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Love's Subterfuge (Warrior Camp Book 12)

Page 4

by Flynn Eire

  “No, not even slightly,” he drawled. “They balk at the idea of monarchs still, and yet they have their bloodline seats and all their misdeeds to get other ones that have nothing to do with elections or democracy. I am not a fan.” He cleared his throat. “Though I was a councilman long, long ago. I was a warrior, then a councilman on the first council, then a councilman on another council who was trying to form, but there was so much corruption I could not stand it. And then I became Wyrok.”

  “And what after?’

  “You’re not going back to the killing humans?”

  “If you want to tell me, I want to listen, as I’m curious about you, but I’m not a pushy person. Know I care and will listen to anything, but it would hurt me to pry if you weren’t ready.”

  “You will make me come out of the cold with such an understanding attitude and delicious body,” he grumbled, moving his hand over my abs before teasing a nipple. “I can answer both questions in one. When I was young and stupid, helping to set up councils, and using my first gift to make that happen—which meant finances, money—”

  “Wait, hold on.” I turned on his lap, setting down our drinks and the box on the nightstand before pressing up against him more. “Tell me you robbed from bad people with your persuasion. Make my night that you’re like Robin Hood and stole from bad people to make our society and help our people, bringing justice to those who deserve it?” He gave a slow nod, his eyes full of shock. I mashed my mouth to his and ground my ass against the hard on I felt under me. “That’s so fucking hot. Tell me there were pirates involved. I always loved guys giving it to pirates in stories.”

  “I robbed many pirates over my centuries,” he admitted. “I’m not sure anyone’s ever found it sexy before.”

  “Very,” I growled, flopping back to the bed and taking him with me so he was on top. “You said something about exploring?” I gasped as he suddenly wasn’t on me and then was again when I blinked, holding out a belt to me.

  “Bite on this, darling. I do not want you to injure such sweet lips.”

  “I like being spoiled.”

  “So. Do. I,” he growled and shoved two fingers in me. I quickly bit on the belt as he finger fucked me so fast I thought I might pass out from pleasure.

  “I want to scream around your cock,” I panted after he finished me numerous times.

  “Gladly.” He moved around so I could unzip his fly and pull out his cock. I took it in my mouth and let him thrust as he wanted while he did three fingers this time.

  And that made me pass out. I felt lightheaded moments after I swallowed down everything he gave me, my vision wavered, and that was it. I never even got to say good night.

  I woke the next morning with my alarm, not remembering the last time I’d slept all night without any nightmares or trouble sleeping. I felt awesome in all the right places as I glanced around, realizing I was alone. My phone was on the nightstand, which wasn’t where I’d put it, and I hurried to grab it, hoping he’d left his number in it or something.

  Even better, he’d left me a note in an unsent text.

  Darling, last night spoiled me rotten, and I want more. Leave your door unlocked again tonight, and if you really want to spoil me, send me something fun to the number in this message if you think you can without getting caught or someone might check your phone. I pray you let me taste more of you tonight, as there is something I very much want from my delicious young warrior.

  Oh yeah, he could so have it and just about anything he wanted from me. I saved the message and hurried to the bathroom to do my normal morning routine, excited for the night to come.

  As I jogged to the cafeteria to fuel up for another long run—this time with the post-trans so Matteo could help the pre-trans with something to cover Dimitri and his trainees were handled—I was thinking about what to send my mystery lover. Were we lovers yet? Did sex have to happen first?

  I didn’t want to send a dick pic; that seemed crude to someone so sophisticated. So it had to be clever. I was sure he’d love clever.

  “Okay, this has to stop,” Alexander growled and shot me a look.

  “I didn’t do anything,” I automatically said.

  “You said you saw something the other night. What or who did you see?”

  “I’m not sure,” I answered, rubbing my hand over the back of my neck. “I’m really not. It felt like someone was there, but then I thought I saw someone step out of darkness, but I couldn’t tell you much of anything. I had some beers with Mark when he brought dinner and…” I blinked at him. “Why are we on this again?”

