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One Last Dance (Oak Grove Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Stopper, Nancy

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to find you. You were already gone when I got to my house the other day.” And she’d taken his heart with her. He just had to find a way to tell her that. And beg her to give him another chance.

  “I thought that’s what you wanted.” She fiddled with her hands and wouldn’t look at him.

  “I’m so sorry. I lashed out at you and I shouldn’t have.” He’d always been known to speak first, ask questions later. This was the first time that had backfired. He’d make sure that never happened again, if only she’d let him.

  “Yes, you did.”

  She had to know he didn’t mean it, didn’t she? Surely she got that he was upset about Rachel. That didn’t excuse his behavior, though. He should have been reaching for her, not shoving her away. “It wasn’t about you. It was never about you.”

  “That’s not what you said.”

  His heart broke. He knew exactly how hurtful his words had been, but that didn’t stop him from spewing his venom at her. He was an ass. “I know, and I can’t tell you how sorry I am. If it takes the rest of my life, I will make up for the way I treated you.”

  She stared at her clasped hands in her lap. Damn, the strong woman had retreated, and the young, innocent girl had taken her place. The one who’d had her hopes dashed each time her father had raised his hand to her. Joey had done the same, only with his words… which might be worse.

  Joey placed his hand over hers. They sat like that until she finally turned her hand palm up and threaded her fingers through his.

  “You hurt me.”

  “I know.”

  “I’d never told anyone what I told you. Not even Karen. You’ll never know how hard that was for me.” Her fingers trembled in his.

  “I know. I do know. I was so angry about what was happening to Rachel, and then you told me about your childhood. If I had five minutes with your father, I’d beat the shit out of him.”

  She didn’t say anything. She’d had so much violence in her life already and here he was, suggesting more.

  He drew in a deep breath. “I’m so sorry.” They both sat in silence. “I see what you mean about this park. It’s great.”

  She raised her head, her eyes following his as he surveyed the idyllic space. “How did you find me?”

  “When you weren’t at home, I talked to Karen. When she said you’d left work early to think, I remembered you telling me about this park.”

  Her eyes widened. “You remembered?”

  “I remember everything you said to me. How you described your life here in New York. How much you love it here. I came to see for myself. To ask for your forgiveness… and for another chance with you.”

  Her eyes locked on his. “Really?”

  He smiled at her. “Really.”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip. “But how do you see this working? Me living in New York and you living in Oak Grove.”

  His smile grew wider. “I’ve made arrangements to have the bar covered. I thought I’d check out city living. See what all the hype’s about.”

  “Why would you want to do that? You love Oak Grove.”

  “I love you. And I want to be wherever you are.”

  “But what about… wait, what?” Her eyebrows shot up.

  He loved that he could still surprise her. He tucked his hand under her chin, raising it up and leaning forward until his mouth hovered a breath from hers. “I said I love you.”

  A huge smile crossed her lips and her eyes filled with happiness. If anything, she was even more beautiful than before. Unable to resist any longer, he brushed a gentle kiss across her lips. “Do you think I’ll like it here in the city? I’ll need you to show me around.”

  “Um, well, that might be difficult.” She dropped her gaze again. He was too late. He’d lost his chance with her. His heart sank all the way to his shoes. What could he say to fix this?

  “Tell me what I need to do, and I’ll do it. I want to be with you, Brittany.”

  “That’s fine, but I won’t be here to show you around.”

  “Why not?”

  She fiddled with her hands in her lap. She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “You see, I quit my job today. And I’m starting my new job as soon as I can get settled.”

  He was too late. She’d already moved on without him.

  “I don’t care where we have to move. I want to be with you.”

  She raised her chin, the smile growing on her face. “Good, because my new job is in Oak Grove.”

  He leapt from the bench. “What?”

  “I talked to Bryan today… with Jayden’s Hope. You’re looking at their newest architectural designer.”



  Joey pulled her up, wrapping his arms around her and spinning her around in a circle. The little stinker. She’d made him sweat it out, stringing him along. He didn’t care. As long as they could be together.

  She laughed, the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

  “Put me down,” she cried after a moment.

  He lowered her to the ground but kept her wrapped in his arms. “I can’t believe it. This is so great.” He lowered his head until his mouth hovered over hers, their noses pressed together. “I mean it, Brittany. The minute you decide you miss the city, I want you to tell me.”

  “I won’t. I promise. I tried to be happy when I came back from Oak Grove, but I wasn’t. I didn’t like my job, my apartment felt small and closed in, and I missed being able to see the stars at night. And it’s so loud here all the time.”

  Joey threw his head back and laughed. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He stilled.

  “I do. I love you,” she repeated.

  He raised his eyebrows at her, a smirk on his face. “It’s about time. So… when does this new job in Oak Grove start?”

  “As soon as I can make arrangements to move. I put in my notice today at work, and I need to sublet my apartment and find a place to live in Oak Grove.”

  “In the meantime, I think you owe me a tour of your apartment. At least the bedroom.” He raised his eyebrows a couple of times and quirked his mouth into a wolfish grin.

