Broken (Reapers Reign, #1)

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Broken (Reapers Reign, #1) Page 9

by Maree, Aleisha

  “Babe, you don’t need to worry or be scared, my family is mint.”

  Breathing in deep, I just nod. What else is there to do or say? We are here now, aren’t we? Stepping into the house, Knox carries me through a small front room to a larger one that connects onto a large kitchen and dining area. You can hear the noise of people chatting and the most amazing smell of coffee wafting out of the room, warming it as we enter. The voices stop as soon as Knox calls out to them, “hey.”

  A lady, short and round, flings her hands in the air. Some sort of Italian comes flying out as she strides towards us, “Oh mio figlio mi ha permesso di vederti,” she says over as she runs her finger over my face and hair, “Cosi bello ma cosi rotto ti risolvero,”

  I look to Knox and he brings his lips to my ear, “She said, Oh, child let me see and so beautiful yet so broken. I will fix you up.” Even though it hurts, I smile at her words. She’s shooing Knox out through the door to what I imagine is her room. It’s large. There is a beautiful quilt laying over the bed, matching the floral wallpaper. Relief washes over me I seen no judgment in her eyes just kindness. Knox sits me on the bed, as his Nan starts to rush in and out fussing opening cupboards, coming to and from the room with towels, Dettol antiseptic and a bowl of steamy water – all while never breaking her stride or pausing her Italian chatter. I have no clue what she’s saying. She’s there in front of me again, touching my face. I flinch at the intrusion into my space her fingers cool on my heated and bruised skin. I was so worried about coming here and now I feel foolish that the thought had crossed through my thoughts she is such a warm lady who has such a powerful aroura around her.

  Reaching back, she pulls my head down, pulling the matted hair from my head. I suck in air, regretting it immediately as the pain in my ribs overbears the pain from pulling my dried, bloodied hair from the cut in my scalp. Knox comes over but she says something to him and he leaves. His breathing is faster a few minutes later when he reappears with some clothing. He lays it down in front of me and looks at me sweetly. He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

  “Nan will look after you. Ok? I’ll be just out there,” he points to the small bench seat that sits along the hall wall.

  Nodding, I look up at him, “Ok.” I say it in a small shaky voice.

  His Nan is pushing him out with a flurry of her apron. I giggle at the sight. “Child,” she says, turning on her heel, after shutting the door, “Shower in there. You jump in and pass me out clothes. I wash them. When you are done, I fix you right up.” I just look at her standing there with her hands on her hips. “Up with you. Come on,” She says, pulling me up. I wince at the pain. She shakes her head. “Ribs?” is all she says. Nod is all I do as she ushers me into the shower, flicking the water on, she stands there as steam starts to swirl around us. “Clothes,” she says, holding out her hand. I look her up and down, mmm I think yeah, no. I will not strip in front of you I am still in shock from the fact that half the school jock squad and cheer group seen me beaten with my shirt ripped open boobs on show while I lay unconscious in the dirt last night. There is no way in hell I am going to just strip naked in front of Knox’s grandma. Sensing my unease, her face changes to one of apology and she steps out of the door, waiting for my clothing. I pull them off my body as fast and as painlessly as I can muster before pushing them out the door and into her waiting hands. “I be back soon,” and with that I hear her hard, short footsteps leave the room.

  I let out the breath I have been holding in while I look down at my stomach, seeing the angry blue-purple bruises forming along the front of my taunt stomach and snaking around the right side of my body. Shit! No wonder, I’m sore. I’m shocked by the damage he has done to my body. Stepping into the hot stream of water, my body shakes at the touch of it, assaulting my already sore bruised body. I wash as fast as I can and try to pick all the blood and dirt mixed with twigs and leaves, from my hair. I shut the water off and step out, wrapping the towel around me. I head out to the bedroom, where the clothes from Knox sit. Unfolding them, I slip into them. His black Under Armour boxers, grey Nike sweatpants with matching grey Nike T-shirt. I swim in them both.