  “Because you have another fucking delivery,” he grumbled, handing me a card. “I don’t like not knowing what’s going on at my camp, Zibon.”

  “I can’t be the only one who’s ever gotten deliveries at this camp, Alexander,” I muttered, taking it from him. “If someone wants to have some fun, and share fun as we all had fun with it, seriously, what’s the harm? We know it’s not a human because how the hell would one know?”

  “Are you sure it’s not?” he pushed, narrowing his eyes at me. “No communications or something that—”

  “Zibon’s not a big gamer,” Mark cut in, and I realized there was more to this, glancing between them. “There’s been some worry over our rare Sundays free when we have those Call of Duty tournaments that get on Microsoft servers and—”

  “Rune is completely in on those,” I assured Alexander. “It’s just like opening a web browser on our computers.”

  Alexander frowned. “I did not know they were so secure. I’ve read reports of games being the way hackers get in.”

  “That’s for cell phones and crap games that aren’t big names and give them access like weird apps. Besides, I don’t play them. I mean a few times, but—if you want Rune to go through my emails or computer, it’s fine. I swear to you I only communicate with people here. You know I don’t even talk to my family…” I trailed off, remembering the ears.

  But I saw something else light up in Alexander’s eyes, his mind making a link I didn’t think of. “But they know you’re here and certainly would share that information with wealthy families that might want you to mate their daughter.”

  He said it quietly, and I shrugged. “Maybe. I’m going to pretend it’s just about anything else because that would ruin this for me. Maybe someone on a council thought I was smoking hot when I was on an escort mission. The only thing I know is it’s not a human. I’m a hundred percent sure because I cannot remember ever giving a human my name since college, and that was years ago. Certainly none of them know where I went. I don’t have social media or anything else we shouldn’t.”

  “Fine, I will let this go for now. I understand you are young and this is thrilling. For me, I worry something is happening in regards to what Councilman Ashton’s doing or—”

  “Yeah, I don’t want to know,” I chuckled, hoping he’d leave it alone. I opened the card and smiled.

  As your heart is so big, you shared with so many, I thought you should have so many more in return. I hope you enjoy the variety, as I enjoy seeing you smile. ~Your Secret Admirer

  I glanced at the table and frowned when there weren’t any boxes. Mark chuckled and pointed behind me at the far wall. I gasped as I looked over my shoulder and saw a pallet with a massive cold storage box on it.

  “Four of us could fit in that box,” I murmured as I tucked the card back in my pocket. Wally was standing there with a box cutter for the protective plastic bands that kept the box closed. I quickly cut them and, after taking a deep breath, opened it.

  And burst out laughing. Inside were dozens of large bakery boxes.

  “I’m so going to get fat.” I pulled out the first box and opened it, my nose happy at the amazing smelling individual tarts. Wally took it from me, and I grabbed the next box to find a few kinds of tiny eclairs. Each box was another array of a few treats, at least a dozen of each so I could share and still get one. After the first dozen boxes were pulled out, Mark caref
ully grabbed one of each so there was no chance I didn’t get something.

  And I wasn’t shocked that people started sampling as they “helped.”

  “I keep handling the deliveries, I should get some,” Xana told Gilroy as he came over by me. I nodded for him to go ahead, but he waited. “I told Alexander it had to be a vampire too. You should know that this came on a private, international flight and was offloaded in Cheyenne before being delivered here. The driver was human and couldn’t have given a crap about any of it but told me anyways, so there’s no security risk here.”

  “International?” I whispered as I looked over the boxes. Almost immediately, my friends pulled out their phones and were looking up the names on the boxes.

  “These are from Paris,” Wally told me.

  “I’ve got Rome here,” Bowie added. “Dude, who is this guy? He’s overnighting fancy French and Italian individual pastries? That has to cost more than we make in a year!”

  “You should mate the guy whoever he is. Like right away,” Mark said with a chuckle, but I bristled at the comment.

  “I’m not for sale, thanks.”

