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Changing Lanes (Bounty County Series Book 2)

Page 27

by Maren Lee

  Lane shook her head at him, “No, that would be ridiculous. I’m all about sports, but not a team I don’t like.”

  Jake folded his arms, “This did not go over as I had planned.” He sounded dumbfounded. Really? He thought you would like this?



  “What about the Cubs? Do you like the Cubs?” Dear God, please let Jake like the Cubs. Lane had a superstitious connection to the God of Sports. Maybe her prayers would work this time too?

  “Baseball is okay, I mean, I’d rather have baseball than soccer. Fine, we can do the Cubs.” Jake looked defeated.

  “What’s wrong with soccer?” Lane asked.

  “What isn’t wrong with it?” Jake snapped.

  “Really? The whole fucking world plays soccer. You are such a man-child sometimes.” Lane rolled her eyes at him.

  “Takes one to know one.”

  Lane laughed. Did he seriously just say that? He just proved he’s a man-child!

  Jake pulled the door closed to the room behind them just as the doorbell rang. “Saved by the bell.” He slapped her ass as he walked by.

  Lane felt as though she had won another battle. Bennett would have a Chicago Cubs themed room. Score. Lane laughed and shook her head. Her babysitters were here. She couldn’t wait to tell her girls all about this shit.

  Chapter 20

  After two hours of blubbering and crying, Harry Crabtree confessed to the “accident” being intentional. When he was informed he could be charged with attempted murder, he broke and spilled all the details. Mayor Jennings hired him to take Lane out. He was paid ten thousand to cause the accident and was promised another ten thousand if he succeeded.

  Jake was fuming. The arrest warrant couldn’t be written fast enough. Jake wanted to take that sonofabitch Jennings down.

  While they were waiting for the warrant, Wesson came by with information about the phone. It was traced from the SIM card, and sure enough, it was purchased by the City of Imminence two days prior. Mayor Jennings’ signature was on the contract. This fucker was going down.

  An hour later after the confession was signed and the judge had reviewed the evidence, the warrant was written. Jake wanted to be a part of the take down team but Brenden requested he stand down due to his involvement with Lane. He didn’t want the Mayor to have any claim of bias or mistreatment coming from Jake.

  Jake wasn’t happy about it, but he understood Brenden’s reasoning, so he didn’t argue.

  Jake waited with bated breath at the Sheriff's office for the next forty five minutes before Brenden and Justin stormed in through the back entrance with a cuffed Mayor Jennings. Brenden was on one side, Justin on the other, each holding Jennings by his biceps.

  Jake clenched his fists and grit his teeth as Jennings walked by. Jake couldn’t say he’d ever really wanted to kill a man. But he caught himself fantasizing about his bare hands around the man’s neck and squeezing until he was no longer breathing. That fucker could have killed his future wife and unborn child last night. But Jake was of no use to his wife and child if he were in prison too, so he took a deep breath and shook it off. Instead of being destructive, Jake was going to do everything in his power to make sure this asshole was going to prison for a very long time.

  Brenden came back from the cell block and into Jake’s office a while later. He closed the door behind him.

  “We finished booking Mayor Jennings ten minutes ago. It uploaded to the website shortly after that. I've had six-” his cell phone rang, “seven requests for interviews since then. It’s six-thirty on Christmas Eve. Unless you’re on duty right now, no one should be here. Go home to Lane. Be with her. I’ll do the press release at seven so I can get home before Sierra rips my nuts off. All further inquiries will have to wait until Monday morning. We did good arresting him Friday night. He’ll be in all weekend.” Brenden leaned back in his chair, let out a huge sigh and began stroking his goatee.

  “Do you think he’ll get out on bail?” Jake asked

  “I’m going to request no bail. I assume with the victims in these instances, he won’t be able to get it. Unless Judge Corcoran really is in his pocket.” It was something that they wondered, given Lane’s problems with the Walters case. But it was nothing they could prove. Brenden grabbed his can of Copenhagen and put a big dip in his lip. “I can’t imagine Corcoran would risk the bad optics of granting bail here. We’ll see what happens.”

  “Wait a minute. You said victims? There's more than one?”

