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Page 10


“This is not our house.” Casey complained unevenly. Gods, what were the Alpha and his mates going to think when they did not come out of the room for a few hours? That was how long it was going to take her to tend to her men. They had a bad day the same as she had. Turning and stepping out of the shower, she looked back at the men washing off the suds.

  She frowned when she saw that each of them had small cuts over their bodies, and she looked up.

  “What the fuck happened?” She demanded and stepped closer to see each mark that marred their bodies.

  “Just the glass from the car window.” Devon said and looked down at his body first then to Sid’s. He saw what Casey was so worried about. It looked like they had been stuck repeatedly with a small pair of scissors.

  “Okay, out and we need to get up cleaned up.” Casey ordered and turned to look in the bathroom for some first aid supplies.

  Sid and Devon laughed as they looked at their mate bustling around the room. “Baby, we are fine. Wolves, remember?” Devon said and picked up his little mate and took her through to the bedroom.

  Casey squealed and laughed when he threw her on the bed and then followed her down. Landing on top of her with a grunt, Devon began kissing her again. She felt Sid push a little against Devon’s body so he slid off to the side, and he instantly began sucking on her nipples. She groaned into Devon’s mouth when she felt the little zing go to her pussy. Just like that, she was turned on again.

  “I want that ass.” Sid said against her breast, and she stiffened. She had never even thought about the possibility of taking them together so soon, but the thought sent her juices flowing.

  Devon rolled over so she was lying across his chest, and then pulled her legs, so she was straddling him. He pulled her until her pussy was sitting on his stomach, and when she moved a little, his hair teased her clit. Moving a little more, she smiled when she felt her juices smearing on his stomach. She was marking him.

  Sid moved until he was behind her between Devon’s legs, and then began kissing up her spine, he pushed her cheeks apart a little. Casey felt his finger run around her back opening and shivered when she thought about what was going to happen. He must have grabbed a tube of lube from somewhere because she heard the top pop open.

  “A little cold and then you will feel my fingers.” He whispered against her ear.

  Casey felt a little cold and wet finger slide into her back hole. Slowly, he pushed until his finger was to the second knuckle, then paused, and let her get used to the feeling of something in her ass.

  Devon kept kissing her, but also reached up and grasped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers and pulled on them until they peaked. She concentrated on all the sensations that they were causing. It felt strange and a little naughty having someone in her ass.

  Back and forth, Sid moved his finger until she was relaxed, and then she felt him push a second finger in. Hell, it was almost enough to send her over the edge, but she needed more and pulled away from Devon's mouth to say, “More.”

  Devon smiled up at her, pushed her until the head of his cock was right at her entrance, and then speared her quickly with it. Casey threw back her head and cried out. It felt amazing.

  “Just a little more, baby and then I am going to fill your ass with my cock.” Sid said and added another finger and Casey cried out again. Devon gasped when he felt the other man grab his ball sack and pull it a little before saying, “You wait for me.”

  “Holy shit.” Devon said and looked at Sid over Casey's shoulder.

  “Yeah.” Casey said and laughed a little. Devon may be the Beta of the Council but in the bedroom, Sid was in charge today.

  Sid pulled his fingers out, and then pushed Casey down so her ass was in the air, but Devon was still in her, and slowly pushed into her ass. She was so tight he almost came before he was fully seated. Pushing a little at a time, and then pulling back before pushing a little further, before long he was buried balls deep in her and smiled when he felt Devon’s balls against his own.

  They were truly one now, Sid thought as he nodded over her shoulder to Devon, who slowly pulled out.

  “Fuck, I feel so full.” She cried.

  “Oh we are just getting started. Do you like being stuffed full of cock?” Devon said and surged back up into her.

  “Yes!” She cried and then gasped when Sid pulled out. Soon, the men had the rhythm; one pushed in when the other pulled out, and the friction they were causing her was driving her crazy. It was not enough to push her over the edge, and she yell. “Harder.” Both of the men laughed when she tried to move against them and both held her hips, so they were the ones in control and resumed their assault. Soon she was just on the brink of coming and Devon let go with one hand and pinched her clit just enough to send her over crying both of their names.

  Casey and Sid collapsed against Devon, and they lay there trying to catch their breath. After a few minutes, Sid moved a little pulling her to the side and turned them all leaving them all still connected.

  “I love you both.” Casey said quietly.

  “Baby, I love you too.” Devon said.

  “I love you both too.” Sid echoed and they all savored their feelings and lay together. They must have fallen to sleep, because Casey was startled when she heard a knock at the door.

  “Hey.” Cami called out loudly. “Sorry to interrupt, but we have a few people out here and we need you to come out.”

  Devon groaned and yelled, “Kay!”

  Reaching over and kissing both of her mates Casey bound from the bed with a little bounce in her step. “I feel great.” She said and looked over her shoulder at the men on the bed. “Come on.”

  “Fine, so much for the afterglow.” Sid grumbled and stood up to find his clothes. Devon laughed and gathered his things up too.

  “Later.” Devon said and Sid looked over his shoulder at the man. “I am gonna take your ass.”