  Sitting down on the bed, I suddenly feel shattered, like I could just sleep for days. My stomach makes a sound of protest, at the fact that it’s starving and hasn’t had anything to eat since I spewed it all up last night and I couldn’t eat the cheese burger and chips that Knox got me. and I was most mortified that as soon as the few chips hit my lips I reached and the last of the bile left my body leaving a burn searing up my throat. The cool Raspberry and coke my actual fav drink was soothing on my throat but sat like a ball of hyper fizz in the pit of my stomach threating to come up at any given moment. Settling back down on the pillows of this big bed that seems to just swallow me up and suck me down into its comfy depths, my eyes flutter a few times before I allow the heaviness keep them shut and drift off.

  Waking, I stretch out. The sharp stab hits me in my right side, making me suck in a sharp intake of air which only sends more pain splintering out through my tired sore, achy body. I run my fingers up under the T-shirt and over my skin where the pain is bouncing rib to rib. Sitting up slowly, I look around. Heat warms my face from the sun shining in through the window. I walk over to it and look out to the street below. The trees’ leaves are dancing on the branches as the wind swirls around them. Placing my hands on the window sill and my forehead to the plain of glass, I just breathe. Closing my eyes, I let the sun kiss my skin and heat up my cold body as I think over what to do next. Wrapped up in this bubble of Knox is a welcome distraction but reality is going to pop that bubble soon. I don’t think I’m strong enough for what’s going to come; the questions, the looks. Stares, whispers and most of all my father. The reality hits home as I brace myself on the windowsill, gripping it tightly.

  My mind travels to Tammy and I realise I’d almost forgotten about her. Shit, where is she? Is she ok? Just as I’m about to turn, I feel hands on the small of my back and lips on the base of my neck. I freeze, I hold my breath as my heart beats faster, and I feel my lungs burn at the air trapped in them. He is not here I know this. His touch was never gentle nor was it compassionate. It was laced with hate and filled with anger. Now he has left me jumping and scarred from another’s touch he has me on hyper alert and I hate that. I shouldn’t let his actions inside my head but its hard to forget just how much his actions have affect me.

  “It’s just me, Knox,” I hear his voice as it vibrates out over my collarbone, sending chills down my body.

  Releasing the breath I was holding as I begin to feel slightly light headed, I turn in his arms so that I am looking deep into his eyes, “You scared me,” I say it with pain laced in my voice. It hurts to talk. Shit. It hurts to do anything but lay still and I mean lay like dead stone still.

  “Sorry I was just coming to see if you were awake yet. Nan has some soup ready for you. She said it would be easier to eat with broken ribs,” I can feel the anger radiate off him. He is struggling with so much more than just what happened to me I can feel it.

  Looking at his features move as he talks the sparkle in his eyes sucks me in. “Right ok.” That’s all I can say as he steals my breath and my coherent thoughts just standing there looking all god like. I feel like I shouldn’t feel this way after what happened last night but I do. I feel so safe with Knox. Dan, well he always made the hairs on my body stand up and brought a feeling of unease over my body each time he was nearby. “Do you have a hair tie?” I ask as he takes my hand to walk from the room. “I need to tie up the band of your pants as they slide down and I have no underwear on,” feeling my cheeks flush, I look at the ground, not wanting to meet his eyes. Why, why did you say the last part? Mentally slapping myself, I hear a chuckle leave his lips as he steps toward the dresser. Opening up a draw, he rifles through it. Finding what he’s after he steps back to me lifting my top up, he bunches either side of the sweats and ties the hair ties around them nice and snug. My palms begin to swe
at and my heartbeat picks up as he runs his fingertips up over and around the bruises left from a nightmare I want to forget but every time I move I’m reminded just how close I have come to losing who I was to a demon that wanted one thing and one thing only. His eyes meet mine and in that moment the world seems to stop as I see tears pool in his. I reach up as one slips from his steel grey eyes down his cheek, “It looks worse than it is,” I say to him as he shakes his head in disbelief.

  “I should have been there,” is all he says before he wraps his arms lightly around my body, pulling me in. He breathes in deep as I take in my own breath, his scent engulfing me as I close my eyes. Not before long, I hear the ruffle of an apron and short stomps as Knox laughs against me, “I knew she would come if I wasn’t out with you within five minutes.” I find myself laughing along with him as the door to the room swings open and his larger than life Nan walks in.