  Brenden stood up to leave Jake’s office with a twinkle in his eye, “Oh, did I leave out that part? Crabtree also admitted to killing Thorngren for Mayor Jennings. Apparently Thorngren had gotten an inkling of the Mayor’s drug trade.”

  “Holy shit.”


  “This is big. Is Walters being released?” Jake couldn’t believe this was happening. Merry Christmas, Lane. Merry Christmas, Tom.

  “Yep. I imagine Lane will be getting a call soon letting her know about her client. Good work, Hamilton.”

  “Thanks, boss.” Jake felt immediate relief for Lane’s safety and her work stress.

  “See you next week. Looking forward to next Saturday too.” Brenden said as he walked out.

  Next Saturday. His wedding. The thought made him smile. Time to get home to his sweet and sassy woman.


  Jake walked through the front door just as Lane’s cell phone rang. Chloe was the only one still there and she was passed out on the couch. “Yeah? Sure. I’ll hold.” Lane covered the receiver.

  “Judge is on the phone. Says he has some news about Thomas Walters. I’m on hold,” she rolled her eyes, “Will you get ahold of Justin to have him come get Chloe?”

  Jake nodded his head.

  The hold finally ended and the Judge was on the line, “Counselor Bennett? Are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here.” What the hell did he think? He was the one who called her.

  “We’ve had a confession in the Thorngren case. The story matches with the evidence. Walters is in the process of being released.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Whoops. She probably shouldn’t have sworn at the judge.

  “No, I’m not shitting you. Enjoy your holiday, counselor.” The phone clicked. He’d hung up.

  Lane dropped her cellphone to the floor and ran to Jake wrapping her arms around him tightly. She let her tears of relief and happiness fall.

  “Everything okay, babe?” Jake asked.

  “More than okay! Tom Walters is being released.” She releases him and wiped her eyes.

  “That’s great news, baby. But I knew that was coming. Do you want some more news?”

  “Sure,” Lane looked up into his gorgeous hazel pools, slightly pissed that he knew before she did.

  “Mayor Jennings was arrested today. He’s been charged with murder and attempted murder. He hired a hitman to murder Officer Thorngren. And...he had the same man hit your Land Cruiser last night.”

  She felt her stomach drop, “That sonofabitch.”

  “The cellphone Wesson found was in your car under the back seat. He’s been tracking you. Did you notice any gaps in your windows? Doors tampered with?”

  “No, but I don’t usually lock my doors.” Shit. She wanted to throw up.

  “That’s going to change as soon as we get your new rig.” He said it matter-of-factly.

  She couldn’t argue with that. She could have died. Their baby could have died. Lane nodded and he pulled her in for another tight squeeze.

  “You’re probably going to have to testify against him.”

  “Fucking gladly. I’ve never been on that side of the courtroom!” she exclaimed. She was positively giddy. “Did you get ahold of Justin?”

  “Yeah, he’s on his way. Did you have a good afternoon and evening with the girls?” Jake kissed her softly on the lips.

  “It was nice. We ate and talked party details, Sierra called the owners of the Sioux Lodge
and they said we could have the main bar with the dance floor on New Year's Eve. I guess they owed her a favor from years ago. Who knows what that's all about. Anyways, they even said we could get married in the Glowing Garden beforehand. They say it’s gorgeous. It’ll be cold, but who cares right?” Lane felt excited thinking about it.

  “If you get chilly in your dress, I'll warm you up.” Jake winked at her.

  “That’s the spirit!” Lane laughed. “Shit. I need a dress!”

  “I forgot to ask you. I know we’re just throwing this together quick. Spur-of-the-moment-like. But can I invite my family? If not, it’s okay I just wanted-”

  “Shhhh. Of course you can. It’s not even a question. They’re my family now too, right?” She kissed him on the neck and licked softly up to his ear, “I missed you. Kind of hoped we could finish what we started earlier?”

  “Mmmmm. I like that.” Jake moved his mouth to hers and kissed her sweetly building the intensity as he parted her lips with his tongue. He reached around to squeeze her ass and three knocks on the door stopped him. “Dammit. This seems to be the theme today.”