  “Fuck.” Sid whispered and Casey laughed from the bathroom doorway and said, “I wanna watch.”

  They all laughed when she wiggled her eyebrows up and down. Sid and Devon threw pillows at her, and she ran back into the bathroom. Soon, they were all ready, and walking hand in hand down the hallway to the living room.

  Obviously, more people had come in while they were occupied. Cami came forward, looked at Casey, and smiled. “Nice.” She said and winked at the men and pulled her toward the couch that Jo was sitting on.

  Chapter 7

  “Let me introduce the newest members to the Council.” Quin said stepping forward and began going around the room.

  “This is Oliver, the head of the current Council and also Jo’s father. My brothers and new Betas: Darien and Gregg, they will be taking over the Denver Pack as Devon, you transition to the Council Pack and begin your duties as Council member and Beta. In addition, members of the current Council are Braden and my parents, Thon and Aris. Everyone, these are the newest members of the Council. Devon you know, and his mates, Sid and Casey, who is also a member of the Council. She is born under the sign of the Gemini, with her twin Reggie. He is currently in the other room being tended to after the attack.” Quin said and waited while everyone shook hands and welcomed the newest trio into the Pack.

  Devon glanced and saw that Jo and Cami were taking care of Casey, and so he watched after Sid making sure no one came to close to him. Devon knew he was going to have to claim the man soon. The mating heat was driving him nuts, and no matter how many times he fucked Casey, it would not subside until he claimed Sid also. He wondered if the other man was having the same problem. Shaking his head and trying to think about what was going on, he did not want to embarrass himself with arranging his hard on in front of the elders.

  Sid stepped forward and took the hand of each of the men they had been introduced to; effectively he covered his mate’s erection. Devon turned when he heard his other mates tinkling laugh, and then smiled when he saw her with Cami and Jo. The women had become good friends in a short period of time
. Good, he thought she needed to make friends, from everything she had told him; she had no real close friends other than her brother. It must have been a little lonely growing up.

  “Let’s get down to business.” Quin said and sat motioned for all of them to sit down.

  “First, we are going to have to change a few things, since Devon met his mates, and will probably want to be staying a little closer to home now. I suggest Gregg take over the search for the missing Council members in the field, while Devon helps with the research here. Darien can help with the Denver Pack.” Jaden said and winked at Casey.

  “Good idea. We have found a few leads on a couple of the Chosen.” Quin said then continued.

  “Unfortunately, not a lot of details but maybe we can find something. Casey and Reggie are going to be handling the finances of the Council and since Reggie is currently hurt and out of it, Casey, we can start with the Denver Packs and go from there. We have a lot of things we need and want to get moving including the re-development of some of the buildings. Sid and his brothers will be heading the construction.” Quin said.

  Casey tuned out a little while they were talking. It had been a long few days, and she was looking forward to seeing her new home and finding her new bed. Preferably, with one or both of her mates joining her, she needed to reconnect with them again; goodness, she really was a slut. She looked at the people in the room and smiled. This was her new family. These wolves would never betray her. She looked at Thon and Oliver and wondered if they knew her parents.

  Did they know of the plan to separate her from her brother? Did they care?

  Devon must have felt her uneasiness, because he stood and silently came and sat next to her. Sid smiled and nodded before moving and sitting in front of her. They surrounded her with caring and loving feelings, and she relaxed against her big mate. The meeting continued without a beat, even though the other people had to realize something was going on with Casey, because her mates had felt the need to protect her.

  “If I may?” Thon said as he looked at his son first and then turned to Casey when Quin nodded.

  “My dear, what is wrong?”

  Casey flushed her embarrassment and looked down at her hands not really liking to be the center of attention with so many powerful wolves. She felt like she was under a microscope. It was stupid she had brought attention to herself. As if they wanted to hear about her personal shit when so many other important things needed to be discussed, she was a walking disaster, how was she going to fake being under control?

  “Uh, nothing much, just thinking about everything I am going to need. It is just a little overwhelming thinking of handling the funds for the Council.” She lied.

  Quin’s mother leaned forward, smiled gently at her, and said, “I think it is more than that.” Cami leaned forward, took Casey’s hand. And squeezed it hard before saying, “I think my friend is a little worried that all of you knew what happened to her when she was a child, and let her parents abandon her.”

  “Casey, we did not know what your parents planned. I would have stepped in and helped had I known. Jeremy was a trusted member of the Pack, and I am sure of his part in this farce, he only was doing what he thought best to save you. As for your parents, or should I just say the Tarkens, I can’t say.” Oliver said and frowned at the other members of the Council. “Has anyone spoken to Barbara and John about this?”

  Everyone in the room shook their heads, but Braden said, “No, I have spoken to Jeremy. He was part of my security; he explained what he knew and how he dealt with things over the years. I am sorry, Casey.”

  “I just do not understand what they were thinking.” Casey said quietly.

  Quin raised his hand, and told his brothers to read the papers that they had gathered from the Tarken’s and Jeremy. It outlined what they had told the Betas, and what they had investigated once they discovered that Casey was part of the Pack.

