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Wedded to the Highlanders

Page 7

by Katie Douglas

  Hugh leaned forward and took her ample breasts in his hands, stroking his thumbs over her already-hard nipples. Lucy sighed and arched her back as the tingling warmth travelled from her breasts down to her core. He kissed her, again, and she felt so loved and cared for, as Steen stroked her stomach gently.

  “Someday soon, lass, we’re going tae put a baby in there,” he told her. Excitement burst out of her and she smiled radiantly. Her sex throbbed and she rolled her hips.

  “Please... ye ken we’re all going tae dance together...” she murmured.

  “Aye,” Hugh replied. “If the sea spirit doesn’t whisk ye away tonight.”

  “All the more reason to do this now,” Lucy pointed out. “I don’t want tae die a virgin.”

  “Wait. What?” Hugh looked from Lucy to Steen and she giggled mischievously. “I thought ye two had already... behind the whisky store.”

  “Not quite,” Steen explained. “She’s still... well I cannae say untouched, but I havna’e had my cock inside her pussy, yet.”

  With a growl, Hugh seized her legs and pulled them apart, then rubbed her clitty in small circles. The bolts of pleasure shooting through her body were surprising, and she bucked under his hand as he continued to work her body.

  A frisson of fear made her waver, for a moment, as she realized the thick, hard cocks were going to have to fit inside her, somehow, and as far as she knew, there was only enough room in her body for all her own parts. She looked up at Hugh, who had an expression of deep lust on his face.

  “How... how do we... you’re both so big!” she managed.

  “Aye. What of it?” Steen asked.

  “I dinnae think ye’ll fit. Either of ye.”

  “Dinnae fuss yourself, lassie. Just feel my hand against you, stroking you,” Hugh’s voice was reassuring, and Lucy tried not to think about what was imminently going to happen to her. After all, what he was doing to her body did feel good.

  A moment later, a finger slid inside her. She didn’t feel as badly stretched as before, but it was still a tight fit. She moaned as the sensation washed over her. Hugh was inside her... touching her inner body... such a thing seemed so strange.

  His finger began moving in and out, and she thought about nothing else. She was overcome by the soft, tingling sensations as he worked her clitty and slid his finger in and out of her channel.

  Steen reached over and gave her breasts attention, rolling the nipples firmly between his fingers and filling her body with more desire.

  By the time Hugh removed his finger, she was writhing on the forest floor.

  “Now I want tae see how tight your rear is. Tell me tae stop if it hurts tae much.” Lucy felt the lust in Hugh’s voice as he spoke. A second later, his finger, wet with her juices, was pressing against her bottom. She gasped as he invaded her, just like Steen had before. His finger seemed to go in more easily, and the deeply satisfying bolts travelling through her rear made her throw her head back and dig her fingernails into Steen’s arms, while he continued to work her breasts.

  Still, there was an emptiness inside her, and she wanted the men to fill her. She knew it was probably going to hurt, but she needed them more than she had ever needed anything.

  “Please, Hugh, Steen, take me,” she begged.

  Chapter 11

  “Are ye ready?” Steen asked.

  “There’s only one way tae find oot,” she replied.

  “Very well.” The men looked at one another.

  “I want her pussy,” Steen said.

  “Good. Then I get her rear,” Hugh replied.

  “Ye ken it’ll be almost impossible, today,” Steen pointed out.

  “Aye, but I can wait. In the meantime, she’s got a beautiful mouth and I’ve already touched her silky, soft back passage with my finger. I ken what I want and I’m willing to take it slow.”

  “Pleeeeease...” Lucy moaned, not caring who did what as long as someone filled her before she spontaneously combusted.

  Hugh moved to her head, and stroked her hair, as Steen straddled her. “This is going tae be uncomfortable, as he’s going tae stretch ye more than ye’ve ever been stretched in your life, but I ken ye can handle it. Ye were made for this, lass.”

  His gentle words were accompanied by a kiss. Steen caressed her breasts once more, then he pinched her nipples, hard, and she gasped.

