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Changing Lanes (Bounty County Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Maren Lee

  “Thank you, Mr. Hamilton.” Lane smiled.

  “Call me dad.” He patted her on the shoulder. “We’re super happy to add another grandbaby to the mix. And super happy that Jake finally found his match.”

  Lane felt herself tear up at the sincerity in his voice. She’d never really had a dad. Joe’s show of acceptance and affection started the onslaught of hugs and congratulations from everyone in his family. Even Dani gave her a tight hug when it was her turn in line.

  Lane felt the happiest she had ever been. Being a part of a family felt good. Being Jake’s forever felt even better.

  Chapter 16

  Jake was lost in thought on the drive home on Sunday. They probably should have driven back home on Friday, but they were having such a nice, relaxing time. They watched movies, played scrabble, and he showed Lane his old stomping grounds. Being away from the drama in Imminence was exactly what they needed. And then Ryan Blakesly called him late Saturday night from a random payphone outside of Billings to let him know he had seen Mayor Jennings with Cesar Ruiz, a well known drug dealer in the western states, at the airport in Billings. Ryan had been dropping his kids off for their flight back home to their mother in Helena, Montana when he saw the two together. He was pretty sure neither of them saw him.

  This is way more fuckin’ serious than we thought.

  Ryan wanted to meet up and talk to both Jake and Justin about the situation. Jake again invited him over to poker night - correction, co-ed poker night, as Lane had recently informed him - at the end of the next work week. At least at a planned social event they could all three talk with Brenden without raising any suspicions about Ryan. Brenden would make the call as to what should be done next.

  Now that the situation involved Cesar Ruiz, things were way beyond a low key stakeout. They would never be able to get a confession from Ruiz. All of his lackeys were too damn scared to even mention his name. Any suspect who had ever spoken his name in an interview ended up dead. All ties cut. He ran a tight operation. And it was large. So large that Bounty County would never have the resources to take it down on their own.

  Jake wanted to tell Lane what was going on so badly, but he couldn’t. He knew that it would only muddy the waters for her case right now and he also didn’t want her to put herself in harm’s way just to help Walters. His woman was tenacious in getting the bottom of things and it worried him. It made Jake wonder if she’d been named after the tenacious fictional reporter, Lois Lane. Jake looked over at her and smiled. He could totally see it.

  Regardless, Jake didn’t think it was a good idea to give her information until they had something more concrete on Jennings. All signs were pointing to him as being a corrupt son of a bitch, but they didn’t have the hard evidence just yet.

  Four hours had gone by since Lane had fallen asleep in the truck. It was everything he could do not to wake her up just so he had someone to talk to. His phone flashed on the dash. It was his sister, Katie.

  Jake hesitated answering, but went against his initial irritation and picked up the phone, “What’s up, Katie-did?”

  She laughed into the phone, “You haven’t called me that for years, brother.”

  “I know, I just tossed it out there for old time’s sake. I just saw you six hours ago when we said goodbye. Something you need? Everything okay?” Jake sighed and glanced over at Lane. Passed out.

  “Everything’s fine. Listen, I was thinking. I have two finals next week and then I am done for the semester. If it’s alright with you, I was thinking I would come to Imminence for a little while? You know, get to know Lane a little better, hang out with my big brother?”

  Jake furrowed his brow. This wasn’t a normal thing for her to ask, “You know you’re always welcome to come visit me. I have no problem with that. I’ll run it by Lane to make sure that it’s okay with her, since I’m at her house most of the time. I’m sure she’ll be fine with it. But level with me, Katie. What’s the real reason you want to come?” He knew his sister well enough to call her on this shit. She wasn’t the type to just change her plans, something had changed with her since the last time he’d seen her last summer.

  Katie sighed, “Honestly? I want to do something different. I always go home to mom and dad’s house on break first thing, stay there, go see my same old friends. I just want to do something different. Meet new people.”

  “Okay, fair enough. You’re not bringing your girlfriend- I mean boyfriend with you, are ya?” Jake smirked to himself.

  “Don’t be an ass, Jake. Shiloh’s going home to his parents’ place in California. It will just be me.”

  California. Figures. Jake rolled his eyes, “That’s fine with me. When are you thinking of coming?”

  “I was thinking I could fly in Friday night. Will that work with you?”

  Jake racked his brain for any potential conflicts, “I’m having poker night, but that should be fine. We will see you Friday night, then. Text me the details on your flight when you get them, alright?”

  “I’ll do that. Thanks, Jake.”

  “Love you. I’ll talk to you later.” Jake hung up the phone. Hopefully Lane would be cool with his sister coming. She seemed to like Katie enough. He’d talk to her about it when she woke up. Fuck. When was she going to wake up? He was tired of sitting here in his truck with all of his thoughts for the day. A lightbulb went on in his head. Food. The next town was only two miles away. Hopefully they’d have a pizza joint. Lane wouldn’t be able to resist the smell of cheesy deliciousness. A sign for restaurants pointed him toward Mountain Peak Pizza. Yes. Jake cheered himself on in his head. He turned off the highway and headed into town. His spur of the moment plan was coming together nicely.