  Casey cried as they read the pages from her past, the one that no one had told her about. She heard how Jeremy had taken her to where he was supposed to meet her parents, and how he waited for almost a year before trying to find them himself. He had become frustrated that they had left their daughter. When he arrived to the Columbia Pack, Jeremy had explained how he confronted the Tarken’s and how they refused to take Casey back. They said it was safer if Jeremy would just take Casey, leave, and find a new Pack. Jeremy had refused because Reggie and she had been twins, and he knew their bond was strong. He knew that separating them would do more harm than good. It sucked hearing all of her personal shit being explained to the whole Pack.

  “Wait, go back.” Oliver said.

  Quin looked up surprised at the tone the older man had. “What?”

  “Explain the dates again.” Oliver said urgently.

  Darien looked down at the paper he had been reading and repeated the dates again. Devon did not know what they were supposed to be listening to, but he leaned forward thinking the shit was going to hit the fan again. He did not know how much more his mate could take.

  “There. The date that Barbara called Jeremy and asked him to come to the house to discuss something important. According to Jeremy that was when they asked him to take Casey.” Oliver said and looked around the room and frowned when no one heard what he did. “Get Jeremy in here.”

  Quin shrugged and called Mike and had him bring the older wolf into the room. The Tarken’s and Jeremy had still been arguing in the suite below.

  Oliver wasted no time and started to question Jeremy. “Explain to us again the sequence of events that led you to become Casey’s legal guardian.” Jeremy frowned, but pulled a small note book from his pocket. Casey grinned when she saw him do that, ever since she was a small child, he had done this. Jeremy was very precise on things that were important to him. He always wrote down things he needed to remember, things that happened on a daily basis, so he could record them later in his diary. He was a stickler for facts and dates.

  “Well, according to my notes, Barbara called on November 13th and asked me to come for a meeting the following week. She was very upset and they needed help. I was supposed to be on duty the day she wanted me to come, but she was adamant about me coming that day. I called and asked another Enforcer to take my place. That morning I ran to their house, and by the time I got there, they had discovered that Jo had been kidnapped. The Tarkens were in a panic about what it meant. I ran back to Oliver's house to help with the hunt. A few days later Barbara called me again, and similar to the last time she was crying and frantic. She asked me to come to the house. I thought something had happened to one of the twins and ran over right away. They told me that they were worried about Casey and Reggie. They said that something had spooked them the previous night. John thought he saw someone looking in the twin’s window. They asked me to take Casey, go to the States, and meet them. I agreed, because I knew the twins were part of the future. Braden you had told all of us that we were to protect the Chosen no matter what. I called my Beta and explained that I needed to protect one of the Chosen, and I was leaving. I did not even go back to my house. I took Casey, left that very night, and took a train to England first, and then a plane to New York. Casey and I traveled across the States in a bus, until we reached our destination, and then I laid low and waited for the Tarken’s.” Jeremy explained reading from his book. “I also want to add, that I would not trade a single day that I had with my daughter. She is the light of my life, and I would give anything for her not to be hurting right now. I wish that I would have asked for help from the Council, but then, no one knew who was responsible and everything was a mess. I wanted to protect one of the Chosen, and gained a daughter.”

  Casey sniffed and smiled at the man who would always be her father no matter who had given birth to her and donated the sperm. Regardless of anything else, Jeremy was an honorable man.

  If she believed him when he said he knew nothing about what her parents had planned, when they separated Reggie and her, then she needed to forgive him
for lying to her. It was a wasted emotion that she did not have time for right now.

  “If that is true, then how did they know a week in advance that they needed someone to help them?” Oliver said looking at Braden and Thon for answers.

  “For that matter, why would parents who knew their children were part of the Chosen Prophesy, actually separate them? We told the parents that they would be protected. Most of them stayed for many years in the area, it was only after we announced that Jo was presumed dead the rest of the families slowly left the Pack. I talked to many of them that left, and they all said the same thing, they wanted to start over, somewhere where their children were not so well known. Only the Tarken’s left so soon after the incident.” Braden said slowly.

  “I wonder if they knew, if somehow they were involved.” Oliver whispered.

  Quin stood and looked around the room, his face was masked with fury. “We invited the enemy into our Pack.” He growled and Jaden jumped up as well and grabbed the phone. They were barking orders to the Enforcers when they heard the first boom.

  “Safe room.” Tey ordered and shuffled the women to the bedroom that Casey and her mates had just occupied. In the corner, she had not seen a panel before. Tey ripped open the door and shoved them into the room which was surprisingly large. How had they hidden this?

  Cami led Jo to the chair and sat down sharing it with her. Casey followed, and sat on the arm of the chair needing to feel some comfort. Her men had stayed out there, as had the Alphas and the rest of the Council. Quin's mother joined them last, and sat on the other arm of the chair poised like a Queen and looked at the screens that Tey was pulling up.

  In front of them was a wall of television screens, that when turned on showed the entire Pack compound, from all from different angles. On most of the screens, there were men running around checking all the perimeters. Casey could see there was no fighting, which led her to believe there was no attack.


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