  “Only think about the pleasure, lass, and it’ll be easier,” Steen coaxed, and she felt the tip of his thick cock against her opening. When he pressed into her, she bit back a scream as it felt as though she were being split in two. How could this possibly be what she wanted? The pain seemed overwhelming. He’d told her to think about the pleasure, but there wasn’t any... was there? Through the haze of the too-stretched feeling, she felt the residual throbbing in her nipples from where he’d pinched them. She tried to pay attention to the tingling sensation as it surged through her body and pooled in her core. He slid back out of her and she felt sweet relief until he buried himself in her again. Her mouth contorted into an “O” as the tip of his cock pressed against something sensitive, and she was about to tell him to stop, but her whole body did something very strange: Where there had been pain, there was now only pleasure. She still felt far too stretched, but it seemed to fill her entire body with a lusty heat like she had never imagined. Where she’d been close to tears, now she moaned.

  “That’s it lassie. You’re doing well,” Hugh murmured into her ear, as he continued stroking her hair. She was glad he was there, because his presence was reassuring. When she’d been doing naughty things with Steen behind the whisky store, she had enjoyed it, but there had also been a nagging sense in the back of her mind that something was missing; someone was missing. She needed both men together at the same time to ever truly be satisfied. It was so clear, now.

  And she had agreed with Millie Woodward, unless Lucy sold more cakes at the bake sale, she must find a reason to end things with Steen, and let Millie have her chance. Oh, she felt so stupid for ever agreeing to such a thing, now.

  How could she ever be happy without both men? It would be like going through life with only one arm or one leg.

  Lucy gazed lovingly at Steen, and she smiled softly. Would this be the last time they got to do anything like this? His shaft stretched her in every direction, as he ploughed into her with powerful strokes, and she felt a tightness and heat drawing into her core.

  Abruptly, he stopped.

  “Ye should take both of us at the same time, lassie.” Steen’s deep voice was breathy as he pulled out of her, leaving her pouting on the forest floor.

  “But I thought you both decided I wasn’t ready to take Hugh in my rear?”

  “Aye, and the decision still stands,” Hugh growled. They helped manoeuvre her onto her hands and knees, with her legs slightly parted, making it easy for her to keep the weight off her ankle, and she felt Steen position his cock at her hungry entrance again. She sighed deeply in pleasure as he pressed into her once more.

  Hugh knelt before her, so his manhood was level with her face, and she suddenly knew how they were going to claim her.

  “Open your mouth, lassie,” Hugh coaxed. Lucy obeyed, and as the men took her together, she felt as though she was being gently roasted on a spit. In her heart, there was finally a sense of completeness, as they both thrust into her. Hugh twined his fingers in her hair and held her head up, so she took him even deeper, and the two men matched each other’s pace, gradually moving faster in her. Hugh reached down with his free hand and caressed her right breast, filling her with sparkles of pleasure, and Steen grasped her hips, his shaft touching parts of her that caused little explosions inside her.

  Soon, a pressure inside her grew so great she thought she might burst, as the men kept taking their fill of her, and she moaned around Hugh’s cock.

  “I think our lass is close,” he remarked.

  “Aye, she’s gripping my cock like naebody’s business,” Steen replied. Lucy dug her fingernails into the leaves
and soil beneath her, as her body seemed to contort strangely, forcing her to stretch while the pressure still built.

  “That’s it, lassie, let it oot,” Steen encouraged. He thrust into her harder, faster, and Hugh did the same. Simultaneously, the two men cried out, a guttural sound, like the battle cry of the warrior clansmen of old, and jets of hot liquid shot into Lucy’s throat and deep into her tunnel at the same moment. She shattered, coming apart around them while they came inside her, and she swallowed around Hugh, while more liquid poured into her, and her pussy clamped down on Steen’s cock, which, too, continued filling her with his essence.

  She arched her back, her breasts nearly touching the forest floor, like a cat stretching, her mouth still holding Hugh’s cock as her hips bucked against Steen’s hard shaft, and she quivered as incredible, roiling tingles tore through her body, over and over again, until, finally, they began to fade.

  The men pulled out of her, and she flopped onto the ground, feeling like Biblical Eve, naked and nestled amongst the perfect woodland, as her two Adams surrounded her and held her in a protective embrace. It was the most natural thing in the world for the three of them to be together like this.