  She laughed as she smacked him across the chest then stretched onto her tiptoes to press her lips to his, her tongue begging entry. Wrapping his arms around her, he sealed their future with a kiss that meant more than every other one before this. Because he was sharing this embrace with the woman he loved.


  SNOWFLAKES FLOATED ON the air as Brittany studied the grey skies, willing the storm to wait just a little longer. The fresh, clean scent of fall hung in the air, with the cool mornings and warmer afternoons. But not today, as the threat of snow loomed over them. It was early for snow, two weeks before Thanksgiving, but if they could get the roof finished today, the crew could continue finishing the interior of the house as the weather grew colder.

  A line of workers hammered, sawed, and mounted the last bits of the roof while volunteers hung siding on the outside walls of the structure. One of the men stood, pressing his hands to his back before turning to her. Her heart filled as a grin broke out on Joey’s face. After speaking to the man beside him, he leapt down from the stoop and stalked across the site to her. Without missing a beat, he swept her into his arms and took her mouth. She’d long ago given up trying to get him to act with a bit of professionalism on the job site. He wanted everyone to know they were together... and she didn’t mind the kisses.

  She sank into Joey’s arms, each kiss with him new and exciting. It had taken her two weeks to settle things in New York. Over Joey’s objections, she’d rented her own apartment. As much as she wanted to move in with him, she needed to prove she’d made this decision for herself. And she had. Every day in her new job had proven to be motivational and inspirational. She took great pride in her work for veterans, finally finding the purpose that had been missing in her former job.

The town of Oak Grove had embraced her as one of their own. She loved walking down the idyllic streets of the square surrounding the town green, a park much like her quiet space in New York City. People knew her name and greeted her when she passed by. She regularly visited Mug ’n Muffin, and Emma had quickly become a surrogate mother to her, the mother she hadn’t had growing up.

  Joey broke the kiss, lowering his forehead to hers. “Damn, I needed that.”

  She smiled up at him. “You did, huh?”

  “Yep. I’m getting ready to head over to J.J.’s. Are you coming by later?”

  “I am. I have to head to the office in a bit, so I might be late, but I’ll be there.”

  “Okay.” He popped another quick kiss on her lips. “I’ll see you there.”

  As he walked away, her eyes lingered on his backside, appreciating the way his ass moved beneath the tight-fitting denim. Damn, that man was fine. And he was hers. He turned as he reached his truck, a knowing smirk on his face. After blowing her a kiss, he drove down the street.

  Once she could no longer see his taillights, she focused her attention back to the plans in front of her. Just a few more things and she’d be finished and on her way to the office before the day grew colder.

  In the office a few hours later, she filed the last bit of paperwork for the project they’d be starting next week. She glanced at the clock. It was a lot later than she realized. She enjoyed her job so much that she lost track of time. “Dang. I can’t believe it’s so late.”

  She took a quick look at her phone. Joey hadn’t texted her. That was a bit unusual. She was used to funny jokes or just a few words checking in throughout the day. She pulled on the steel- toed boots that had become a regular part of her daily wardrobe and wiggled her toes. She loved them more than she’d expected. They fit her, and not just physically. She had finally found who she was supposed to be, where she was supposed to be, and the man she was supposed to be with.

  With a smile on her face, she climbed into the SUV that had replaced her impractical sedan. In no time, she reached J.J.’s parking lot, finding a spot right next to the door. The wind cut through her when she stepped out. Yep, definitely snow. Pulling her jacket closed, she hustled from the car and jerked the front door open. The warm glow of the room welcomed her, enveloped her. A feeling of home overcame her each time she walked into J.J.’s, one that expanded when her eyes landed on Joey. With a smile on his face, he laughed with a couple of guys from behind the bar.

  He lifted his head and spied her standing at the door.

  His smile widened. After a brief word with the customers, he swaggered toward her, a look of determination in his eyes. When he reached her side, he extended his hand.

  “Dance with me.”

  With a smile, she placed her hand in his, and he led her to the dance floor. As if on cue, the music changed to a slow ballad, and Joey spun her out before pulling her to him. Her hand tucked against his heart—right where it belonged. They’d spent many hours together on this dance floor. They swayed as one, the music infusing their bodies and their souls. She couldn’t have scripted a better ending to her day if she’d tried.

  Joey’s movements slowed. She lifted her head from his chest and looked to him with concern. She saw nothing but love shining through as he reached into the breast pocket of his long sleeve chambray shirt. His fingers fumbled with the item he withdrew and then stilled.

  “Brittany, I don’t know what force of nature brought you into my life, but from the first time I saw you, I knew you were someone special. We had our first dance right here on this floor, and I wanted this to be the place I ask you to be my wife.”

  Brittany stared at the ring between his fingers before lifting her eyes back to his.

  “I love you, Brittany. I love your spirit, and your strength, and your sensitivity.”

  Her hands flew to her mouth while tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Joey.”

  “Please, Brittany, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She barely held it together as she screamed her answer. “Oh, yes, Joey. I love you. Yes!”

