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One Last Dance (Oak Grove Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Stopper, Nancy

  She closed her eyes. There was no way she could hide her feelings from him, his gaze knowing as it bored into her. She gave herself over to him, mind, body, and soul. Meeting him thrust for thrust. But before they could reach the pinnacle, Joey flipped them so she sat on top of him, still joined intimately. He gave her the power but demonstrated his love with every stroke, every caress. She leaned back, driving him deeper, enjoying the new angle.

  “Oh, God, Brittany. That’s so good.”

  She lifted up before lowering herself over him again and again. Tightness increased deep in her gut and spread throughout her body. At the last moment, Joey stroked her bundle of nerves as she lowered herself onto him until every muscle tensed with pleasure. She gripped him and he pulsed within her as they plummeted over the cliff.

  She collapsed over him, too spent to move, too overwhelmed to think. Why had she thought she could have a short fling and go back to her life? She knew at this moment her life would never be the same after this week… because she was a goner.

  While still connected intimately, he ran his hands down her back. The hands that just brought her to climax now soothed her, comforted her. Beneath her ear, his heart beat a steady rhythm, as though he hadn’t been affected as she had.

  He eventually withdrew and rolled her off him. Cold blew over her as he moved away. He returned quickly, though, and shifted so she lay beside him, her head tucked into the crook of his arm.

  “I don’t know how, but it gets better every time with you. That was… unbelievable,” he said as his eyelids drooped.

  She didn’t know how he could sleep. The enormity of them, their relationship, gave her a buzz stronger than caffeine, her mind racing. So as he dozed, she stared at him. His strong features were relaxed, and in them, she saw a young boy who wanted to do big things with his life. His chest rose and fell with steady breaths, and inside she knew his heart beat for her. Like hers did for him. She played with his hair, flipping the longer strands between two fingers.

  How easy it was, just the two of them together, the world shut away outside the window. But she lived in the real world, where jobs and responsibilities filled their days. What would happen to this when the Monday morning smacked them in the face? As she lay here with him, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  JOEY AWOKE TO Brittany’s soft body against his, his arm wrapped protectively around it. Right where he wanted to be. He cupped her breast with one hand, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. She sighed, pressing back into his growing erection with her backside. He’d never been comfortable waking up with a woman before. As a matter of fact, he rarely stayed long enough to fall asleep. But with Brittany, everything was different. He was different.

  After recovering from making love at the hotel, he and Brittany had dressed and left a big tip for housekeeping. They snuck out of the hotel, laughing all the way down the street. Neither spoke on the way back to Oak Grove. The silence gave him the time to think about ways to keep Brittany with him. He kept her hand firmly in his the entire way home, the need to touch her overwhelming. She threw smiles his way from time to time, but he held his tongue, not ready to put into words the transformation he’d had. Because somehow, between the moment he’d met her at J.J.’s, to when he’d had her beneath him on the bed at the hotel, he’d fallen in love.

  Some would say it happened too fast. Hell, he knew it was too fast. His feelings for Shelby had grown slowly, young teenagers exploring first love. He’d filled the years since her with random hookups, devoid of deep emotion. He refused to fall for a woman before now. Which meant when Brittany snuck in, got under his skin, and wormed her way into his life and his heart, it had slammed into him without warning.

  Did she feel even some of what he did?

  But now she found herself back in Joey’s bed. She settled back, and for the first time, he thought there might actually be a chance. She let out little sighs while she slept, showing the small, vulnerable girl living inside the body of this strong, confident woman. She fascinated him, and he could spend the rest of his life learning about her and what made her tick.

  Squeezing her tighter, he closed his eyes and tucked his hand between her breasts, placing gentle kisses on her shoulder and neck. Before long, her breathing shallowed, and she tilted her head, giving him better access. She was so responsive. It only took a stroke, a caress, a well-placed kiss, and she was his. While kneading her breast, he nipped and sucked at her neck, working his way up to the spot behind her ear that drove her wild.

  She turned into his embrace, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I could get used to waking up like this.”