  They remained on the forest floor, naked and silent, and Lucy drank in the tranquillity of this moment, until the breeze began to make her shiver.

  “How do ye feel?” Steen asked at length.

  She smiled and turned her head to look at him, cupping his cheek with one hand.

  “Loved. Satisfied. Like I want to do it again and again, forever, but I dinnae think I’ve got the energy. So forever’ll have tae wait.”

  “Aye. But will it still be there, later?” Hugh asked pointedly. And just like that, reality began to seep back in.

  She had promised the sea spirit he could have her, and she had to return to the beach before sunset to let him take her. When she’d said it, she had underestimated the bond between her, Steen and Hugh. Now, she realized how stupid it had been to give herself away to the sea spirit.

  Would Keelie find a way to save Lucy? The spirit world was known for being capricious, not loyal, and there was every chance Keelie might decide not to challenge the status quo for her own safety.

  Hugh heard a rustling in the trees, and got the impression he, Lucy and Steen wouldn’t be alone, soon.

  He pulled his kilt on, and threw Steen’s to him.

  “What’s wrong?” Lucy asked. Hugh dropped her dress over her head while Steen clipped his kilt closed with a safety pin.

  “Something’s coming, I can feel it,” Hugh muttered. He reached for his knives as Steen did the same.

  Lucy fumbled to get her arms through the sleeves of her gown, when her head appeared through the opening in the top of her dress, she began fastening the hooks and eyes, contorting her arms in a way Hugh wouldn’t have believed if he wasn’t watching her do it.

  The rustling got louder, and a sharp wind gusted through the forest. Hugh looked from tree to tree to try and see what was causing it. The leaves swirled and rose up into the air, finally turning into a beautiful woman with radiant skin, and hair the exact same shade of chestnut as Lucy’s.

  “My children,” she murmured softly. Her dress appeared to be made of fresh, green leaves.

  Lucy gasped.

  “Who are ye?” Steen asked.

  “I am Elinor, the guardian of the forest. And I would ask you all to accompany me to the sea. We have a problem.”

  Hugh sighed. He didn’t want to let Lucy go anywhere near the sea because he didn’t want to lose her, but at the same time he knew they couldn’t hide in the forest forever. If the sea got angry enough, it could wage war upon the land and submerge everything.

  He and Steen exchanged a concerned glance, and the men got to their feet to help Lucy up.

  “Wait!” A childlike, ethereal voice called across the clearing.

  “Keelie!” Lucy cried.

  “You cannot prevent this,” Elinor said. “The time for your intervention has passed.”

  “Then I’m coming, too,” Keelie said, and glared at the older woman. For all the world, Keelie looked like a petulant child.

  “It is settled,” Elinor replied. “We go, now.”

  At the sea, Lucy was a little unnerved to find the water still attacking the shore like it had something against it. A column of sea rose up and towered over her, Hugh, Steen, Keelie and Elinor.

  “Keogh!” Elinor cried. “Why did you harm my stream?”

  “She contaminated my river,” the sea monster replied.

  “All the rivers belong to the sea,” Keelie whispered. “I didn’t know. The streams belong to the land, you see.”

  Lucy was surprised. How could Keelie have not known this? Then she realized. “You’re a bit new to all this nymphery, aren’t ye?”

  Keelie nodded sheepishly. “I’m trying my best. It’s been three months, now.”

  A pang of sympathy rushed through Lucy’s heart. Poor Keelie was trying to make sense of something without any idea what she was supposed to be doing, and had inadvertently stepped upon the toes of this powerful being.

  “The human is mine,” Keogh boomed.

  “Nae, ye cannae have her!” Steen yelled. Lucy startled and put her hand over her mouth. Was he really going to challenge the sea—the entire sea—for her? And she’d made that stupid wager with Millie Woodward. Oh, she didn’t deserve him. Either of them. Lucy felt wretched.

  “We already claimed her,” Hugh added. Lucy flushed red as she realised what he meant. He was openly admitting they’d all just made love in the forest.

  “I can attest they did,” Elinor added.