  “Out with you two,” she says gently pushing us towards the door. “Oh Bambino, your friend is also awake and asking after you.”

  Wide eyed, I look up to Knox as he slips his hand around mine, smiling at me, he says, “Oh yeah, Jamie and Kash brought her back here last night with them. Jamie kinda hasn’t left her side since and it’s like so weird.” Shaking my head, I try to go over all the information and thoughts and events, so much seems to have happened in little over twenty-four hours. Walking into the kitchen I see my friend and a wide, relieved grin forms over my face and hers as she stands and comes over to me, I see the pain washes over her face as she takes in my appearance. Tears fall from her eyes, as her body quivers with cries held in I pull her into me. We were both the centre and target of two sickos fantasy of having sex with a cheer captain and the senators daughter. I feel so ashamed and so awkward being her with all their eyes on us and the questions hanging thick in the air between us all.

  “Don’t cry doll. It’s not as bad as it looks.”

  “Bullshit!” she spits out, her eyes searching mine.

  “Look, you should see what I did to him,” I say, trying to wink but my puffy eye won’t allow such pleasantries. A small laugh comes out, as I try holding my ribs. It’s hard to remember that even the smallest jerk hurts like a hot fire poker sticking me in the side. Seeing the pain wash over my face, she pulls me down to an empty chair as Knox’s Nan places a bowl of steaming soup in front of me. The smell hits my nose and my body hums in agreement from the smell and the dire need to have it in my belly. Smiling up at her, I thank her.

  She’s looking at me with kind eyes as she pats my shoulder, “No thanks needed Bambino.” I love the way she says that. It makes me feel so welcome and loved. It’s a feeling I haven’t felt in a long while. One I have missed. Looking around, I watch quietly as everyone falls into easy banter and jokes fly and laughter fills the air. The soup is just what the doctor ordered. Not only has it warmed my soul, it’s made the hollow ache of empty stomach go away, filling it with the warmest of feelings. It is freaking delicious too. Sitting there, sipping my coffee, which is the best thing I have ever tasted and I’d know because coffee is my thing, the bitter liquid warms and comforts me as I watch Jamie follow Tammy’s every movement. His eyes never leave her and the staunch line forming between his eyes and the clicking of his jaw has me smiling at the new-found fierceness, he seems to have acquired over night for the cheer captain. It’s so totally sweet.

  I look up to where Knox stands at the counter with his back to it and his hands sitting in his jeans pockets. His look is just the same as Jamie’s, if not a bit scarier because it’s directed towards me. I give him a small smile as he just nods at me. I look back down into my cup of dark coffee that’s like a lifeline to my soul. I lose myself in watching the ripples of coffee form as I roll the warm cup between my hands. But before I can drink it all, Knox’s Nan then pulls Tammy and I up and ushers us to the lounge room to check us over. She’s asking us what we remember from the night from hell. I remember it all. I fought like hell to stay here and fight for myself and my body. Poor Tammy though, she had had way more of the contents of the flask than I did. She begins to cry as Knox’s Nan wraps her arms around her, pulling her into a big old Italian hug. “Figlio shh non piangere,” she says. We look up at her with a blank stare and she breaks out in laughter that sounds like a sweet song, “Ah old lady... I forget.” She winks pointedly and clarifies in English, “I said ‘shh child, don’t cry.’”

  I look back at Tammy. She is rubbing her hand over her head as she wipes the tears from her cheeks. “I can’t remember anything! The last thing I remember is talking with you and then waking up here. Jamie was sitting at the foot of the bed, burning holes into me with the most intense green eyes I’ve ever seen.”

  My heart drops for her, “Do you feel like funny down below?” I ask, “Like you have had sex?”

  She shakes her head as more tears fall. Knox and Jamie both walk in then. Jamie fills in the gaps in her memory, “Kash and I got to you. Your pants were off and your top. You were just lying there in your bra and panties. I think the beating Knox was laying down on Dan caught his attention. He came running out at Knox. I noticed his fly was undone as he flew at Knox so I beat his ass. For three reasons. One, for thinking he can touch a woman without consent, two, he was going for my brother and three, well I fucken wanted to.”