  He didn’t respond, except to kiss her. Afraid to shake the tenuous balance they’d found during their week-long escape from reality. But he couldn’t help but hope the same thing. They lay there for a long time, making out like teenagers without a care in the world…

  Until she pushed him onto his back and rolled on top of him. She rubbed her breasts against his chest, tickling his hair and caressing him with her soft skin. Her core aligned with his cock, and he knew with one easy thrust, he could be inside her. But he didn’t, instead giving her total control over their pace. To show her they could be together in a way that could meet both of their needs.

  She kissed her way down his neck and his chest, pausing to circle her tongue around his nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

  “Damn, that feels good.”

  “I love your chest,” she mumbled with her mouth pressed to his skin, her lips burning a hot, moist path. “And your abs.”

  His cock thickened.

  “And that.” She wiggled against him.

  He stretched his arm out toward the nightstand to grab a condom, when the faint ringing of his house phone down the hall reached his ears.

  “Hmm… I wonder who that could be.”

  “Let the voice mail get it,” Brittany murmured as she trailed kisses toward his cock.

  As much as he wanted her to finish, he couldn’t. “It must be important. No one ever calls me at home anymore.”

  With a quick kiss on her lips, he rolled her onto the bed and hustled down the hall into the kitchen.

  “Yeah?” he asked as he answered the phone. He’d handle this quickly and get back to the willing woman in his bed.

  “Joey, it’s Carla.”

  “Carla? What’s wrong.” It must be bad if she was calling him at home. She always called his cell. Or texted.

  “I tried to call and text you several times last night, and again a few minutes ago. You didn’t answer.”

  “Oh, damn. I turned the ringer off when we went into a club last night. I guess I got distracted and didn’t check it.” He’d been distracted, all right.

  “I thought you should know. Rachel didn’t show up for her shift last night. I tried to call her, but no answer. A little later, the phone rang, but no one was there. I swear I could hear yelling in the background. I’m worried about her.”

  “Dammit!” he screamed. “Thanks, Carla. I gotta go.”

  He rushed back down the hall, fishing into his jeans pocket for his phone. A string of missed calls and texts greeted him. He shouldn’t have let Brittany distract him. He should have stayed in town last night and checked on Rachel after seeing her at work the night before. Instead he let himself get waylaid.

  “What’s going on?” Brittany sat up, tucking the sheet beneath her bare breasts.

  “That was Carla. Rachel didn’t show up last night, and Carla got a strange call that worried her. I have to go.”

  “Wait, I’m coming with you.” She leapt out of bed and pulled clothes out of her suitcase.

  “This doesn’t concern you.”

  “It sure as hell does. I talked to Rachel the other night. I told her to call me. Damn,” she said as she looked at her own phone before turning it so he could see. “I have a missed call last night. It must have been her.”

  “Why the hell is she calling you instead of
me?” he roared as they both dressed quickly.

  “It doesn’t matter. Let’s get going.”

  On the way out the door, Joey dialed his brother.

  “What’s up?” Lucas asked.

  “I’m on my way to Rachel’s. She didn’t come in last night, and Carla got a strange call—” The sound of a car engine carried through the phone.

  “I’m on my way. I’ll meet you there. And Joey…”


  “Be calm. We don’t know what’s happening yet. We don’t want to drive her even further away from the family. Okay?”

  “See you there,” Joey said before he pressed End. This had gone on long enough. He raised his head. Damn, his truck was still at Sawyer’s. Well, the sedan would have to do, because Joey wasn’t going to take the time to trade cars. As soon as he pulled out, he dialed his friend.

  “Hey, man. How was your date last night?”

  “I’m headed to Rachel’s. Something’s going on. Lucas is meeting me there.”

  “I’m on my way,” Sawyer said. “Wait until Lucas and I get there.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  Brittany sat quietly beside him as he sped through town. This time he knew Sawyer was joining him instead of pulling him over. Joey turned onto the dirt road leading to Shane’s with Lucas right on his tail. The car lurched and dipped as Joey sped over the ruts. He’d worry about the damage to Sawyer’s car later. Right now, he just had to get to Rachel.