  Justin was here to pick up his pregnant, sleeping wife. Lane laughed and shouted, “Come in, Justin!”

  Jake held onto her, “As soon as these clowns are outta here, you’re mine.”

  Thank, God. Lane needed to get fucked. Hard.

  Chapter 21

  One week later…

  The wedding went off without a hitch. Brenden married them in the Glowing Garden at the Lodge. It was fucking freezing, but Jake warmed right up when he saw his beautiful bride walking down the long aisle covered with a silvery velvet carpeting. Sierra, Molly and Chloe all wore little black dresses as her bridesmaids with matching black winter hats and shawls. Justin, Wesson and Smitty were his groomsmen. Big, beautiful snowflakes fell down around them. It was winter magic.

  Justin’s parents had asked Lane if they could walk her down the aisle together. When they found out her family situation, they took it upon themselves to welcome her with open arms. Lane cried - happy tears of course - during the entire ceremony. Pregnancy was making it harder for her to keep her game face on, but he didn’t care. He loved her no matter her emotional state.

  The jukebox was blaring and the dance floor was full of their friends and family. He and Lane were about to share their first dance together as a married couple. Into the Mystic by Van Morrison started to play. He grabbed his bride's hand and escorted her onto the dance floor. He pulled her tight against him as they began swaying to the music.

  “How you doing, baby?” he whispered in her ear.

  She turned her head to face him, “I’m great. Thank you for all of this.”

  “What are you talking about? I should thank you. You planned the entire thing.”

  “No, I mean thank you for agreeing to it. I know it happened fast, but it’s perfect. It’s us.” She squeezed his hand.

  “I would have married you the night of Justin and Chloe’s wedding. I knew I was done looking. I felt a pull to you like I had never felt for any woman in my life.”

  “Jake, we hated each other. Like, knockdown-drag-out-fighting hate.” She laughed.

  “I never hated you. I just thought I didn’t like you. There’s a difference.” Jake laughed quietly as they moved to the music.

  “Yeah, but what was the moment that made you change your mind about me?” Lane asked.

  “You really want to know?” Jake looked her in the eyes.

  “Of course I do.”

  “When we were on the dance floor that night. I felt your body mold against mine. The way my heart was beating and how my body responded to you instantly, I knew it was a one in a million kind of feeling. I knew I’d never feel it again unless I swooped you up.”

  “You saved me that night. You let me forget the hurt. You helped me experience a real connection. Nobody has ever made me feel that way, Jake.” She leaned her head against his chest, “I guess what we have is pretty special isn’t it?”

  “One in a million baby.” The song slowly came to an end and a few whistles and hooting and hollering followed.

  “What do you say we go upstairs and recreate that real connection?” The next song started playing as he waited for her to answer.

  “The doctor gave me the all clear yesterday for as much sex as I want, as hard as I want it.” Lane’s eyes practically liquified with the heat behind them.

  “You didn’t ask him in exactly those words, did you?” he looked at her, slightly worried.

  Lane laughed. “No. I’m just inferring from his very professional, medical advice. Basically, you can fuck me all you want in whatever position you want.”

  “Let’s go.” Jake started to pull her from the dance floor.

  “Jake! We need to say goodbye to our guests!” Lane laughed as Jake made her jog off the dance floor toward the doors.

  “Are you arguing with me?” Jake asked.

  “Maybe.” She smirked at him.

  “That’s one.” Jake whispered to her and held up his finger.

  “Promise?” She walked toward the stairs.

  “You fucking bet your sweet ass I promise.” He rubbed his hands together.

  Lane made her way up the stairs and started running for the room.

  “Slow down.” Jake ran after her.

  She stopped just outside the door to their suite, “Here, let me see the key.”

  “Hell no,” he pulled the card back away from her reach and moved in to scoop her up in his arms, “I need to carry my wife over the threshold.”

  Lane smiled at him, her green eyes sparkling at him. “I sure love you, husband. God, I could say that over and over again.”

  “Oh you will. All night long.” He winked at her. He couldn’t wait to sink inside of his wife and show her how much he loved her with his mouth and cock.