  Lucy squeaked with horror. Had the forest spirit really witnessed what they had done? It didn’t bear thinking about. Then again, she supposed all the spirit world knew everything the villagers did. She thought she heard Steen chuckling, but that couldn’t be right... this was a very serious situation.

  “Then you have defiled my property. She already gave herself to me. I challenge you to a duel.”

  Chapter 12

  “Which of us?” Hugh asked. “We claimed her at the same moment.”

  “Then, since I am going to win anyway, with the might of the sea, I challenge both of you. At the same time.”

  Lucy gasped. This wasn’t going to go well. There was no possibility a fisherman and a baker would be a match for the spirit of the sea. She shook her head.

  “No! Please! Don’t do this! I’ll go wi’ him. Please don’t get yourselves killed on my account. Ye can both be happy with someone else. Steen, Millie’s a fine lass and ye ken ye’d be loved. Hugh... I’m certain there’s someone in the village for ye, too.”

  “I want you.” Hugh glared at her.

  “Me too.” Steen’s gaze was determined.

  “But why? Why are you willing to get killed for me? I’m not worth it! Ye cannae win! And... and...” She flailed for something to push them away. “And I dinnae like either of ye! You’ve both got... smelly elbows!”

  Hugh and Steen exchanged an amused glance.

  “I bet Millie Woodward for ye, Steen,” Lucy added for good measure. She had to make them leave her to her fate. Nothing about her was worth them getting slain over.

  “What?” Steen sounded surprised.

  Lucy pressed the point. “I bet her if she sold more cakes than I did at the bake sale, she could have ye.”

  Steen’s gaze darkened, and Lucy was sure he was going to abandon her, now.

  “Oh, lassie, ye’ve got such a spanking coming tae ye when I’ve beat this sea fellow.”

  Lucy screamed in frustration; it was a low growl of anguish. “Just sod off back tae the village, the both of ye! I’m trouble and ye ken it! And Hugh, I hate cats! I really hate them! And I didnae pay enough attention tae your kitty because I didnae want tae like her.”

  “I think you’ve earned another spanking, for purposely losing my cat.” Hugh shook his head. “Ye’ll mind to stop talking, now, because ye’ll just get yourself in
to more trouble and we’re saving ye whether ye want us tae, or no’. Honestly, I never thought anyone could be so ungrateful to have two men who were willing to fight a sea spirit for her.”

  He made it sound as though such things were a regular occurrence. She sighed and shook her head. This was impossible.

  “We need an arbitrator,” Elinor declared, interrupting the argument between Lucy, Steen and Hugh.

  “I’ll do it,” Keelie said at once.

  “I would not submit to any judgement made by a water nymph. You should not even be here, little girl,” Keogh growled. Lucy wanted to kick him.

  “Arran,” Elinor suggested. “Shetland and Orkney are busy with their feud. Arran will not make a rash decision against you, for your waves could destroy him easily.”


  “And he chooses the method,” Elinor added.

  “Very well.” Keogh seemed to wave a hand dismissively. Elinor became a swirl of leaves, for a moment, and disappeared.

  “Who is Arran? And I thought Shetland and Orkney were islands... or somethin’,” Lucy said.

  “Arran is one of the Hebrides. The inner ones. The outer ones are a little... eccentric,” Keelie explained.

  “Another of the spirits?” Lucy felt like it was difficult to comprehend anything to do with the spirit world. It was like trying to look at something with her eyes closed.

  “Yes. Arran is the spirit of Arran. And by the same token, he is Arran. Same for Shetland and Orkney. Just like Frostbite used to be the spirit of the stream before I took over.”

  “So, your stream should be the Keelie Stream, now?” Lucy thought it felt strange to call it that.

  “Probably. I’m rather hoping to get moved to being a wood nymph, though. I’d be happier with a tree,” Keelie said.

  “And Elinor... what is she? A wood nymph?”

  “Hah! Don’t let her catch you saying that. She’s the entire wood. It’s really the Elinor Forest. About seven thousand trees. She has a lot of power on the land, and the wood nymphs take care of little pockets of it, for her. The village is hers, too, although it’s contested, since there’s no longer any trees in the village. The spirit world wants to forsake it entirely.”


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