  He then stalks over and picks Tammy up, sitting her down on his knee as he sits down on the couch. My eyes burn into hers as she shrugs her shoulders a smile kicks up the corner of her lips I shake my head. She’s a sucker for a bad boy and she’s also a sucker for the guy saving a damsel in distress. Mental note to talk with her about what happen last night and also now sitting up on resident bad boys knee. Knox comes and sits on the arm of the chair, I am sitting on, wrapping his arm lightly around my shoulders. He winks at me, mouthing, “You ok babe?”

  I smile up at him wincing as the split on my lip cracks open. Running the tip of my tongue out over it, I can taste the slight tang of blood. I nod reassuringly to him as fresh anger burns in his eyes. “It’s ok, it’s not your fault what happen.” I try to reassure him that it’s ok, but we both know that it’s not, it’s a mess. Kash and his Pa walk in then and they all start talking about last night and just what can come from it. I insist to them that I can’t go to the police because of who my father is. That’s way too much spotlight on an already sinking ship. The jocks are like gold, untouchable omegas whose parents, along with mine, have their hands in so many pies that it would be our word against theirs. I’m also worried about Knox. They will do all they can to take him down – he’s already from the wrong side of the tracks and they’ll be out for revenge. Him, Jamie, even Kash, are triangles that don’t fit into their squares. “I have to lay low for a while, I think,” I say more to myself than them. I hadn’t even realized that it had come out till their heads snapped around to meet me.

  “Mmmm, bambino, maybe that’s a good idea,” Knox’s Nan says.

  “Erabella, I don’t think so,” Knox’s Pa says as she shoots him a look of why the hell not. Pulling myself back closer into Knox as he leans down into me, I speak more clearly.

  “I need to get home. My mum will be worried.”

  I don’t even know where my phone ended up last night. It had been in the back pocket of my jeans. Shit, I don’t even know where my bag is either. Oh well, the small things...

  “You sure?” he asks me.

  I nod, “Yep, I’ve done enough and I don’t want your family worrying about me more than what they are now.”

  “Don’t be silly bambino,” his Nan moves towards me, grabbing my hands in hers. “You a part of us now. Knox brought you here because he likes you and wants you safe. So, safe you will be.” She looks up to her husband, “Go, get the keys. Knox can take her to the lake house. I’m sure you three boys can cope without him a bit.”

  She pulls me into her embrace, “You captured my grandson’s heart. The gods have spoken, you shall be safe and now, family.” She kisses my cheek before getting up in a r
uffle of aprons and skirts. “Jamie, you take your lady home and then get back here and work the store. Kash, you go open up. The lads from over the road will be wanting their weekend order of pastries and coffee, after last night’s party. Knox, take Sarah-Jane home and tell her mother what you plan to do, where you are going and how to find the place as well as the number. We shall be out over the weekend,” with that she is gone and all the men are jumping to attention and doing their allocated jobs. Shrugging my shoulders at Tammy, we just laugh. She comes over to kneel in front of me.

  “You ok S.J?” she asks me.

  “Yeah Hun. Just sore, tired and now worried about where I’m going and what to say to my mother.”

  Looking away from her, I think that over as she chirps up. “But Knox Ambrose, S.J. Knox freaking Ambrose! You are going to be the most hated girl at school now,” laughing she looks at me.

  “It’s really nothing,” I say, trying to sound cool about it all but my stomach is doing a full gymnastic floor show in the depths of my core.

  “Yeah sure it’s not,” she says with a wink as Jamie walks in.

  “Ready babe?”

  I snap my head up at him as she jumps up, “Sure am.” She takes his hand. Now she defentily needs to be explaining this new development to me. I’m not shock I seen her eyes on him whenever he come around the cheer squad to see Lisa. Shit she will be pissed that Tammy is well I’m not sure what they are or doing but still schools going to be interesting on all accounts. “Text me,” she demands.

  I look at her with my best ‘Dam girl glare.’ I reply, “Yeah, can’t do that. I kinda lost my phone last night.” I hear Knox’s voice as he enters the room with a sports bag slung over his shoulder.

  “This?” he asks, dropping my phone in my lap.

  I pick it up out of my lap. I see the tell-tale sign of messages as the little blue light is flickering. “Where? What?” I ask, surprised.


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