  Lane spent all week catching up on the work she should have done while she was on vacation. Fuck, this is why I don’t take vacations. Besides that, the exhaustion from pregnancy was killing her and her brain felt just a little slower. Not enough that anyone else would notice, but enough to drive her crazy and get her frustrated. She’d still managed to get a few lingering plea deals negotiated and win a few arguments in front of Judge Corcoran, a man she could no longer trust as far as she could throw him.

  She’d been wearing her ring on her right hand all week. She’d told Bob that she and Jake were dating, and Bob was supportive and on board to handle any cases where Jake was the investigating officer. She’d informed Carter Jones, the prosecutor, of the arrangement she’d made with Bob. It seemed as if everyone was okay with her relationship with Jake, but she wasn’t quite ready to make the announcement that they were getting married with a baby on the way. It was getting a little more difficult to disguise her bump, though. Someone was bound to notice. Anne probably already had.

  Now it was Friday. Poker night time. At Jake’s house. Lane had only been to Jake’s place once in their short courtship and was surprised that it wasn’t the bachelor pad she had imagined. It was actually pretty nice. Classy. She wasn’t completely disappointed, though. The stacks of beer cans, dartboard, and posters of scantily clad women were all out in the garage. I knew it!

  Because food prep was not her area of expertise, Lane offered to pick Katie up at the airport so that Jake could get ready for company. Katie’s flight was coming in to Billings at five o'clock. It was a 70 mile drive, so Lane had to get off work early and rush to the airport in order to make it in time. Lane knew that Jake needed to get Justin, Brenden, and Ryan in a room together without raising any suspicions in order to find out what Ryan knew. But she didn’t know the details yet and she also knew she couldn’t yet be involved in that discussion for multiple reasons.

  Thankfully, her girlfriends would all be at the party, so she expected this to be more of a social gathering then anything. The only downside was that Wesson would be there. He lived with Jake, so it would be impossible to avoid him. Jake warned Lane that Wesson was still pretty pissy about the smackdown she’d given him in the courtroom. She wasn’t looking forward to dealing with that dra
ma tonight, but she knew it would make Jake's life easier if she made up and played nice with him. She’d try, but wasn’t making any promises. She didn’t think she needed to apologize for doing her damn job.

  Katie was making her way through the last set of doors by security. She was tall enough to see over most of the crowd, but probably couldn't see Lane hidden below everyone else. Lane waved her hands and jumped up and down.

  “Katie! Katie!” she shouted.

  She made eye contact with her and Katie headed her way. She wrapped her arms around Lane in a big bear hug. Totally unexpected, but welcome.

  “Lane! How are you feeling?” She put her hand on Lane’s stomach.

  Nope. Not welcome. No belly touching. Lane stepped back, “I’m feeling pretty good. Glad the first trimester is over with finally.”

  “I bet. I don’t know how women do it. I have no desire to be pregnant and gross.” Katie shook her head at the thought.

  Gross? Wow. Thanks, Katie. Lane furrowed her brow at her, “Yeah. It’s crazy… Let’s get your luggage.”

  The two women headed to baggage claim in silence. Lane knew Katie didn’t mean anything by her comment, but it didn’t feel good to be called “gross” by her future sister-in-law. Katie grabbed her suitcases off of the carousel and they walked to the parking garage. Lane had to take up two parking spots with Jake's truck. She couldn’t park that shit to save her life, but he’d insisted she drive it since her Landcruiser was five thousand miles overdue for an oil change. He wasn’t having his future wife driving around, “In some foreign rig that could break down at any moment.” It was a little dramatic if you asked her. But arguing with Jake on this wasn’t exactly worth it because he had the upper hand - she was late on the maintenance. Who has the time, really? Lane had shrugged. She had gotten more selective with her arguing. She figured it was good for their relationship. Otherwise she’d always win...and Jake might get tired of that.

  Katie interrupted the silence as she threw her suitcases in the back seat. “You’re the only person I’ve ever seen Jake let drive his truck. This thing is his baby.”

  “I thought his Camaro was his baby?” Lane laughed as she pulled herself up into the driver's seat. She felt like she was mountain climbing. Jesus. “This damn thing is too big and has so many buttons. I’m terrible driving it. It’s fun though! People get out of my way quickly when I start merging into traffic.”

  “I bet. I was so pissed when my dad bought me a Subaru for my graduation present instead of a Dodge pickup. I would have even been happy with the Dakota, but no.” Katie rolled her eyes.

  Lane couldn’t relate. Her mom never bought her a car. Couldn’t afford to. Instead, Lane worked her ass off to get through school and drove a beat up Chevy Cavalier. When the money finally came in after law school, though, Lane treated herself.

  “Do you need anything before we get too far out of civilization, Katie?” Lane glanced at her and then back to the road.

  “I could go for a drink. Can we stop and get some roadies?” Katie said.

  She can’t be serious. “Wouldn’t we all like that. But I’m marrying your brother, so it’s not a possibility. Sorry. Anything else?”

  Katie snarled her lip in disgust, “Ugh. That’s right. I’m glad I asked you and not Jake. He would have been so pissed.”

  “How about some music?” Lane asked. Anything to stop having to make small talk. Ugh.