  Jake grabbed the “Do Not Disturb” sign and hung it on the handle. He kicked the door shut behind them. They were back. Right where it all started. He knew he was a lucky sonofabitch, but no matter how much easier it could have been if they had made different decisions, he wouldn’t change a damn thing. Lane was his everything. And soon enough their son would be too.


  The hospital smelled like bleach and babies. It was driving Wesson crazy. If it weren’t for one of his best friends having a baby today, he wouldn’t even be here. The waiting room was packed and he had to sit next to her. Of all people. Her thick, black rimmed glasses didn’t even come close to hiding her piercing blue eyes. Fuck.

  Molly spent most of her time evaluating inmate behavior when she visited the jail. They would often cross paths when Wesson had to take an inmate to a psychiatric evaluation. She was hot as fuck. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Long legs. Big, perfect tits - easily a full C cup. He’d tried to get up the balls to ask her out, but every time he tried to speak to her nothing but gibberish would come out. He usually ended up running away from her. Guaranteed she thinks you’re just a socially challenged asshole. Well, he kind of was, but he could play it cool, too.

  Hot damn, she smelled like honeysuckle. He couldn’t help but lean over and smell her.

  “Did you just smell me?” Molly asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

  Fuck. He thought he was more smooth than that, “I thought you uh, for-” Where you going with this one, idiot? “Maybe you forgot deodorant?” Wow, smooth. He told his inner critic to shut up.

  “That’s rude. I put deodorant on, thank you very much.” Molly glared at him.

  No matter how many times he would see her during work or out in the evenings with their common group of friends, he still couldn’t get his thoughts together.

  Why couldn't you just tell her she smells fucking amazing and you just want to get a little closer?

  “That would have been nicer.” She crossed her legs and turned away from him.

  He’d said that out loud? Jesus, he couldn’t catch a break with this woman.

  Jake came out to t
he waiting room just in time to save Wesson from opening his mouth again.

  “Bennett Joseph Hamilton is here!” Jake shouted. He was very clearly elated. “Where’s Justin and Chloe?”

  Wesson spoke up. “They took a walk around the hospital. That baby of theirs was crying and annoying everybody.” He was happy for his friends, but couldn’t imagine having kids right now.

  Molly elbowed him in the side. “Seriously, what is wrong with you? Stop being a jerk, Wesson.”

  The sound of her voice saying his name - even in that way - affected him. Shit.

  “I’ll text him to come to the room when they get back. Do you guys want to come back and meet him now?” Jake asked.

  Both he and Molly nodded, “Sure.” They said it at the same time.

  Wesson looked at her and she glared back. God he’d love to give her an attitude check and sign it with his dick. If only he could get out of his head and stop acting like an idiot every time he was around her.


  They followed Jake back to the postpartum room. Molly was so excited for her friend, but couldn't fathom having anything that big come out down there. She’d turned 33 this past spring and decided she was too old to worry about ever trying to find a man and start a family. She’d have to have sex before any of that could happen. Yeah. Molly was a psychiatrist. You didn’t have to explain that one to her.

  She had spent all of high school feeling like an outcast with braces and glasses. She got good grades and wore dorky clothes. Molly was the epitome of a nerd. She’d started to blossom in college and found an interest in psychology right around the same time. She’d dated a few cute boys in college, but hadn’t moved past the heavy petting phase of a relationship until she met Todd. Molly really didn’t want to think about him here.

  Todd was the starting quarterback for the University of Montana Grizzlies. Todd was the man who ruined her trust in men forever. Todd was the reason she was a 33-year-old virgin. Let’s not think about Todd right now.

  So instead of having a normal, fun, carefree life, Molly decided to do what she knew best and put her nose to the books for the majority of her twenties. She finished her bachelor’s degree, went straight to medical school at the University of Washington, then returned to Montana to do her residency. Now she had her own practice. So here she was nearly mid thirties, a successful career, amazing friendships, and still no relationship. She spent a lot of her time with inmates during the day - not exactly the best dating pool - and her books at night - at least book boyfriends never let me down. Molly wanted a life outside of work and girlfriends and books, but she had no clue where to even start this late in the game.


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