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The Elephant in the Brain_Hidden Motives in Everyday Life

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by Robin Hanson

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  References to figures, tables and boxes use italicized f, t and b.

  academic research, conversation,164–166

  activism,283, 300–301

  adaptation, art as,189b


  adaptive unconscious,99–100


  Axe body spray,182


  Corona beer,179–180, 184

  lifestyle or image,180–181, 183–185

  making promises,179

  providing information,179

  Afghanistan, U.S. War in,10

  Against Malaria Foundation,207, 208, 211, 212, 216

  Age of Mechanical Reproduction,199

  Albright, Madeleine,291

  Ali, Muhammad,55

  altruism,13, 22





  American Pledge of Allegiance,237, 265

  Andersen, Hans Christian,61

  Andreoni, James,211–212

  Angelou, Maya,192

  animal behavior,17–24, 316n.15

  art as,190–193


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