  With tears now filling his eyes, he slid the beautiful diamond solitaire on her finger. Around them, the crowd that had turned silent as Joey proposed broke out in applause. Brittany threw her arms around Joey’s neck and he spun her into a circle. As he did, she stretched out her left hand and stared at the shiny ring, knowing this would not be their last dance together.

  I hope you enjoyed Joey and Brittany’s story. One Last Dance is Book 2 in the Oak Grove series fearing the Bennett family and their friends living in Oak Grove, PA. All of the stories are stand-alone complete stories with a guaranteed happily-ever-after. You’re invited to come back over and over to see old friends and meet new ones.

  If you enjoyed this book, I would be extremely grateful if you’d leave a short review on Amazon.

  Want to know the day the next Oak Grove book is released? Sign up for my mailing list!

  Turn the page for a sneak peek at the first chapter of One Last Chance, book 3 in the Oak Grove Series.


  Book 3 in the Oak Grove Series

  By: Nancy Stopper

  Chapter One

  “SHANE, NO—STOP!” Rachel darted behind the smallish kitchen table, her eyes never leaving her boyfriend. At least the barrier would give her some protection against his rage. Very little, though. This wasn’t the first time he’d chased her around the table, stretching his grubby hands across the top to grab her. Sometimes she got away. Sometimes she didn’t.

  A glazed look filled his bloodshot eyes. Good… maybe he’d pass out soon. Five, maybe ten minutes. She just had to hold out until then.

  She rubbed her throbbing cheek, the sting from his hand still fresh.

  Shane lurched across the table and wrapped his thick fingers around her wrist. Even though her skin throbbed, she tried to yank her arm away. He just squeezed harder, pain radiating up her arm. She pulled and struggled, but she couldn’t free her hand from his vice-like grip.

  “You bitch. Where’s my goddamned beer?”

  “I didn’t do anything, I swear. You drank the last one this afternoon.” Please believe me. She’d convinced him before that he’d just forgotten, but the times that she hadn’t, he’d blown up. Each time worse than the previous one.

  He raised his fist, keeping her wrist clamped in the other. The harsh smack of his palm burned her cheek. Her hand flew to her face. The table rocked and Shane pitched forward, still holding her. She stumbled and struggled to wrench away from him. Tears welled in her eyes but she wouldn’t let them fall. Tears just pissed him off.

  Where was loving Shane she’d met and started dating? When had he turned into this monster? And why did she stay with him?

  She didn’t deserve any better—that was what she’d told herself when huddled under the blanket at night, feigning sleep so he wouldn’t reach for her.

  But just being “good” wasn’t cutting it. Not anymore. She’d had enough. She deserved better, no matter what her mind tried to convince her. She had to get out before he killed her.

  Her cell phone sat on the counter. If she could get over there, she could call one of her brothers or even 9-1-1. Only once before had she tried to call during one of Shane’s attacks. She hadn’t been able to reach Joey, and Shane had slapped the phone away before she could talk to someone at the bar. No one had come. Not until the next day, after Shane had thrown her against the wall and sprained her wrist. What if no one came again? Shane’s attacks were getting worse.

  Shane’s fiery gaze darted to her phone and his eyebrows rose. “No way, bitch. This is between us.”

  Damn, he’d seen her. But she was determined to get to the phone. She darted around the table and dashed to the counter. Shane’s strong arms snaked around the waist. Almost there. She stretched for the phone. When her fingers brushed the cell, she sent it skidding to the floor. Shit. She lunged but couldn’t reach the one lifeline from a beating.
Shane yanked her away, threw her against the couch, and followed her down. His fingers dug into her arms. His putrid breath turned her stomach, and she clenched her teeth so she wouldn’t vomit.

  “Is this what you wanted?” He slammed his mouth down on hers. She clamped her lips shut. How could she ever have thought she loved this man? He kissed her again and she didn’t fight him. If she acted like she wanted to have sex, he’d release her and she could scramble to the phone. That was her only hope. Without moving her head, her eyes darted to where the phone had landed on the floor. Only a few steps away.

  She let her body go limp and he released her. “That’s better. See? We’re good together, baby. Aren’t we?”

  “Yeah.” She cleared her throat, putting more force in her words. “We are.”

  He kissed her again and she squeezed her eyes shut. A little bit longer and she might have an opening.

  “Come on.” Shane stood and stomped toward the bedroom.

  Finally. She crept closer to the phone. With his back turned, he couldn’t see when she bent to retrieve her cell. And he also didn’t notice when she flipped it open. She pressed 9-1-1.

  “What in the hell are you’re doing?” Shane roared and rushed to her in two huge strides.

  As she pressed Send, Shane smacked the phone from her hand, and it clattered to the floor. Please let the call go through. She couldn’t take much more of this.

  He shoved his hand into her hair and twisted his fingers in the stringy strands hanging lifelessly down her back. She shivered.

  This was the final straw. As soon as she got free of his grip, she was leaving. Please, someone, please come help me.

  Shane yanked her head back and hung his face right over hers.

  She clawed at his hands. “You’re hurting me!”

  “Who’d you call?” Spit flew out of his mouth and splattered on her face.

  She cringed. Swiping at her face just pissed him off even more than the tears. “Nobody. I swear. I wanted to check the time.”


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