  “Not what I meant,” he assured me. “I was saying if he will treat you this well, value you and not because of whatever shit with your family, but because you’re awesome, that’s someone I could sign off on getting you forever.”

  “Gotcha.” I went back to smiling like a goof as I had a breakfast of treats before going back to the huge box and climbing in it.

  “What are you doing?” Mark chuckled.

  I handed him my phone. “Take a picture of me in it eating nummies.”

  “Why? You don’t know this guy,” he muttered, staring at me closely.

  “No, but if I ever do, won’t it be nice to show I appreciated it? Like parents who take pictures of gifts sent by family or whatever. Just do it.” I sat down in it, then changed to lying down with my feet up on the wall of the box, nibbling on an éclair with a smirk.

  “Damn, that’s kinda hot,” Roarke teased me after the picture was taken. “I’m stealing a box of those creamy tarts and cheesecakes to eat off Wally tonight.”

  “Roarke,” Wally hissed as his cheeks turned bright red.

  “Is that really fun? I thought it was one of those weird porn things,” I asked, glancing between them.

  “Um, no, yeah, it’s fun,” Wally admitted before pushing Roarke to move along.

  “More than I wanted to know about their sex life,” Mark chuckled and helped me climb out.

  Yeah, that was true; then again, it gave me some ideas.

  I hurried to round up the post-trans and headed out for training, regretting maybe so many treats when I got a cramp the second hour of the run. “It was worth it.”

  “You hurting?” Bowie teased me.

  “Just because you passed your medic’s test, don’t be mean to those of us who don’t always think of medical repercussions to presents.”

  “I’m nice when I pick on you,” he argued, handing me a bottle of water. “Hydrate more. It’s also the second day in a row you’re running through lunch, so you’re only having breakfast and dinner and yeah, lots more treats than normal. You’ll be fine.”

  I was a bit tired from two long runs, which I admitted at dinner when my friends asked about watching a movie in the lounge. I hurried to the kitchen after I ate and packed a box of what Roarke said, dropping it off in my room before taking a shower, careful to clean in every nook and cranny.

  He wasn’t waiting for me this time when I was done. I left the door unlocked and decided to hurry and do what Roarke said before I lost my nerve. I took cream from one tart and wiped it along my neck and collarbone. Then I put two little cheesecakes on my nipples and some other yumminess on my abs. I moved my hands behind my head and waited.

  Unfortunately, I fell asleep because the bed shifting woke me. I went to rub my eyes, but my wrists were pinned over my head, and I met his orange eyes.

  “I got your picture. Very sexy,” he murmured as he lowered his face to my nipple and ate the cheesecake. “Who gave you this idea? One of your mated friends?”

  “Yes, but I wasn’t sure I believed them, but yeah, this is fun,” I panted, my dick filling.

  “It is. It makes me upset I had something to deal with and didn’t come sooner.”

  I glanced at the clock and saw two hours had passed since I’d finished my shower. I shrugged. “I might not be as energetic, but I’m still glad you’re here.”

  “Not energetic? You?” he teased, raising an eyebrow.

  “Two several-hour runs and handling filling in for trainers is a bit much,” I admitted, moaning softly as he licked what I’d left on my stomach. “I could never do that job all the time. There’s too much tension from them and trying so hard, and well, there’s just tension all around with what Ashton’s doing and the buzz from my gifts. Which were amazing. I can’t believe you went to all the trouble. Seriously, that’s totally overdoing it…” I trailed off, frowning.

  “Hard to thank someone when you don’t have a name yet,” he said gently, searching my eyes. I gave a slow nod. “Okay, I won’t keep hiding if it makes things easier on you.” I opened my mouth to say something, but he kissed me. “Promise you won’t listen to what others say?”

  “I make my own opinions, and my opinion of you is very high,” I promised, my heart warming that he seemed a bit insecure in front of me. About me even. “Thank you for spoiling me. What was it you wanted?”

  “You’re tired,” he argued.

  I went to roll us but couldn’t, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’ve been excited about what you want to do to me all day. Don’t be mean when it got me through a rough day.”

