  He chose not to listen and continued, speaking almost clinically. “I have been in one long term, serious relationship, but neither of us ever talked marriage and she moved away. I’ve never gotten serious with anyone else. I have been in several multiple partner situations, a few of them when I was young and dumb. The most recent one, as you’ve learned today, was with Justin and Chloe. Justin, my best friend, asked me nicely to help him out. As I’m sure you know, he and Chloe were in a very casual relationship at the time. Chloe mentioned to him that a threesome with two men was her ultimate fantasy. She never suggested me. He was the one who did. He trusted me with her. He asked, I said yes. Do I regret it? No. Would I do it again? Absolutely not. I honestly didn’t expect to see Chloe ever again. When it was clear they were in it for the long haul, Justin made me swear on our friendship and everything that is sacred to our brotherhood that I would never tell a single soul what happened. I promised I wouldn't. And until today, I hadn't. I honestly don't even think about it. So telling you had never even crossed my mind.”

  “I felt and looked like a fucking idiot, Jake,” Lane angrily countered.

  “If I had known Chloe would be flapping her gums about something supposedly confidential and locked in the brotherhood vault, I would have told you to save you from feeling like that, Lane. Honestly.”

  “It's just...I was telling my friends about our relationship, and all any of them could say was warn me that you’re a manwhore who’s been around the block a few times.” She brought her hands up to her face. “I just wasn't expecting it, okay? With how close Chloe and Justin are? I didn't see that in their relationship.” Lane shook her head and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

  “You're right. It's not in their relationship. It was before they even had a real relationship. It was one time. That's it.”

  She popped her head back up with a quizzical look on her face. “Are you bisexual?”

  Jake laughed. “No! Lane. No. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. But I am only attracted to women. Well, one woman in particular. You.”

  Lane blushed. “You don’t want to do any of that kind of stuff with me, do you? I don’t think I can be that for you.”

  Jake chuckled. “Honey, I know it’s not something you’re interested in and I know it’s nothing you would like. You forget that I want to be in complete control of your pleasure. That means I listen to your sounds, your body, I judge your comfortableness in a given situation, figure out how far I can push you. I would never push you that far. I only want to give you what you need. Besides. Your body is mine. I don’t want to share it with anyone else. Ever.”

  Every bone in Lane’s body was telling her to forgive Jake and move on. Her brain said “run,” but her heart said “stay and see what we can make with this man.” Lane usually listened to her brain. And look where that’s gotten you?

  Lane sighed. “Okay.” She nodded once.

  “Okay, as in, we’re moving past this?” he asked. He sounded so hopeful. This man.

  “Yes. I'm sorry I ignored you today. I just needed time to think and I didn't understand the whole situation. So instead of dealing with it right away, I tried to avoid it. I am sorry.”

  He kissed her on the temple. “I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.”

  “No more wild sex secrets?” Lane locked eyes with him.

  “Nope. Promise. You know my worst.”

  “Okay.” She hugged him around the neck tightly.

  “You got any good wild sex secrets for me?” Jake’s eyes gleamed with mirth.

My number is 5. I lost my virginity to Trevor Jackson at age 16 on a camping trip to Illinois Beach State Park. Sand was everywhere. I will never again do it on a beach no matter how hard you beg.”

  Jake laughed. “Oh, you’ll do everything I say because you know that’s what we both need.”

  Lane flushed. Yeah, that’s probably true. She cleared her throat and continued.

  “Super boring vanilla boyfriend in college. He was sweet and safe. He followed me to law school. He took a job in New York and begged me to come with him. I considered it for about five seconds and decided to stay in Chicago. And now you know everything. You already know about Everett and Connor. You’re lucky number five.”


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