  “Yes!” Katie exclaimed.

  “Hey, Siri!” Lane yelled. Siri responded through the bluetooth, handsfree in Jake’s car. He set it up for her before she left today. That man is so damn thoughtful. Lane had thanked him with a blow job in her office. Stop thinking about blowing Jake in front of his sister, Lane!

  “Play Common,” she asked her favorite bitchy phone robot. Her favorite Common song, Sweet, started playing. Katie seemed to like it just fine. The Idaho girl was bobbin’ her head. Lane supposed a 22 year old was way cooler than a 32 year old, but being from Chicago, she felt she at least had some advantage over youth.

  Lane had an inkling Katie was a rebel last week after the awkward sexing incident, but she really didn’t think Katie was such a sassy little thing. But she was also in front of her family then, so that could have made a difference.

  They made awkward small talk in between songs. They were ten miles outside of Imminence when Katie spoke up again, “So what’s the plan for tonight? Are we going out?”

  “No, not going out. But Jake’s put together a poker party for the guys and their wives or girlfriends. Should be fun.” Lane smiled thinking about Jake’s adorable angry face when he lost a game. Before they got together, she’d even had the pleasure of beating his ass a few times. He would get so pissed. It was her favorite.

  “Any single guys going to be there?” Katie asked.

  “I’m not sure, maybe? I think all three of his roommates are single. Cole might be close to your age? There’s another young guy in the Department too. Dillon, I think?” Lane shrugged, “Things not work out with you and Shiloh?” She wasn’t sure if that was appropriate for her to ask, but she did it anyway.

  “Things are fine, I just want to keep my options open.” Katie flipped down the visor and applied some lip gloss.

  Well, then. Been there. Lane understood her wanting to keep her options open. She personally didn’t find anything attractive about Shiloh, but he must have known his way around the bedroom or Katie was the best actress ever when it came to having a fake orgasm. That was a sound she’d like to forget.

  Familiar cars lined Jake’s street. Lane pulled into the driveway and put the truck into park. The curtains parted and Wesson looked out the window and glared. Great. Lane hopped out of the truck.

  Time to face the music.

  Chapter 17

  The music was on, the food was in the oven, and everyone was standing around in the kitchen chatting and having drinks. Jake was waiting impatiently for Lane to get back with his sister. The road to Billings this time of year never worried him personally, but thinking of his baby mama, unborn child, and baby sister out there without him made him feel a little helpless. Lights flashed through window by the front door, “Wess, is that them?”

  Wesson pulled the curtain to the side, looked outside for a brief moment, and then looked back to Jake, “Affirm.”

  Thank God. Jake handed Sierra the oven mitts, “Will you pull that dip from the oven when it starts to brown please?” Jake knew he could trust Sierra with the food.

  “Sure. Where’s the bread to go with it?” Sierra asked looking around on the counter.

  “It’s in the fridge. Already sliced. You can pull it out too, if you want.” Jake moved toward the door and opened it just in time as Lane was reaching for the handle.

  “Hey, baby,” Jake pulled her into his arms. “I missed you.” He kissed her sweetly on the lips.

  “Get a room.” Katie shouted behind them.

  “Don’t give me any ideas, squirt. Put your stuff in my room for now. We’ll get the sleeping arrangements figured out later.” He let go of Lane for a second, gave Katie a quick squeeze, and then shoved her down the hall.

  “Thanks.” She side stepped them with her suitcases in tow.

  “Did everything go alright?” Jake asked Lane as he kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose.

  “Yep, besides the fact that I’m pregnant and gross, things went fine.” Lane laughed as she squeezed Jake tightly.

  “What?” Jake asked.

  “It’s nothing. She’s young. No filter. I’ve been there before.”

  “We all have. But seriously not cool. Fucking Katie.” Jake sighed. “Thank you for doing that for me.” He kissed her forehead sweetly.

  “You couldn’t have trusted me with the cooking, so this was the best option. I get it,” Lane laughed.

  Jake lowered his voice to a whisper. “Hey, I was thinking. What are we telling people? Like, why aren’t you drinking?” Jake asked. “I doubt my guys will notice, but do you think your
girls will?”

  “Well, we’re past the twelve week mark. Should we just gather everyone and tell them? I haven’t told work yet, but I’m not going to be able to hide my stomach much longer.” Lane looked up at him.

  Jake thought for a moment, “Fuck it. Let’s do it. Everyone’s here. You wanna do it now?”

  “Let’s get it over with. I’m not sure how to lead when it comes to this type of thing, so I’ll let you start.” Lane squeezed his hand as they went further inside the house.

  Jake moved them into the kitchen where most everybody was standing, Jake let out a loud whistle, “Gather ‘round, everybody.”

  Justin, Chloe, Brenden, Sierra, Molly, Wesson, Smitty, Rook, Katie, Dillon and Ryan all stood around them. He felt a ton of nerves in his stomach building up as everyone looked at them. Justin had a smirk on his face. He knew what was coming. Wesson glared, as expected. Sierra looked at him as if she was saying, ‘spit it out, there’s alcohol to be drank here.’ Everyone else looked unaware.


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