  The trees thinned, and he screech into the clearing in front of Shane’s trailer. Both Shane and Rachel’s cars were parked in the dirt patch on the side.

  No luck in catching her alone.

  The car slid in the pine needles covering the yard as Joey slowed. He slammed the car into park and leapt out as it lurched to a stop. Lucas pulled up beside him, and Sawyer parked Joey’s truck on the other side, each jumping from their vehicles and stopping in front of Joey.

  Sawyer pressed his hand to Joey’s chest. “Take a deep breath. We need to be calm.”

  Joey shoved his shaking hands into the pockets of his pants. “He’s hurting her, Sawyer.”

  “I know. I know. We have to tread carefully.”

  “Okay. We’ll try it your way. But I make no promises. That prick says one wrong word…” His hands shook and his heart raced. He was wound so tight that it wouldn’t take much to set him off.

  A door slammed behind him. Right, Brittany had come along. He pointed at her. “Stay here. I don’t want you anywhere near this.”

  She walked up to him and grabbed his hands. “I’m right here for you—and for her—if you need me.” She pressed a gentle kiss on his lips and ran her hand down his cheek. He threw her a last look before falling in beside Sawyer and Lucas. The three of them marched up the steps.

  He pounded on the door.

  Sounds rustled from inside. They were here, but no one answered. After a minute, he smacked his hand against the door again.

  “Who is it?” The voice was weak but definitely Rachel’s.

  “It’s Joey,” he said, his voice gentle. “Open up.”

  “I’m sorry I missed my shift yesterday, Joey. But I’m tired. Can you come back later?”

  “I don’t care about the shift, honey. I want to talk.”

  He waited a really long minute, each tick of the clock conjuring horrible images of what could be happening on the other side of the door. Eventually, the lock clicked and the door swung open. Rachel stood in front of them, blinking and squinting. She lifted her hand. “Why are they here?

  “We’re all worried about you.”

  She lowered her hand, her eyes looking toward the floor, and that was when he saw it, the tan elastic bandage on her wrist. Before Lucas or Sawyer could stop him, he pushed past Rachel into the filthy living room of their trailer. The smell of stale cigarette smoke overwhelmed him. Lucas and Sawyer stomped into the door behind him.

  “Where is he? Where is the bastard?”

  “He didn’t do anything to me, Joey. I fell and sprained my wrist yesterday.”

  Joey looked at Rachel. Without makeup, the dark bruise around her eye was more pronounced. He clenched his fists at his side and Lucas’s hand pressed on his. Joey didn’t want to be calm. He just wanted to beat the crap out of Shane.

  “I don’t believe you.” He yelled down the hall. “Shane, get your ass out here.”

  Rachel put her hands on Joey’s arms. “Please leave him alone. He’s tired.”

  “I bet he’s tired. Or hungover. Is that what happened? He got drunk and hit you again last night?”

  She didn’t say anything… which was all the answer he needed. “Shane, if you don’t get out here, I’m gonna come in there and drag your ass out.”

  Rubbing his hand over his face, Shane, T-shirt torn and jeans hanging low on his waist, appeared at the door to the bedroom. “Who in the hell is yelling out here? I was asleep. Rachel, what in the hell are you doing?”

  “She’s not doing anything, asshole. We came by to see her. Now get out here and talk to me,” Lucas said from beside Joey.

  Shane gestured to the front door, his features tight. “I want you out of my house right now. All of you.”

  Joey bristled. “We’ll leave when we feel like it. And I don’t feel like it right now. You’re gonna look me in the eye and tell me what you’ve done to my sister.”

  “I haven’t done anything to her. She poured out my beer last night that I worked hard to pay for. She had no right.”

  “And you had no right to lay a hand on her.”

  “Is that what she said, the bitch?” Shane advanced toward them.

  “Don’t you ever call my sister that name, or any name, again.” Joey stepped forward as he spoke until Lucas held him back.