  “God, I want you,” he breathed, moving over me fully, grinding his hips against mine. “And I didn’t go overboard. A delicious, amazing male like you should be treated no other way. If you didn’t have such strict confines of your job, I would have whisked you away to Paris and spoiled you for a week or two.”

  “I get vacations now that I’m a warrior, I hear,” I teased him, smiling when he did. “And I love the thought is all I’m saying. I won’t feel any less spoiled if you brought a huge box of every crazy bag of chips we don’t get here for me to try. I appreciate it, the spoiling, and even trying such fancy things, I do. I don’t want to be one of those bratty lovers, though.”

  “Oh, are you my lover? My young, virile lover?”

  “Yes,” I said firmly, feeling better I’d said it when his eyes told me he liked it. “I am. Which means you’re also my lover, and I don’t share.”

  He frowned. “Sharing under the right circumstances is fun. Not stepping out on each other but playing together.”

  “Sounds interesting, but I meant stepping out. No stepping out.”

  “Agreed,” he purred, kissing me gently. “Though bringing you out in public could be problematic, as I doubt everyone doesn’t fawn all over you.”

  I snorted. “Like I wouldn’t have the same thing with such a hot, sophisticated, and badass guy. I’m going to be fighting men off.”

  He cleared his throat nervously. “And women. I’m bi-sexual.”


  “Is that a problem?” he checked, his tone going dark.

  “Depends if you need boobs in your life? I mean, I have no desire for boobs so, yeah, if you like both, do you need both or—”

  “You are too delicious,” he chuckled. “No, darling, I don’t fall for the package but the person. If I find someone I like, I appreciate both sexes, that’s it. I won’t suddenly have a craving for snatch after so much time passes.”

  “Crude, dark, funny, I like it,” I praised. “I like you.”

  “I like you.” I blinked, and I was on my hands and knees, swallowing a yelp. “And I like to taste you. Let me taste your virgin hole, darling. I realized I never have in all my long years.”

  “Sure,” I practically squeaked, shocked he wanted to go there.

  And did he ever.
I moaned and cried out in bliss into my pillow, getting so much pleasure even as he held my hands behind my back that I thought I was going to melt.

  “I can’t feel my lower half,” I gasped when he finished, flopping to the bed. The edges of my vision got fuzzy. “Wait, don’t go. I won’t pass out this time.”

  “I will stay until morning, my young lover,” he promised, moving next to me. “Sleep. Pups need it.”

  “I want to taste you too,” I murmured as he moved us under the covers, pulling me against his chest. “You taste better than the treats.”

  “You do moan a lot when you orally please me,” he chuckled. I thought he said something else, but sleep pulled me under, my body completely mush.

  4 ~ Alastair

  “Wow, you really came,” Helios whispered as he stared at me with wide eyes.

  “You asked us to come,” Morggyan drawled, shooting me a look like she wasn’t thrilled this was the start.

  “Yes, of course, but it wasn’t like I called your cells to find you,” Helios replied, getting over his shock. “I mean, I about had to send carrier pigeons to reach some of you.”

  I opened my mouth to move things along when a dozen warriors came rushing up behind us, swords and guns ready. “So this is the welcome we get?”

  “How are you inside the perimeter without having gone through the gate?” Alexander demanded, stepped forward from the group. “I lead this camp and—”

  “I know them. They’re Wyrok,” Helios interjected. “I called them for help.”

  “And help you did need,” Morggyan sighed, tossing down the bag that was on her shoulder. “You had a nest of zakasacs not twenty miles from you. I collected what I thought the most pressing items from their camp for your warriors to go over, or we could take a trip there, as I heard Helios mated a computer genius and things I don’t understand.”

  Three of my other friends dropped similar bags, and Proximo addressed the group. “We found another one setting up shop near Denver and another on the way to you. What the fuck is going on that of all the places in the world, they’re making camps by Nowhere Wyoming? I mean, really.” He shot Helios a hard look. “And we didn’t come for you. Alastair asked us to, so don’t think for a second we’re about to fall in line and listen to you, pup.”


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