  “She’s my girlfriend. I’ll call her whatever I want.”

  Joey took another step toward Shane and Sawyer cleared his throat. “Joey, be careful.”

  Rachel slid in front of Joey. Why was she always defending the prick? Putting herself between them was just stupid. She pressed her hands against Joey’s chest, her eyes wide and her lips trembling. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Joey, please, leave it alone. I shouldn’t have dumped his beer last night. I made him angry and he ran into me and I fell. Honest.”

  “Honey, I can’t leave it alone. He’s hurting you.”

  “I’ll do whatever I want in my own home,” Shane said.

  Joey reached toward Shane. Sawyer and Lucas pulled on Joey’s shoulders, holding him back.

  “Come on, asshole, give me a reason to run you in.” Sawyer leaned forward, extended his finger, and pointed it in Shane’s face.

  “I ain’t done nothin’ wrong. Rachel’ll never say I did.” Shane growled under his breath. “Will you, babe?” A trace of smug confidence laced his words.

  Sawyer turned to Rachel, his expression questioning. “Rachel, tell me what he did and we can end this.”

  “Joey, Sawyer, please, leave it alone.” Anguish crossed her face as she begged them. “Everything is fine.”

  “See, everything’s fine. I want all of you out of my house. Now.” Shane spit the words out. Joey just wanted five minutes with the guy, with Shane on the receiving end of everything he’d done to Rachel.

  Joey shot a look at Sawyer and Lucas. They must have read his mind because the two of them placed themselves, shoulder to shoulder, between Shane and Joey. Joey turned his back on Shane and placed his hands on Rachel’s thin, frail arms. Shane had done this to her, and he’d had enough. “Brittany came with me. She’s sorry she missed your call. She wanted to make sure you were okay. How about you come out and say hi?”

  Rachel’s eyes shot to Shane, fear filling them. Shane just stood there, his feet spread and his arms crossed across his chest.

  She shrugged and a disappointed frown crossed her face. “I probably shouldn’t.”

  Joey focused on her face, tapping his thumb under her chin until she looked at him. “You know I love you, right?” />
  Her face fell. “I know. I love you, too.”

  When had she lost so much of herself? He spoke in Rachel’s ear, his voice only loud enough for her to hear. “It’s killing me to see you like this. You deserve so much better.”

  She said nothing, her head shaking almost imperceptibly.

  He pulled her into his arms, pressing her head to his chest. “Please, I want you to call me. Anytime. I’m here for you. Whenever you’re ready.”

  Rachel spared him a weak smile as she pulled away from his embrace. A knife of pain stabbed his heart at the thought of leaving her with Shane, but he couldn’t force her to join them.

  She wasn’t ready to leave on her own. Not yet.

  He blew through the door and stormed down the steps. The door slammed against the wall of the trailer. He stalked around the yard, running his hand through his hair as Lucas jogged to his side.

  “There’s nothing else we can do until she wants help, Joey.” Lucas’s voice of reason wasn’t what Joey wanted to hear right now.

  “We can beat the shit out of him like he’s doing to her,” Joey spat back.

  “What will that solve?” Damn, Lucas. Didn’t he ever get mad?

  “It’ll make me feel better.”

  “Me, too. I’d love to have a few minutes alone with the bastard.” Lucas curled his hands into fists.

  “But that will just drive her back into his arms. Make her feel sorry for him,” Brittany explained, her hands gently rubbing Joey’s arms.

  “I know. But it doesn’t stop him from hitting her. I’ve got to get out of here before I do something I’ll regret.” He scanned the yard. “Where’s Sawyer?”

  Just then, Sawyer stomped down the stairs, slamming the door behind him.

  Joey rushed to Sawyer’s side. “What did you say to him?”

  “Doesn’t matter. She’s staying.” Steam poured out of Sawyer’s ears and the muscles in his jaw twitched. His anger matched Joey’s. Joey paced across the yard one more time before stopping in front of Sawyer. “Give me my keys. I gotta get out of here. Now.”


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